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1 month ago | Report Abuse

Public Services Neglect: Prioritizing the salaries and benefits of JAKIM officers over essential public services like free tolls, diesel subsidies, AI-operated safety monitoring, and traffic management systems represents a significant misallocation of resources. These services directly impact the daily lives of citizens, contributing to safety, economic efficiency, and overall quality of life.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Tax payers' money to be squandered to pay wages, allowances and pensions for newly appointed high ranked Jakimm officers in every gomen institution.......meaning no free tolls, no diesel subsidy, no AI operated drone safety monitoring of every town and city, no AI operated traffic light in critical junctions in the capital, etc etc


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Yup. 1st R = tax payers' money to be squandered to pay wages, allowances and pensions for newly appointed high ranked Jakimm officers in every gomen institution.......meaning no free tolls, no diesel subsidy, no AI operated drone safety monitoring of every town and city, no AI operated traffic light in critical junctions in the capital, etc etc


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Good buy. It's plantation game again.


Bought at 67 sen

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Embracing fundamentalism is incompatible with the concept of meaningful independence or "merdeka," as it restricts intellectual freedom, personal autonomy, self-expression, and critical thinking, while fostering dependency on external authority and inhibiting social progress.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Historical Precedents of Educational Transformation : Throughout history, societies that adapted their education systems to the demands of their times thrived, while those that did not stagnated. The Industrial Revolution serves as a prime example: countries that reformed their educational systems to emphasize literacy, numeracy, and vocational skills rapidly advanced, leading the world in technological innovation and economic growth. On the other hand, nations that maintained outdated educational models fell behind, unable to meet the needs of a rapidly changing industrial landscape.

Today, we stand at a similar crossroads. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by advances in artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and information technology, demands an education system that fosters critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability. The old model, which prioritizes rote memorization and the passive absorption of information, is ill-equipped to prepare students for a world where knowledge is constantly evolving and easily accessible.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The stagnation of the education system could contribute to a brain drain, where experts and highly skilled professionals choose to leave the country in search of better opportunities abroad. This exodus of expertise weakens the nation’s ability to innovate, grow its economy, and improve its own systems, including education. When professionals perceive that their own country is not keeping pace with global standards, they may feel compelled to seek environments that better value and utilize their skills.

This combination of a stagnant education system and the loss of talent to other countries creates a vicious cycle. As more experts leave, the country’s capacity to modernize its education system diminishes, leading to further educational decline and more brain drain. This cycle not only threatens the future of the current generation of students but also undermines the long-term development and competitiveness of the nation as a whole. Thus, parents and society at large have strong reasons to demand urgent and substantial reforms in the education system to prevent both the betrayal of students' futures and the loss of valuable human capital.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

These failures can be seen as a breach of the government’s obligation to its citizens. Governments have a responsibility to provide an education that meets contemporary standards, ensuring that students are prepared to contribute meaningfully to society and the economy. If the education system remains rooted in outdated methods and content, it falls short of fulfilling this obligation. This could potentially open the door to legal challenges, as parents may claim that their children have been denied the quality and relevance of education that they were promised by the state. Such a scenario could lead to lawsuits demanding compensation or systemic reforms, as the failure to deliver an effective education could be interpreted as negligence on the part of the government.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Throughout history, societies that adapted their education systems to the demands of their times thrived, while those that did not stagnated. The Industrial Revolution serves as a prime example: countries that reformed their educational systems to emphasize literacy, numeracy, and vocational skills rapidly advanced, leading the world in technological innovation and economic growth. On the other hand, nations that maintained outdated educational models fell behind, unable to meet the needs of a rapidly changing industrial landscape.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Nothing could fail the nation and school children more than an obsolete time-wasting faulty education system. The 21st century demands an education system that goes beyond traditional-knowledge-centric, rote learning and futile recitation practices. It must focus on the latest knowledge and evidence, helping learners dispel false claims and equipping them with essential living skills. By doing so, education can prepare students to thrive in a rapidly changing world and job scope, fostering critical thinking, adaptability, and a commitment to lifelong learning. This holistic approach to education not only benefits individual students but also contributes to the development of informed, responsible, and engaged global citizens.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Failure to change focus: Shifting focus from rote memorization to Fostering Critical Thinking: As information becomes more accessible, the ability to think critically about it becomes increasingly important. Schools should prioritize teaching students how to question assumptions, evaluate arguments, and understand different perspectives. This not only helps students make informed decisions but also prepares them to engage thoughtfully in a diverse and complex world.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Failure to ending public funding of unjustifiable obsolete schooling which wouldn't be able to help learners to adapt better to face the new challenges in a fast-changing millennium.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Traditional school lessons emphasize rote memorization, standardized testing, and a rigid curriculum that may not fully prepare students for the rapidly evolving technological landscape. In this context, AI can be perceived as a threat


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Only by reforming school curriculum, AI could become a partner in education, helping students to achieve their full potential and equipping them with the skills they need to thrive in a world where technology plays an increasingly central role. Rather than a threat, AI is seen as a collaborator in the quest for knowledge, innovation, and progress.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Sabahans value social unity that transcends racial and religious lines. With a wide range of ethnic diversity, including Kadazan-Dusun, Bajau, Murut, Chinese, and many others, Sabah society has long been accustomed to living in an environment that fosters tolerance and acceptance. The use of race and religion as political tools is seen as something foreign and destructive to the harmony they have built over time. This is because race- and religion-based politics would only divide a society that has traditionally thrived on diversity.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Sabahans are aware that the real issues they face, such as infrastructure development, job opportunities, and economic well-being, are far more important than racial and religious rhetoric. Politicians who exploit racial and religious issues often distract from the actual problems that need addressing. Therefore, Sabahans generally
feel that such politicians are insincere and not genuinely concerned with the real needs of the people.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Sabahans hold firmly to the values of unity, integration, and collective progress. They dislike and do not support politicians who use race and religion as political tools because it goes against these principles and only brings division and instability to a society that has long lived in harmony.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The "clutches culture" in Malsia represents a system where the elite exploit natural resources and deplete the national wealth ,while using fundamentalism as a tool to maintain control over the populace. Addressing this requires a combination of awareness-raising, policy reforms, and a shift towards a more sensible, balanced and sustainable development model.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Tongkat Culture

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Development of gullibility among students happens as they are trained to accept information without scrutiny rather than to engage in critical evaluation.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Clearly lack of emphasis on analytical thinking in national schools has hindered students' ability to discern fact from fiction, making them more susceptible to misinformation, propaganda, and manipulation.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

In the long run, the failure to instill skepticism in students can have significant societal implications. A population that lacks the ability to critically assess information is more vulnerable to authoritarianism, extremist ideologies, and exploitation. For a society to thrive, it is crucial that its educational institutions promote critical thinking, skepticism, and intellectual curiosity, rather than fostering an environment of unquestioning acceptance.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

That's because schools have tendency to cultivate gullibility, hence fail to instill enough skepticism among learns.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

From now on, schools should focus on facilitating learners to learn how to get, verify and filter information to develop, enhance and rebuild living skills nobly, responsibly and legitimately.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Don't need bother about them as long as they are not steering the education of the future generation. It's high time to reform school education. Revolutionizing education with AI and IT is not just about incorporating new tools but about fundamentally rethinking how education is delivered and experienced. The goal is to create a system that is more personalized, efficient, and inclusive, preparing students for the challenges of the future in a rapidly changing world. This blueprint requires collaboration between educators, technologists, policymakers, and communities to ensure a successful and sustainable transformation.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Fundamentalism clearly nhibits social and cultural progress by clinging to outdated or rigid interpretations of beliefs, which are generally at odds with evolving social norms and human rights. Individuals who embrace fundamentalism would inevitably find themselves at odds with broader societal changes, leading to a sense of isolation or alienation. True "merdeka" is not just about individual freedom, but also about participating in a society that is free to grow, change, and improve. By resisting such progress, fundamentalism can prevent both individuals and societies from achieving meaningful independence.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Fundamentalism promotes dogma—beliefs that are accepted without question. In doing so, it discourages critical thinking, which is essential for personal growth and the development of a nuanced understanding of the world. Without the freedom to think critically, individuals cannot fully explore their potential or contribute to the betterment of society in an independent and innovative way.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Meaningful independence requires the ability to rely on one's judgment and to navigate the world based on personal sense of self-determination, values and reasoning, rather than being bound by the dictates of an external authority.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

True "merdeka" encompasses the freedom to express oneself authentically, rationally and responsibly, which is incompatible with the conformist pressures of fundamentalism.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Without the freedom to make independent choices and the capacity to make decisions for oneself on everything from moral choices to daily routines, the concept of personal independence becomes hollow and merely rhetoric.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Fundamentalism, by its very nature, insists on strict adherence to a specific set of beliefs or doctrines, often discouraging or outright rejecting alternative viewpoints. This rigid adherence limits intellectual freedom, as individuals are discouraged from questioning or critically examining the beliefs they are supposed to follow. True independence requires the ability to think freely, to question, and to evolve one's beliefs based on new information and experiences. In a fundamentalist framework, this intellectual autonomy is compromised


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Embracing fundamentalism is incompatible with the concept of meaningful independence or "merdeka," as it restricts intellectual freedom, personal autonomy, self-expression, and critical thinking, while fostering dependency on external authority and inhibiting social progress.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

individual sense of independence is literally very much undermined by fundamentalist ideologies


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Yes, seriously. Any educated, thoughtful and reasonable person should support this. Restricting women’s sports attire on the basis of modesty is an inhumane practice that reflects deep-seated gender biases and a lack of respect for bodily autonomy, personal freedom, and cultural diversity.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The End of Traditional Classroom (The Dawn Of Post-Modern Civilization)

Revolutionizing education with AI and IT is not just about incorporating new tools but about fundamentally rethinking how education is delivered and experienced. The goal is to create a system that is more personalized, efficient, and inclusive, preparing students for the challenges of the future in a rapidly changing world. This blueprint requires collaboration between educators, technologists, policymakers, and communities to ensure a successful and sustainable transformation.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Infrastructure and Accessibility

- **Equitable Access to Technology**: Ensure that all students have access to necessary devices and internet connectivity. Governments and institutions could collaborate to provide affordable or subsidized technology solutions.

- **Smart Classrooms**: Develop smart classrooms equipped with AI and IoT (Internet of Things) devices that can optimize the learning environment, monitor student engagement, and facilitate hybrid learning models.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Teacher Empowerment and Professional Development

- **AI Assistants for Teachers**: Provide teachers with AI assistants to help them plan lessons, grade assignments, and monitor student progress. This can free up time for more personalized student interactions.

- **Continuous Professional Development**: Use AI to identify areas where teachers need additional training and offer personalized professional development programs.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Collaborative Learning Platforms

- **Cloud-Based Learning Management Systems (LMS)**: Create cloud-based LMS where students and teachers can collaborate, share resources, and engage in discussions. These platforms can also support remote learning and virtual classrooms.

- **Global Collaboration**: Leverage IT to connect students from different parts of the world, encouraging cross-cultural learning and global teamwork on projects.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Immersive Learning Environments

- **Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)**: Integrate VR and AR to create immersive, experiential learning environments. Students can explore historical events, conduct virtual science experiments, or visualize complex concepts in 3D.

- **Simulations and Gamification**: Develop simulations and educational games that make learning more engaging. Gamified elements like leaderboards and achievements can motivate students and foster a sense of competition and accomplishment.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Inclusivity and Special Education

- **AI for Special Needs**: Develop AI tools that cater to students with special needs, such as speech recognition for students with hearing impairments or adaptive learning technologies for those with learning disabilities.

- **Multilingual and Multicultural Support**: Ensure AI systems support multiple languages and are culturally sensitive, providing an inclusive learning environment for all students.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Curriculum Redesign and Digital Resources

- **Modular Curriculum**: Design curricula that are modular and flexible, allowing students to progress at their own pace and explore subjects that interest them deeply. AI can recommend modules based on student interest and career goals.

- **Digital Textbooks and Resources**: Replace traditional textbooks with interactive digital resources that include multimedia elements like videos, animations, and quizzes. These resources can be constantly updated to reflect the latest knowledge.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Intelligent Tutoring Systems

- **AI Tutors**: Deploy AI-driven tutoring systems that offer 24/7 assistance to students. These tutors can answer questions, explain difficult concepts, and guide students through problems at their own pace.

- **Natural Language Processing (NLP)**: Utilize NLP technologies to allow students to interact with AI systems via natural conversations, making learning more intuitive and accessible.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

AI-Driven Assessment and Feedback

- **Automated Grading Systems**: Use AI to grade assignments, quizzes, and exams. This allows for immediate feedback and reduces the administrative burden on teachers.

- **Real-Time Feedback Mechanisms**: AI can provide instant feedback on student performance, helping them correct mistakes and understand concepts on the spot. This can be extended to peer assessment platforms where students can review each other’s work.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Personalized Learning Pathways For Each School Learner

- **AI-Powered Adaptive Learning**: Implement AI algorithms that assess each student's strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles, creating tailored lesson plans. These adaptive systems can adjust the difficulty of content in real-time, ensuring that students are neither bored nor overwhelmed.

- **Learning Analytics**: Use data analytics to track students' progress and predict outcomes. Teachers and parents can use these insights to offer timely support and intervention.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Revolutionizing education with AI and IT is not just about incorporating new tools but about fundamentally rethinking how education is delivered and experienced. The goal is to create a system that is more personalized, efficient, and inclusive, preparing students for the challenges of the future in a rapidly changing world. This blueprint requires collaboration between educators, technologists, policymakers, and communities to ensure a successful and sustainable transformation.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

School learners only need to learn how to get, verify and filter information to develop, enhance and rebuild living skills.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Primitive urge relief gym?

Posted by Income > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Ahyohhh。 Who sexual harass who?
Better sell pretty robots like in Japan.
Stop all the urge for sexual harassment in office.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

HIBISCUS PETROLEUM BHD buyback 407,000 shares from 2.140 to 2.190 on 29-Aug-2024.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

With a significant portion of public energy directed towards religious concerns, there is diminished pressure on the government to address its shortcomings relative to other nations. This reduces the motivation for rulers to enhance their performance and become more accountable. Relevant local governments would prioritize religious narratives and projects over improving infrastructure, healthcare, or education, knowing that public focus is diverted.