Philip ( buy what you understand)

sleepywolf | Joined since 2017-11-22

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2019-09-08 19:32 | Report Abuse

A review for long term investors. How holding for the long term can benefit.



2019-09-08 07:18 | Report Abuse

For once Calvin ta n has made good research on Baltic index and it's effects on shipping companies. However as usual he doesn't dig deep enough and get the right companies to invest in.

Either that or he has a smokescreen going.

We ask know maybulk is not the main proxy to bulk carriers. They only have handyman and supermax and a few old panamax.

But 70% of index is dominated by the biggest ships the capesize with huge dwt of more than 100k tonnes. Those are the ones enjoying the huge profit margins recently

As usual we need to understand the shipping industry clearly.

1. The best companies are those with good long term contracts. In these case charters from vales iron ore mine startup in South America sending to China bypassing Panama canal.
2. The bigger the ship, the lower the costs of delivery and operational expenses. It is true there has been a huge consolidation and selloff of old ships to comply with new rules and just general building of the newer more efficient ships.
3. Maybulk is a non profitable bulk carrier company. It is true that it will make some money from the rise and the supply increase from commodities, but that is just a temporary short term action.
4. We should look to the wonderful drybulk shipping company that has been profitable even through the lean years, with superior management, good profit margin, fantastic locations and charters. That is what we should be buying with the recent increase in the Baltic dry index.

I am sure Calvin tan knows which company I am talking about.

Thanks Calvin for sharing this idea, even a broken clock can be right twice a day. I have just added to my portfolio a new non bursa stock.


2019-09-08 07:07 | Report Abuse

Very simple answer to why yinson is valued so much higher than armada.

1. Has yinson defaulted on their perpetual loan? Is armada in default of its loan? Is it able to pay back the loan by November or MUST negotiate? When a company is forced to do things, that is when banks know they have them by the balls and can squeeze out any contractual agreement.

2. Why did armada default? Could it be the interest repayments are too high? Could it be the jobs they win are not enough to even pay back the interest repayments?

3. For armada to be a big fish soon they need to settle the 11.5 billion debt into manageable profitable business. Is this even doable with the current market environment?

4. You want to think that armada is yinson up to you, buy don't go around saying that yinson is worse than armada. It just make you look cheap and bad.

How about your sapura rm3 in 3 years 3 months? No more singing the same song?

How about INSAS rm0.9 by August 31? Failed attempt also? Now push to rm1 in February? Or become July?

Or how about your hengyuan intrinsic value margin safety rm35? How many kids you have to tell before we know what kind of investor you are?

Face the facts myvi boy, you throw numbers around like they mean something, but you have zero credibility.


Posted by stockraider > Sep 7, 2019 4:34 PM | Report Abuse







U will notice that Armada profit has exceeded yinson for the past 2 latest qtr loh.....!! Armada will be a big fish again soon mah..!

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2019-09-07 23:28 | Report Abuse

The most confusing thing to me is individuals who sell or refuse to buy excellent companies just because the pe is too high, believing that lower pe stocks will have a chance to run up and have a potential to perform Vs stock that has already "performed".

This is erroneous thinking.

It would be better to use the concept of investing now for a share of the future income of a group of individuals that just graduated university. Do we suddenly sell the rights for the top student in university that was accepted in a big company as management just because he has already performed? Is his future days already over at this point? It may be so, but to transfer our investment to one of the lesser graduates of the group just because he was not accepted in a big company or received a job yet just because of the potential of becoming one is silly.

Cream always rises to the top. Excellent companies that perform usually theme to continue to perform, while the mediocre ones tend to stay mediocre, no matter the potential.

Why not invest in the rubber company with 25% world market share? Or invest in the biggest nitrile glove manufacturer instead? Either topglove or hartalega would outshine kossan any day. In the long term this will be even more clear.


2019-09-07 16:03 | Report Abuse

This is not the first time stockraider ha been caught to his face trying to lie through his teeth.

His logic however is insane.

He thinks short term debt that was due in April and now extended to November 2019 to pay back full payment is the same as a perpetual loan that is due in 999 years.

His argument is if cannot pay the interest then all loans are the same. I laugh at his foolishness and his lack of understanding between bad debt and good debt.

But of course he cannot stand the fact that I am a long term investor of YINSON, while he is a small time ikan bilis driving a myvi and acting as if he is a biggest minority shareholder of INSAS.

But such is the actions of tin kosong who interprets financial reports in a special (retarded) way.


1. Armada gearing is about the same as YINSON can u say armada highly leverage and yinson is not leh ??


2019-09-07 07:27 | Report Abuse

If you look at history, one of the biggest reasons America went to war of independence from Britain is due to the backbreaker taxes and interests piled on by the bank of England. In the end the debt kept increasing and increasing until war because inevitable.

Bumi armada extension of debt repayment came under a very heavy cost, exchanging a reprieve of time to restructure its debts with a more onerous long term deal.

It's like that myvi driving kid who just started working and had his first credit card. He puts 11k on his card and soon realized all his hard work only serves to pay off the credit card debt and not his principal amount.

Bumi armada is struggling just to pay off the interests whole barely touching the principal amount.

Worse still, the toys and rolexes that he bought that he thought would be worth a lot of money if he resold them received a rude awakening when no one wants to buy those unutilised assets.

Things actually get worse when he sells the assets, his impairments and NTA goes straight down destroying value, and if he doesn't sell the assets he can't make payments.

How now brown cow?


Posted by ckca > Sep 7, 2019 6:51 AM | Report Abuse

you people are so good at your calculations, go and calculate how to ever solve the RM11.5 billion every growing debts ? All of you say so many things, ca go up 30sen lah, big FPSO market lah, oil price go up lah.. BUT can the RM11.5 billion fast growing debt be fixed ?

At first I thought only RM10 billion, suddenly I got a shock today.. people say already RM11.5 billion. Increase by RM1.5 billion... did Armada sell Perdana FPSO for RM1.5 billion to cover that debt increase ?

Still got another idle FPSO Claire for sales,by the time they sell Claire... how much more the debt would have increased ?


2019-09-05 09:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by (HK1997 again) Philip > Sep 4, 2019 9:15 PM | Report Abuse X

Your track record.

Calvin tan eng Yee angry I am posting and meeting track of his portfolio.

Calvin you are free to take a look at my portfolio at any time.

I'm sorry you didn't get to buy and hold QL for many many years and enjoy excellent growing dividend and profits.


2019-09-05 09:46 | Report Abuse

Calvin tan as a pastor of city harvest church does not understand real world mechanics or the meaning of the word sarcasm.


News & Blogs

2019-09-05 09:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by (HK1997 again) Philip > Sep 4, 2019 9:15 PM | Report Abuse X

Your track record.

Calvin tan eng Yee angry I am posting and meeting track of his portfolio.

Calvin you are free to take a look at my portfolio at any time.


2019-09-05 09:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by (HK1997 again) Philip > Sep 4, 2019 9:15 PM | Report Abuse X

Your track record.

Calvin tan eng Yee angry I am posting and meeting track of his portfolio.

Calvin you are free to take a look at my portfolio at any time.


2019-09-05 09:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by (HK1997 again) Philip > Sep 4, 2019 9:15 PM | Report Abuse X

Your track record.

Calvin tan eng Yee angry I am posting and meeting track of his portfolio.

Calvin you are free to take a look at my portfolio at any time.


2019-09-05 09:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by (HK1997 again) Philip > Sep 4, 2019 9:15 PM | Report Abuse X

Your track record.

Calvin tan eng Yee angry I am posting and meeting track of his portfolio.

Calvin you are free to take a look at my portfolio at any time.


2019-09-05 09:39 | Report Abuse

(HK1997 again) Philip

This is Calvin tan deep value portfolio for 2019. You can judge for yourself his long term performance.

Just ignore him when he says he has future sight and knows when to buy and sell and buy back exactly. His kps drop like a rock, business really crashing, after big dividend entire business gone down the drain.

But he says he made 20k.

Incredible! I assume he made money in TALAMT as well.
05/09/2019 9:38 AM


2019-09-05 09:38 | Report Abuse

This is Calvin tan deep value portfolio for 2019. You can judge for yourself his long term performance.

Just ignore him when he says he has future sight and knows when to buy and sell and buy back exactly. His kps drop like a rock, business really crashing, after big dividend entire business gone down the drain.

But he says he made 20k.

Incredible! I assume he made money in TALAMT as well.


2019-09-05 09:34 | Report Abuse

Your buy stocks based on share price? I thought you buy based on deep assets and value investing? Why everyday shifting goal posts? When I buy or hold depends on business fundamentals first, price second, when I bought pchem did 4 billion and 1 billion in EARNINGS. It was cheap at 8.15.
Now it is still doing 4 billion and 1 billion in EARNINGS. It is a discount day at 6.83. did we have a reduction in profit and announcement of losses? What justifies your idea of "collapse"?

Oh wait, you are the one leading sorchai to buy TALAMT at 9 cents and protasco and karambunai.

Why don't you just stick to your pastor work at city harvest church and wait for Kong hee to retire?

That way you can actually earn money.


2019-09-05 00:06 | Report Abuse

Pchem collapsing? Don't make me laugh. 50 billion dollar company with 4.3 billion in revenue and 1.1 billion in profit AFTER TAX and a horde of cash behind it.

I am just enjoying collecting my 11 +18 cents dividend since February when I started buying at 8.15 and using it to buy more at cheap discounts.

What did your stock do? Oh wait, here is your track record.


2019-09-04 23:49 | Report Abuse

The more I read the sicker I get. Same kind as Stockraider. Can airways predict bottom and top infinite accuracy? Incredible loser skills. Great sage of liars.


2019-09-04 21:13 | Report Abuse

Hi Patrick13, I am glad that Gkent did not win any new construction contract as their funds and efforts should be concentrated in completing the 16 billion contract that they have already won. If they take action to spread themselves too thin and take jobs that they cannot complete that would be worrying for me. I like management's that know their limits and capabilities. You don't always have to take new jobs that you may end up losing money on and doing low margins.

Case in point uzma, take so many jobs high cost, high revenue high risk low margins.

Id much rather a net cash company take on unique jobs where they have an advantage and build a reputation for quality instead

News & Blogs

2019-09-03 16:49 | Report Abuse

Salary deduction guaranteed? No collateral as long as government worker is a safe bet? Many have said and many have been broken.

False assumptions to equate government workers as a guaranteed high quality resource.

If you assume just because it's a government worker then definitely will be a safe bet no need to worry no need collateral, then you deserve to lose every cent of you're investment.

News & Blogs

2019-09-03 14:28 | Report Abuse

Read deeper into the financial statements, don't get fooled by the nice sounding business introduction or the nice looking covers. For a annual report/qr the important points has always been the last few back pages, the balance sheets, the notes and the errata.
Why don't you read again properly, how much of the loan book breakdown is like. How many percent is loans for corporate financing, how much is for house loans, how much is for personal financing.


The automative land of 200 million yes secure.

The corporate financing and projected yes secure.

The housing loans yes secure.



if you want the truth do you listen to your pastor Kong hee, management of city harvest? Or the audited accounts of city harvest itself?

You need to use your eyes, ears and brains to invest wisely.

I'm sure the management of city harvest church is right and the entire 99% Singapore government is wrong.

I hope your church members still visit you in the penitentiary.


2019-09-03 14:13 | Report Abuse

a billion in revenue this year , 50 million in earnings this quarter, good growth despite the drop in margins. Is the palm oil price drop a temporary or sign or permanence? In my opinion it is temporary due to Western view of Palm oil as a resource. This will recover in due course and prices will definitely go up to 2.5k - 2.8k sooner or later as ql builds more market share. Surimi growth of 30% and 50% is definitely expected to grow even further in next few years and especially far profits expected during the Tokyo Olympics. As for ilf growth, contrast that with earnings forecast from LHI and other poultry suppliers.

The thing about being the lowest cost producer: you can grow market share, bring costs lower and monopolize market while your competitors have to fight at your price level, making big losses or losing market share.

You start to notice what a wonderful company QL is when all its major competitors

Teoseng ( qoq drop 76%)
Leong hup ( drop 76%)
Layhong ( drop 67%)

Are doing badly, and QL is still growing and growing and growing.

It is like that 11,000 hectare Palm oil plantations with 3 mills setting the market price while the smallholder with 200 hectares and doesn't have is own mill having to sell their produce at a much lower rate to the big bully.

I don't see the circumstances changes for the next 10 years.

Results on target? Definitely.

Growth triggers still in play? Of course.

Family mart is like 7-11 a huge volume game that increases profitability the bigger the coverage. With a huge coverage it will be hard to crack. This kind of monopolistic criteria takes time to build up, but when it does, it can mint money for your grand children.


2019-09-03 08:33 | Report Abuse

Buy high at 89 cents and keep dropping to 0.675 and can still make 20k? Amazing! Sifu. Whatever you say.


2019-09-03 08:01 | Report Abuse

I believe Calvin bought at 80 cents and still holding until now.

News & Blogs

2019-09-03 07:01 | Report Abuse

On the non performing loans ration, as a comparison, mbsb is at 1.3%, while Hong Leong as an example is at 0.87%.

What did this mean? Taken as an example

Mbsb total 36 billion of loans, non performing is around 468 million every year. 1.3%

Hong leong total 137 billion of loans, non performance of 0.87% is around 1.19 billion.

Using the same ratio, if mbsb grew its b40 loan book ( which is almost impossible to grow further without increasing the NPL and seriously undermining the business).

If you think banks are a guaranteed pot of gold, I invite you to look at the list of defunct and BANKrupt banks in the history of Malaysia and Singapore, and the exact reasons as to what happened. The reason are all the same, foolhardy loans to foolhardy individuals done at greedy rates which exploded when they least expected it.

Good luck in your investing life Calvin.

News & Blogs

2019-09-03 06:39 | Report Abuse

If I may answer 3iii simple question for Calvin tan to educate him, when I look at Banks for investment I use this mental model as the basis. How many people give me money to borrow ( which determines how strong I am when there is a crisis), who and what forms of lending am I giving ( which determines how safe my loans are), and how high are my non performing loans ( which determines how much real income I actually make, as banks love to delay putting npl losses on their books as it affects profit and loss).

In mbsb case, their biggest customer group is the b40 segment. In latest quarterly financials, they are borrowing 20 billion for PERSONAL FINANCING, 9.9 billion for corporate loans and financing, 5.7 billion for property loans and mortgage financing and 208 million for auto financing. Basically the safest segments property and mortgage is only 5.7 while the riskiest segment is 20 billion.

20 billion in outstanding loans to b40 individuals for PERSONAL FINANCING. Does Calvin tan needs a dictionary to define what personal financing means? In times of crisis, how much of this 20 billion can we collateralise? What is the NPL ( borrowers run away, declare bankruptcy, or straight up not pay) for this 20 billion. Please just don't look at the profits, we need to look at the loan portfolio risk.

Then touch your heart and ask yourself sincerely, if a bank gives you fixed deposit rate of 3.8% and uses it for loans to this group instead of the corporate loans (like lending to topglove,ql,hartalega, Sunway, hapseng, etc), would you really feel comfortable putting money here instead of into backs like Hong Leong, Maybank and public Bank?


3iii Calvin has not enlighten us why this financial institution is trading at below its book value.
31/08/2019 8:29 AM

News & Blogs

2019-09-03 06:13 | Report Abuse

Added Calvin tan mbsb stock selection to his portfolio list. Please advise which of the stocks in your followed lost that you are no longer into so I can edit and adjust your performance. If you have free time, also do advice the percentage of Holdings for each of your held stocks so we can understand your confidence level and belief in each stock.


2019-09-03 06:01 | Report Abuse

I know the IB who wrote this analyst report regarding uzma, I have a had a discussion on this and agree fully. Staying away and avoiding this sick stock as the results are flash in the pan and cannot be sustained. No dividends, no growth, no reinvestment, no firm contract signed

Calvin seems to be confident, but there are far more capable companies with better financing to deal with this " growth" of orders, which is unconfirmed that uzma will get at good profit margins.

The business is hard and many hungry competitors willing to work just to pay off debts and worker salaries. Why would uzma enjoy high profits and get priority of labor intensive work when many competitors are around?

High revenues, big orders, very very low margins = big losses looming.

One lesson in business, once you drop your prices for your products, it becomes very very hard to bring it back up. As oil and gas firms start tasting lower cost suppliers and contractors that do the same job as the expensive ones used to do, it becomes very hard to convince them to pay more, especially for simple labor intensive work with no specialties involved. Have you ever been invoiced in a decommissioning work before? It hardly requires any talent, and any risk and accidents is not borne by Petronas. In fact, if any accidents occur, you will be redlight and removed from vendor list

FYI if you think you are smarter than everyone and are always right, you need to explore back your stock track record to see if your results match your confidence.

You promoted uzma at 0.805 and watched it dropped to 0.5+ and now up to 0.6+. The business fundamentals have not changed, only your perception.

You still believe world is flat? Even after 99% of the world days it is round? Then how to go to USA if you think you will sail off the edge at any time? Pitiful city harvest pastor wannabe. Stop leading your friends and family into the valley of darkness. It is not fair to them at all.


The results are below our projections though above consensus, accounting for 85.8% and 124.6% of full-year estimates respectively. The drag on this year’s performances were mainly due to lower earnings recognition in 1Q and 3Q resulting from i) higher operating cost, ii) weaker JV and associate contributions, and iii) downtime in two key earnings contributors – D18 and UzmAPRESS. We maintain our FY20-21 forecast as we think projections are already conservative, while also introducing our FY22 projection with YoY earnings growth of 18.8%. Our TP of RM0.57 based on 10x multiple to FY20 EPS remains unchanged. We retain our Underperform call considering its earnings outlook being less exciting at this juncture.


2019-09-03 05:36 | Report Abuse

Hi sohai minority shareholder. So now move goalposts again? Ok la watch see how you can play, but this one not very fair again but let you enjoy la. First you say February after the warrants expire it will go up to rm1, so if people buy the warrants to dilute the share price down you stress, don't buy you also stress. How la? Now say July only it will go up to rm1? Every day change story, any sorry story in your life is real?

Philip doesn't change goalpost. When I say pchem is worth rm 10 at least is after completion and production run of IPIC, which is guaranteed to boosts earnings for PCHEM with new products for different markets like aromatics for skincare and beauty industry ( high margin), specialty chemicals for new businesses like lubricants, sealants and others for new markets in Asia ( instead of import from 3M and Europe and USA all the time).

Do you know what is PIC? Don't know? Then good log, you don't need to buy any pchem stock. Please stick to your shifting goalposts.

Your myvi already send for service? Mr biggest minority shareholder of INSAS?


Posted by stockraider > Aug 31, 2019 1:19 PM | Report Abuse

This sohai veli talkcock veli panlai loh...!!

Yes raider says Insas can go up to Rm 0.90 by 31 august and above rm 1.00 in july but imagine within 1 mth rm 0.90 and within 6 mths above rm 1.00, the ultimate goal is still above rm 1.00 mah, why need to harp on temporary short term setback leh ??

I remember Philip says Pchem can go Rm 10.00, what happen leh ??

Also look at sohai Philip QL still underperform against raider insas and charles MNRB loh...!!
Why sohai Philip umderperform if he say he is so panlai leh ??

Philip comment,
HK1997 again) Philip Really a sohai everyday moving goalposts, how to become investor? Last time say hengyuan rm35 deep value, then say insas rm0.9 before merdeka, now say rm1, everyday change story and bullshit all the way.

How to become biggest MINORITY SHAREHOLDER OF INSAS? Everyday lie like Calvin tan also? How many lies can you tell before everyone gives up on you?


2019-09-03 05:28 | Report Abuse

Perhaps Calvin tan needs to go back to school or read a dictionary? ( Dictionary has nothing to do with being a dick btw Calvin).

Learn to pronounce
noun: arbitration; plural noun: arbitrations
the use of an arbitrator to settle a dispute.
"Tayside Regional Council called for arbitration to settle the dispute"
synonyms: adjudication, mediation, mediatorship, negotiation, conciliation, intervention, interceding, interposition, peacemaking; More
go to arbitration — use an arbitrator to settle a dispute.
"the trust and consortium are likely to go to arbitration"

Arbitration and suing are 2 totally different things. They just wanted to confirm how financing for the bigger portion of the project is to be done ( last time PDP partner no need to do stress on financing, now become one stop shop different story. Still no understand, how to buy stocks?)

How did arbitration suddenly become court case? Sue JV partner for what?

Want to pursue your lame duck uzma with imagined orders and numbers ( with no binding contract awarded to it from Petronas, only provisional?)

Or your lame duck mbsb with the most horrible loan portfolio which is sure to suffer catastrophic losses as the property glut starts killing more developers building and hoping to sell their expensive properties but unable to service their interest commitments to mbsb,

I wonder who is the stupid ones?

Mind telling me what happen to your portfolio? Can still trust? Did you Ajay cut loss or holding on to sell to kids? Is that the real reason you are selling your houses to finance stocks?

Still holding on to your kps? After buy and get your dividend did you sell out continue holding as it crash by 83 cents after your recommendation on the dividend still drop more than 50 cents. Same line your talam Kueh, promote 8 cents 2016, then 5.5 cents, then 4.5 cents, now 3.5 cents scared but still buy 100 lots ( rm 350), buy for what?


Posted by calvintaneng > Sep 2, 2019 3:33 PM | Report Abuse

Don't be so stupid like qqq

Cannot buy gkent for these reasons

1) Najib crony stock gkent finished when BN finished!

2) Gkent suing Mrcb also another stupid act as Mrcb got Minister of Finance inside as shareholders

How to get future jobs leh?

Better sell gkent for Uzma or Mbsb Bank

Uzma got petronas Rm20 billions upstream jobs booster while Mbsb Bank got low interest margin factor


2019-09-03 05:04 | Report Abuse

Hi little liar Stockraider, please check when I bought and when I started" recommending"? I bought the stock at 1.12 on 25 February and have already enjoyed a dividend round of 35k on my investment. All my details are in my online trackable portfolio. I don't lie and tell fake sorry like your 31stv August prediction rm0.9 for INSAS. Still waiting for your warrants to expire worthless? When I buy, I don't simply sell just because make ikan bilis profit. I sell when the business fundamental changes or a bigger competitor appears.

That's why you drive myvi. And Calvin tan always goes back to Holland to eat TALAMT Kueh.

What happen leh??? Lrt3 not yet even complete, still got many years to claim back the progress claim billing of 16 billion.

I recommend stock at 1.3? I got proof you are a fake investor airways borrowing money from your children to play your stock games got la.

Your Deep value hengyuan rm45 how ah now?


Posted by stockraider > Sep 2, 2019 11:46 AM | Report Abuse

Sohai Philip recommend gkent was Rm 1.30 only Rm 1.05 loh...!!

What happen leh ????


2019-08-31 06:35 | Report Abuse

Really a sohai everyday moving goalposts, how to become investor? Last time say hengyuan rm35 deep value, then say insas rm0.9 before merdeka, now say rm1, everyday change story and bullshit all the way.

How to become biggest MINORITY SHAREHOLDER OF INSAS? Everyday lie like Calvin tan also? How many lies can you tell before everyone gives up on you?


stockraider Correctloh...insas is up slightly above rm 0.80 only mah...!!

The key is that it should exceed Rm 1.00 by 20 feb 2019 loh...!


2019-08-31 06:35 | Report Abuse

Really a sohai everyday moving goalposts, how to become investor? Last time say hengyuan rm35 deep value, then say insas rm0.9 before merdeka, now say rm1, everyday change story and bullshit all the way.

How to become biggest MINORITY SHAREHOLDER OF INSAS? Everyday lie like Calvin tan also? How many lies can you tell before everyone gives up on you?


stockraider Correctloh...insas is up slightly above rm 0.80 only mah...!!

The key is that it should exceed Rm 1.00 by 20 feb 2019 loh...!


2019-08-28 12:42 | Report Abuse

Poor Stockraider.


2019-08-28 12:10 | Report Abuse

Oversupply and reduce on demand is silly if we take PCHEM entire business in view.

Take a look at the profit margins and demand of pchem urea fertilizer and tell me how oversupply is possible given the high profit margins.

Take a look at acquisition of da Vinci and the application of aromatics in beauty products industry. Look at the demand and profit margins there.

When you say plastic usages, you need to define what form of olefin you are talking about.

When you look at sunset industry, it is usually marked by low margins and bigger commodities volumes.

PCHEM has 25% net profit margins. This is higher than many technology industries, so called sunrise industry, which I deem unstable and very easily affected by change.


titus Philip, but the most worrisome part is the oversupply and reduce in demand. With the oversupply problem, ie; US & China petrochemical plant coming online, the output will be high. Also, the reduction of plastic usage will add salt to the wound. It might take many years to the demand to catch up. Is just like the steel counter. Local steel counter is suffering due to poor demand and over supply. Furthermore, with the Anta steel in production, it makes this worst. Hope you can share your opinion on this. Thanks.
28/08/2019 8:35 AM


2019-08-28 06:43 | Report Abuse

So far I have received 29 cents in dividends from my initial investment in February, now at rm6.9, it will soon be reaching 5% dividend yield for a blue chip stock. Buying even more with my dividends and extra margin. With good revenue and stable net profits, strong cash position, PIC completion and davinci acquisition, saying PCHEM will go bankrupt is the exact term of buy when people are selling, sell when everyone is buying. Averaging down here while waiting for trade war to end is a huge balancing trigger.
We need to thank trump for the opportunity to purchase more of a monopolistic company, and not shiver in fear when discounts are abound.

As usual plan after you the quarterly report comes out.


2019-08-28 06:31 | Report Abuse

Everyday bullshit and talk big. The more I listen to you talk the more I vomit. One of the biggest minority investor my @&&*#'.

Dive myvi admit la. No need to imagine so much. With your investing acumen it is hard to imagine you becoming biggest anything.





2019-08-27 12:03 | Report Abuse

I don't make predictions on share price and say I can buy and sell perfect timing like a stockGod.

But luckily got Stockraider he know everywhere where the stock going to go.

So funny, how come Forbes Malaysian 200 list don't have your name?


2019-08-27 09:19 | Report Abuse

Finally have details on calvintaneng conviction on TALAMT. 150 lots only at 3.5 Sen? After such heavy promotion? How embarrassing.


Aug 26, 2019 3:51 PM | Report Abuse

Talam kueh?

Calvin just bought 150 lots at 3.5 sen today

So happy to buy cheap


2019-08-27 06:57 | Report Abuse

With 3.85% yield on a microcap which share price the last 5 years has been stagnant, a company that has barely grown its revenue and earnings the last five years, what is there to like?

If you want a stable stock with 6+% dividend to hand over to the grandkids, Maybank is a perfect option.

If you want a strong stock that grown its revenue, earnings and share price the last 10 years with good dividends, hartalega would have been a wonderful choice.

You should try comparing the results of the choices you made versus the choices that you didn't make to understand the long term effects of your stockholdings.


2019-08-26 23:22 | Report Abuse

Stockraider so power he claim that:

1. Insas share price will hit rm0.90 by 31st August 2019.
2. Insas share price will hit rm1.00 by February 2020.
3. He drives a myvi because he is special like that.

I think only one of those statements is true, and even that statement is a half truth. Luckily we saw his big boast prediction before he delete his statement.

So if he can lie about the above, do we know if the bottom statements also true? I think only myvi driving despatch boy knows the truth ( and his total "investment" the 3 big round he make).

Good luck despatch boy on your predictions.

Just an advice. Those who really make money from share market never presume to know the share price, we instead look towards the business and earnings and revenue and margin of safety to play it safe whether price will go up or go down. But never so chun chun like you know exactly when to buy and sell and know exactly the date and the share price. Amazing!

That's why I always avoid investment bankers and despatch boys who keep asking me to buy their investment ideas and stock picks with cut loss and take profit figures.

Your bland how ah? Start to drop try from your predictions also?


I bought insas in 2006, with average of rm 0.26 in 2006 and continue buying upto rm 0.42 in 2007, and sold for staggering average Rm 0.78 in 2007.....a return more than 100% in about 1.5 yrs mah...!!

In 2008, i bought insas at average cost of Rm 0.33 but the share price collapse to as low as rm 0.20 in 2009, i continue averaging and buy more at the final average cost of rm 0.29, i manage to sold all at rm 0.53 in 2011 loh....again a gain of 82% in about 2 yrs loh...!!
Why i dare to average insas when it collapse to Rm 0.20 in 2009 leh ??
This is all bcos of margin of safety mah....!!

In 2012 to 2013, i again bought back insas heavily at average price of Rm 0.43 and manage to sold of all insas at average price of rm 1.04 betwwen 2015 to 2016 again more than 140% gain mah...!! A good lucrative return in less than 3 yrs period mah...!!


2019-08-25 11:01 | Report Abuse


This is the quality of your predictions.


Jun 26, 2019 8:08 PM | Report Abuse

The END is near

Right before Brazil confirmed 2 FPSO contracts to YINSON with billions of USD.



Jun 26, 2019 4:33 PM | Report Abuse

Maintained STRONG BUY at fair price of 10.00. The next MAHSING spotted.


Stay in school kids.


2019-08-25 10:33 | Report Abuse

LHI IPO at rm1.10. now today drop to 0.74, with downwards earnings guidance.

LHI why valuation so low? It is a second time IPO taken private before. Before privatisation how much was the market cap? How much premium did they ask at relisting?

Once bitten twice shy they say.

If management still the same, business still the same, performance also the same. Why would you expect outperformance?

QL has been outperformance for 20 years. Can we expect good management to continue? Definitely.


2019-08-25 10:22 | Report Abuse

Calvin tan record, he only tell to buy, but never tell to sell, his kps record speaks for itself. After kps destroys it's business, it becomes worth less than its value. How to sleep well at night when management is not shareholder, and because they are not shareholder they don't think with future in mind. Kps now with 75 cents. Thanks Calvin tan for recommending at 32 cents dividend, rm1.55 . After get dividend, drop like a rock.

Chun chun performance my ass.





2019-08-25 10:01 | Report Abuse

You have much to learn about business. LHI started business many many years before QL even began. But the quality of management is so much different is like heaven and earth.

After LHI do business for so many years....

1. Who has the family mart franchise?
2. Who expanded successfully into marine seafood and poultry from just a feedmill?
3. Who expanded successfully into Palm oil plantations ( with 12% margins in such bad Palm oil market environment?)
4. Who owns boilermech?
5. Who has consistently grown dividends, revenue and market share tremendously?

In 10 years from now, who will have the bigger revenue and earnings?

If you bought LHI at IPO I would laughed. Poultry market drop earnings drop 40%

QL shareholders sleep well at night. Poultry drop still got marine, marine drop still got palm oil. Palm oil drop still got family mart.

Every year amateurs talk as if they know how ql business works, thank God you don't own any. I get to top up every quarter.

I have been a shareholder since 2009. Holding until today. Laughing to the bank where my dividends every year more than my entire investment of 2009.


2019-08-24 16:45 | Report Abuse

Recorded date and time of purchase for calvin tan uzma shares.




23/08/2019 5:10 PM


2019-08-24 15:51 | Report Abuse

You can either practise 1st level thinking and blame operator and funds and think it is a good quarter result.

Or you can practise second level thinking and understand why "good" result did not entice institutions to buy.

Sometimes it is about looking at facts and minimizing your assumptions for the future prospects for the business.

Bottomline, buy and hold without understanding the business will never work.

Would you borrow money to a company who owes so much money that billions of order book would not cover interest costs?


Posted by Mabel > Aug 24, 2019 2:38 PM | Report Abuse

Here's something to think about..

SERBADK is a typical example of good quarter result, good prospect but the share price dropped on the next day trading after good quarter result announce. So that is why share market is inefficient and only those who can see it will make big money

TWO days ago everyone is excited seeing the QR out wow wow wow as a investor I expect to see some shows next day but u can see no hoohaa whole day.

I can tell u today is not about retailer like u and me selling, is all those big funds that sell..

Bottom line just buy anything and hold it forever. As long as you don't sell you don't lose anything


2019-08-22 10:37 | Report Abuse

There is nothing in this announcement which says success winning tenders, getting approval for specialty distributor and even getting a high margins selling those 10,000 street lights.

There are so many manufacturers and suppliers in Malaysia alone, not to mention Chinese and European suppliers.

I would wait for confirmation of tender bid or win before deciding what to do.


Posted by Victory99 > Aug 20, 2019 12:50 PM | Report Abuse