Publish date: Thu, 14 Dec 2017, 10:40 AM
Just retired. Has lots of time and little money to invest. This is my blog where I write about my experience, thought process, lessons learnt, and profit and loss along the way.

As someone who have left the country for nearly twenty years, I spent many hours yesterday reading many sources of stock market information; Institutional analysis / reports, some company announcements, blogs and gossips.

At the end of the day I was confused, but at the same reassured that the way forward is to invest for the medium to long term, with a 12 to 24 months horizon. I will avoid the speculative stocks and the crowd frenzy.

I read one particular blog by a veteran investor called KC Chong, and he is a proponent of Value Investment; more or less modeling after the Warren Buffet method. Good read!

Not one to stay on the side line for too long, this morning I entered the market with the following acquisition and spent all of my RM20,000 allocation;

1. HengYuan - In Petrolium Refinery . Should benefit from any increase in oil price. Fundamentals are strong.

2. George Kent - In diversified services; Water industry, recently involved in rail transportation, and health care. Could benefit from LRT expansions.

3. Air Asia - I simply like their vision and leadership.

I will be monitoring their performance and will remain calm...

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Whoever you are sir , hengyuan PE is low and it’s good start to buy during the dip and keep long term ..: not particularly interested Gkent, but I prefer Sendai as it’s seems turnaround to profit .. would like to introduce hibiscus petroleum .. like air Asia but with oil price going up will eat in their margin ... wish you happy trading ..

2017-12-14 11:00


Thank you Equityengineer....will study Hibiscus Petroleum and Sendai....May inject a little more fund, for good stocks.

2017-12-14 11:21


Nice formation,I suggest GADANG LIIHEN to you

2017-12-14 14:36


And if you want growth stock,buy VITROX

2017-12-14 14:36


good buy on hengyuan.
hengyuan profit highly depend on the crack spreed and less depend on oil price.
I would recommend you to read davidtslim articles in i3 for more insight.

2017-12-14 14:45


I do not like Airasia and Sendai, I feel that the indian boss like to talk big (maybe is my misconception). I would like to recommend Johotin to you, growing business, price drop to near new low creates attractive entry price now.

2017-12-14 14:49


So you have spent all your 20k.
What happen if all these shares drop 5%, 10%?
Do you intend to pump in more to average down?
Or you just follow cpteh cut loss?
Or do you just stop and stare without further action?

Need to formulate your buying and exit strategy.
You have decided to invest in stock market.
What is your objective?
Clearly define if it is meant for wealth accumulation (believe no point as you have retired), or for some thrill/ pass time and the same time look for some pocket money?

Don't gamble away your hard saved nesteggs.
Market is not forgiving regardless whether you are highly qualified academically or otherwise.
Forget about your profession you were engaged in prior to retirement, unless you have been in capital market (very unlikely).
Doctors and engineers not necessarily can make good and wise decision in share market. In bear market, even accountants with CA/CPA also lose like nobody's business.

2017-12-14 14:53


Thank you. I have checked out GADANG and it is a company in good health and growth.
Definitely on my watch list. Thank you for the lead.

2017-12-14 16:14


Larry Trader,

I also checked out Vitrox. Somehow I am not attracted to any company linked to semiconductor...I think the industry is volatile and too price sensitive...

2017-12-14 16:45


Feimah...Yes I will read davidtslim...I am sure it will be helpful. Thanks

2017-12-14 16:46


Misbehaviour....Indeed, after reading about Johore Tin...I am impressed...their financial standing is good...and their products will be resilient to inflations...just pass down the cost to their customers I supposed.
One to watch and tomorrow I will pick up some stocks.

Thank you !

2017-12-14 16:47



I will continue to inject fund as and when i need to. Mainly will be driven when good opportunities avail themselves. Also, I like to average down, to a limit.

My objectives are
- to occupy my time with activities which stimulate my brain. I am now an avid reader of companies' annual report, especially companies recommended to me by commenters here.

No I am not a gambler - so I will try as much as possible to stick to the INVESTOR characteristics; buy based on good fundamentals.

2017-12-14 16:51


Do look into Aeon Credit for long term appreciation.

2017-12-15 21:43


The correct procedure to invest in stock market is as follows :-
Correct way !!
Learn your special skill before you buy any stock.
Learn some basic TA and FA, do your homework before you buy any stock.

Wrong way !!
Buy into stock first before you learn any skill.
I think you need to pay school fee before you can make money.

2017-12-15 21:51


pputeh...Aeon Credit has been slapped with an additional income tax bill of RM94mil...

2017-12-16 10:20


Zhuge_Liang, thank you.

Hopefully, I won't be so wrong...and has some right.
Suggestions and feedback from commenters are useful, and I do read quite a bit...

2017-12-16 10:24

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