KL Trader Investment Research Articles

Revamp the Malaysian Education System (Discussions) - Jennifer Soars

Publish date: Tue, 21 May 2019, 02:57 PM
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This is a personal investment blog where I keep important research articles relating to KLSE companies.

This morning I received a message on WhatsApp to sign a petition to get our current MOE Maszlee to resign. I didn’t sign it. Not because I believe he should stay but because I I believe it’s an exercise in futility. This would be my third time signing and the fella is still here and still spewing.

Anyway here are some of his spewed crap statements that has got everyone hot under the collar, including Datuk Vincent Lee, who also roasted him a few days ago. Barbecued or not he continues his most favourite pastime which the layman would call “talking c...”. Fill in any letters you like, he is that too.

In an article entitled “Don’t blame Matriculation quota when the job market is still unfair to Bumis”, he actually had the gall to insult the intelligence of his readers. On that title of the article alone he has to go......to Timbuktu for all I care.

WTFish.... @@@@@@@@@@@ ( trying sooooo hard not to swear!!!!!), Maszlee. Which hole did you crawl out of? Job market unfair to Bumis? Walk around Putra Jaya.....it’s ‘ a crawling’, dude, with Bumiputras. Visit every government department in any state in Malaysia, dude......it’s ‘a crawling’ with Bumiputras. Look at your own MOE, dude.....’it’s a crawling’ with Bumiputras. Go to the hospitals....almost every nurse is a Bumiputra. Take a look at our army and police force. You still want to talk about job quotas?

So now , you are bitching about the private sector. My brother in law, a Chinese businessman, owns a “Chinaman establishment”. Visit his office. 50% are Bumiputras. Top management as well. They speak mandarin and English and Bahasa Malaysia. Anyway, that’s after school, after they graduate. Matriculation quotas are killing off non Bumiputras in schools....the very place you should be worrying about making a difference.

And then you add this into the mix, and I quote:
“Adding that the PH government was only a year old,
Maszlee said, “such an imbalance (in quotas) was too huge a task for the time being. Even the Avengers took 8 years to kill Thanos”, he quipped. Wow, a comparison with Marvel Comic characters.
Really.......how long is it going to be before you go, Maszlee.
8 more years of mediocrity, 8 more years before we see the light at the end of the tunnel. Maszlee, you ain’t gonna cut it. You just don’t have what it takes.

And if anyone thinks it cannot get any worse, he also said,
“Many non- Malays are well off and could send their children to private schools.” Wow, Maszlee, That statement really took the wind out of me. And yes, as I’m writing this, I’m swearing at you @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. Each emoji is one swear word. No, I’m not afraid of using those words here. It’s just that I think they would be wasted on you. You need to crawl back into that deep hole you came from. Although, I also believe that even that hole, is going to spit you out.

Because of sentiments like yours, dear MOE, I had to work 3 jobs to put food on my children’s table and get them educated. They became latch key children because of bigots and racists like you. They were denied public, government scholarships because of people like you. I neglected my children, so they could go to school. Because of people like you, my children went out to work at the age 15 to supplement the household income.

But I also want to thank you, Maszlee. Because of you , and those others, like you, who still cling to their sentiments of entitlements, my children are survivors, like me. May the light of Wesak help you find your way. Don’t think your own moral compass is going to get you out of this one.


Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/251940088698543?view=permalink&id=453156088576941

1 person likes this. Showing 6 of 6 comments


mazlee is an intellectual......sure is a more educated intellectual than kltrader.

2019-05-21 15:03



2019-05-21 15:47


all i can say is FARK PH!

2019-05-21 17:48


PH is just as racist as old BN.
GE 15 we kick out PH just like we kick out BN in GE14

2019-05-21 17:50


To make significant changes for betterment.....we have known what it takes

.....politics.....done 9th May 2018.....history now

.....who had made that materialized? It took C/I//M......9/7/3

Now what....continue politicking?

Or comes the time to deal with socioeconomical changes for real nation building......

.......do we have the right ppl to drive this changes???

2019-05-24 07:47

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