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[转帖] 赌场与市场 差别在哪里? - Green

Tan KW
Publish date: Sat, 12 Oct 2013, 03:28 PM
Tan KW
0 483,873
















投资市场就跟赌场差不多,不是吗?甚至赌场可能比投资市场还更要公平一些,至少不会有内线交易。前阵子闹得沸沸扬扬的胖达人炒股事件(乐投资百科 – 台湾其中一件内幕交易 Insider Trading),让我想起了今年初我跟朋友在华克山庄的这场对话。越是抱持著想要赚钱的心态去投资,越容易会因为心急而犯了投资决策的错误;能够理性且平常心的人,则可以用比较大的视野来看待这件事。




Source: leinvest


3 people like this. Showing 10 of 10 comments



(别发梦啦, 财富自由不是通过投资市场而已可达到的. 正业为主, 投资为辅呀)


2013-10-13 09:36


Perplexed, why good article cannot not attract any comment ? What does this implies ?

2013-10-13 09:38


Is this forum for hooray! hooray? Are we too optimistic now? I wish some experienced investors can kindly drop few warnings periodically.

2013-10-13 09:46


Based on my own experience, many counters heavily discussed in this forum are “Rxxxish or half Rxxxish” during big Bear market. During the big Bear, there is hardly people talk about them just like the useless stuff deep inside the store room. It is undeniable that you may make some fast money playing those second or third league counters in the current hot bull markets if you are lucky, but as a bread earner of our beloved home, shouldn’t we value our hard earned money more and invest in those more established and reliable counters? With this, we at least can still see our capital there while receiving some dividend as consolation money during the Bear market.

2013-10-13 10:10


Hahaha, serious long term investors rarely come to this forum since they spend most of their time doing homework or research, not boasting around in this forum. :D

2013-10-13 13:00


Posted by bsngpg > Oct 13, 2013 09:36 AM | Report Abuse


I have posted this a few times.

"In their 2009 paper on “option trading and individual investor performance” , Rob Bauer, Mathijs Casemans and Piet Eichholtz examine the performance and persistence of individual investors trading at a Dutch online broker. Using a database consisting of more than 68,000 accounts and eight million trades in stocks during January 2000 to March 2006, they find that: During 2000-2006, the average investor has negative alphas, meaning the return is below the market return. Not even the top tenth of performance manages to beat the market consistently. Those in the bottom tenth of performance lose more than 90% of value. "

(别发梦啦, 财富自由不是通过投资市场而已可达到的. 正业为主, 投资为辅呀)

You are absolutely right. Concentrate in earning money from your occupation as the main source. but don't forget to save and invest also as what this gentlemen said:

“How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case.” - Robert G. Allen


True too. But be reminded that when you drive, there is a limit of how far you get see ahead, especially in a foggy place. Be sure to look at the rear mirror so that you won't get knocked down by cars from behind too.

2013-10-13 17:39


Posted by bsngpg > Oct 13, 2013 09:38 AM | Report Abuse
Perplexed, why good article cannot not attract any comment ? What does this implies ?

Is this the only good article posted by Tan KW? He has posted scores of them, none or little of them have attracted any interest.

But Tan KW, there are some reading those articles, me included.

2013-10-13 17:53


Thanks my friend.

Many come here to hooray, I come here to read and learn and not forgetting to contribute humbly wherever applicable. Most of the articles (market blog) were read by me, thousand thanks to KW Tan and other “posters” and your postings too except those you disputed hotly with others.

Your comment came in during my “beach jogging time”(yesterday I made it 6 kms), so I have to excuse myself here. Cheers.

2013-10-13 18:18

Yee Liang

Thousands thanks to KW Tann too. I am also one of those who always read ur article. Reading the articles u posted daily, are what I usually do after work. Those articles are good, really appreciate it. Thanks :)

2013-10-13 21:16

Steve Ker

Same here, thank you so much Mr KW Tan.

2013-10-14 16:32

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