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Army veterans flex their arses at Ambiga's house

Tan KW
Publish date: Tue, 15 May 2012, 05:15 PM
Tan KW
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A group of retired armed forces personnel held 'butt exercises' in front of the residence of Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan in Bukit Damansara early this morning.


Army say Hidup BN???

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david cheng

STUPID, BODOH act, may ALLAH forgive them !!!

2012-05-15 17:37


Damn stupid to the core...put up this video in youtube & send a few copies to each of the foreign tv stations & let them see.

2012-05-15 18:13


Army veterans do 'butt exercises' at Ambiga's house

A group of retired armed forces personnel held ‘butt exercises’ in front of the residence of Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan in Bukit Damansara early this morning.

The participants, who claimed to be members of the Malaysian Armed Forces Veterans Association (PVTM), said the event was held to protest against Ambiga for being an “enemy of the nation who had smeared the country’s name”.

On May 10, a ‘burger protest’ was also held in front of Ambiga’s house by a group of traders who claimed to have suffered losses due to last month’s Bersih 3.0 rally.

Today’s ‘butt exercises’, which took place at 8.30am, is the second demonstration to be held in front of the Bersih co-chairperson’s house in a week.

“We armed forces veterans have the right to protest against an ‘enemy’ who tried to smear the nation’s name,” said group president Mohd Ali Baharom.

“We are giving a stern warning to Ambiga to immediately apologise to the Malaysian people regarding Bersih and free sex,” said Mohd Ali before the exercise session began.

The group then marched a short distance of about 20m towards the front gate of the house, which had already been opened as if awaiting their coming.

As soon as they arrived at the house perimeter, they performed a short series of exercises consisting of bending down and shaking their buttocks in the direction of the gate.

They also held up banners with the words ‘Reject Ambiga Anwar illegal rioters of Bersih 3.0' and ‘Reject Power-Crazy Ambiga Anwar’.

The exercise session was led by a former Warrant Officer 1 identified only as ‘Ayah Arka’.

The group then had a ‘shock’ as Ambiga herself emerged from her house and invited them to have canned drinks which she provided.

Mohd Ali refused the invitation, and subsequently handed over one of the banners they had brought to Ambiga.

“We are Malay Muslims, we drink lukewarm water. I want to give you (this manilla card), you can give it to Anwar. I want to warn you not to cause problems to the nation again.

“We will act if your smear the country’s name,” said Mohd Ali, who is also known as ‘ Ali Tinju ’ (Boxing Ali).

'Irresponsible statement'

Commenting on the incident, Ambiga said she had often been disturbed at her house following the ‘burger protest’ incident on May 10.

According to her, there had been several persons who came to her house, asking for free burgers.

She also expressed regret at deputy inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar’s statement that burger sellers were free to do business in front of her house.

“This is an irresponsible statement. It gives room for anyone to hold a gathering in front of anybody else’s house,” she said.

She also said this morning’s exercise session as a disturbance and not a peaceful gathering.

On May 1, PVTM, with two other NGOs - Suara Anak Muda 1Malaysia and Kelab Mahasiswa 1Malaysia - made a police report at the Dang Wangi police station urging the government to take action on Ambiga and Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim for allegedly instigating the Bersih 3.0 rally.

2012-05-15 18:21


inilah sebab malaysia susah untuk maju. kalau tak setuju dan nak protest, nyatakan alasan dan bincang/debat. bila buntut keluar, memberi sebab orang mengutuk buntut sahaja.

2012-05-15 18:28


Tuesday, 15 May 2012 12:59
Umno, how much did you spend to bring your crowd?
Written by P Ramakrishnan

Umno, how much did you spend to bring your crowd?

Much has been made of the so-called 100,000 turnout of Umno members at the Bukit Jalil Stadium to observe Umno’s 66th anniversary celebrations. Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak was obviously elated in seeing the sea of Umno members dressed in red that greeted him on his arrival at the stadium.

He remarked that they too can bring in the crowds. And he was jubilant thinking that support for Umno had returned. You can’t fault him for being carried away by the euphoria of the occasion.

But little does he realise that his optimism was misplaced.

Who were these people who came to the stadium? Why did they come? How did they come?

These were Umno members and supporters. They were induced to come. More than 2,000 buses brought them from across the country to the stadium. They did not come of their own free will, at their own expense. Everything was paid for; everything was taken care of.

Supposing each of the 2,000 buses carried 40 members; that would give a total of 80,000 members and supporters. How much would it have cost to bring all these members to Kuala Lumpur?

The buses had to be hired; that costs money. The 80,000 people had to be fed; that costs money. They had to be accommodated for the night in a reasonable hotel; that costs money. They had to be paid an allowance; that costs money. Taking all this expenditure into consideration, the question to ask is, how many millions did it take to bring them to KL?

The 80,000 members who attended out of a proclaimed membership total of 3.5m works out to less than 3 per cent of Umno’s total membership.

The actual attendance was less than 10 per cent of the earlier boast of that the event would draw one million

This lower-than-expected turnout was what was achieved after all the effort to outshine the Bersih 3.0 crowd and after spending millions of ringgit. It is nothing to crow about!

Based on this crowd, it makes no sense to claim that Malay support has returned to Umno. Facts do not support this assumption.

You only brought in a fraction of your members; you did not bring in the crowds – unlike Bersih 3.0. It is as simple as that!

The only non-Umno members who turned up – dressed in red as well – were from Barisan Nasional component parties! But we don’t know whether these allies of Umno who play a supporting and certainly a subordinate role in the BN really have the support of the people. Their presence does not amount to anything to draw comfort from.

Yes, we must not forget the presence of the others as well. According to the New Straits Times of 12 May 2012, “Among the government agencies taking part were the Royal Malaysia Police, Election Commission, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and SME Corp Malaysia.”

Why are these government agencies taking part in a function organised by Umno for its members? How do we justify the presence of these agencies at a political function? How are they aligned to Umno? Or are they actually aligned to Umno? Are they members of Umno as well?

Compare this event where everything was facilitated to ensure attendance at the Umno do to that of the Bersih 3.0 crowd. Many would immediately say, “There is no comparison!” And they would be absolutely correct.

The Bersih 3.0 crowd came willingly and voluntarily and spontaneously. There was no inducement. The only compelling factor that propelled them to come was their desire to support Bersih’s eight demands to ensure that the elections would be clean and fair.

They were all fed up with the Election Commission and the way our elections have been conducted all this while. They could no longer tolerate the biased and one-sided electoral process that had worked to the unfair advantage of the BN.

The crowd of more than 250,000 that came in support of what is considered to be the biggest gathering in support of a just cause far outstripped the Umno crowd. It must be remembered that Bersih – unlike Umno – had no members to fall back on. These were all individuals from all walks of life who came freely. There was no compulsion whatsoever.

And they came fully knowing that there would be obstacles and challenges that would be very intimidating. They came ready to face – if necessary – whatever they might be subjected to. They could not be discouraged by the threat of tear gas and water cannons. That’s how determined they were; that’s how dedicated they were to the cause espoused by Bersih.

The Land Public Transport Commission would not grant licences to allow buses to bring in the Bersih crowd from out of town. Otherwise, the crowd would have been even bigger. But this transport commission had no problem in allowing more than 2,000 buses ferrying in Umno members from all over the country.


2012-05-15 18:45


The Malaysian public will not be lulled into believing that the tide has actually turned in favour of the BN. Facts do not support this presumption.

They will ask, “Why is it only in 2012 that are you bothered by their plight and their suffering? Is it because the election is round the corner?”

They can see through your game plan. You cannot hoodwink them anymore!

Former Aliran president P Ramakrishnan currently serves as an executive committee member

2012-05-15 18:47

kl foong

this is the mentality of 'Bolehland' people.

2012-05-15 18:47


Yes, brother kl foong, these so call army veterans thought the are "damn smart" but to all Malaysians alike they are real idiots to the highest level....damn

Now go to this youtube & read the Malaysians comments..

2012-05-15 18:55


shameless and tarnish the other ex army group..

2012-05-15 20:48

Peter Lee

tuhan ada mata,they know if they pray,tq

2012-05-15 20:51

Ram Cheong

of all kind of exercises why butt exrcise . ........... funny look so stupid

2012-05-15 21:03


I watched the video and I didn't even laugh. They are a bunch of idiotic and moronic ex-army men. Their acts are totally disgraceful. They stoop so low to tell the whole world that they are stupid. They most probably have an aggregate IQ of only 500.

2012-05-15 22:55

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