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“Has Tajuddin Rasdi jumped the gun by praising Madani Training Module when it could just be PMX’s propaganda tool?” By Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy

Publish date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024, 12:12 PM

THE Madani Training Module announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from the little I know seems to be comprehensive in scope catering for all sections of the society.

The history module in particular - without the details divulged - seems to cover a broad aspect of the society, covering the role of all ethnic and social communities in the making of modern Malaysia.

History, I understand, will not be restricted to colonial history or the society after the advent of Islam. I understand that emphasis will be paid to the pre-colonial history touching on the Sri Vijayan Hindu-Buddhist era.

A relook at the history of the country and the region is important to give a direction to Malaysians.

However, further comments on the Madani Module or the history component needs to await the government to flesh out the details.

Until then, a systematic analysis of the module is not possible. Yet, we find academics in the country like Tajuddin Rasdi jumping the gun in praising the module before the full details are known.

“Praise Anwar if credit is due’

Lately, Tajuddin has established himself as the main spokesperson of Anwar’s Madani government.

Recently, when I criticised Anwar for failing to implement the much-needed reforms, he came to Anwar’s defence by saying that Anwar was not solely responsible.

It was the same Tajuddin who defended Anwar in presiding over the religious conversion of a Hindu youth which inadvertently hurt the religious sentiments of the Hindu community.

Tajuddin can obviously give credit to Anwar provided he deserves it. Blind defence of Anwar is not needed especially from an academician like Tajuddin.

Anwar seems to rely on political propaganda to prolong his stay in power. His new ideas without much substance seem to be focused on the need to stay in power.

Without realising this, there are persons like Tajuddin and others who keep on cheering Anwar.

Anwar, doesn’t need cheer leaders; he needs analysts who are willing to point the faults of his leadership.

Programmes and ideas hatched to feed into the regime’s on-going propaganda are hardly the way to navigate the rough waters that Malaysia is in.

I urge Tajuddin not to be another sycophant of the Madani government. - June 18, 2024

Former DAP stalwart and Penang chief minister II Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy is chairman of the United Rights of Malaysian Party (Urimai) interim council.

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