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What you should know about: The myth of the ‘lazy poor’

Publish date: Sat, 20 Jul 2024, 09:11 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, July 20 — A common view of poverty is that it is often the result of laziness, which can have far-reaching implications when held by policymakers.

Over the years, research has increasingly shown poverty to be the result of social immobility, stemming from lack of access to basic services such as education, nutrition or social and cultural capital.

Still, there remain persistent views of poverty as a character flaw, and that it can be escaped with just hard work and motivation.

Why is this problematic?

According to Zuohair Rosli, an economist who studies urban poverty and advises the government about policy interventions, the view that there are “lazy” and “hard-working” poor reinforces discriminatory practices in aid distribution.

This can lead to more problems, including keeping poor families impoverished as well as stigmatising the phenomenon in a way that would discourage those in poverty from seeking the aid and support programmes meant to lift them out of it.

Poverty is also not only a financial situation, and can also have significant implications to a household social health as well as mental wellbeing.

Studies show poverty stigma can deter poor households from wanting to seek or accept support. Shaming the poor have also shown to amplify ostracisation.

What causes poverty, then?

People can be poor because of various socio-economic factors or circumstances.

Citing his studies on poverty, Zuohair said those in poverty are often poor in more ways than just money alone.

For instance, they may have less time due to working longer hours in informal jobs. They may also be stuck in these jobs as they have no buffer or safety net to take chances that could result in unemployment, however brief.

Zuohair said those perpetuating the myth of the lazy poor were instead protecting the status quo.

“One of the reasons it’s in their interest to do so is because they want to divert the conversation away from scrutiny of a system that they've unfairly benefited from, created inequality and poverty in the first place and then try to shift blame onto the individual,” he said.

How should we talk about poverty?

Human rights-based anti-poverty groups have recommended framing the conversation about poverty as an issue of economic injustice and in relation to wealth inequality.

Scholar Christopher Choong also said it was important not to treat poverty as a spectacle.

“In the name of appealing to humanity’s ‘kindness’, it objectifies the poor as people without agency and autonomy, dependent on more privileged people for their survival and diverts attention from more systemic reasons that explain their conditions.”

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how to solve poverty ? just print money and give it to them hahaha

1 month ago


Those born before 1970's are most likely 'born poor'. We make our own toys (saw one cartoon how we used to make a spinning bottle cap). We save every cent (not sen then) we can lay our hands on.
Nowadays, there is so much 'attraction' to spend; earn a Ringgit, chances to spend 2 Ringgit. How to save? They are not born poor or too lazy to work; only spending more than earning with mountains of easy $ credit card bills..

1 month ago


print money like USA? no lah, then our RM become toilet paper like US Dollar. US Dollar only good for wiping backside

1 month ago


China eliminated extreme poverty and lifted 800 million from poverty.

1 month ago


India still many extreme poverty but their crazy super rich just have a out of this world wedding.

Is india poor because of lazy poor or due to other factor?

1 month ago


India is too big to change . Will remain a feudal country for a long long time.

1 month ago


India needed a revolution to change.

1 month ago


" Posted by Sslee > 16 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Is india poor because of lazy poor or due to other factor?
India is not poor, but the lazy are poor.
The other factor is ENTITLEMENT mentality and non existent caste bullshit created by invaders and colonialist. The reservation and quota system is a big stumbling block.

"Posted by qqq47660 > 10 minutes ago | Report Abuse

India is too big to change . Will remain a feudal country for a long long time."
India never been a feudal system like China and does not need revolution like China.

1 month ago


Lazy poor are nations plagued by majority who choose blind belief and voting for leaders based on religious promises is a form of intellectual laziness that hinders personal and societal growth. In contrast, actively seeking truth, embracing paradigm shifts, and voting for technocrats who use the best available knowledge and technology to lead are crucial for advancing our understanding of the universe and improving human life. The pursuit of truth and innovation, coupled with informed decision-making, leads to a more enlightened and progressive society.

Break into 2 parts:

Part 1: "Lazy"

Lazy are blind believers find comfort in established religious doctrines without questioning or seeking deeper understanding. They got trap in the comfort zone that discourages intellectual curiosity and the pursuit of truth. Lazy is lacking of the vigour to pursuit modern days' answers but avoiding the complexities and uncertainties inherent in scientific inquiry and philosophical exploration.

Corresponding part 2: Poor

Poor are those who have eyes and sight but simply submit to blind adherence to fundamentalism that leads to resistance against new ideas and scientific discoveries that contradict traditional beliefs, stifling innovation and progress.

Coming up next: Solution- based on tackling the root cause- transfroming fakeducation to realducation

1 month ago


If your religion told you your fate already predetermined by almighty god or you are born poor because of your karma and will remain poor for your whole life.

Will you just resigned to your fate or have the courage to change your fate by working double hard?

1 month ago


Wow!! Spot on! That's lacking in our education philosophy....hehe

Posted by Sslee > 38 minutes ago | Report Abuse

If your religion told you your fate already predetermined by almighty god or you are born poor because of your karma and will remain poor for your whole life.

Will you just resigned to your fate or have the courage to change your fate by working double hard?

1 month ago


First step to unshackle poverty, start with oneself realizing that one is poor and determine to do something about it rather than believing in fate or a better after life or next life as peddled by the religious scammers.

1 month ago


The phenomenon of the poor voting for religious promises of heavenly afterlife while the government takes advantage by keeping them in poverty and intellectually stifled is a dangerous and self-perpetuating cycle.

The poor often cling to religious promises of a better afterlife as a source of hope and psychological comfort. This offers a respite from their harsh realities. Religious leaderswould then conspire with politicians to exploit this emotional vulnerability by offering simplistic and emotionally charged promises of heavenly rewards, rather than tangible solutions to their worldly problems. It's kind of willing buyers and willing sellers....hehe

1 month ago


Maintaining the Status Quo (but time and tide wait for no stupig people- see how SGD catches up with AUD; while RM continues to slide.......bottomless):

Political Manipulation: Governments may exploit religious promises to secure a loyal voter base. By emphasizing religious rhetoric, they divert attention from their failure to address poverty, education, and economic growth.

Control Through Poverty: Keeping the population poor and dependent makes them more susceptible to manipulation. A population struggling to meet basic needs is less likely to demand systemic change or question authority.

1 month ago


Government Exploitation via money-losing, public-fund-bailing GLCs that pay a hefty sums to their own families and cronies at the expense of increasing country debt and foreign borrowing- chanelling these ill-gotten money to overseas- continue to impoverish the majority of the morbidly deluded folks....

Intellectual Stagnation:

Lack of Education: By underfunding education and discouraging critical thinking, the government ensures that the population remains intellectually stunted. This prevents the poor from seeking alternative solutions or questioning the status quo.

Suppressing Innovation: An uneducated populace is less likely to innovate or pursue entrepreneurial ventures, thereby limiting economic growth and maintaining the cycle of poverty.

1 month ago


Societal Implications:

Stifled Development: This cycle stifles societal development. A population focused on religious promises rather than economic and social progress is less likely to advocate for policies that promote education, healthcare, and economic opportunity.

Widening Inequality: As the gap between the wealthy and the poor widens, those in power can further entrench their position, creating an even greater disparity and perpetuating the cycle of exploitation.

1 month ago


The spiraling down phenomenon where the poor vote for religious promises of a heavenly afterlife while the government exploits them by keeping them poor and uneducated is a deeply concerning cycle. Breaking this cycle requires a concerted effort to promote education, critical thinking, and economic opportunity, coupled with political reform that ensures transparency and accountability. By addressing the root causes of poverty and promoting intellectual and economic empowerment, society can move towards a more equitable and progressive future.


Empowerment Through Education:

Critical Thinking, not Indoctrination: Promoting education and critical thinking skills can empower the poor to question the status quo and seek alternative solutions to their problems.

Economic Opportunity: Providing opportunities for economic growth and development can reduce dependency on religious promises and create a more self-sufficient populace.

Political Reform:

Transparent Governance: Ensuring transparent and accountable governance can reduce exploitation and corruption, allowing for policies that genuinely address poverty and promote social mobility.

Inclusive Policies: Developing inclusive policies that promote equal opportunity and social justice has been consistently proven to break the cycle of poverty and dependency, fostering a more equitable society.

What to ban? Who to axe?- in breaking the Self-Perpetuating Cycle

Vicious Circle:

Entrenched Beliefs: As the poor become more entrenched in religious beliefs that promise a better afterlife, they are less motivated to seek immediate, practical solutions to their problems. This reinforces their reliance on religious and political figures who exploit these beliefs.

Reinforced Dependency: The government's failure to address structural issues perpetuates poverty and dependency, ensuring a steady supply of voters who are easily swayed by religious rhetoric.

1 month ago


India never been a feudal system like China and does not need revolution like China.

silly comment. China can join modernity....India can join modernity meh?

1 month ago


just look at small villages in China vs small villages in India.

no need to compare with Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing.

1 month ago


rich and poor is form by history and temporary.

China is poor in 1949 but got potential.

Can you see China's potential in 1949?

if you can, You are smart

if you cannot, you are just normal and ordinary.

1 month ago


@EngineeringProfit it is in the government best interest to keep the people stupi* because stupi* people are easy to govern, smart people are difficult to govern and will keep the government in check.

1 month ago


osted by icecool > 8 minutes ago | Report Abuse

@EngineeringProfit it is in the government best interest to keep the people stupi* because stupi* people are easy to govern, smart people are difficult to govern and will keep the government in check.

surely u are talking about America. U cannot be talking about China.

1 month ago

Rameez Soudagar RS


Pointing on karma is the not only question here..?
You can see factor luck is very important in life in my life span i seen many people who had tried best of then that they can but still they not manage to archive their goal that means they have failed in their life..?

1 month ago


"人算不如天算" (rén suàn bùrú tiān suàn) translates to "Man proposes, God disposes" or "Man's plans are inferior to those made by heaven." This saying suggests that despite humans making plans and calculations, ultimately events are determined by a higher power or fate beyond human control. It emphasizes the unpredictability of life and the limitations of human foresight.

"人定胜天" (rén dìng shèng tiān) translates to "Man can conquer nature" or "Man can overcome fate." This saying conveys the idea that human determination, willpower, and effort can triumph over external circumstances or fate. It implies that with hard work, perseverance, and determination, individuals can shape their own destinies and achieve success despite challenges.

While these two sayings appear contradictory on the surface, they actually reflect the complexity and duality of human beliefs about fate and agency. "人算不如天算" emphasizes humility, acceptance of fate, and the recognition of the limits of human control, while "人定胜天" underscores the power of human agency, willpower, and perseverance in shaping one's destiny.

In essence, these sayings capture different aspects of the human experience and the interplay between fate and human action. They serve as reminders of the unpredictable nature of life and the importance of both acceptance and proactive effort in navigating challenges and pursuing goals.

1 month ago


Sslee, 是像非像, 即见如来🙏

1 month ago


Government Exploitation via money-losing, public-fund-bailing GLCs that pay a hefty sums to their own families and cronies at the expense of increasing country debt and foreign borrowing- chanelling these ill-gotten money to overseas- continue to impoverish the majority of the morbidly deluded folks....

Intellectual Stagnation:

Lack of Education: By underfunding education and discouraging critical thinking, the government ensures that the population remains intellectually stunted. This prevents the poor from seeking alternative solutions or questioning the status quo.

Suppressing Innovation: An uneducated populace is less likely to innovate or pursue entrepreneurial ventures, thereby limiting economic growth and maintaining the cycle of poverty.

1 month ago


"Suppressing Innovation: An uneducated populace is less likely to innovate or pursue entrepreneurial ventures, thereby limiting economic growth and maintaining the cycle of poverty."

I disagree with this assertion.
Lim Goh Tong was uneducated but he established a great business entity.
Likewise, there are many "uneducated" prodigy who hire Ph.Ds and degree holders to run their business.
There are many educated professionals who warm the seat and waits for the end of month remuneration and delivering nothing.

1 month ago


yes, its called educated to oblivion.

1 month ago


Confucian doctrine..........educate people to be government officials.

never say any thing about businessman and risk taking. , entrepreneurship

1 month ago


don't need anyone to certify you before u can be good capitalist.

1 month ago


How many PhD graduates per year in Malaysia?
He said that based on the data of the graduate tracer study, a total of 25,014 Malaysian PhD graduates completed their studies from 2011 to last year whereas, in 2022 alone, 2,872 graduates were recorded.

of the 25,000 PhD how many are STEM graduates? future scientists? technologists? engineers? well, Malaysia is not China la.

1 month ago


educated to oblivion and researching useless stuffs on free money.

1 month ago


Ph.Ds without any research paper. 😂

1 month ago

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