Make Your Money Work For You

The Rules Of 72.

Alan Young
Publish date: Fri, 09 Aug 2013, 03:55 PM
Alan Young
0 1,080
DISCLAIMER: This is a personal weblog of a trader. All information provided here, including recommendations(if any) should be treated for reading purposes only. All the trades mentioned are the trader's own opinion only. This blog is not responsible for your gains nor does it share your losses. YOU TRADE AT YOUR OWN RISKS. YOUR ACTIONS IS YOUR FULL RESPONSIBILITY. By continuing using this weblog, you are deemed to have accepted the said terms and conditions.
How to makes your *Money* grows more .....

Example :

1) Putting money into FD ( says 4% a year ).

    Using the *Rules of 72*,your money will double up in 18 years.
     72 divide by 4% ( a year ) = 18 years.

2) Putting money into share investment,with a return of  8% a month.

    Using the *Rules of 72*,see what happens.....

     72 divide by 8% a mth.  = 9 mths. to double up.

It is obvious from the above that share investments will give you a better returns.

And not forgetting investing in properties also gives you good returns.

To be successful in trading shares,you needs to know the market well.You are

up against the *smartest and experienced*who think of ways and means to take

money away from you.You needs to have good knowledge (FA or TA),years

of experiences and a consistent winning strategy and not forgetting a lot of hard

works to achieve your dream of making more money.Trading in shares like

running your own business will more than often helps you to make the right decision.
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1 person likes this. Showing 2 of 2 comments


8 time 9 is 72 percent only. How come double.

2013-08-10 09:38


compound interest made it

2013-08-10 09:53

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