Wind Rider - Gainvestor

Gonna Catch'Em All - Pokémon Go Stocks

Publish date: Sat, 06 Aug 2016, 05:57 PM
A wind rider who utilizes fundamental and technical analysis

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Pokémon Go frenzy is going crazy in the whole world... but for us, Malaysians, we can only see but we cannot play in Malaysia. But today, 6th of August marks an important day for all the Malaysians, cause Pokémon Go is officially launched in Malaysia!!!

Pokémon Go app by Niantic Inc.
It's tough to choose among these Pokemons... Either Charmander, Squirtle or Bulbasaur
Okay, i had to admit, i am also busy catching Pokémons. Well, it's my dream is to be a Pokémon Master just like Ash Ketchum. Haha, enough already. Pokémon Go was released in US on 6 July 2016[3]. After that, the release had triggered the famous gaming stock in US, which is the Nintendo. Let's look at the chart of Nintendo Co. Ltd. (NTDOY).


Daily Chart of Nintendo in US Market
As we can see from the daily chart, the volume of NTDOY came on 7 July 2016, a day after the release of Pokémon Go app. It had a small gap up, opened at 18.64, closed at 18.81. On the next day, it gapped up again. The biggest volume came on 11 July 20016, with a huge gap up and it went all the way to the highest at 38.25 on 18 July, before encountering a hanging man on 19 July. After that it went down and seems to find a support around 24 to 26.
If the investor invested in Nintendo, within 1 month, he could actually earned around 75%, assumed he bought around USD20 and sold at USD35. Easy and fast money within 2 weeks time. This is the wind rider that we had been talking. He/She rides the wind of Pokémon Go and he gained a handsome profit! CNN reported that Nintendo shares up 120% thanks to Pokémon Go[4]. Nintendo is a shareholder in the game’s developer Niantic Inc. and Pokemon Co., but has an "effective economic stake" of just 13 percent in the app.[5]
Now Pokémon Go was officially released in Malaysia. Let's try to dig out the possible related counters so that all of us can ride the wind of the Pokémon Go!

If you like my way of analysis and you haven't join me in my facebook, appreciate if you could like my FB page,

Thank you^^

Possible Related Counters:

1. Telecommunication Industry (Telco)

Influence Factor: 5/5
The first one must be the Telco Industry. In order for the gamers to play the app, we need internet and data. As most of the Pokémon are appearing in outdoors, we need to have data connection and had our GPS on in order to catch the Pokémons. If we do not have enough data, so we need to subscribe for more datas.
We need to go outdoor to catch'em all
So i think that is where the Telco Industries might be benefit from the data subscription. The Telco Industries such as:
1. AXIATA(Celcom)
4. BJCORP(UMobile)
5. XOX
6. YTL(Yes)
8. TM & GPACKET (P1)
I guess these are all the listed telco industry in Malaysia. Only AXIATA, DIGI, MAXIS, YTL, TM are blue chips in our FBMKLCI. The gamers will have to upgrade their internet plans, if they really want to be a Pokémon Master and catch'em all

2. Phone Distribution Industry

Influence Factor: 3/5
Next will be the phone distribution industry. So far in my head, there is only ECS. Some gamers might be frustrated as their current phones are draining fast. Hence, they need better phones with higher battery capacity. And from ECS website and its annual report, they are distributing several phone products, such as, Apple, ASUS, HUAWEI, LG, Microsoft, XiaoMi, Samsung, Motorola, Lenovo etc. The good thing is that ECS are also distributing budget phones, such as ASUS, XiaoMi, etc which some of them also have high end functions. Budget phones had become target for the public nowadays. There are also possibilities of some fanatic and serious gamers will be buying 2 phones too. 
ECS's Distributed Products[6]
Not to forget, we also require the power banks when we are playing Pokémon Go. And currently XiaoMi did have power banks, but we would need to check whether are they distributing XiaoMi power banks. But power banks, definitely we need it also. The Pokémon trainers need to walk around to hatch the Poké Eggs, meaning to say, they will carry a power bank with them in case the battery is flat.
We need to walk to hatch the Poke Egg

3. Power Supply Companies

Influence Factor: 1/5
The influence factor for power supply companies, i rate it as 1 out of 5. The affected company is TNB. More energy are required to charge the phone. Thus, we might see the increase in electricity bill. But i think this factor is not so big, hence i rate it as 1.

4. Other Unknowns

Influence Factor: Unknown
Who's that Pokemon? It's Unknown~
There are also other factors that might emerge or create business opportunity. Hence, now we should observe how Pokémon Go create business waves. One of the Pokémon gadget that had been launched is the Pokémon Go Plus. This gadget is useful as it will alert the gamers that there are Pokémons nearby. 
Pokemon Gadget - Pokemon Go Plus
If this game is getting more and more popular, i think there are also some other gadgets that will be created. Then, our objective is to identify which companies are selling or have any direct or indirect relation to these gadgets.
There are also Pokéstop or gym located at the specific area. For example, when i am having breakfast in the coffee shop this morning, there is a Pokéstop nearby, i am happily getting free Poké Balls and Poké Eggs. This might not be significant, but perhaps consumer stocks will rally. Or some creative businessmen might use this to create some opportunity. For example, if you purchase more than RM100, they will give us a rare Pokémon. It all might happen, but up until now, there are still not much information on this matter. But if it really happens, the consumer stocks might be having a good time.
However, there are some issues on Pokémon Go in Malaysia. I leave it to you to have a read by yourself[7]. Whether Pokémon Go will be banned in Malaysia? I do not want to debate on it.
The sectors recommended are not a buy call. Please study on your own before making any investment decision. This is just my observations and my projection on what will be happening. It is not necessarily had to be correct. But i am feeling the heat of this Pokémon Go and how it will impact the society. It can be either short term or long term. 
Remember, if we are retailers, make sure that we are smart retailers, the ones that ride the wind of the opportunity. Now the opportunity had come and it is up to our comfort level either to catch it or not~ Let's observe our Telco Industry, phone distribution industry and also power supply companies. 
And for those who wanna be the Pokémon Masters (me too), remember to be alert of what you are bumping into. Don't get too addicted to catch a Pokémon until you risk your own safety. 
Don't play while drive~ hehe
Stay alert or you will be eaten by Gyrados
Okay, enough writing and saying, it's time to play Pokémon Go. Get Up and GO GO GO!!!
Get up and Go!!!
Song: (I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was~ GONNA CATCH'EM ALL!!!)

If you like my way of analysis and you haven't join me in my facebook, appreciate if you could like my FB page,

Thank you^^


Let's Ride the Wind and Gainvest
Gainvestor 10sai
6 Aug 2016
For those interested with Gainvestor Sharing Session, the session is still available, please click HERE. If there are not enough participants, i will call it off and wait for better time.
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still not HOT in Malaysia yet ...later WILL craze for more!

2016-08-06 19:16


lets play Pokemon Go~ kingcobra, or i call u Arbok~ hehe

2016-08-06 19:40


kingcobra? ekans lol

2016-08-06 21:10


rileks, muscle~ ini game je, jgn serious sgt...
YOLOOOO, because his name is kingcobra. so seems like arbok lagi suit him

2016-08-06 21:22



2016-08-07 01:06


Gainvestor, your IQ is damn low...wanna condemn ?...wrong person lah!

2016-08-07 12:31


erm.... maybe my IQ is low, because i a bit don understand what do you mean~ but it's okay, my fren. that's not the main point.

2016-08-07 13:39


btw kingcobra, Arbok is a pokemon name. if u google it, arbok is drawn based on kingcobra. so, jgn salah faham ya, i din condemn anyone... (i thought u know pokemon><)

2016-08-07 13:51


this is some sarcastic/trolling post izit? haha

2016-08-08 09:13


you forgot about ENERGY stock. since opening Data and GPS will finish up the battery very fast. So, users have to charge their phone often

2016-08-08 09:33

Ryan Chong

it is idiot thread, one game does not affect much, why dont u go invest on the petron? because everyone go out need patrol.

2016-08-08 10:05


skyz, this is not a sarcastic post, just potential opportunity.
yeohhh, for the ENERGY stock, i use d wording power supply, for TENAGA.
Ryan Chong, haha. Sorry if it bugged you. but if you patrol using car, you need to travel slow as you need to hatch the poke egg. Opportunities are there, but whether it is reflected, thats another case, depends on each person's comfort level.

2016-08-08 17:12


if ppl play whole day, data usage might reach 1GB.. good news to telco counters..

2016-08-08 17:15


YES should be under to YTLPower

2016-08-08 17:17


weesing, sorry for the error. I will change it later after perform further clarification. Thank you, my fren

2016-08-08 17:20


but not wrong technically la.. because YTLPower also YTL Corp's subsidiary..

2016-08-08 17:31


Noted. Thank you

2016-08-08 23:15


Hahaha. AyamTua, I like this. Haha

2016-08-09 06:47

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