YOURSAY 'The government has been caught with its pants down and it is wriggling around to escape the sticky situation Rosmah has put it in.'

Fashion gala part of Rosmah's private jet trip

your say, YoursayLim Chong Leong: PM's wife Rosmah Mansor's Qatar itinerary shows nothing that is considered Malaysia's official business. Why did we pay for her trip and that of the other ministers' wives, too?

Even if parts of her trip can be remotely considered as ‘official' Malaysian business, she had no reason to represent the country because we did not vote for her.

What if she goes to sign a treaty to surrender some of our land or something? Who is going to bear the responsibility?

Slumdog: This is an example of another Umno scandal where MPs tried their best to cover up. Initially the trip was justified with lots of lies. Finally the details of Rosmah's junket to Qatar have been exposed for what it was - a complete waste of taxpayers' money.

The so-called benefits and fruitfulness of the trip have been grossly overstated by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Shahidan Kassim and other Umno MPs. Rosmah's public engagements in both Doha and Dubai did not look like a back-breaking list of official duties.

It appears the wives of other ministers who accompanied Rosmah also did not perform any worthwhile duties but were either going for the free ride or to carry Rosmah's shopping bags.

Vijay47: If it is of any consolation to him, PM Najib Razak will not win the ‘Most Hated Person in Malaysia' title - his wife will take that honour hands-down.

When the response to questions in Parliament is so convoluted, it is only natural to assume that the government has been caught with its pants down and it is wriggling around to escape the sticky situation Rosmah has put it in.

Nobody can deny this self-proclaimed First Lady of Malaysia the right to travel anywhere she wants, but she nor Umno should not saddle the public with the expenses she incurs.

The regularity with which she abuses her husband's position since she has none of her own should have led to any normal husband reining in the extravagances of this woman.

But can Najib be termed a normal husband? If she went in her personal capacity, why did the government pick up her bill, if the trip was official, when was Rosmah accorded ministerial status.

Sorry, FLOM (First Lady of Malaysia), you can't have your croissant and eat it too.

Kim Quek: Someone should ask in Parliament the total travelling costs taxpayers have to foot for Rosmah and her star-studded entourage that includes a galore of wives of ministers and PM special advisers and members of parliament.

The costs should run easily over a million, as apart from the government jet, bills covering air tickets, luxury hotels and limousines and other expenses would be substantial. Looking at Rosmah's itinerary, none justifies her grand tour on such exorbitant public expenses.

Hence, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) must respond to the huge public outcry of abuses of authority and public funds with a swift investigation and an official statement.

Changeagent: No wonder Malaysia Airlines (MAS) had just earlier this week announced a net loss of RM375 million for Q3.

Malaysian ministers and their jet-setting wives have increasingly endorsed the taxpayer-funded private jets as their new air travel mode of choice, even for events as frivolous as an obscure fashion gala in Qatar.

Onyourtoes: We don't care you talked, lectured, ate, or shopped, just don't use the government-funded executive jet. Whatever that you did was not significant or important enough for you to use it. You are not qualified and you are not entitled.

Singapore PM travelled on commercial flights. Why should there be any difference for you? In fact, the government should get rid of all its private jets. Just keep one for urgent use like when you have to flee the country.

Louis: A rose by any name is still a rose. A private visit by any invention is still a private visit. No matter how much one wishes to justify Rosmah, it still cannot turn it into an official visit.

Clearly it is an abuse of power and public funds. And I wonder Najib and Rosmah know the word 'shame'. Yes, it is a shame to use public funds for your private pursuit.

'Happy' Rosmah refuses to stoop low

Fairnsquare: I do not think that we should get personal and condemn Rosmah, since she is not voted by the people nor is she responsible to them.

The cabinet is at fault for allowing the use of the private jet, operated with the taxpayers' money. The cabinet must explain its decision.

Jude Allen: Clearly, the cabinet should resign en block and Najib must answer for this in the next general election.

Wira: If the self-styled ‘first lady' was invited to grace a private event, shouldn't it be incumbent on the host to pay her expenses? Why is she charging Malaysian taxpayers?

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