Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Economy and Politics are inseparable - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Sat, 08 Feb 2014, 05:37 PM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

Advice to All Politicians: Keep Calm, Cool and Collected

Koon Yew Yin

When Theresa Kok's video clip for the Chinese New Year first appeared, I saw it as a cleverly done piece of political satire.  It was funny, original and thought provoking.  I thought the references to various personalities and public issues of concern captured some of our recent political controversies in a refreshingly irreverent and comical way. The clip brought back to me memories of that hugely popular and successful British television series, “Yes Minister”  which first ran in the 1980's and has been recently revived.

At the same time that I appreciated the black humour and wit in the “ONEderful Malaysia!” video, I was concerned that it would be viewed the opposite way by the Government and UMNO's political supporters and would become ammunition for them to hit back not only against her, but also the DAP and the opposition parties as a whole.

Clearly the video was intended to draw attention to issues of public concern. It was also meant to draw attention to Theresa Kok as a politician and to enhance her public image. But what if the Government or its supporters twisted it around and concocted elements of racial or religious discord to smear the DAP and Pakatan coalition? I was especially concerned that the targeting of the video to a Chinese audience and timed for the Chinese New Year period was strategically unwise and could backfire.

My worse fears have now proven correct. Muslim groups have seized on the video clip to engage in a new round of frenzied opposition and DAP bashing. Besides engaging in the now standard practice of stomping on banners and portraits of their political opponents, these groups have gone a step further by  smearing the banners with blood from freshly slaughtered chickens – an unprecedented act of violent symbolism. Further they have also upped the ante by offering a reward to any of their supporters willing to slap Theresa – an invitation that could easily lead to a more violent outcome should some fool hardy supporter decide that a slap was not sufficient to restore their lost 'dignity and honour'.

This response by the political enemies of Theresa and the DAP has been rightly condemned by both sides of the political divide in the country. Action has also been called for the authorities not only to investigate the alleged seditious content of the video clip but also the response by the Muslim groups to it.

What's happening appears to be a spiraling of the country towards greater racial and religious strife and enmity which can only have a disastrous end result. A number of other groups and organizations have also viewed with increasing alarm the deterioration in our political situation. For example, a petition campaign has been launched by academics from Malaysian and abroad calling for the renunciation of violence by political leaders and parties. Everyone needs to sign on this petition. There have also been calls made for the National Unity Consultative Council to move more quickly in its work of national reconciliation so that whatever measures it is recommending is not too little too late. More groups and individuals should come out to provide constructive suggestions on how we can restore “muhibbah” and inter-racial solidarity.  

Speaking as a Malaysian Chinese, I would like to appeal to our Chinese leaders to think twice or three times or even more before engaging in any political publicity especially aimed at the Chinese electorate because it is so easy for the other side with its dominance of the Malay and official media to distort or spin its message and intentions. We all should know that there are double standards in this country and of course this is something which is deplorable and runs against the grain of any democratic system. However, we have lived with these double standards for a long time and we must learn to live with them a little longer and be more circumspect and strategic in our opposition.  We must understand that the final break with these double standards will not come about as a result of the Chinese leaders putting up such video clips aimed at the Chinese community.

Finally, it is not difficult to find a solution to this particular episode of racial tension.. All that needs to be done is for Theresa Kok to say that she is sorry if she has offended anyone's sense of racial or religious honour as she had no intention of doing so.

At the same time, Prime Minister Najib Razak should say that he has found the video clip quite funny and well acted, even if he thinks it is inaccurate and wrong in its insinuations. He may want to note that the “Yes Minister” programme was Prime Minister Margaret Thacher's favourite programme!

You must realize that we have been enjoying peace for so long. Just look at all the Muslin countries especially the Middle East where there is daily suicide bombers aspiring to meet 72 virgins.  Malaysia is relatively peaceful and let us not spoil it.

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7 people like this. Showing 14 of 14 comments


Teresa Kok is a fighting cock, or hen, as some quarters will label her but I believe in this case, discretion may be the better part of valor. I honestly enjoyed the satirical video, it highlighted numerous ills in our society but others of less humorous disposition and different ethnicity took it in a more offensive vein. Times being what it is, there are better ways to deliver a message. Just do the necessary and issue a no fault statement of regret. We know how lopsided the system is.

2014-02-08 18:13


Orang tua sssiiiaaalll ni dah lah promote JTiasa yang basi, politik pun basi juga. Nak sebut video Teresa Kok ni apa tujuan? Nak porak peranda satu Malaysia ke? Dahlah tu, muak sungguh. Dia jugalah 4 orang dermawan kat Malaysia. Aku ingat sebusuk Vincent Tan, ingat KYY ni busuk lagi. Suka sangat tipu orang lain.

2014-02-08 19:00


Dahlah kau suruh orang lain beli Jtiasa guna margin, masa kau berak besar, orang lain jatuh miskin sebab kau jual Jtiasa, masa tu kau kata kau derma duit dengan orang susah, lepas tu promote saham lain pulak. Dahlah tu.

2014-02-08 19:04


Post removed.Why?

2014-02-08 19:27

Michael Dreamun

well said idiotbuster!teach him some human basics of respect and life.

2014-02-08 19:55


duitbesar da kalah meroyan..kah kah kah

2014-02-08 22:45


Duitbesare pulang lah ke pangkal jalan

2014-02-08 22:53


@duitbesar, kenapa hati awak begitu jahat? Tiap tiap hari duduk kutuk orang sahaja.....bertaubak lah!!!!!

Posted by Duitbesar > Feb 6, 2014 02:16 PM | Report Abuse

Lu mulut diam yfchong. Gua rembat cat merah baru tau.

Posted by Duitbesar > Feb 6, 2014 05:21 PM | Report Abuse

Dorky, kau memang otak coconut. Mulut busuk.

Posted by Duitbesar > Feb 6, 2014 09:18 PM | Report Abuse

Diamlah Zuliana, lu merepek tak tentu pasal.

Posted by Duitbesar > Feb 6, 2014 12:09 AM | Report Abuse

Joe ni cakap otak dilutut. Sekarang ni badul, kita spekulate saja sebab minyak masih belum tentu lagi. Kalau minyak tiada produksi tak guna mana, Australia ka, Norway ka, Oman ka...jawapnya...ada minyak ada untung ada naik saham, ada paham? Sekarang ni saham Hibiscus speculasi semata2. Nak jadi serious investor banyak saham yang bagus.

Posted by Duitbesar > Feb 5, 2014 10:47 AM | Report Abuse

Flowerpower memang sssiiaalll!

Posted by Duitbesar > Feb 4, 2014 06:38 PM | Report Abuse

Dahlah tu. Melebih pulak tin kosong ni. Bila Hibiscus umum hari ini bukan main budak bungataikayam bercakap.

Posted by Duitbesar > Feb 4, 2014 07:32 PM | Report Abuse

Jangan caya sangat budak hingus tu. Tunggu pengumunan berapa banyak minyak dan kualiti minyak yang dijunpai. Lepas tu bila mula produksi. Harga tak lari punya, abang relaks jerr tunggu. Ini bukan mai tekan tekan macam Flowerpower, ini guna fakta.

Posted by Duitbesar > Feb 4, 2014 08:02 PM | Report Abuse

Korang cakap main kencing jerr. Tunggu dulu pengumunan hydrokarbon ada nilai komersial ke tak. Itu pun tak paham paham ke?

Posted by Duitbesar > Feb 4, 2014 03:14 PM | Report Abuse

Mengarut Flowerpower. Korang kena kencing budak 12 tahun ni. Sllurrrrppp kopi huat ah dengan roti bako

Posted by Duitbesar > Feb 4, 2014 03:33 PM | Report Abuse

Flowerpower memang kentut basah! Bunyi jerr lebih, busuk melampau.

Posted by Duitbesar > Feb 4, 2014 03:39 PM | Report Abuse

Badan besar otak kecik. Budak flowerpower ni beruah bangat. Lepas kentut lebih, kencing korang tak habis2

Posted by Duitbesar > Feb 4, 2014 02:50 PM | Report Abuse

Trade kencing korang. Wakakakakaka

Posted by Duitbesar > Feb 6, 2014 11:03 AM | Report Abuse

Gerraaammm siiallll! Seafood Bonescyhte betul! Rugiiiiii!

Posted by Duitbesar > Jan 30, 2014 07:10 PM | Report Abuse

Menyesal!!!! Tak nak caya lar!! Ingatkan master rupanya seafood!!!! Tulang busuk!!!!

Posted by Duitbesar > Jan 30, 2014 02:51 PM | Report Abuse

Lembu FP dah balik dah.

2014-02-09 00:02


M vince,a value investors who has been coincidentally advocating palm oil & picked kulim, TSH, SoP as a good buy since last 1decade.
Mr KOON has invited me to meet him on feb12 with other few ppl. I m coming frm KL after i return from hometown on feb11. U may reach me at
vinext@gmail.com, another guy plan2 drive frm KL, we r seeking car pool,stil hv 3more seats.Pls send ur hp,email, fb add/link, wat time,date, u plan to take off,wat time to return to kl

2014-02-09 02:47


1. I saw the video . I think it was created to gain political mileage & highlight the issues faced by msians .
2. In the whole video Teresa kok was just asking question. It does not seem she has said much or anything meaningful .
3. There are a 3 person panel who "replied Teresa and the crowd questions" . They talk on Mostly current or recent local issue .
4. I think perhaps the only thing which they shld be mindful is the Sabah intrusion
issue. since some of our soldiers & policeman died defending the country .
So shld respect the fallen soldiers and their family and not to make it a funny matter. Best if not bring up at all.
Bringing this up will only give chance for those  political radicals who will use this video for their own political agenda.
5.giving rewards to slap Teresa I think is not a lawful act . Moreover In the whole video she just asking questions and doesn't seem to say anything useful.
Perhaps some can slap 1 of the 3 panel for wearing like shemale ..Not sure if u can just slap ppl without breaking some laws , else everybody will start slapping each other

2014-02-09 08:13


Since peabrain says it's not illegal, I offer rm500 to anyone who spanks zahid hamidi's backside and provide evidence for it.

2014-02-09 08:26


Duitbesar should be kicked out from this forum.

2014-02-10 13:38

irene su

Gong Xi Fa Cai, Mr Koon & family! I enjoyed reading your thought provoking & enlightening blogs on investment, politics & general. TQ!

2014-02-11 10:36


Wow, that clip is just like a report card on our country status. Ppl should focus their energy to find solutions to make Malaysia a better place instead of stirring up unnecessary fights.

I do agree that this clip might be released to the crowd at the wrong time...and the actors should be multiracial, as you know all those "fact" they mentioned really affecting most Malaysians if not all.

2014-02-13 20:45

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