
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-06-26 14:06 | Report Abuse

Roger. Rozali didn't paid RM10K to " reseachers" so Puncak get C grade.


2015-06-26 11:44 | Report Abuse

Wa. Roger put up a blockage at 2.69 / 2.68 / 2.67


2015-06-26 10:28 | Report Abuse

I am done with 2.69 / 2.70 Now. 2.71 also gone. 1/2 hour come back to take 2.72 (coffee break)


2015-06-26 10:22 | Report Abuse

Roger are still Q-ing at 2.69


2015-06-26 10:21 | Report Abuse

Cash can earn FD interest only. Assets can multiply many folds


2015-06-26 09:49 | Report Abuse

I just had beer with 2 of the big contra players last night ( they bought 8 days ago --still
didn't lose alot )


2015-06-26 09:44 | Report Abuse

hng33. Yesterday loss RM10K short selling


2015-06-26 09:43 | Report Abuse

Cannot wait 2.70 all mine


2015-06-26 09:41 | Report Abuse

Waiting for ppl to throw at 2.69 / 2.68


2015-06-26 09:27 | Report Abuse

Roger. Didn't receive mail from you. But my lawyer friend said the " issue is related to
main clause---with main clause gone the attached provisions still hanging in the footNote.
Azmin is trying get Ongkili to remove the attached provisions--just a signature. That why
Azmin is very positive
Yes someone is buying--is me (slowly no need to rush)


2015-06-25 23:31 | Report Abuse

Wah. Kahhoeng cannot sleep yet. Just finish beer section with big contra players. No problem
tomolo more buying--for sure. There are many moles inside state secretariat building--
now i have found out.


2015-06-25 20:34 | Report Abuse

Didn't receive any email--Roger. Try again--using direct --google. I have blocked all mails directed
from this forum.


2015-06-25 20:01 | Report Abuse

Roger. My source said exco is contemplating on some finer details and not the main issue(already
agreed between Azmin/Ong) So any idea what details they are talking about???
Now it is quite difficult to get Ong/Azmin to meet again bcoz " Ong vested interest" are all gone.


2015-06-25 18:41 | Report Abuse

The Edge is too eager to publish the report, they should delay atleast to this friday. I have no choice but to buy also bcoz the price will be too high to get in again.
The deal is still Go bcoz The Sultan was briefed by Azmin. My remisier has executed the
sell order for a few Big Contra players bcoz they had bought at a much earlier date.
But they are buying back soon.
Price didn't drop in Engtex & KPS but Up (bcoz no contra buyers)


2015-06-25 13:17 | Report Abuse

Preparation of Supplement Documents required time for typing and Error checking. Last
night States meets to finalise the details only (not main issue--All settled last week bet Ong/Azmin)
Therefore no announcement--Today if documents not ready for signing--announcement will be
make. That is the reason Roger is in blind now bcoz his source cannot confirmed


2015-06-25 10:33 | Report Abuse

Yesterday predict 1.15--only realised today. Don't mind 1.20 today


2015-06-25 10:17 | Report Abuse

Roger. Who clear 300K road block???


2015-06-25 09:22 | Report Abuse

skyu. You think today is still year 1990 where KLSE is run by politicans and "Cowboys".
Bursa auditors spend about 2-3months checking each remisier for illegal trading (KL & Selangor area) And another 2-3month by In-House auditors + Outside Auditors if Security House has
other owners. TA security used to be the biggest in town until their Boss got caught and look
at TA today (a very small fish)
Now most illegal trading are done in small town by small cap owner
Bursa has wide ranging power approved by Cabinet (even EPF cannot Arm wrestle bursa
into approving CIMB/RHB voting rights)
So unless you have stock---You Cannot Short Sell----You See where I am getting!!!


2015-06-25 08:54 | Report Abuse

My guess EPF has about 15mil shares to Sell (yesterday about 2.0mil sold) The bad thing
is EPF got to sell when you have peak volume--put a real damper on price


2015-06-25 07:01 | Report Abuse

Hi fela another Contra player. George Soros and GMT are the same vultures that feed on scrap
meat when companies are on uneven keel. To be legend and gain more subscriptions(vested
interest --charging more). There are thousand GMT's lookalike in New Stock exchange but
rarely caused any effect. Once they Scored first Hit in Singapore---hundreds will be coming--
AA is the first Hit in Malaysia. Why register in HongKong? Come and stay in Malaysia--lah or
Singapore (we are better host --mah ) Why hit us so far away??
---AA born in Malaysia ----As Mahathir told US's NGO--just bcoz you want to make a few millions, you made a few millions without JOB


2015-06-25 05:50 | Report Abuse

Both Umno and PKR has the same objective--how to raise fund for 14th General election. (You cannot raise Billions in 6 months) And Langat2 is the biggest ATM machine to fatten cronies.
Umno had won bcoz of Khalid's signature. Azmin tried to sabotage the deal many times but
of no avail. So I think he has given up and move somewhere else.
Sweet Water's boss is PKR crony so splash is Not going down the drain as most ppl think.
Gamuda will be use as pawn/excuse to fatten Splash deal.( this what Khaild trying to "warn"
us---bcoz he is aligning with Umno now) Do Not expect Umno to give more than 2billion to
Selangor bcoz Umno knows it is going to Fatten PKR crony. How to fatten PKR crony--next


2015-06-24 17:43 | Report Abuse

Give confidence to investors next 2 days, then price can go up. If Wellington Buys, EPF got
to follow


2015-06-24 17:32 | Report Abuse

If confirmed signing tonight---Tomolo RM1/dividen also confirmed. Even i don't want it--
many small funds still need the value bcoz FD is only 4%. Fund manager bonus also
depends on this (yr by yr). If next year stock market Not Good--then RM1/dividen very
important to them


2015-06-24 17:22 | Report Abuse

Friday Roger said Pakatan collapse (I said just rumour) Today he said buyback in the
morning. Afternoon he said please rescue me selling at 3.0/3.1. So complicated. Now
i hope he confirmed what he is going to say tomolo.


2015-06-24 17:12 | Report Abuse

Wellington is slowly buying back what they sold. So HolyCrab if Big Boys buying(as i predicted)
price can still Fall --meh


2015-06-24 16:30 | Report Abuse

We are at the mercy of EPF!!!!!


2015-06-24 15:23 | Report Abuse

When my "mai chai" comes--they will let you know by action. Every times ask to be rescued


2015-06-24 15:08 | Report Abuse

I have just told "Ah Loong Tai Koh " and Kereta Potong specialist to BUY TP 3.50 -3.70
So Roger you can Sell --lah


2015-06-24 15:02 | Report Abuse

As of Now I didn't hear any news tomolo signing is Off---By 5:00 it should be a confirmed GO.
Actually 2 weeks ago I already confirmed it is a GO but this stupid Ongkili & Rozali go and
announced something stupid and caused me to sell. They are not invited to my party for sure.


2015-06-24 13:33 | Report Abuse

Current price cannot be sustained if Insider(s) SELL. Only 2mil shares done. Let see after 2:30
if price coming down or Not. I think today price will be 2.85-2.90 range bound.
My worry is only EPF. If in market --afternoon will hit another 2-3 mil shares done.
The good thing is EPF got only 20-15mil shares left. Don't believe they will unload everything


2015-06-24 12:22 | Report Abuse

Roger your Q at 2.80 & 2.81 confirmed


2015-06-24 11:57 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow--manyak-manyak ppl will bailed you out. Pasar Apek still selling vegetables--tomolo
read newspaper only know


2015-06-24 11:46 | Report Abuse

HaHa No Reverse Gear!!!!


2015-06-24 11:18 | Report Abuse

Jaks / KPS vol. flying so everybody knows by now. Maybe engtex 1.15 by 5.00pm


2015-06-24 11:13 | Report Abuse

Bought into Engtex too this morning. Control tightly by family (making water steel pipes)
Bigger bang for money bcoz only 1.06


2015-06-24 11:10 | Report Abuse

jolie2. If KPS goes to 2.0, I can party till year end


2015-06-24 11:06 | Report Abuse

On bank account. Have to pay interest--mah. Not kaya---just happy. After Signing, sure
Boss will start work in Langat2. No more part-time job in Stock market


2015-06-24 10:55 | Report Abuse

BUY--BUY. Tomolo Water restructuring signing--PUNCAK climbing fast


2015-06-24 10:48 | Report Abuse

A little disappointed bcoz can only collect 280K from morning till now. Already too expensive.
If i didn't sell lasttime, I would be in much better position.
Anyway, Bragging right tonight at Bar Table. First round on me.


2015-06-24 10:31 | Report Abuse

Bought another 80K


2015-06-24 09:47 | Report Abuse

Roger. Buying at what price? You have sunk Ifca? Ifca going down by 15% i will buy 5000shares


2015-06-23 19:54 | Report Abuse

I want price to go up tomolo. Bintang2 want price to go down so that he can go home---very strange.


2015-06-23 19:19 | Report Abuse

Uptrend will begin when everybody gave up. All those GMT's smelly shit will turn into Durian
smell when price suddenly shoot up


2015-06-23 19:13 | Report Abuse

Tomolo Vol will be much lower than today. Any small buying by Big Boys will help alot.


2015-06-23 19:10 | Report Abuse

Both EPF and Wellington Sell around 1.80+++. If Wellington don't Buy and Let EPF Buy-Up
the price then Wellington may lose a 15 cents spread (16,212,000 * 0.15 = 2,431,000)
With RM2.4mil, we can party until December with Sharkfin + Abalone + Beer


2015-06-23 17:24 | Report Abuse

No Prediction for tomolo Price!!!!! 170mil done on T & 20 mil done on T+4. Still waiting for
sharkfin + abalone--so hungry