
AngTayKor | Joined since 2020-11-24

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2021-01-28 12:14 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-01-28 12:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by Junichiro > Jan 28, 2021 10:32 AM | Report Abuse

Thanks for the link. I take all these lightly. I have one audio by an Indian astrologer. He was asked by the audience n he said the pandemic will end in Nov 2021. He said travelling, airlines.. will take off in 2022.
By end 2021, most people would have been vaccinated. This prediction most rational people can probably make and accurate guess lah.... not much guru element in this prediction....


2021-01-28 12:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by Junichiro > Jan 28, 2021 10:15 AM | Report Abuse

She is Singapore fung shui Queen. You can Google. The full set of fung shui is freely available to all.
Feng shui queen??? More likely pian chiak queen lah...

The fengshui analysis chart that I have been using is also used by hedge funds, fund managers and professional traders. The more widely followed, the more accurate the fengshui analysis because its self-fulfilling prophecy! That said, I can vouched it has 100% accuracy for year of rat down to month by month predictions. If I had just followed it blindly I would have been super huat liow. I can only blame myself, probably my own merit / karma not strong enough, can see but didn't fully capitalise on it. Wasted.....


2021-01-28 09:50 | Report Abuse

Thaipusam saved the klci bloodshed today. Devas are blessing Malaysia


2021-01-28 00:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by InvisibleHand > Jan 27, 2021 11:30 PM | Report Abuse

Bazi charts! You’re not joking when you look at Indian astrology and Chinese feng shui! 33y chart nice to look at as art... not so useful even for those long term holders here...
Long term chart acts as natural mark points for long term investors to consider exiting positions when it has reached its price satisfaction. The professional traders I know are very good at plotting those lines as distance markers. I can tell you Genting's long term and super macro long term lines are super trendy with spot on precision.

From my 33 year Genting Bhd Bazi chart, rm3.0 is a super macro long term base line. Combine with fengshui analysis on sector theme for November / Dec 2020, I have confidence and scooped up this stock just below rm3 with both hands and made huge trading profit. I can honestly tell you now I was relying on macro lines, fengshui analysis plus the knowledge of Pfizer vaccine news date (I have been following Pfizer vaccine trials etc for quite some time before that). Need to do real homework also lah, not just replying on fengshui etc.

Of course during that crazy rally I bought the dips along the way at the earlier stage of that huge rally. Im risking only my earlier paper profits. Im risking only the market's money (those paper profits) to add more poitions along the way, not risking my capital. I sleep well at night as my account was always showing me increasing profits, never losses. This is the way to trade safely in the stock market. Any other trading strategy is considered risky to me.


2021-01-27 22:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by InvisibleHand > Jan 27, 2021 10:35 PM | Report Abuse

Another one of those days - genm outperforms mother. Whatever mco-centric bad news you want to share appears to be have been factored in. I believe the price pressure on genting is largely technical by nature. It needed to close above 4.12 today. Tomorrow, opening above 4.05 and closing anything above that will get technical sellers thinking harder. Preferably 2-3 days trading above 4+ will avoid false breakout.

@ATK the downward trend in looking at is not steep if you’re looking at 20d lens, which is consistent with your looking at 20d sma. Let’s see if that 200d sma is a true bounce for genting.


The down line is steep. I readjusted the gradient on 5th jan and 15th Jan already. Becareful of false breakouts of steep short term lines to lure in technical bulls because the gradient is steep (nothing to do with 20 m.a). Good to chart out the mid term, long term, super macro long term lines also. I've got the entire 33 years Bazi of this stock plotted out already. Beautiful Genting Bhd Bazi chart. Extremely trendy and reliable especially those long term lines!


2021-01-27 22:36 | Report Abuse

Dow -400 plus...


2021-01-27 22:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by shine88 > Jan 27, 2021 10:21 PM | Report Abuse

@shareinvestor88 was Genting business did something bad to you? I saw your negative posts since months ago, yet you still here keep spread this kind of negative any story please tell us, don't keep it into yourself..cheers ^^

Maybe he believed in some forums' the-sky-is-falling scare tactics previously, sold his shares at the lowest rock bottom price and then price rebounded. Now super bang and want to seek revenge to everyone in forums. Want to get back in forums and let others try the bitter pills he has swallowed? :)


2021-01-27 22:25 | Report Abuse

Dow futures tua lausai leh.... haven't started feb yet the appetiser is here already? Maybe today is 15th of lunar calender (can round up the lunar month) and selldown timing brought forward a little?

Not trying to scare investors here but 2021 fengshui analysis says feb and march market selldown mode. I take with a pitch of salt but better mai luan luan lai first. Safety of investment / trading capital most important.


2021-01-27 16:28 | Report Abuse

Fresh from the oven. Chinese fengshui analysis says Feb 2021 market will kena selldown. Same prediction as Indian astrology. (For fun reference only please take it with a pinch of salt and DYODD).

I would still be on cautious mood mai luan luan lai in case Chinese and Indian astrology is correct.


2021-01-27 14:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by InvisibleHand > Jan 27, 2021 9:40 AM | Report Abuse

Diff to @ATK’s h&s, my TA tells me that a close above 4.10 today breaks the mid December downward trend. Combined with the nice bounce off 200 dma 3.88, I like how this reversal is shaping.
Im fully aware of that line. Would have missed too much profits if wait for confirmation price above right shoulder.

My advise is that down line you are looking at is rather steep. Easy to kena false breakout signal only to collapse back after couple of days later.

200 m.a reserve for indexes better. Most professional traders use 20 m.a for immediate short term trend identification.


2021-01-27 01:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sharefisher > Jan 26, 2021 4:52 PM | Report Abuse

OK. Close at 4.00, those good in charting, what do you think? The head and shoulders OK? Pls give some Comments. Thanks in advance.

Finally found your H&S question.

Under textbook guidelines for H&S formation, the formation is negated once price cross above the right shoulder.

Under the standard H&S formation scenario whereby horizontal neckline of about rm4.0 zone, right shoulder price is rm4.34.

Under the upward sloping neckline H&S formation, right shoulder price is rm4.59.


2021-01-26 22:57 | Report Abuse

Whats the H&S question?


2021-01-26 15:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by Goldgent > Jan 26, 2021 3:02 PM | Report Abuse

Your sifu also wearing red like Superman?
He was an ex-army officer almost bankrupt twice punting shares during his army days. Then he decided to quit army and became full-time trader. He ever made $2m within a year with a trading capital of just $0.15m.

Most importantly he is honest and share his skills, don't front-run then shout buy or sell with ill-intentions.


2021-01-26 15:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by Zuliana > Jan 26, 2021 2:04 PM | Report Abuse

Sifu AngTayKor,

Your strategies are a mix of belief in Indian astrologer mambo jumbo AND semi scientific apparatus like (1) Timing, (2) Right frame of mind and (3) Position sizing.

I salute you.
Your semi scientific apparatus like (1) Timing, (2) Right frame of mind and (3) Position sizing, i will follow. But your Indian Astrologer... are too fantasy for me.

I appreciate your teachings here.

Firstly, I feel global markets are currently in super crazy over-exuberant state comparable to early 2000 and about ripe for a sharp pullback.

Secondly, Genting is still on immediate downtrend with not much catalyst for strong breakout. Even if MCO stop on 04/02/21, interstate travel ban for another 3 months will be bad for casino biz. Hence time is on our side to wait a little longer to see if my anticipated global index pullback will happen soon. Today my trading coach (a real full-time professional top trader with over 3 decades of trading experience) just sent me the global market pullback message.

The Indian astrology of market pullback just coincide with my anticipation, hence I choose to follow it first to see accurate or not. I do use Chinese fengshui charts for some guidance especially general market direction and sector selection for stock picks. I can say it is shockingly super accurate for the year of rat. If I had followed it blindly and whole-heartedly, I will be super Huat liow.

Timing, Right frame of mind, Position sizing... My these 3 concepts are derived from top trading coach Alexander Elder's book "Trading For A Living". He said Technical Analysis skills, Trading Psychology and Money Management skills are the 3 essential skills. If any one of these 3 element is missing, hard to trade well and make money. I agree with him and sharing it here in a more simplified concept for the benefit of everyone.


2021-01-26 14:51 | Report Abuse

Latest message just now from my current stock trading guru. The indian astrology may be right...

"While the stock markets around the world is surging and almost all the houses and analyst are bullish . Sifu’s charting model is pointing to a significant market pullback that is coming within a few weeks . Sifu know many ppl dun like to hear bearish views and in a bull market like this most bearish prediction dun come true . Sifu will be sending the chart insights to you . Watch out for them in your email"


2021-01-26 13:23 | Report Abuse

Regional market lausai. Dow futures red. Im depending on Indian astrology prophecy for this stock to hit my buy zones then I will load up my machine gun and look into the telescope.

Meanwhile mai luan luan lai first. (1) Timing, (2) Right frame of mind and (3) Position sizing. These 3 elements are very critical for successful trading.


2021-01-26 12:54 | Report Abuse

I have identified 2 price zones to watch. Its already drawn on my chart but that I cannot say it openly. The syndicate may be reading posts here. I can be quite active on this stock on certain days, hence prefer to stay silent.


2021-01-26 12:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by Goldgent > Jan 26, 2021 12:27 PM | Report Abuse

Haha...trader posted again. How many posts he wants to send in a day?

You can counter check my H&S pattern post on all the various peaks and dates and draw the neckline yourself see if they are true or not. Im talking about chart of this stock. The chart shows facts of price action of this stock. Up to you to take advantage of my charting knowledge. Im doing real contribution here.


2021-01-26 12:23 | Report Abuse

Looks like a standard H&S pattern formed. Left shoulder peak rm4.45 on 17/11/20, Head peak at rm4.98 on 14/12/20, left shoulder peak at rm4.34 on 15/02/21. Neckline at rm4.0 zone. Price now trading below the neckline.

Another way to look at recent chart formation is an upward sloping neckline H&S formation which has already formed at an earlier date. Left shoulder peak rm4.45 on 17/11/20, Head peak at rm4.98 on 14/12/20, left shoulder peak at rm 4.59 on 28/12/20. Price trading below this neckline since 07/01/21.

In both instances, price has broken below the neckline.

Mai luan luan lai first.


2021-01-26 10:32 | Report Abuse

Lots of resistance above rm4.0 onwards. Need a lot good news to clear previous high of rm4.34. At the moment this stock still making lower highs lowers lows. (Yesterday new recent low)


2021-01-26 09:59 | Report Abuse

Aspire to be Superman. Super Trader. But always a student of the market. Always learning.


2021-01-26 09:46 | Report Abuse

What abt those who bought at rm10, rn9, rm8, rm7, rm6, rm5? I dont want to argue with amateurs clueless abt importance of cutloss n use 1 hypothetical example to try n defeat it. Those words are spoken by stock trading legends like livermore, paul tudor jones, ed seykota. I do cutloss on genting n declared here before if you have read carefully. After i cut at rm4.40, price crashed. I escaped with very minor harm. I made well over 7 digit of cashed out profits from this stock since November n have plenty of buffer to hold this stock then but i still chose to cut n exit when things dont seem right. If you refuse to practice cutloss, one day you will kena the mother of all losses and end your stock market trading. No capital means no bullets and you are out of the game.


2021-01-26 00:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by JBond007 > Jan 26, 2021 12:02 AM | Report Abuse

Depends on the operator. Maybe the operator will want to maintain the share price at this range, just like GenM.
Parent stock down move already on the way. Subsidiary GENM with the most direct impact by MCO should move down soon.


2021-01-26 00:26 | Report Abuse

Lucky I listen to the Indian astrology... :)
Mai Kanchiong... I will spray my bullets at the nadir of panic. Could be just the beginning of the dow pullback.


2021-01-25 23:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by Stockisnotfun > Jan 25, 2021 6:00 PM | Report Abuse

Haha i never saw 2 for genting before at past history. If really 2 means genting almost bankrupt already
Happened before! Sept 1998 was rm1.10 when hedgies like soros, Tiger Fund and gang came to SE asia created Asian financial crisis.


2021-01-25 23:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by shareinvestor88 > Jan 25, 2021 11:09 PM | Report Abuse

AngTayKor since you mentioned it , is placement at huge discount coming ?
You ah...very bird. Genting listcos are cash rich. But LKT is deep in personal debts. These are public news. Under such scenario will LKT do a listco share placement?


2021-01-25 23:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by shareinvestor88 > Jan 25, 2021 11:04 PM | Report Abuse

G BAILOUT GHK ? Rights ? Placement ?
Dont try to spread false rumour here later people complain you kena....


2021-01-25 22:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by skyu > Jan 25, 2021 4:21 PM | Report Abuse

Pls tell me why u said rm 3 is the margin call for the 540 millikan shares pledged?
Chances of next margin call for LKT will be below rm3.0.

This stock went to rm2.95 during October 2020 but LKT was still ok. Price need to go lower than that for LKT to receive phone call from his lender to either top up cash or pledge more genting shares as loan collateral.

Even at rm2.50 I believe LKT will still be ok because he still has more genting share to pledge. Even if he runs out of shares to pledge, he still has his tycoon friends to help him out a little to tide things over.


2021-01-25 21:32 | Report Abuse

Dow futures lausai. Indian astrology prophecy feb lausai come earlier?


2021-01-25 16:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by shareinvestor88 > Jan 25, 2021 4:11 PM | Report Abuse

You seem very happy to spread fear here... Dont be evil lah...

Margin call for LKT will be below rm3.0 but he still has plenty of genting shares ready for pledging as collateral.

For bailout of GHK, LKT will probably look for Arab or Chinese fresh funds to be injected.


2021-01-25 16:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by DestinyL > Jan 25, 2021 4:10 PM | Report Abuse

I still think its due to full MCO rumours

You mean full lockdown like March?


2021-01-25 15:49 | Report Abuse

Panic selling now....


2021-01-25 14:55 | Report Abuse

Damn siong if everyday 10 sen... big shortie trying to force margin call on LKT? RM4.0 n RM3.90 taken down so easily.... all eyeing rm3.80 next...


2021-01-25 13:38 | Report Abuse

Let me further add on to Ed Seykota's quote. "CUT LOSS EARLY!"


2021-01-25 13:35 | Report Abuse

This stock was hovering between rm8.0 to rm10.50 from 2010 to 2018. Plently of involuntary long term investors. Kena stuck at m4.30 is not so bad liow. Need to sharpen your defence skill. If you can master the skill of cutloss... you still have a chance of survival and making money from stock market. These words are not from me, its from a top class trader:

“Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Then maybe you have a chance.” – Ed Seykota


2021-01-25 12:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sharefisher > Jan 25, 2021 11:28 AM | Report Abuse

Angtaykor, or you are the operator? Haha ha..
I not so big player lah. But even if I have the capital, trading team and insider info connections to be an operator of a stock, better dont do such bad karma business.

My sifu was one of the biggest stock operator in wall street 100 years ago. He kena depression and bad karma eventually died by suicide. Karma is real. It will eventually come, just a matter of time. Even if not in this lifetime, next life sure kena.


2021-01-25 11:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by newbie2019 > Jan 25, 2021 11:46 AM | Report Abuse

AngTayKor, so 3.90 nice to enter, then 3.81, 3.71, 3.61 and 3.5? each 15% weighting?
I dont advocate buying on the way down.

This suggestion was made a week ago due to many investors here getting impatient and cannot wait to start buying. If you are long term investor that can afford to tahan blood on your body and continue to persevere on, this could be a strategy for accumulation (strictly for long term investment purpose, not for stock trading purpose).


2021-01-25 11:38 | Report Abuse

The operating pattern will change. It will never be obvious or frequently repetitive. The big operator will change trading tactics and always try to fool retailers to make money from retailers (zero-sum-game trading mentality).

It will not be surprising that the big shortie is doing some minor covering now to lock in some shorting gains along the way down. Bulk of their short coverings could be targeted at a much lower price but final execution plan depends on the performance of Dow and KLCI.


2021-01-25 11:23 | Report Abuse

Another huge buy q at rm3.90 just like last friday's rm4.00? The huge buyers at rm4.0 strangely disappeared this morning. My conclusion is big shortie shook off most of the weak shorties to cover first then quickly press down again today. Of course the big shortie will short-and-cover some position along the way down to reduce risk and make trading gains along the way. If this theory is correct, that could also mean big shortie's TP to cover could be many bids below the current price. (Just my wild guess and imagination only)


2021-01-25 11:07 | Report Abuse

Dont try to be the braveheart machoman with the market. You dont need to have balls of steel to win money from the stock market.


2021-01-24 02:27 | Report Abuse

LKT bought Genting HK years ago from Gent(M). Dont think he will pump in back into any Genting listco. His public credibility in business world will be zero if nhe ever does that. My best guess is he will follow Carnival cruise USA and find some Saudi/Arab funds for support or some China companies for support. China has huge potential for cruise market, being no casinos in mainland. Cruise ship could be a backdoor casino for mainland china.

None of Genting's listcos are responsible for Genting HK debts. They are independent entities. A few months ago LKT step down as Genting Chairman was probably to signal to the market that he will stop pumping his troubled private entities into Genting listcos.

Genting(S) already said they will find a japanese JV partner to bid for Japan casino resort. In the event Japan casino bidding unsuccesful, they will return the excess cash via special dividend payout back to shareholders. I think very high chance Gent(S) will get one of the Japan casino license. The Japan govt has on numerous occaisons outwardly praised RWS Sentosa as the model integrated resort and the kind of casino they would like to have.


2021-01-23 09:08 | Report Abuse

Think he just here to kbkb only. Wicked n like to create fear n panic. Asked him if he shorted n profited but no reply. One thing im sure is he didn't buy when below below rm3 but thanks to him i bought a lot then. Ha!


2021-01-23 02:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by stkoay > Jan 22, 2021 11:54 PM | Report Abuse

I have been investing for quite some time...these few days I learned new lessons from sifu AngTayKor....

....thanks for sharing.....

We all share and learn together.

FATA = FA + TA= Fundamental Analysis + Technical Analysis

FATA = Fa Ta = Huat Tat!


2021-01-23 02:42 | Report Abuse

Dr. Fauci says new data shows Covid vaccines appear to be less effective against some new strains


2021-01-22 23:29 | Report Abuse

Livermore wrote:

“It is foolhardy to make a second trade, if your first trade shows you a loss. Never average losses. Let this thought be written indelibly upon your mind.” 

I have warned against averaging losses. That is a most common practice.

Great numbers of people will buy a stock, let us say at 50, and two or three days later if they can buy it at 47 they are seized with the urge to average down by buying another hundred shares, making a price of 48.5 on all.

Having bought at 50 and being concerned over a three-point loss on a hundred shares, what rhyme or reason is there in adding another hundred shares and having the worry double when the price hits 44?

At that point there would be a $600 loss on the first hundred shares and a $300 loss on the second hundred shares.

If one is to apply such an unsound principle, he should keep on averaging by buying two hundred shares at 44, then four hundred at 41, eight hundred at 38, sixteen hundred at 35, thirty-two hundred at 32, sixty-four hundred at 29 and so on.

How many speculators could stand such pressure?

So, at the risk of repetition and preaching, let me urge you to avoid averaging down… Why send good money after bad?

Keep that good money for another day. Risk it on something more attractive than an obviously losing deal.


2021-01-22 23:18 | Report Abuse

Depends on whether indian astrology accurate or not. If feb really kena global selldown or not. We got time to wait as genting is out of favour now so it wont rally much.


2021-01-22 18:29 | Report Abuse

Patience in stock trading is waiting for price to come to a critical support zone which you believe the downtrend will probably end n the bulls will come back in. At the support price zone, observe the bull n bear fight. When the bulls are on upper hand, then there is confirmation that the market conform with your opinion and immediately join in the bulls. The action is like a cobra waiting to strike. Wait for the right moment, when it comes, then strike it.

Buying too early can be damaging to your mental wellbeing n wallet. When the correct moment to buy finally come, you may be disillusioned n missed it. You may have just cutloss n unwilling to get back in again. I have preached this many times abt patience. You are dealing with stock market, the masses' psychology n madness, greed n fear at extreme. Hence a trader needs a good trading strategy n trading rules to make money consistently from the market. Even guru koon y.y also says the chart more important than fundamentals to make money from the market.