The stock market will go up to the end of March ,
Created by chansifu | Nov 18, 2018
By reading chart, you able to figure out how oil price will go? April is determining month, many shale companies will reevaluate again by banks on their credit worthiness and further lending capacity. And Saudi will not give up this opportunity easily, coming march meeting in Moscow is just a show, neutral or bad news more likely and will put further pressure on oil price. Dont bet on crude if you do not understand the whole dynamic.
2016-03-07 04:05
以图论股只是分享,之前油价跌到usd 26.20.我認为是低部时,也有许多人認为不可能反弹.有专家还推测会跌到usd 20以下.结果....油价反弹到USD 36.当然,图表也没有100%对.那就让市场告诉我们答案.我始终認为如果要成为赢家必须站在10%赢家立场的思维.
2016-03-07 08:45
re: AhBeng Beng, agree with you... Saudi will make sure they make most of their competitions bankcrupt first... a forex guy helped me to do a simulation, found USD41 oil price is a massive resistance... 3 targets this year on the low - USD25, USD20 or USD16 by this summer...
2016-03-08 14:09
陈师傅, 可惜的是,10%赢家立场的思维是属于那些看跌的人,我相信那些看涨的应该属于大众。连那鸡都知道油价会跌到20usd左右,因为沙地好朋友告诉他。
2016-03-09 03:53
Forget it, will stay low forever
2016-03-07 00:46