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[转帖] 马航还可以买吗?- 雨文

Tan KW
Publish date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014, 01:13 PM
Tan KW
0 484,895


Saturday, 12 April 2014

上个星期,有一位朋友发布了一则大众银行印在年报光碟包装里的一篇文章。文章里提到在 五年前,以RM8.85买入一千股大众银行,直至2013年,一共会收到RM 2735的股息和总值RM 20,234 的股票,每一年平均回酬达到21%,而五年里一共获得159.5%的高回酬。


今天是 2014年的4月13日,回到五年前,2009年4月,马航的价钱大约是RM 3.16,(暂时忽略水钱)当初买入1000股总值RM 3160。接着在2007年马航发起第一次附加股之后,在2010年也发起了第二次的附加股。

2010年,为了融资购买飞机和部分的开销,马航就向股东们推出附加股,认购价为RM 1.60并且以一配一方式认购。那么,当初拥有的一千股,也将以RM 1600去认购附加股,最终持有两千股。而之前投资在马航的股票数额,也从RM 3160增加RM 1600,一共投资了RM 4760。

之前拥有的2000股,也将以23仙的价位认购8000个附加股。假设这一次也认购全部所分配的附加股,那么就要补充RM 0.23 x 8000 = RM 1840,最终也一共持有十千股马航。
在这五年里,投资的数额增加至 RM 4760 + RM 1840 = RM 6600。 今日股价收盘于 21.5仙,那么十千股也相等于 RM 2150。一共亏损RM 4450,或是亏损 67.4%。

今天的分享,主要是太多人都喜欢问这个问题,就是马航可以买吗?很多人口中的政府不会令马航倒,这也许是有他的道理,马航牵涉太广,国库(Khazanah)又是最大股东,也许不会倒闭。两天前,中国报 的一篇报道有透入,随着各种利空消息,马航预计明年会在筹募另一项附加股计划。笔者始终认为文章可以发挥杠杆作用,所以一次性在这里探讨,而可不可以买,这个答案留给读这篇文章的读者们。

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If one invests in a stock with the mind of focusing on the company's business, instead of hoping others to fry the stocks for them to make money, it will never go wrong.

On the other hand, he may be right that some good fellows may fry the share price up soon to profit him. However the chance is very slim, very slim indeed in my opinion.

2014-04-13 13:22


“冷眼还是klse.8k 提及: 长期持有一些蓝筹股,都会有很惊人的回报”

My track record: the above statement is not 100% true; it depends on which blue chip you hold for long term.
Example :
CIMB : Aug09 @ RM11, Apr 14 @ RM7.40(bonus 1:1 in May10)=(2x7.4)/11=35% in 5 years

Genting : Mar07 @ RM6.4, Apr14 @ RM9.7->9.7/6.4=49% in 7 years

Resort(GenM) : Jun 09 @ RM 2.9, Apr14 @ RM4.2->45% in 5 years

I am not the lucky one. I admire the much higher return of others but I have no regret as those were the best decision I can made at that time.

If you hold PBB or LPI, you are the luckiest one. But in the real world, it cannot be everybody the lucky one.

2014-04-13 14:14

Tracy Jia Wen

kcchongnz, exactly, i agreed with you.
bsngpg, yes, is much depends on which bluechips, not every stock can have such good return. PBB mentioned their 5 years record since market was recover during 2008, i believe coming next 5 years the return might not same

2014-04-13 15:27


my friend kchongnz i agree with u.

2014-04-13 15:34


it is the most worst time. But still got sunshine in one day after the dark. Take knm as an example. Now start to wake up right? Let visit this after 5 years. Buy it below 15c.

2014-04-13 21:38

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