Sunday morning ... 7.40 am here.
Today ... I would share a critical condition to be a trader: ONLY TRADE UPTRENDING STOCKS.
Sound simple? Ask yourself ... how many stocks are you holding that are uptrending .. or at a new high? Are you still stuck INSIDE so many down-trending water-falls? ASK YOURSELF WHY? WHY YOU ARE STUCK? then change to uptrending!!
Sound simple? Easier said than done. But it has to be done!!!
WHY are so many still stuck inside VELESTO, previously known as UMW-OG? Yes, it was under UMW, and even the mother UMW is under SIME now. Yet many are STILL talking about VELESTO? Ever wonder why you are also one of those who like to talk about her? WHY waste the time and funds? Playing in the hope that it will turn into uptrending again?
Once you get real ... you will start to shake your portfolio into something BETTER and start to recover your losses and cut-off those stuck (I read it as OPPORTUNITY COST) ... and start checking on the uptrending stocks I'm sharing here ... such as ABMB, SIMEPROP, ECOWORLD and many more? WHY not?
One day you will realise that it is BUY HIGH SELLING HIGHER that worth to trade them up ... ditch the myth of buying low and average down?
Just my personal sharing ... and opinions.
Your money, you decide.
Have a nice week ahead as I m expecting a green week.
note : I long FKLI 1628 last FRIDAY
“CP Teh >…..ditch the myth of buying low and average down?”
It is ALL about timing and differentiate the Cherry and Rotten Apple; and differentiate Market Downtrend vs Stock Downtrend. Need I explain further? Just wait for Cherry Picking season and will Self Explain!!
Happy weekend and Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk
1 month ago
In general share will go uptrend due to increasing earning and dowtrend due to deteriorating earning.
In between you have pump and dump syndicate pump up stock and if you chase high this type of stock then most likely you wil be trapped high.
Also you have stock going uptrend due to sentiment and hot tips/news which is not sustainable if earning cannot catch up with expectation
Occasionally you have mispriced stock that is selling at discount to it intrinsic value.
Then there are turnaround stocks that are selling at cheap valuation.
There are no fix rules on how to make money from stocks investing otherwise everyone will be millionaire by now.
Anyway I am glad that CPTeh is now concentrate on uptrend stocks rather than his waterfall list.
1 month ago
Sslee : i shown waterfall lists as THOSE are 'people' asking me what to do with their STUCK stocks ...example : Astro, POS ... etc
BLee : i m speaking on TRADING , not investing ya. There are huge differences . thanks for the comment, anyway.
1 month ago
“CP Teh > BLee : i m speaking on TRADING , not investing ya. There are huge differences . thanks for the comment, anyway.”
Yes, I am writing on Buy, Buy Trading to average down strategy if Market still downtrend for the short term; Sell, Sell Trading if Market recovers..nothing on long term investment. Am highlighting “ditch the myth of buying low and average down?” and NOT the topic of “ONLY TRADE UPTRENDING STOCKS”; which I frequently do (buying low after bonus issue, share splitting or during Market Downtrend) to my advantage. Therefore, the Happy TRADING and TradeAtYourOwnRisk…
1 month ago
PureBULL ...
INVESTORS, [2025-01-04 4:47 AM]
What are the bases of Stan Weinstein?
It breaks a stock's lifecycle into four stages:
Base (Stage 1),
Advancing (Stage 2),
Distribution (Stage 3), and
Declining (Stage 4).
The system helps traders pinpoint the best times to buy during Stage 2 uptrends
and sell before a stock declines in Stage 4.
🔝 now we know young man NDU copied from this Guru by telling n screening-stocks in 4 stages. n NDU makes BIG money as paid sifu...
2 equally bullish charts:
Stan's referring to
Double A1 stock list
n the far better 1 of the 2, i.e.
Super A1 stock list.
INVESTORS, [2025-01-04 5:12 AM]
I never know Stan W. till Terry highlighted the best talent.
i did text like him on less is MORE,,,
I share freely abt GWS n How Mkt Works.
I am not here to earn a single SEN from u all.
BUT, I will know ur Heart, i.e. if u ever have a human ❤️!
INVESTORS, [2025-01-04 6:57 PM]
"During Stage 4 = CN, traders and investors should exit long positions immediately.
As Stan Weinstein advises, “take the oath” never to hold a stock in Stage 4, i.e. in CN.
Protect your gains from Stage 2 and avoid the temptation to buy into a declining stock,
no matter how “cheap” it seems."
The Complete Guide to Stan Weinstein’s 4-Stage Analysis
1 month ago