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The dirt on Khalid - malaysia-today

Tan KW
Publish date: Mon, 04 Aug 2014, 11:47 PM
Tan KW
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Tomorrow’s evidence has to be very convincing. If there was something criminal and/or immoral in the way Khalid’s out-of-court settlement with the bank was done then the evidence has to be very strong. The fact that an out of court settlement was reached is not evidence of wrongdoing. It has to be more than that.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Do you want to know why I am opposed to the removal of Khalid Ibrahim as the Menteri Besar of Selangor? Well, simple, actually. This is payback time. This is when the pigeons come home to roost. This is what is called poetic justice. Why should Khalid be made to pay for Anwar Ibrahim’s mistakes, missteps and blunders?

In short, Khalid is being thrown under the bus, as the English would say, so that he can be the kambing hitam (sacrificial lamb) for Pakatan Rakyat’s shortcomings. Or, as they say in America, Khalid is collateral damage. They need to hang someone to pacify the unhappy voters and, hopefully, the voters can then be appeased.

Remember about four years ago back in 2010 when I publicly crossed swords with Anwar Ibrahim during an event in London? You can search YouTube to see and hear what I said then. I basically put Anwar on notice and warned him to not take our support for granted.

Earlier that morning I had a breakfast meeting with Anwar. Yolanda Augustine of ‘Friends of Pakatan Rakyat’ in London, who is also involved in the UK chapter of Bersih, can confirm this meeting.

My main grouse was that there were many shortcomings in Selangor (at that time, which was two-and-a-half years after the 2008 general election). What Pakatan Rakyat promised during the 2008 general election campaign had not been delivered yet. Why?

In fact, Haris Ibrahim of ABU who visited me in Manchester around that same time discussed this matter with me and we both were of the opinion that Anwar was the problem. We also both felt that the best thing for the opposition would be for Anwar to be sent to jail. Then we could galvanise the opposition by launching a Free Anwar Campaign Version 2 and fight against the ‘injustice’ the government did to Anwar.

I mean all causes need a mascot. And Anwar in jail could be that mascot. Anwar was very upset when I wrote that the biggest favour Anwar could do for the opposition cause would be to go to jail. Then we can use his incarceration to our advantage. That would be the best sacrifice Anwar can do for Malaysia, go to jail.

During that visit Haris also launched the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM), which was done in London. And the reason we felt we needed MCLM was because Pakatan Rakyat had failed us so we need a third force to balance between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat, both which have disappointed us big time.

And that was when PKR started attacking me. I got so pissed that I agreed to do a TV3 interview (also in 2010 but aired in 2011) where I could hit back at Anwar. What makes PKR think that they have a monopoly on whacking their detractors? I, too, can do the same and I can even do it on national TV if I want to. I have as much right as they do to whack. And I did.

What Anwar told me over breakfast was that Khalid was the problem. Khalid is stubborn and has a huge ego and will not listen to what he (Anwar) wants. If Khalid is really a problem, as Anwar says, then just remove him. Appoint someone else as the Menteri Besar.

I then wrote an article that if Khalid is not a team player and if all the problems that Selangor is facing is due to Khalid then remove Khalid and replace him with Azmin Ali.

I also revealed all the dirt in Selangor such as the land scandal, the sand contract scandal, the Pakatan Rakyat lawyers getting work at double the price scandal, and many more. And I revealed documents to support my allegation.

PKR, yet again, called me a liar and alleged that I had been paid (by Umno, of course) to slander Pakatan Rakyat Selangor. They called me a traitor and a turncoat. They also challenged me to return to Malaysia with the proof and even offered to pay my airfare.

It was now all-out war between PKR and me. Then, in 2013, they re-appointed Khalid as the Selangor Menteri Besar for a second term. But two-and-a-half years before that Anwar whacked Khalid and told me that the problem with Selangor is Khalid. If Khalid is really the problem, as Anwar said in 2010, why re-appoint him a second term?

Apparently Anwar lied in 2010. It was not Khalid that was the problem, as I suspected all along. It was Anwar and his inner circle that was the problem. And this was proven in 2013 when Khalid was reappointed the Menteri Besar for a second term.

Tomorrow, PKR is going to reveal all the dirt, supposedly on Khalid. Now, it seems, Khalid’s Bank Islam loan is the issue. Khalid had sued the bank and they counter-sued. Then the matter was settled out of court.

Khalid sued Bank Islam regarding his shares that they force-sold. Under BAFIA they are not supposed to reveal what is regarded as banking secrecy. If PKR is going to reveal this so-called dirt tomorrow they better do it properly and reveal everything so that the people can see what crime Khalid has committed regarding his out-of-court settlement with Bank Islam.

Out-of court settlements are quite normal. In the UK when two parties sue and counter-sue the court will ask them to first try to seek an out-of-court settlement. Many in Pakatan Rakyat, Anwar included, have reached out-of-court settlements in their suits and counter-suits. Going to court is considered the last resort when all else fails.

Tomorrow’s evidence has to be very convincing. If there was something criminal and/or immoral in the way Khalid’s out-of-court settlement with the bank was done then the evidence has to be very strong. The fact that an out of court settlement was reached is not evidence of wrongdoing. It has to be more than that.

Tomorrow’s so-called expose is actually for the benefit of PAS and to pre-empt the 10th August meeting. PAS wants to know why Khalid should be ousted and if Khalid has committed a crime then there should be evidence of such a crime. Hence tomorrow PKR wants to reveal this evidence.

If PKR really has the evidence then legal proceedings should begin. Khalid should not only be removed as Menteri Besar but he should be arrested and charged in court as well. Hence Saifuddin Nasution should lodge a police report plus another with the MACC so that Khalid can join Anwar in the Sungai Buloh prison.



The accusations leveled against me by Parti Keadilan Rakyat leader Dato’ Saifuddin Nasution are very serious. They are categorically untrue.

If Dato’ Saifuddin believes them to be true however, he and his associates should immediately lodge a report with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, the Royal Malaysian Police and Bank Negara, as well as immediately expose any and all evidence to substantiate his claims.

Failure to do so can only invite speculation that these accusations are politically motivated and in bad faith.

I hereby pledge my commitment to cooperate fully with any and all investigations. I also reserve my right to initiate any legal proceedings arising from defamatory statements made against me.

In the meantime, I will continue to serve the people of Selangor to the best of my ability, with the fullest commitment to transparency, accountability, and good governance.



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Why all this mess suddely showed up in Paktan raayt camps n cant they find answrs to resolve tis politicl game..Putting away MB khalids fr whtever resons has to be seen as risks n involves raayat bearings.adhering policies -in improving ,social,economic n politicals shold be the ordr of th day and raayat selangr needs this...

2014-08-05 02:54

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