Stock Pick Year 2014

Stock Pick Year 2014 - TOC

Tan KW
Publish date: Sat, 07 Dec 2013, 12:31 AM
Tan KW
0 484,895
A blog to collect Stock Pick 2014 from i3 members

This blog post will be serve as the TOC for Stock Pick 2014 from i3 members

  1. Mr. Ooi Teik BeePortfolio, Analysis    
  2. kcchongnz: PortfolioAnalysis
  3. 爱丽斯 梦幻世界 : Portfolio
  4. AndyKah : Portfolio
  5. thundercat: Portfolio & Analysis
  6. intelligent_investor : Portfolio
  7. skyland : Portfolio
  8. growthinvestor : Portfolio
  9. Tan KWPortfolio
  10. YiStock : Portfolio
  11. Fat Cat Tim Buddy : Portfolio
  12. soojinhou : Portfolio
  13. jester : Portfolio
  14. HJey : Portfolio
  15.  WiseEye : Portfolio


You are most welcome to join the Stock Pick and share your knowledge.
Let's assume you will have 100k cash on your hand and you will have to buy and hold the stock pick by you for a duration of 1 year.
 - Period: Now - 31-Dec-2014
 - You can provide the stock pick (with the reason, e.g., and allocate your fund to the particular stock (e.g.
 - Your portfolio and analysis will be created and a link will be added in this TOC post.
 - For each transaction, we shall apply 0.1% brokerage fee (min RM8) + other misc fee as per i3investor portfolio tools standard
 - no margin, or borrowing... the available cash is your trading limit
-  dividend, stock split, bonus issue, etc.... will be recorded and it will be part of your profit, please leave the comments on your portfolio during or after the ex-Date. I shall record the entitlement on\after the ex-date to reflect the portfolio performance.
Whoever interest to participate, please leave your stock pick (with the reason, e.g., and allocate your fund to the particular stock (e.g. on this thread. I hope that more people can join this new stock pick challenge and we can learn from each others... 
Happy Investing...


p/s: Please take note that I am not organize a "trading" game as I found that I do not have time to manage it. In view of that, this is mainly a stock pick and we are using a buy and hold strategy. It will be good if any of the member would like to organize the trading challenge and I am happy to join in as participant.  You may want to refer to this post -  if you are interest to manage the transaction on the challenge.

You may interest on Year 2013 Stock Pick on

Or the Year 2013 trading challenge on

More articles on Stock Pick Year 2014
5 people like this. Showing 50 of 120 comments


Milopanas since u r superbly good in evaluating others, why dont u create ur own stocks selection for Tankw? Im sure we all can learn from u as well..

2014-05-07 14:08


1 stock saja pilihan thundercat and jenis stock ialah cf.persoalan yg sama,warrant utk short term dan ta mugnkin lebih sesuai.

2014-05-07 14:09


AndyKah pilih 2 stock paling hot di market,dsonic dan ecoworld.kaedah ini buat dia untung besar.patutkah kita mengejar stock paling panas di market utk cari untung?rugi teruk di warrant juga.

2014-05-07 14:12


爱丽斯 梦幻世界 pilih 3 consumer stock dari 9 dan 2 stock reit.5 untung 4 rugi tapi 2 reit pun untung.

2014-05-07 14:16


10 stock pilihan otb dgn mix warrant dan mother.inari wa penyumbang terbesar.sudah cover semalam.

2014-05-07 14:17


scgm dividend rm1000

2014-07-07 21:10


cmmt dividend rm1132.50

2014-08-14 21:49


scgm dividend rm200

2014-10-21 14:00


sudah lama tak review...kena lah review

2014-10-29 15:30


Haha.. My stockpick so amateur when I look back at it..
Well.. It just mean I am learning :)

2014-10-29 15:32


no 1 dan no 2 ialah ooi teik bee dan growthinvestor.dua orang pun kira dividend sekali.tapi ooi teik bee price quote mashi dec13.dulu sudah cakap advantage sudah sana.hari ini tak mau kira betul betul...lain kali baru kira

2014-10-29 15:40


no 3 ialah skyland.bonus issue dan dividend belum kira.untung sekarang ialah 121,910

2014-10-29 15:42


no 4 soojinhou.dividend belum kira.126,320

2014-10-29 15:44


no 5,6 dan 7 antara 3 orang ini.andykah 115,475,hjey 121,458 dan intelligent_investor 109,978.bonus issue dan dividend pun belum kira..banyak kena kira

2014-10-29 15:47


no,8,9,10 dan 11 antara 4 orang ini. 爱丽斯 梦幻世界 108,476,tankw 106,629,jester 107,600 dan wiseeye 104,198..cuma 爱丽斯 梦幻世界 ada kira dividend.yg lain belum kira bonus dan dividend.besar kemungkinan no 11 ialah 爱丽斯 梦幻世界..kita tengok nanti..

2014-10-29 15:53


no 12 thundercat 100,000 tepat

2014-10-29 15:54


no 13 dan no 14 antara dua orang iaitu yistock 77,819 dan fatcat 83,311...

2014-10-29 15:55


overall cuma 2 orang rugi daripada 14 orang.tapi mari lihat stock pilihan mereka...

2014-10-29 15:56


stock ooi teik bee paling untung ialah hapseng wa

2014-10-29 15:58


stock 爱丽斯 梦幻世界 paling untung ialah ofi

2014-10-29 15:59


stock andykah paling untung ialah ecoworld

2014-10-29 16:00


thundercat stock steady saja

2014-10-29 16:01


stock intelligent_investor paling untung ialah cbip

2014-10-29 16:02


stock skyland paling untung ialah cbip

2014-10-29 16:02


stock growthinvestor paling untung ialah hapseng wa

2014-10-29 16:04


stock tankw paling untung ialah ptaras

2014-10-29 16:05


yistock dan fatcat takde untung

2014-10-29 16:06


stock soojinhou paling untung inari

2014-10-29 16:08


stock jester paling untung ialah ksl

2014-10-29 16:09


stock hjey paling untung ialah hapseng

2014-10-29 16:09


stock wiseeye paling untung ialah ghl

2014-10-29 16:10


mari tengok summary sekarang

2014-10-29 16:10


stock paling cun sampai hari ini ialah hapseng wa,inari wa,scgm dan ada 4 stock ini mesti sudah cun

2014-10-29 16:15


sudah mau tamat game tak bagus tapi siapa boleh last..mari tengok apa yg menarik game ini.

2014-11-18 10:56


kalau tengok begini..orang fa sudah menang sebab ta tak boleh 1 tahun hold lama lama

2014-11-18 11:01


dari fa boleh tengok 3 stail lain...satu ikut news semasa,satu growth investing,satu lagi value investing..

2014-11-18 11:03


paling cun ialah combination news semasa dan growth investing...value investing sudah kalah teruk kali ini..kalau ikut news saja mesti mau ta..

2014-11-18 11:05


2 peserta dgn nama 2 stail yg jelas lain ialah growthinvestor dan intelligent_investor..pernah baca intelligent_investor formula dan article tapi terbukti mesti tau news juga...kalua ada orang beli ifcamsc sudah confirm menang semua...

2014-11-18 11:09


tapi tahniah kepada semua peserta yg share mereka punya stock

2014-11-18 11:12


conclusion...semua koyak habis kecuali thundercat.hjey koyak sikit...esok lihat berapa lagi kena koyak..tunggu esok...

2014-12-01 17:12


semua koyak lagi...cuma thundercat,hjey dan growthinvestor belum koyak...

2014-12-02 13:20


market koyak hari hari.top3 setakat hari ini.top3 ada satu kesamaan iaitu hapseng.stockpick paling cun 2014 ialah hapseng...lihat market koyak 1 minggu siapa masih steady...

2.ooi teik bee

2014-12-03 19:32


utk rekod ooi teik bee cost price tukar kpd 2 jan 2014.macam ini baru adil...ada bagi diskaun sebab i tak kira buying cost...ikut 2 jan harga seperti harga growthinvestor,kita boleh lihat ooi teik sudah kalah kalau advantage takde...

harga 2 jan dan harga otb bulan dis13

hapseng wa 1.26 (otb 1.042)
hevea 1.39 (otb 0.942)
homeriz 0.675 (otb 0.556)
inari wa 1.22 (otb 1.132)
insas 0.88 (otb 0.922)
latitude 2.07 (otb 1.764)
puncak wb 2.40 (otb 2.195)
tas 1.15 (otb 1.103)
tguan 2.10 (otb 1.904)
wtk 1.32 (otb 1.223)

2014-12-09 14:26


semua koyak habis.sekarang cuma 4 peserta masih untung...1 minggu lagi akan tinggal berapa yg untung...tunggu dan lihat..sudah mau finale.

2.ooi teik bee

2014-12-15 18:02


ada perubahan top3.ooi teik bee turun ke3 hjey naik ke2. ooi teik bee total 117,882.5 ikut harga 2 jan.hjey punya belum tambah dividend.hjey banyak dividend.finale yg tak disangka.apa yg akan kalau market terus jatuh....menarik.

3.ooi teik bee

2014-12-16 19:54


sudah mau tamat.3 hari 3 sekarang.

1. growthinvestor
2. ooi teik bee
3. hjey

2014-12-27 14:01


boleh lihat bila bull market,banyak peserta untung.yang biasa pun nampak bagus.

Posted by milopanas > May 7, 2014 01:32 PM | Report Abuse X

ok.let start with overview dulu.14 orang,10 untung lebih dari market index.4 rugi below market.ini maksud 71% orang i3 untung dgn tactic buy hold sekarang.terbukti buy hold boleh.

2014-12-27 14:03


tapi bila bear market,kita boleh lihat siapa yang betul bagus.bagi saya,cuma 4 peserta saja.

growthinvestor,ooi teik bee,hjey,skyland

2014-12-27 14:07


in a bull market,almost anyone can make money.but in a sideways markets,a good stock picker can make money when no one else does.

tahniah kepada 4 stockpicker yang betul bagus!

2014-12-27 14:09

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