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1 month ago | Report Abuse

Polygamy, particularly when practiced in patriarchal societies, often perpetuates gender inequality, emotional and psychological harm, and economic hardship. The inhuman aspects of polygamy include the objectification and subjugation of women, the neglect and exploitation of children, and the perpetuation of cycles of poverty and social isolation.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Irresponsible contractors play a significant role in causing sinkholes in big cities by cutting corners, ignoring safety standards, and failing to properly manage construction sites. These actions can lead to soil instability, poor drainage, and ultimately, ground collapse. Proper oversight, strict adherence to regulations, and a commitment to using quality materials and techniques are essential to prevent these dangerous occurrences.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Falsified Socso claimants received the money taking 50%, while the remaining 50% was distributed among the doctors, agents and runners- involving 30 supposedly trustworthy and respectable professionals.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

From sin-forgiving religiosity to self-integrity


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Community Engagement and Education:

- **Public Awareness Campaigns:** Launch campaigns to educate the public about the harms of corruption and the importance of reporting it, fostering a culture of zero tolerance.

- **Citizen Participation:** Create avenues for citizens to report corruption easily, such as hotlines and online portals, ensuring that information reaches the anti-corruption body quickly.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Public Accountability and Transparency:

- **Regular Reporting:** Mandate regular public reporting of the body’s activities, including the number of arrests, prosecutions, and asset recoveries, to maintain transparency and public trust.

- **Whistleblower Protection:** Strengthen whistleblower protection laws to encourage more individuals to come forward with information on corrupt activities, facilitating faster investigations.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Asset Recovery and Management:

- **Asset Seizure and Management Units:** Create dedicated units focused on the quick identification, freezing, and management of assets linked to corruption. This ensures that corrupt individuals cannot access or hide their illicit gains.

- **Bankruptcy Proceedings:** Introduce mechanisms for swift bankruptcy proceedings against convicted individuals, ensuring that they are financially crippled and unable to continue their corrupt activities.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Expedited Judicial Processes:

- **Specialized Courts:** Establish specialized anti-corruption courts that prioritize corruption cases, enabling faster adjudication.

- **Dedicated Prosecutors:** Assign dedicated prosecutors who specialize in corruption cases, ensuring that cases are presented efficiently and with high expertise.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

To make a government anti-corruption body more effective and swift, the following strategies can be implemented: strengthen legal frameworks with tougher laws and swift penalties; enhance investigative capabilities through advanced forensic tools and data analytics; foster interagency and international collaboration; expedite judicial processes with specialized courts and prosecutors; establish asset seizure and management units; promote public accountability through regular reporting and whistleblower protection; build capacity with training and performance metrics; engage the community through awareness campaigns; and ensure political independence and autonomy to focus on its mission. To allocate resources effectively across an anti-corruption body, the following strategy is recommended: **1. Investigations Section (40-50% of resources)**: Prioritize highly skilled investigators, data analysts, forensic tools, and continuous training. **2. Prosecution Section (25-30%)**: Focus on specialized prosecutors, case management systems, and legal training. **3. Asset Recovery Section (20-25%)**: Employ asset tracing experts, legal advisors, and advanced asset management systems. **Additional Considerations (5-10%)**: Ensure interdepartmental coordination and public engagement through centralized platforms and transparency initiatives. This allocation ensures efficient operations from investigation to prosecution and asset recovery.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Palm oil without palm tree: The development of lab-based and machine-driven alternatives to palm oil represents a promising avenue for reducing the environmental and social impacts of traditional palm oil production. Technologies like microbial fermentation, synthetic biology, precision fermentation, plant-based alternatives, cultured palm oil, and chemical synthesis are at the forefront of this innovation.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

oh yes............Microbial fermentation offers a more sustainable alternative to traditional palm oil production, as it does not require land clearing or the destruction of habitats. It can also be scaled up in controlled environments, reducing the environmental footprint.
Scalability: This technology can potentially be scaled up to meet global demand for palm oil without the need for large-scale plantations.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Say it if you just want to collect cheap sub 30, Calvin

BIMB is all in here. And with halal cert- why worry?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Can get sue for rosakkan nama or not?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Systematic racism and religiousness are the root causes for social segregation, where communities become physically and socially divided along racial or religious lines. This segregation limits opportunities for intergroup interaction, understanding, and cooperation, reinforcing stereotypes and prejudices.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

When government policies are driven by racial or religious bias, governance would inevitable become compromised, leading to corruption, inefficiency, and a lack of accountability.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The dark side of systematic racism and systematic religiousness in government policy in a pluralistic society is profound and far-reaching. These practices not only undermine the principles of equality, justice, and democracy but also have devastating social, economic, and psychological impacts on the nation as a whole. To build a truly inclusive and harmonious society, it is essential to confront and dismantle these systemic practices, ensuring that all citizens, regardless of race or religion, are treated as self-responsible, law-abiding human with reasonable sense of dignity, respect and fairness


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The reallocation would have long-term benefits, including the development of homegrown AI expertise, the modernization of government operations, and the positioning of Malsia as a leader in the global AI economy- without increasing country debt and foreign borrowing


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Socio-Economic Impact
A. Enhancing Public Services

Data-Driven Governance: AI scientists can help government departments make data-driven decisions, improving public services such as healthcare, education, and transportation. This would lead to better outcomes for citizens and more efficient use of public resources.
Transparency and Accountability: AI can enhance transparency and reduce corruption by automating processes and providing real-time monitoring of government activities. This aligns with the principles of good governance and accountability, which are essential for public trust.
B. Addressing Workforce Needs

Skilling the Workforce: Investing in AI would also require the upskilling of the current workforce, preparing Malaysians for the jobs of the future. This would not only reduce unemployment but also create a more resilient and adaptable economy.
Reducing Brain Drain: By providing competitive wages and opportunities for AI scientists, Malaysia can retain its best and brightest minds, reducing the brain drain that has historically affected the country's technological and scientific sectors.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Urgency of Preparing for Industry 5.0
A. The Rise of Industry 5.0

Technological Integration: Industry 5.0 is characterized by the collaboration between humans and machines, with AI playing a central role in optimizing processes, enhancing productivity, and driving innovation across all sectors.
Global Competitiveness: Countries that invest in AI and related technologies are more likely to dominate global markets, create high-value jobs, and improve living standards. Malaysia must act swiftly to avoid being left behind in this technological wave.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

This shift in resources would better position Malsia to lead in the coming industrial revolution, fostering innovation, economic growth, and global competitiveness.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Vernacular schools, particularly Chinese and Tamil schools, have consistently outperformed national schools in terms of academic achievement and student outcomes. These schools are known for their rigorous academic standards, emphasis on discipline, and commitment to fostering a strong work ethic. Additionally, they often have better facilities, more motivated teachers, and a stronger focus on parental involvement, all of which contribute to a more conducive learning environment.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Resistance to Reform: Efforts to reform the national school system have often been met with resistance, both from within the educational bureaucracy and from political forces that are invested in maintaining the status quo. This resistance makes it difficult to implement meaningful changes that could address the systemic problems. As a result, any attempts at reform are often superficial and fail to tackle the root causes of the issues plaguing national schools.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Disregard for Meritocracy: National schools have been criticized for disregarding meritocracy in favor of policies that prioritize certain groups over others. This not only breeds resentment but also undermines the quality of education by not allowing the best and brightest to rise to the top. Vernacular schools, particularly Chinese and Tamil schools, are often seen as more meritocratic, with a stronger focus on academic excellence and achievement.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Lack of Cultural Inclusivity: One of the fundamental flaws in the national school system is its lack of cultural inclusivity. The curriculum is often centered around a narrow cultural and religious perspective, which alienates students from diverse backgrounds. This can lead to a lack of engagement and a sense of disenfranchisement among students who do not see their cultures and identities reflected in their education. Vernacular schools, on the other hand, offer a more culturally inclusive environment that respects and celebrates diversity, which is crucial in a multicultural society like Malaysia.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Failure to Foster Critical Thinking: National schools are often criticized for emphasizing rote learning and memorization over critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This approach stifles creativity and innovation, leaving students ill-equipped to navigate complex real-world problems. In contrast, vernacular schools, particularly those influenced by Chinese and Indian educational philosophies, tend to place a stronger emphasis on critical thinking, analytical skills, and intellectual independence.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Systemic Cheating and Lack of Integrity: National schools are plagued by systemic issues, including widespread cheating during exams, falsification of academic records, and other forms of academic dishonesty. This culture of cheating is not isolated to students alone; in some instances, it involves teachers and administrators, which undermines the integrity of the entire education system. When students see that dishonesty is not only tolerated but sometimes even encouraged by those in authority, it erodes trust in the educational process. This lack of integrity means that academic achievements in national schools are often viewed with skepticism, both by employers and higher education institutions.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

National schools in Malaysia are beyond repair and should be replaced by vernacular school models


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The comparison between ancient Egypt and Greece highlights the dangers of ideological manipulation and the importance of critical thinking in preventing the abuse of power. In Egypt, the centralization of power and the use of religion to control the populace allowed leaders to accumulate wealth and power unchecked. In Greece, the promotion of intellectual freedom and democratic practices provided a safeguard against such exploitation. These historical lessons remain relevant today, reminding us of the importance of maintaining an informed and questioning citizenry to ensure that leaders are held accountable.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Historical Lessons and Modern Implications
Manipulation Through Ideology: The comparison between these two ancient societies illustrates how leaders can use ideology—whether religious, political, or cultural—to manipulate the population and maintain power. In Egypt, the Pharaohs used religion to justify their authority and control the people, while in Greece, the emphasis on debate and democracy allowed for a more balanced distribution of power.

The Danger of Delusion: When a population is fed a steady diet of ideological or religious delusion, they may be less likely to question their leaders or hold them accountable. This can lead to a situation where leaders enrich themselves at the expense of the people, as their actions go unchecked. The history of ancient Egypt serves as a cautionary tale of how centralized power and ideological control can lead to exploitation.

The Importance of Critical Thinking: In contrast, the Greek example shows the importance of fostering a culture of critical thinking, debate, and accountability. When people are encouraged to question their leaders and the status quo, it becomes more difficult for those in power to manipulate or exploit them.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Ancient Greece: The Polis and Intellectual Freedom
Democratic Practices: Unlike the centralized power of the Pharaohs in Egypt, many Greek city-states, particularly Athens, developed early forms of democracy where citizens (at least free males) had a say in governance. This allowed for more accountability of leaders and reduced the likelihood of absolute power being concentrated in the hands of one individual.

Philosophical Inquiry and Debate: Greek culture, particularly in Athens, encouraged philosophical inquiry, debate, and the pursuit of knowledge. Figures like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle promoted critical thinking and questioned the nature of power, justice, and the role of the individual in society. This intellectual freedom helped prevent the kind of widespread delusion or manipulation seen in more theocratic or autocratic societies.

Less Centralized Religious Control: While religion was still important in Greek society, it did not dominate every aspect of life to the same extent as in Egypt. The Greek gods were seen as powerful but not omnipotent, and they did not command the same level of obedience as the Pharaohs did in Egypt. This allowed for a more diverse and questioning culture where leaders could be challenged, and alternative ideas could be explored.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Ancient Egypt: Centralized Power and Religious Control
Pharaoh as a Divine Leader: In ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh was not just a political leader but was also considered a god on earth. This theocratic model meant that the Pharaoh held ultimate authority, both spiritually and politically. The divine status of the Pharaoh helped to legitimize his rule, making it difficult for the common people to question his decisions, even if they were exploitative.

Religious and Cultural Propaganda: The construction of massive monuments, like the pyramids and temples, was not only a demonstration of power but also a tool of propaganda. These structures reinforced the idea of the Pharaoh's divine status and eternal life, keeping the population focused on religious duties and the afterlife. This focus on the afterlife and religious devotion could distract the population from the realities of their material lives and the potential exploitation by the ruling class.

Economic Exploitation: The resources and labor required for these monumental projects were immense, often draining the wealth of the kingdom and exploiting the labor of the people. However, because of the religious significance attached to these projects, the population might have been more willing to sacrifice their labor and resources, believing they were serving a divine purpose.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

That's when children fail to learn the key fact for history i.e. when the people are fed with enough delusional stuff, the leaders can all the money into own pocket. Just examine the ancient egyptian vs greek..........................................................


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Collected kaw kaw sub RM1 oredi. Huat huat


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Any charismatic leader of 21st Century should know that the broader public interest is better served by focusing resources on essential services that benefit all citizens and foster national progress.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Overemphasis on religious oversight in government institutions could stifle secular policies that are necessary for a diverse, multi-ethnic society. It may also hinder the implementation of policies based on scientific, economic, or practical considerations rather than religious doctrine.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Alienation of outgroup could lead to increased polarization and undermine efforts toward national unity and inclusivity.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Undermining Public Trust: When taxpayers see their money being used for purposes that don’t directly improve their lives or the country’s infrastructure, it can erode trust in the government. Citizens may feel that their needs are being overlooked in favor of political or religious agendas, leading to disillusionment and social unrest.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Amid Increasing Foreign Borrowing with Potential for Inefficiency: Expanding the bureaucracy by appointing more high-ranking officers without clear accountability mechanisms may lead to inefficiency and misuse of public funds. Without rigorous oversight, there’s a risk that these appointments could result in a bloated government with minimal tangible benefits to the public.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Stunted Technological Progress: Investment in AI-operated systems, such as drone safety monitoring and smart traffic lights, is essential for modernizing the country’s infrastructure. These technologies can reduce accidents, improve traffic flow, and enhance public safety. Diverting funds away from these innovations hampers progress and leaves the country lagging in global technological advancement.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Authoritarian and Increased Public Burden: Allocating a substantial portion of the budget to high-ranking JAKIM officers may lead to reduced funding for other crucial areas, potentially increasing the financial burden on ordinary citizens. For example, the absence of diesel subsidies could result in higher transportation costs, which would affect the prices of goods and services, contributing to inflation.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Opportunity and Backwardness Cost: The funds used for these appointments could be better spent on improving infrastructure, healthcare, education, or technology-driven solutions that benefit the broader population, regardless of religious affiliation.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Public Services Neglect: Prioritizing the salaries and benefits of JAKIM officers over essential public services like free tolls, diesel subsidies, AI-operated safety monitoring, and traffic management systems represents a significant misallocation of resources. These services directly impact the daily lives of citizens, contributing to safety, economic efficiency, and overall quality of life.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Tax payers' money to be squandered to pay wages, allowances and pensions for newly appointed high ranked Jakimm officers in every gomen institution.......meaning no free tolls, no diesel subsidy, no AI operated drone safety monitoring of every town and city, no AI operated traffic light in critical junctions in the capital, etc etc


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Yup. 1st R = tax payers' money to be squandered to pay wages, allowances and pensions for newly appointed high ranked Jakimm officers in every gomen institution.......meaning no free tolls, no diesel subsidy, no AI operated drone safety monitoring of every town and city, no AI operated traffic light in critical junctions in the capital, etc etc


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Good buy. It's plantation game again.


Bought at 67 sen

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Embracing fundamentalism is incompatible with the concept of meaningful independence or "merdeka," as it restricts intellectual freedom, personal autonomy, self-expression, and critical thinking, while fostering dependency on external authority and inhibiting social progress.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Historical Precedents of Educational Transformation : Throughout history, societies that adapted their education systems to the demands of their times thrived, while those that did not stagnated. The Industrial Revolution serves as a prime example: countries that reformed their educational systems to emphasize literacy, numeracy, and vocational skills rapidly advanced, leading the world in technological innovation and economic growth. On the other hand, nations that maintained outdated educational models fell behind, unable to meet the needs of a rapidly changing industrial landscape.

Today, we stand at a similar crossroads. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by advances in artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and information technology, demands an education system that fosters critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability. The old model, which prioritizes rote memorization and the passive absorption of information, is ill-equipped to prepare students for a world where knowledge is constantly evolving and easily accessible.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The stagnation of the education system could contribute to a brain drain, where experts and highly skilled professionals choose to leave the country in search of better opportunities abroad. This exodus of expertise weakens the nation’s ability to innovate, grow its economy, and improve its own systems, including education. When professionals perceive that their own country is not keeping pace with global standards, they may feel compelled to seek environments that better value and utilize their skills.

This combination of a stagnant education system and the loss of talent to other countries creates a vicious cycle. As more experts leave, the country’s capacity to modernize its education system diminishes, leading to further educational decline and more brain drain. This cycle not only threatens the future of the current generation of students but also undermines the long-term development and competitiveness of the nation as a whole. Thus, parents and society at large have strong reasons to demand urgent and substantial reforms in the education system to prevent both the betrayal of students' futures and the loss of valuable human capital.