
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-06-23 12:45 | Report Abuse

Moi. I give you the "dot plot" and you can connect yourself.
1) Who needs Money very desperately
2) This fund has alot alot Shares But cannot contribute bcoz it involved public money.
But can transfer shares to agent(s)
3) Why Tony is keeping so Quiet?? Is he informed??? The lasttime someOne sell down his
Shares--he even brought in Richard Branson

You guys are All wrong about damages done by contra & day Traders. To me they are
always there but it is this Huge Shorty that comes out from No-where and keep selling
until it crashes everybody into a waterfall.


2015-06-23 10:03 | Report Abuse

10:30am "Buyers chasing Seller" HaHa


2015-06-23 09:50 | Report Abuse

I am highly suspicious of this the "Short Seller" It is mind boggling that he has 100mil shares
to sell (total 17 June 170mil). He has to be well Connected with "People or Institutions" that
has IPO shares at 1.40. That Circle has limited the search to just a few "Subject"( less than 5)


2015-06-23 09:23 | Report Abuse

99% Security House execute "Pao Kung Knife" (T+4) in the morning before Noon.
Usually by 10am 80-90% chop done. Let See what would happen. I think "syndicate" already
made their money from 1.43--1.60
Now they are "Pushing Up" to make More Money ( always reverse what ppl are thinking)


2015-06-22 19:04 | Report Abuse

So we are sure this week No News? If Good news why Zainuri is protesting. Wait after Hari Raya?


2015-06-22 17:17 | Report Abuse

Roger. Ifcamsc is a syndicate controlled stock. Your "push" is considered offensive to them.
They might burnt you. Then come back to Puncak as "Black Roger"


2015-06-20 09:56 | Report Abuse

Roger. Puncak needs your support on Monday. I need to make some money in airasia first.


2015-06-19 19:31 | Report Abuse

Monday if 2.55, you buy or not.


2015-06-19 17:30 | Report Abuse

Kahheong. It is just rumours. Bcoz i have just 10K++shares so easy to sell all. Now all
cash ( mention before--can check ). I was just playing poker with Roger to check how
many shares he has.. At 2.55, whether it is deal Or no deal, I can sell anytime next week


2015-06-19 17:08 | Report Abuse

Last minute throw all fund into Airasia (if don't rebounce i screwed)


2015-06-19 16:49 | Report Abuse

I have zero puncak shares now. Maybe pickup on Monday from Roger again @ 2.55
Politics very unstable--


2015-06-19 16:36 | Report Abuse

Roger want to take 2.55


2015-06-19 16:01 | Report Abuse

Poker game with Roger


2015-06-19 15:57 | Report Abuse

Cannot confirmed. just politican talk. Better don't said (afterward said i am spreading rumours)
Better Q ALL your sell lots out---Roger. I can bear bank interest.


2015-06-19 15:46 | Report Abuse

Roger got the same news, i got ( Don't Q)


2015-06-19 15:40 | Report Abuse

Roger. U didn't Q to sell?. Tell me your Q price


2015-06-19 12:19 | Report Abuse

Airasia is the current punters market (will last atleast 3 weeks from now) All the big fishes are
there. Without big fishes around, EPF selling will put a damper on price after 3.20 ( Last run
stops at 3.0++ ) Puncak's bullrun really depends on market sentiment and EPF's plan


2015-06-18 19:33 | Report Abuse

We have wasted 5 months to let politicans claim their bragging rights.


2015-06-18 18:58 | Report Abuse

Actually I believe PAAB CEO Datuk Faizal Abdul Rahman said it is a long negotiation process
that may/could be concluded before Hari Raya (17 July). I think Datuk Faizal has More credential
than Azmin ( he doesn't know the process--just a politican )


2015-06-18 16:10 | Report Abuse

Tenaga No-go stock. Foreigner bought at 7-8 range. EPF and Amanah Saham going to block
a sell down. After AirAsia then Tenaga


2015-06-18 10:38 | Report Abuse

My estimate price is between 3.50-3.70. Why i think EPF will dump Puncak bcoz Rozali don't
have a clear exit plan after selling all its water asset (no investment value atleast for a year.
Actually Puncak is trying to avoid P17 downgrade by distributing all excess cash--RM1/Share)
If you hold after Ex-dividend date---there is a 50/50 chance that Ex-dividend stock price will
be at RM2.00++ for a extend period of time. (Look at Engtex price after bonus 1:2 ---bonus
actually useless bcoz very few ppl can sell on time). All your money will be locked--in


2015-06-18 09:47 | Report Abuse

Just check EPF Not buying. Should be loading today or tomolo if EPF doesn't want to exit--All
news already out. Maybe wait till next week. EPF move i move. Roger sit diam-diam


2015-06-18 09:35 | Report Abuse

Roger123. Waiting for Janet Yellen announcement. Now 80% sure Interest rate rise about
Sept 15. Change Trading strategy bcoz EPF will raise cash from Non-Index link stock to protect
bursa from Foreigner Run on August. Since EPF has less than 5% Puncak shares, there
will be active trading----reserving cash for Goreng. Collected 15,000 shares now


2015-06-17 17:12 | Report Abuse

Coming 2-3 days very critical for Pakatan and Azmin. Not interested in water deal. Azmin is trying to mend a torn shirt with superGlue


2015-06-17 16:54 | Report Abuse

Another 150mil shares to go. Who bought today shares if EPF is selling? Local boys maybe.
Still got 2bil spare cash? Maybe wait till 4.30 Friday. This is a control sell--always 15 cents down


2015-06-17 15:18 | Report Abuse

Throwing from outside the Q is really scary


2015-06-17 15:15 | Report Abuse

EPF is a real shorty. Look at their annoucement


2015-06-17 14:53 | Report Abuse

Thursday + Friday = 200 mil done. Then Monday clear sky.( hope fully).
But AA could be "crap-man" for another 2-3months. Shorty will be all dead. No foreign buying
only local boys ( most digging from "future funeral expenses account" only)


2015-06-17 12:37 | Report Abuse

There is fuel/price adjustment. Why not RM/US$ adjustment? Price quoted in US$. Once
initiated ALL budget airline will follow bcoz this is a way out. So customers cannot complaint. Even
Full service Airline will follow then. Believe me Biz is Biz--got to make money somehow


2015-06-17 10:59 | Report Abuse

Those who bought tickets now have reserve seats outside the plane (preferable
with a parachute) Better buy insurance at Nilai Memoir Cemetery


2015-06-16 11:21 | Report Abuse

Waiting for 2.30 ( Roger BenchMark)


2015-06-16 10:20 | Report Abuse

My guess is previous Vol is too big to digest and too many contra players. Just need time to


2015-06-16 09:50 | Report Abuse

I just know about biz-- Cannot understand why ppl keep harping on US$ and oil. The most
important things is passengers load factor. Variables just hit Bottom line a bit---AA is Not
going to Bankrupt Court to escape Debt--mah. Biz always up & Down every year. If no
future better "bungkus Now" why wait.


2015-06-16 09:36 | Report Abuse

ppl have not digest KL Trader report yet. 4 days of Falls--sure rebounce--only how high.


2015-06-15 19:27 | Report Abuse

Dead Cat bounce --maybe tomolo. Aim at 2.0


2015-06-14 16:31 | Report Abuse

Haha Roger hoping to buy at 2.30---Dream-On. I think tomolo will start at 2.70 ( I blew my chance
to make a little more )


2015-06-14 16:27 | Report Abuse

Still think OLH is after PJD sooner or later. Give or take 6 months after this restructuring, he
will make his move ( my guess is slow collection ).


2015-06-13 15:45 | Report Abuse

Wellington & EPF & Skagen, Norway will be reporting Big Buy "last week". Major loss All from headless bursa chickens. As GoldenShares said---PANIC BUYING next week


2015-06-13 11:53 | Report Abuse

Thank you--Sephiroth. Now i can spend my Saturaday reading other materials


2015-06-13 11:45 | Report Abuse

Beginning of June, I am very bullist on Puncak bcoz All politicans told me Azmin will let Restructuring Go. He needs to concentrate on Saving Pakatan. Without Pas, Azmin's political
career is Over ( bearing in mind Azmin's aim is not MB but the next PM )
Suddenly joint statements from Ongkili and Rozali just knocked my socks off.
Now back to square one again--collecting at 2.60


2015-06-13 10:35 | Report Abuse

GMT make a living from subscriptions----It is their job to find faults & irregularities in everybody
accounts (old or New). Yesterday, Tony has issued a note to investors that he is standing by
his statements that no further cash will be required by either associates.
People are running around like headless chicken this 2 days but when them calm down--Monday
will be ALL Green.
My next assignment for GMT is to Check our local banks for irregularity and faults.


2015-06-12 16:40 | Report Abuse

According to news report today--it is a deal in 2 weeks or else Puncak wants to pull-out


2015-06-12 15:41 | Report Abuse

Bought back some @ 2.60 (not willing to pay more) One of most crazy stock this year


2015-06-12 14:11 | Report Abuse

After restructuring, OskH will be as big as MahSing and also local funds will be presence. So
I don't believe OLH will mess around with warrant price. Previously, you hardly read any
article about OskH bcoz No local fund are interested in OskH. Now it is different, yesterday
my friend working with bank local fund said they are reviewing OskH for clients & themselves.
Anyway volume has picked up compared to yesterday


2015-06-12 12:02 | Report Abuse

OskP--1M seller at 1.90. Why?


2015-06-12 10:33 | Report Abuse

Blue has hit direct on the nail head. That is the reason we need fresh money from Institutions
to move OskH


2015-06-12 10:30 | Report Abuse

In 2004, AA IPO is RM 1.25-----Any Help


2015-06-12 10:12 | Report Abuse

The bulk of foreign buying is between 2010--2011 at RM1.40 - 1.60 range. After keeping
for 5 years, they want to sell at a loss (1.70-1.80--considering the value of money ).
If you said it is syndicate(TF), i would believe you


2015-06-11 20:46 | Report Abuse

Blue. Only 17 trading days. Average 2 cents up per day will be 34 cents by 6 July (maybe too
much but i am not complaining ---haha ) Now PJD shareholders knew it is hopeless now--they
may start to buy OskH shares----If volume start to shoot up tomolo---very good start