
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-06-11 20:23 | Report Abuse

I made most of my trading money from 3.80 (Mahathir era) Short burst of forex has No meaning
bcoz Bank negara will step-in. It is long term 6 months+++ but now we Asean currency swap
and also China (our main trading partner) can step in ( 1 trillion in US$ reserve--NO shit )


2015-06-11 19:42 | Report Abuse

Today AA loss 10% but if the reason is forex loss then it is overdone (bcoz i estimate only 2.6%
loss at 3.85 )


2015-06-11 19:37 | Report Abuse

People are crazy when they said ex-change will be 4.0 so foreigner sell. (But foreigner can hedge now to minimise loss).The maximum year end
rate according to my estimate is only 3.85 at October (bcoz one of my biz is trading) Any rate
higher than 3.85 will activate Bank Negara intervention mode. At 4.0 --Tenaga & Telecom
& Power Plant will " gulung tikar " Inflation will be atleast 5-6% (Bank Negara estimate)
But Rakyat estimate is 12-15%


2015-06-11 18:28 | Report Abuse

crazy ppl will buy when it is 2.00 tomolo


2015-06-11 18:26 | Report Abuse

Secrecy. I just notice this huge discount at 4:45


2015-06-11 18:21 | Report Abuse

Blue. Counting Days are over..Wake-Up


2015-06-11 18:18 | Report Abuse

Moi. Last time bought at 2.09 ( limited funds bcoz keep buying OskH in Dip ) Today got
new trading limits from Bank---so old score and new one settled tomolo


2015-06-11 18:06 | Report Abuse

Maybe 6 July is directed to PJD


2015-06-11 18:04 | Report Abuse

Doesn't sound too good in cantonese


2015-06-11 18:02 | Report Abuse

EGM---6 July


2015-06-11 17:39 | Report Abuse

Tomolo 50/50 chance Dead Cat Bounce. 5% up i can buy a Cartier Glass frame--Of course
5% down i will get a Black Eye (like Anwar)


2015-06-11 17:28 | Report Abuse

Bought between 1.80 and 1.82
Tomolo will know--whether AA is still a Gold nugget Or Mud pie


2015-06-11 16:25 | Report Abuse

Langat 2 in trouble----Players unloading today


2015-06-11 14:27 | Report Abuse

If you want to see big boys selling --see AirAsia today--27M shares done before Noon.
I Believe EPF didn't sell a single Puncak share by Noon.


2015-06-11 14:04 | Report Abuse

Now Puncak becomes a good trading stock bcoz EPF is trapped by this sell down. Surely
it will rebounce above 2.70--that where EPF will trap us. Spent 4 months playing Cimb with
EPF in similar fashion.


2015-06-11 13:40 | Report Abuse

If no selling this afternoon, price will go back to 2.70 again tomorrow. Guess who is buying?


2015-06-11 13:18 | Report Abuse

Sold 95,000 shares this morning. Including yesterday sale, I have 5000 left. Luckily trading limits only approved before noon today if not more unloading this morning.


2015-06-10 10:19 | Report Abuse

EPF Sir, please show me some sign that you want to MOVE to 2.85 Level. Don't worry about
the small Lots. Roger123 is NO longer here.


2015-06-09 12:56 | Report Abuse

Hng33. I not going to make money on supporting at 2.75. Just removing small lots bcoz they
add pressure. Even EPF cannot support market at 3.0 last time. Bank is a little wary
when i asked my banker to extend my buying limits on Puncak. They will give me a answer
this afternoon after consulting her immediate manager.
I did buy at 2.65 but they were all gone fast.
If Puncak do not rise as expected, I will lose big on this gamble.


2015-06-09 12:30 | Report Abuse

I said before, there will be run up atleast 5-15 cents Before EGM. Pressure is building. Maybe
up trend this afternoon.


2015-06-09 12:25 | Report Abuse

I think from 10-to 16 June has better chance. Azmin No longer talked about Water deal or
Langat 2. ( more like a done deal) Now many Bumi land owners are asking Azmin about
high speed train land acquisition act


2015-06-09 11:06 | Report Abuse

No annchua. Roger don't understand what i said. When i formed barricade at 2.75 for small
Ikan bilis--means I BUY and maintain price at 2.75. I have a big block at 2.65--why must i
let price to fall to this level (2.65). EPF have a very block at 2.70 so I think 2.75 is a very
risk free zone. Previously the market is very stormy so nobody see it.


2015-06-09 10:11 | Report Abuse

Now that All the monkeys have left the Fruit Tree, I decided to move my barricade to 2.75
Since EPF and the Big Fishes are scanning this blog on a regular basis, it is good to inform
them. I am just a beaver making a beaver dam with sticks and branches so don't flood me.
I try to duplicate the same gain starting at 2.65.


2015-06-08 19:18 | Report Abuse

Wow. Roger has sold All @ 2.75-2.76 (Big Block gone). I just hope there are another 2-3 investors who had about 1-2 millions spare cash for Puncak shares. If you push, I will do
my best to support. Go for 3.00 atleast and set up a barricade
I have budget a small barricade at 2.65 (i think is enough)


2015-06-08 17:49 | Report Abuse

All those who hope for a Selangor snap election will be very disappointed if nothing happen
in 2 weeks ( even this coming Friday if more damage control is lashed out by HADI himself )
I will wait ---already 5-6 months of waiting


2015-06-08 17:33 | Report Abuse

With pension selling, 1.50 - 1.70 is a better range. But what happen if another big fund like khazaanh (or similar big funds) starts to sell


2015-06-08 17:25 | Report Abuse

Wait till this Friday to see whether Cimb is going sideway for this Quarter. Cimb needs atleast
2 Quarter for MSS to show results


2015-06-08 17:21 | Report Abuse

Tuan Ibrahim (newly minted deputy President) is now attacking Najib while Mahfur Omar is attacking DAP. So Pas is like a Mad Dog barking at ALL directions. Very confusing but very smart
bcoz they are doing damage control without saying damage control. Very smart Taliban indeed


2015-06-08 15:56 | Report Abuse

Market has no direction until Roger make a move (Sell or Buy )


2015-06-08 15:43 | Report Abuse

Maxi increase 0.25% for Sept. Already fully discounted by the market. See no impact on
Bursa "Goreng Stock"


2015-06-08 15:15 | Report Abuse

OLH has all to lose if the deal is not completed--Not us. He is now facing a huge carrying
cost ( oskP + Pjd ). Again I repeat who gave All those False acquisition price of OskP???
From 1.20 to 2.80, i don't think OLH bought at this price


2015-06-08 14:09 | Report Abuse

Don't worry bluebiznet. The money is already in your pocket. What is the difference bet. 5 -10
days -- not much to me. I have tested the sellers a couple of time--they are false ( atleast
during closing time).


2015-06-08 13:35 | Report Abuse

Sell Roger Sell Roger @ 2.77. Market can support your selling--only a few lots(1000/lots)left


2015-06-08 12:19 | Report Abuse

My Promotion. PAS will lose 75% of its Selangor Seat to BN if snap Election is called Next
week.... Hadi, I think You know it too....


2015-06-08 12:02 | Report Abuse

Have breakfast with PKR friend and he mention Azmin will distance himself from Hadi bcoz of
lastest Umno/Hadi cooperation. PasMa need proper introduction first--cannot rush. Next DAP
option is to have Snap election and let UMNO capture most of PAS seats in Selangor ( i am
80% sure Pas will loose majority of its selangor seat). Without Anwar and Pas, it is impossible
to capture back the seats (lost seat )in Next General Election bcoz Umno has the most potent
weapon ----Money


2015-06-08 11:08 | Report Abuse

cheoky. Didn't meet the right person for new info. As usual my datuk said it is 2 week time.
Got a earful on DAP/Hadi spat. DAP is really going to promote PasMa with PKR support
including Wan Azizah & Co. Azmin is now standing alone bcoz of his Pro-Hadi stance.
In order for PasMa to be a political force--it need to be Register First and Alot of promotion
in Selangor First. A by-election in Selangor is Good starting place.
So the time frame for by -election is atleast 6 months from NOW
Selangor Water Restructuring cannot wait 6 months (given timeframe 2 months)
So the restructuring is a GO (with DAP's political stance)
Unless Umno throw a spanner into the wheel, i see no further delay----just my 2 cents


2015-06-06 13:42 | Report Abuse

AGM--select a date where all your enemy cannot attend. EGM ---a date where All your friends
can attend. Expected a 10-15 cents run-up next week And another 10-15 cents After proposal
voted-In. After that is All syndicate operation. In Osk building, many Remisier has 5 - 10 millions
trading Limits but i don't know whether they can trade on OskH shares or Not. If they can
then expect some firework after Proposal voted In. Bursa will not queries any Run-up then


2015-06-05 20:35 | Report Abuse

Amanah Saham Bumi disposing & EPF buy and selling at the same time. Basically rearranging
portfolio. No harm done. One buying, the other selling


2015-06-05 19:34 | Report Abuse
GoodCompanies. How can a younger brother attacking his elder brother like this?


2015-06-05 17:15 | Report Abuse

Next week should received EGM date but it will be 15/16/17 June


2015-06-05 17:12 | Report Abuse

Roger123. I said you will regret on Thurs and Banging your head on Fri. True or Not.
Oosh, You mentioned selling at 2.80. Did you sell at 2.78?
I am NOT Azmin neighour or Azmin himself or Azmin Bro. Just SinGor


2015-06-04 19:20 | Report Abuse

Preparing tax return-lah(roger). Cheoky, I don't blame you. I just convert my Gamuda and Cimb shares into puncak at 2.62 (average). Don't have to borrow money from Bank. Started
arranging OD for more buying yesterday but you blow the cover @ 11:00AM by saying you know what----. If I am free tomolo, i will explain why I am still bullish on Puncak


2015-06-04 17:05 | Report Abuse

Now I have to pay bank interest with pieces of Roti Canai


2015-06-04 16:46 | Report Abuse

Fly so far--no fuel another MH370.


2015-06-04 16:45 | Report Abuse

Buying is a different thing. There is always a tolerance for error so 1st tranche buying at 5.00


2015-06-04 16:24 | Report Abuse

GoodCompanies. Meditate in cave don't have mosquito--meh. Anyway, some of most vicious
wars in India and China are found between blood brothers or brothers( in name only).
I am sticking by KL Trader Investment's chart(7may) estimate that 5.15 is a real bottom


2015-06-04 14:23 | Report Abuse

Not much time left--egm soon. Usually 2 weeks after Bursa approval--time for printing brochure
and aligning Friends for voting


2015-06-04 13:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyah-Justin Ngo---Now you broken my "periuk Nasi"


2015-06-04 12:04 | Report Abuse

No deal --hired 3 more Roti Canai workers at Langat 2 site. Making roaring business now.
Salcon operating non stop now.


2015-06-04 11:39 | Report Abuse

I am holding more than 200K. Better be Good--cheoky