
FastMoney666 | Joined since 2023-08-20

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20 hours ago | Report Abuse

To be honest, I have not been paying much attentions to iCAP for quite while unless the fund manager is making ridiculous statements. One of them that I cannot tahan when I read this year Annual Report.

"The same group of activists has previously wound up another listed closed-end fund, Amanah Millenia Fund in 2007. " Page 10, iCapital 2024 Annual Report.

Such falsehood cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged and here are the actual facts of the case as per public record.

"Same group" meaning COL was part of it? You won't find it......see this link...

The vote to continue the fund after 10 years from listing is in its M&A, and the special resolution is proposed by the fund itself, as per the notice of meeting.

As a special resolution, it required at least 75% acceptance and no single or a couple of shareholders can muster that number as per the shareholders list.

These 75% must the activists then. 🙄🙄


1 day ago | Report Abuse

$ 0.1041 dividend is no sweetener because stock price tanking like a rock, much more than $ 0.1041.....I will surely sell first ask questions later.......sell first and buy back at lower price, provided discount to NAV is huge enough - may another round of 40% discount? TTB sure will scream again, WTF, my NAV naik but my share price lembik.


1 day ago | Report Abuse

Where on earth you have bought shares and told you are not entitled to dividends ?????

TTB should be aware that Ringgit appreciations will help COL as they will have forex and capital gains....

If they dump 4 more million shares, you will almost bet it will go below $3


1 day ago | Report Abuse

I can almost bet....COL will be forced to sell more...look at the dividend that TTB has just announced on 27/9/2024

"Under the written procedures established by ICAP pursuant to the Securities Industry (Central Depositories) (Foreign Ownership) Regulations 1996, foreigners who hold Shares within the prescribed limit of 20% of the total number of issued Shares (“Prescribed Limit”) shall be entitled to all rights and obligations attached to the Shares as determined by the Board. In this connection, the Board will implement the restriction to the Shares held by foreign depositors which exceed the Prescribed Limit (“Restricted Shares”) as follows:

(i) the Restricted Shares held by foreign depositors shall not be entitled to the Interim Dividend and therefore are not entitled to participate in the DRP;

(ii) the Restricted Shares will be determined on ‘last-in first-out’ basis (i.e. where the Prescribed Limit is breached, Shares acquired by foreigners later in time than those acquired earlier in time, as they appear on the record of depositors, will be deemed as Restricted Shares); and

(iii) Shares held by foreigners which are within the Prescribed Limit shall be entitled to the Interim Dividend and are entitled to participate in the DRP."


1 day ago | Report Abuse

What Artificial? What Trending? A person never accept responsibility is terrible. It's like election, when the people spoken, accept la the results and don't blame the voters. When price down, blame COL for selling. When price up[COL buying] last year, it was TTB dick a good job.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

>>>>>Can I quote below to report TTB to Bursa SC so that actions can be taken against him for violation of Bursa rule and regulation:
Paragraph/Rule 9.12(1) and Paragraph/Rule 9.12(2)

Or do I need to wait till next 2 to 4 years if KLCI did not hit 2,500 - 3,000 points?>>>>

This is equivalent to saying if Trump wins the US election, I will shave my head! A promise. Of course, promises can be easily broken, and cannot be sued for specific performance.

However if you feel strongly and want to file a complaint, this is the link 😎


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Bursa has some guidelines regarding promotional

Paragraph/Rule 9.12(1) of the LR states that a listed
issuer/corporation must refrain from promotional disclosure activity
in any form whatsoever or howsoever which may mislead investors or
cause unwarranted price movement and activity in a listed issuer’s/
corporation’s securities.
➢ Paragraph/Rule 9.12(2) of the LR states that such activity includes
news releases, public announcements, predictions, reports or
advertisements which are –
(a) not justified by actual developments concerning a listed issuer/
(b) exaggerated;
(c) flamboyant;
(d) overstated or
(e) over-zealous.

If you read the case study Company I was reprimanded and two of Executive Directors were fined $100,000 each.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Re-quote above past post -- by right iCap cannot make such bold statements. It's almost like a company giving forecast for their company Sales, Profitability, EPS or NAV growth. Such statements from someone who is holding such an important position akin like coming from the mouth of a CEO could influence movement of its share price. It should be prohibited. I believe many people who bought at 3.30-3.40 will certainly think/anchored the NAV RM 8 will come true by 2029.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

>>>"Posted by JohnD0ugh > 2024-05-12 12:52 | Report Abuse

What will be the target price of Berhad 3 to 5 years from now ? There are two possible positive outcomes.

[1]. Assume NAV of Berhad doubling from RM3.93 – to around RM7.86 in 5 years. If its share price equals the NAV of RM7.86 then, it will rise by RM4.81 or 158% from RM3.05 nowadays. If its share price then trades at a say a conservative 10% premium to its NAV, as the Malaysian stock market will then be in a bullish mood, its share price will equal to RM8.65 – a rise of RM5.60 or 184% from RM3.05 now.

[2]. The NAV of Berhad has in the past outperformed the KLSE by 6 percentage points per annum. So, if this pattern repeats and the KLCI doubles in 5 years, the NAV of Bhd in 5 years’ time will be RM10.19. Assume its share price trades at a 10% premium to its NAV, the share price of your Fund will trade at RM11.21 – a jump of RM8.16 or 267% from RM3.05 nowadays.

In short, the expected share price of Berhad in 3 to 5 years’ time will double to either RM7.86 or rally to RM11.21, a gain of RM8.16.

The above performance has not included potential contribution from the dividend policy of Berhad.
In the past, when nearly all the shareowners of Berhad were individuals, its share price traded at a premium to its NAV. In the coming years, I pray that this can be repeated so that your Fund can finally restore its real value. In that context, I would like to make a plea to the few recalcitrant investors (for the lack of a better term to describe them) not to act disruptively and destructively.

i Berhad 3Q2024 Report"


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

iCAP NAV 5-Sept-2024 $ 3.88
iCAP Share Price 6-Sep-2024 $ 3.17
Discount = 18%

For a long time, we didn't see iCap discounts get less than 20%.....Congratulations to the fund manager. This narrowing discount thanks to its NAV drop from all time high $4.47(- 13%). His star performers like SAM and Padini had very bad quarterly results contributed to the sharp price downward shift.

Questions: will its NAV continue to drop and will the recent bull buyers get disappointed and move its share price down?

Perhaps the bulls won't throw in their towels --- if NAV continues to drop, we may see its share price may even traded for a premium. 😎


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Why blame foreign inteference?

Chart wise, looks like a double top formed.

Portfolio wise, 30% of holding is tied to technology (KGB and Unisem)......It can cut both ways.....if technology rotation is can expect NAV to go down together but of course if it's just a blip, then you can expect NAV to go higher.

Market is rational and perhaps the fund manager can also think rationally.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The Trillion Dollar Equation.....if you are interested to find out go to this Youtube link to watch the video on Options


2 months ago | Report Abuse

A call option at current market price has no intrinsic value, therefore it is free. Just like giving out supermarket coupons with no discount! For suckers.

But the fund managers now going round saying he is super bullish and sold off all his "free call option"(cash) but willing to pay premium for his Call Options. 😝😝


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Gemini AI helps me a little on this Free Call option thinge
The claim of possessing a "free call option" is misleading and lacks financial rigor. There's no such thing as a truly free option; its acquisition invariably comes with a cost, often in the form of opportunity cost or other trade-offs.

It's more accurate to say that the individual is strategically holding a high cash position, anticipating potential market downturns to deploy capital for undervalued assets. While this approach might lead to short-term performance gains, attributing these gains to a "free call option" is an oversimplification and misrepresents the complexities of options trading.

Such a strategy is essentially a form of market timing, which is inherently risky and difficult to execute consistently. Any outperformance achieved through this method should be evaluated in the context of the overall market and investment universe, rather than being solely attributed to a mythical "free call option".


2 months ago | Report Abuse

We all knows that Call Option has natural leverage that will magnify the returns when you get it right. I was wondering if it has 2X, 3X even 4X return on his 267 million call option will deliver additional $4 -$8 NAV per share(adding additional gains 500-1 billion using 2018 as a baseline.


2024-06-27 17:29 | Report Abuse

Dedicated to Papa TTB.....what is market manipulation.

SC sues Yu Kuan Chon over alleged market rigging, manipulation


2024-06-19 15:54 | Report Abuse

My take TTB is using diversion tactics.. Hate DAP. Everything is DAP's problem. At this point TTB will be even more afraid to declare dividend. When it goes ex-dividend the share price has not mementum to go to before dividend... It's a psychological perception price got depresssed eve further.


2024-06-17 23:56 | Report Abuse

All talk talk action one on the innovative dividend....will be a miscarriage 🤣🤣


2024-06-17 16:39 | Report Abuse

1st year innovative dividend Cheng Beng anniversary will come soon. RiP


2024-06-17 16:09 | Report Abuse

Dream ba.... Dividend... Rising NAV = more management fees😂😂


2024-06-17 16:03 | Report Abuse

Wat! SBB? Dividend? Why benefit COL? Why bail them out at such a good price? You see the problem here?? TTB said COL sold mean they should sell only 5,000 days/day to maintain price? Then you are asking COL to use 600 trading days to exit? 😂😂 COL not so bodoh la....why crash iCAP price while they managed to disposed a small little brother middle finger while the whole body is still trapped in iCAP


2024-06-17 15:57 | Report Abuse

An old dog may have some cognitive capacity to learn new tricks.. 😂😂


2024-06-17 15:56 | Report Abuse

Don't use same old long winded tactics


2024-06-17 15:55 | Report Abuse

Or do share buy back


2024-06-17 15:55 | Report Abuse

If I'm TTB, declares dividend


2024-06-17 15:27 | Report Abuse

bad feng shui on iCap

Why it FY closing ended on the day with 857 stocks in red?

After Pop lost the case -- what do you expect? If foreigners can't buy more surely sell la!

When you see COL sell, the rest cannot sell ah????

COL still got at least 30 million++ shares to sell.....this will be the share price overhang even NAV shoot up to $5

It's a value shares sell now, no shares buy other can even copy TTB portfolio without paying him any management fees. :)

Looking at the daily volume, no interests from retail investors to buy ady.


2024-05-18 09:13 | Report Abuse

Opportunity or threats --- or exercise cautions?

iCap closing price
15/5/2024 ---> $ 3.44
16/5/2024 --->3.30 down from previous day 4%
17/5/2024 --->3.24 down from previous day 1.7%
Cumulative losses 5.7%

COL contributed to 65 -70% of selling in the past 2 days.

16/5/2024 293,300/448,400 = 65% of sales
17/5/2024 207,200 over 297,700 = 70% of sales.

A few things to think about on this new development:

(i) As TTB wishes to kick out COL, his dream may finally comes true….COL is finally exiting now.

When a substantial shareholder starts to exit in such an illiquid stock, share price will surely dropped quite drastically, as we can see it has lost 5.7% or 28 million market capitalization was wiped out in 2 days….Pray hard no more follow through selling from other people who also will join the sales party.

(ii) In the past, COL was being accused: when they start buying share, price dropped, discounts were widening, by the same logic, when they start selling shares now, price should go up, discount should be narrowing. Can you have a cake and eat it at the same time?

(iii) Many of us has been advocating to buy low, sell high. This is exactly what COL was doing, buying low and now prices have moved up substantially, sell high.

(iv) But TTB has been selling the story buy high and sell at even higher prices…..In TTB you trust maxim.:) Good luck to those water fish.

TTB has been drumming up his bullish calls and sowing seeds that his NAV will only go up. In current positive market environment, many will anchor his most recent NAV around $4 and peg a discount and concluded it was still cheap to buy especially he was telling everyone iCap NAV will go up in 5 years from the range $ 7.86 to 10.19

(v) Even it may come true though his historical track records at best was matching EPF return. Beware buying at any of current price.

(vi) What if there is a black swan event? What if his current NAV around $4 drops by 20%, NAV will be $3.2, pegging a 24% discount based on his innovative dividend policy, worst case share price will drop to 2.43. Say those buy at $ 3.20, they may be staring at 25% losses.

(vii) There are two assumptions need to be re-examined.

One, COL will never sell and will buy “even at row with the fund manager”. Despite of kena smacked by the fund manager, , dragged to court and suffered public ridicules by posting tonnes of accusations in AGM or blogs, his private pulpit iCAP newsletter, quarterly and annual report, booo at AGM wheneve COL was mentioned, list will go on. None of this important, what is import to COL is buy cheap at a discount and sell high. They will ignore all the political speeches and rallies.

Two, NAV will never drop – yes not yet. Be careful of recency bias.

(viii) Will iCap share price get cheaper? At what price you may find support? Using the base case of NAV 4 and 30% discount, you may find some support around $2.80.

Someone says you can ignore all the noises in this blog…….Yes, please 😊


2024-05-04 15:04 | Report Abuse

they always speaking out of two mouths -- one mouth say they care only about NAV but they other mouth say they don't care about the iCap share price but all the statements contradict themselves


2024-05-04 15:00 | Report Abuse

but unfortunately they won't dare ... only poking here and there.....


2024-05-04 14:59 | Report Abuse

Haha.....if they dare to mention that explicitly it's COL - then they can be sued till no pants for defamation and libel against the court


2024-05-04 14:14 | Report Abuse

As its fund manager, my investing decisions influence the NAV performance of Berhad. On the other hand, the market price of Berhad is, positively or negatively, determined by investors, especially those who breached the 20% single shareholder limit.

Second misleading thing - iCap lost the appeal all the way to Federal court when the court rules no individual shareholder exceeded 20% holding.

It's a scary thing when people tell 1/2 truth 1/2 lies....


2024-05-04 14:09 | Report Abuse

Lol! Dream on - market cap does not even breach 1 billion. Even small cap also not qualified. The fund manager like to mis-lead people. Integrity?


2024-03-28 15:53 | Report Abuse

Time will tell............:)

See 22/3 189 k shares bought by COL and that large long green candle......for now many iCap shareholders that entered at lower prices are rejoicing.

Hope more water fish will take the bite.....


2024-03-28 10:54 | Report Abuse

One of the things that may directly impact COL will be their voting rights....even they have more than 20%....their voting rights will be clipped. If I'm in COL shoes, I certainly have no incentives to buy further.


2024-03-28 10:48 | Report Abuse

To many may still thinking current situation is status quo, the implication of Pop Investment lost the case will have the implication of Foreign ownership may be capped at 20%....those still thinking COL or foreign investors will continue to buy, you may need to digest this latest development.

TTB did not publish this in a high profile manners is a smart thing to do. Else when panic sets in all rushing out at the same exit door, iCap price will undo all the advances.


2024-03-28 10:45 | Report Abuse

Further to the announcements dated 3 November 2023, 16 November 2023, 17 January 2024 and 4 March 2024 (“Announcements”), unless otherwise defined, the definitions and terms used as set out in the Announcements shall apply herein.

The Board of Directors of the Fund wishes to announce that the Judge of the Kuala Lumpur High Court had dismissed Pop Investment Limited ("Plaintiff")’s suit on the Originating Summons No. WA-24NCC-581-10/2023 (“the OS”).

The Fund will make further announcement on the developments of the above matter as and when is necessary.

This announcement is dated 25 March 2024.


2024-03-26 09:09 | Report Abuse

Those have no positions or plan to increase position, think again. Do you still buy into TTB iCap dream, share price $ 8-11? Good luck!


2024-03-26 09:07 | Report Abuse

Congrats?😨if COL cannot buy or no incentive to buy and forced to sell, what will happen to the share price? buy and hold forever?


2024-03-07 14:05 | Report Abuse

If this we were to go on....iCap soon will be like a zoombie and we can see widening of discounts again....TTB is still very quiet about the dividend thing.....what takes it so long? It's 3-4 months past AGM......still sweet talk or think we all got Alzheimer?


2024-03-07 14:01 | Report Abuse

COL bought shares again on 4/3/2024.....price lifted from 2.80 to 2.90 but the next days people watered it down...clamoring to exit......NAV naik sikit but share price kept getting interests from retail investors ady....😂😂


2024-02-01 00:02 | Report Abuse

Rare! Iconic! Irony!


2024-01-31 23:59 | Report Abuse

Need some buy some Amway products to purify the toxic air in the office....even though they met only a couple of times a year 🤐🤐


2024-01-30 21:05 | Report Abuse


Don't be like that lah....It helps at least to improve my English vocabulary. Sui! Very rare and iconic. What's an irony!😆


2024-01-30 20:11 | Report Abuse

Messages crossed... My message was referring why shareholders bailed out as such deep discounts


2024-01-30 19:58 | Report Abuse

They should follow Patient Investor...if want to sell Q as close as possible to NAV or at premium. Unfortunately with a little of sweets like yesterday.... Sellers rushing to bring down from 2.90 to same opening price. I was keeping my fingers crossed, hold all sell orders you fools but only God knows why they sold. 😂😂


2024-01-30 17:52 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the reminders.... While COL was buying, Laxey Partner was exiting... If COL was not buying... Dunno who will take over of Laxey large block. If COL and Laxey were party in concert surely we would have seen the married block.... It's understandable when people have so much stakes in iCap... They naturally worries of many sharks...


2024-01-30 15:51 | Report Abuse

Would like to share these charts. You can make the evaluation and conclusion yourself

TTB keeps telling the whole world, discounts were widened as they employ running do___gs posting hundreds of posts in this forum, manipulating share price so that COL can buy on cheap.

Hence, I go back to period before COL became a substantial shareholder. The discounts already existed between 13-25%.

You can see after COL became substantial shareholder, they kept buying while the discounts were stable at 20% from the period 2011-2018. For sure many think this part of data fits the narrative but not so fast...see the movie till the end. When COL slowing the buying from 2019 - 2021, annual nett share purchases dropped drastically(you can see the 2 red bars in the chart 1) -- the discounts widened more and more to almost 35%. When iCAP took COL to court, they can't buy post injunction and went down to almost 40%.

Discounts start to improve a bit but like zhangwin said, within weeks of purchases after the injunction lifted, it helps to bring back to about 20% level.....

Post injunction charts are posted for your reference.


2024-01-30 14:21 | Report Abuse

@Zhangwin - since you have invested almost all in with some of the attentions on the issues being discussed here. I personally feel the biggest issue with the fund manager is ego. Ego is dangerous too as this is a component that we usually need to evaluate management just like in other companies. A person is more ready to admit guilt by omission or commission is more straight forward and will learn the lessons more deeply. WB would have many times kicking himself by making mistake by omission for not taking position on stocks he understood perfectly or how he lost shareholders money by making a bad decision. Some said he can do so because of he is WB and admitting it openly won't erode his credibility. To me it's a person DNA, some people just can't sleep when he felt we had not done the best.

I wish you best of luck.


2024-01-30 13:46 | Report Abuse

Some are pure traditional value play such as low PE, high dividend yield or P/B