《大卖空》(The Big Short)是知名作家Michael Lewis的著作,内容讲述几名投资者看准美国的次贷危机(subprime mortgage crisis)将会发生,于是以信用违约掉期(credit default swap)卖空由次级贷款构成的债券,同时卖空投资银行的股票,最终在2008年全球金融危机爆发时大赚了一笔。
The Big Short的电影预告
书中的其中一名主角Michael Burry是一名对冲基金经理。由于他一直以来所取得的投资回报相当不错,许多投资者都愿意把钱交给他投资。但当投资者发现他把资金用来买入信用违约掉期以卖空次贷债券,而且其基金的表现不及大市表现时,他们却不断投诉,要他解释投资表现下滑的原因,甚至要求取回资金。
最终,事实证明Michael Burry的观点是正确的。他没有在众人施压之下改变决定,不害怕特立独行,结果他设立的基金取得了巨额回报。投资要获利,有时候就是要敢于“跟别人不一样”。
要跟整个市场“作对”,书中的几名主角其实一直都战战兢兢,害怕自己误判形势,所以他们都一直在思考,卖信用违约掉期给他们的机构是不是知道一些他们不知道的事情。他们密切地关注市场动向,与投资银行、评级机构的主管会面,从而了解业内人士(market participants)知道和不知道什么事情。
当你认为“这次不一样(this time is different)”时,就是你该多加警惕的时候了。
当年为什么许多美国民众会失去房子?因为他们没有好好衡量自己的偿债能力,只知道贷款前几年的利率较低(所谓的“teaser rate”),却忘了当利息变成以浮动利率(floating interest rate)计算时,他们可能无法支付每月所需偿还的款项。
Michael Lewis在书中提到,信用评级机构(credit rating agency)当年也只是“拿钱做事”的机构,它们的工作就是给债券和各种金融产品评级,而且调高还是降低评级的大权都由上层职员掌控。另外,它们利用的估值模型也未必能准确地反映市场状况。
Created by Tan KW | Jan 03, 2025
Created by Tan KW | Jan 03, 2025
Bursa saham performance depends on few uncertainty ahead. 1)The nxt BN Gobenor succesor ( hopefully, not from someone sent by / closed with jib ) 2.)Crude price is another double sword,the stronger it is Us dollar will have the opposite direction. 3) Domestically consumers spending .
2016-03-12 01:30
PureBULL . > Mar 12, 2016 03:00 AM | Report Abuse
John Paulson graduated among the very top in his MBA finance program from world # 1 Harvard Uni. He was 1 of a star MD with half bankrupt Bear Sterns IB. It was his hedge fund client at Bear Sterns that inspired him to go into hedge fund biz after seeing the client making tonnes of money without fail in hedging M&A deals.
John Paulson is the 1st to have the idea that subprime mortgage derivatives will crash. He knew so much about sub prime financing biz. He started shorting subprime in mid 2006 n loss like crazy. He tried many other ways to convince more followers n still no result at all.
Running out of choice, in his last attempt he suddenly thought why not ask for the contact # of that old man and gives him a call.
The old man granted a meeting with him in late 2007 to early 2008. Within 1 hr of his presentation, the old man bought John Paulson's big short story.
Immediately they both went shorting subprime like crazy in early 2008 ...
n the whole investing community followed suit leading to 2007-09 DOW financial crash.
At the end of the story, John Paulson become so famous for making the biggest money per deal in hedge fund history.
Paulson is the record holder making a personal record profit of usd$3.2 billion in 1 single deal.
The old man was 2nd record at usd$2.9 billion. No name was mentioned. So Humble he is.
Do u know who is that 80+ old man? Yes, your G Soros.
Bottom line, follow the smart mkt movers early to aim RIGHT at RIGHT TIMING.
& be sensitive to all things RIGHT to score in this endless 'stock mkt exam' every cycle ...
This is the invincible model :
G SOROS - "Economic history is a never-ending series of
episodes based on falsehood and lies, not truths.
It represents the path to big money.
The object is to recognize the TREND whose premise is false,
ride that trend, and step off before it is discredited"
Jim Rogers - "Figure out the money and you’ll figure out what’s going on."
2016-03-12 03:31
base on these few days act , kl index is nearly to go down , just technically one
2016-03-14 01:25
I bet oil price can go down to 23 usd per barrel by coming month, right now is much danger place to get in.
2016-03-14 11:56
Regnig:不会, 美国如果还不起房贷,把钥匙寄回给银行就没事了,房贷一笔勾销,所以烂账多,容易垮。马来西亚就比较小心。比起周围国家,政策,经济走势,大马还有十年的牛市要走,现在只是停下来休息。
2016-03-15 21:32
Angielim9955: the question is, what is opec hidden intention to push down the oil price, to the point on collaborating with russia to do so. Coming month is the critical point when US banks reserve based loan redetermination period start, if they want to win this war quick, they have to push down price even further. This will not only restraint but also pull out those dodgy companies lifeline. They have been doing so much and would not eaily give up this time.
2016-03-15 22:54
So Ahbeng base on your view, oil price will continue up or going down ?
just your view of points ?
2016-03-16 01:23
Strategically, $20 per barrel is still possible. There is no hard evidences to support my view, esp if you look at supply and demand side. But neither those hard evidences able to explain what will happen next, those who relying on those evidences were wrong badly for the past 2 years. My take is, $23-26 will be the new balance for coming few months, oil producers need to be this low to psychologically deter high cost producers. The war will not end if not one were hurt.
Anyway, I will not go short, sit on the fence and waiting for the worst to come. I hope im right but i might be wrong, time will tell.
2016-03-17 15:04
Ahbeng Beng,today oil and kl index double up, you still believe oil will down again, just your view of points? just discuss la , haha
any commence ah ?
2016-03-18 01:17
Then when is the meaning. Mid of April. Because I need to wait oil prices dropped in order for me to collect oil counters. As you say i cannot buy now wait after April then only buy. Because I already sapu alot dayang at 1.3 now abit takut. Advice me please
2016-03-18 19:32
For me, im on safe side, not chasing the bull as my view completely different with the market. I also hate missing bull if months later found out that my assumption are all wrong. So im unwilling to advice you anything as you may blame me cause you to miss this bull run. Maybe you can tell me more about dayang, at what oil price level, dayang can start performing again. Personally, from oil inventiry point of view, oil price will linger at low point for a month or two before it can break to next resistance level...unless drastic changes happen to the supply market.
Why relying on me to give you advice? I dont know the answer, thing that im telling you is simply a question that im asking myself. If the whole war is a conspiracy, what is my target? what will i do next? You can ask yourself and come out with diff idea. I will just stick to my instincts.
2016-03-19 04:58
Ahbeng Beng : thanks Ahbeng Beng . I wait fist , because I still strongly feel oil will drop , haha
thanks a lot , thanks
2016-03-22 20:51
2016-03-12 00:47