Trending Line

Last Struggle of KLCI

Jack Kong
Publish date: Wed, 26 Dec 2018, 01:53 AM

在上一周的这篇文章里有提过从KLSE 期货 (就是FKLI)观察到有多头介入,而这个介入的力量都有点超出我的预期相当强,将指数往上推突破层层的短线压力,直到圣诞节前夕碰到大颈线之处时,当天的量却缩小了,这或许是多头竭尽,而后续就必须要观察多头还能不能有推升指数之意了,毕竟 KLCI 已经逆势走了几天,一旦回补跌幅的力道可不小。

我认为一个大趋势的转变不会因为短线而改变,外围各个主要股票市场都已经大幅下跌,难道 KLCI 能独自置身事外?从月线来看,最好的情况就是守在大颈线之上,但却会留下一个"十"字形作为2018 年的收盘,这对于我来说是多头最后的挣扎。

金融板块是指数当中最重要的板块,以目前来看似摇摇欲坠,支撑在大概16987,那这会不会是压倒 KLCI最后的一根稻草?这个答案就让市场先生来告诉我吧。 

由于我不喜欢模拟两可的看法,那这次的标题就大大胆定为"KLCI 最后的挣扎" 吧!

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2018-12-26 07:07


No need to struggle. Institution can just buy RM20 million only to push up 50 points in KLCI

2018-12-26 08:43


KLCI all just illusion...local big fund kasi push itu blue chip then index looks cantik ady, but behind all small-mid cap already dead 40-60%... I hope it dropped more.... illusion dont last long...

2018-12-26 08:56

Jack Kong

No matter how local big fund can push the index, but all these need money to sustain, Once the bullet gone, then KLCI will free fall... Unless, QE 2.0 come again.

2019-01-03 03:03

Jack Kong

@Limbeh, Ya, it was a illusion and local boy is supporting the index which i believe is requested by gov, But once the illusion gone then we know who is naked... If i got time i will share the MAYBANK and PBBANK trend which obvious that no more money to follow up.

2019-01-03 03:37

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