
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-05-22 15:03 | Report Abuse

Controlling stakes has no meaning. EPF owns 41% of RHB Cap and yet RHB cap falls from
9.0 to 7.58 (today). We just don't know EPF plan


2015-05-22 14:05 | Report Abuse

david. If what you said it correct, EPF has spread a net the size of KL. Even crocodiles cannot
escaped. Another MRCB fiasco ( 1.80 -0.90 )


2015-05-22 12:13 | Report Abuse

Suddenly Spotlight is on Rozali. Azmin said price follows master plan. Rozali insist price
increased or else .........
If Azmin request lower "cagaran" or lower price, and then Rozali request higher price-----
no wonder Ongkili needs 60 days


2015-05-22 08:33 | Report Abuse

hng33. No other ways


2015-05-22 07:09 | Report Abuse

Najib invests in attack helicopters and fast communication for Sabah after Sandakan kidnapping
Resorts --maybe 12MP (You have to ask PM Anwar then )


2015-05-22 06:51 | Report Abuse

vinvin. 2015 is not a good time for Cimb ( all other banks are in the same boat ) Put all money
into long term then have nothing to do for the whole of 2015 (so boring and no money to buy
good coffee + Cigar ). US interest rate will go up (2016 sure). Local Bank will be hit bcos
have to raise interest too ( Economy not good--Oil price $60/barrel + Strong competition
among Banks ). I think we should keep unloading and keep Buying Down----doing justice
for our hard earned money


2015-05-21 20:21 | Report Abuse

If you want to buy at 5.75 (tomolo - maybe possible) Looks like MUFG is selling & EPF is buying
but both have no strong commitment. I am afraid upside is also limited. Better to let it fall farther-
rebound and sell for quick gained


2015-05-21 17:51 | Report Abuse

Actually NO time to shift back to Kps bcos syndicate will move KPS beyond your reach.
It is better to buy both at the same time. But we have limited assets.


2015-05-21 17:10 | Report Abuse

Don't want to trust this Ongkili fellow ( always blow inflated cow ) AfterAll he lives in a long
house, no water-- just jump into a stream nearby.


2015-05-21 16:51 | Report Abuse

Reduce "Cagaran" or Reduce price ( Najib got to pacify Rozali---how??? I don't know)
Gamuda price is not falling. Maybe Najib already has a understanding with Gamuda.


2015-05-21 16:11 | Report Abuse

Today, Muhyiddin teared his face on 1MDB. He wants all board member to be sacked and
investigation to be launched. Now all silat masters are on the podium. Got time for water
restructuring or Not. Better buy stock: " Garis Mati "


2015-05-21 15:35 | Report Abuse

5.70 buying ( maybe tomolo--a double deckered bus fall on me )


2015-05-21 14:56 | Report Abuse

You are wrong--Water. It is Azmin's boys who got first hand info (not research House). Azmin
according to my political source is building a huge fund for his political career.


2015-05-21 14:32 | Report Abuse

If you read RHB Reseach above very slowly. You will notice very little opinion changed bet.
Fed & States. Ongkili is just blowing a very inflated cow.


2015-05-21 11:20 | Report Abuse

Going to have a hair cut & a bowl of Mee before 11:30am. Maybe after 12 Noon, harga naik


2015-05-21 11:13 | Report Abuse

No need to call wolf wolf--already 5 times. Gamuda real problem. Puncak has EPF & LTH but
Gamuda got EPF & LTH and 4 or 5 Amanah Saham (orang2 kedekut). Fed just kicked
Gamuda's ball to Azmin and declared victory. In the end--it is just blame Game again.


2015-05-21 11:01 | Report Abuse

Trying to make money from VT (the great Houdini) He will make your money disappear long
before you notice what is happening. (So many nicknames for your presentation )


2015-05-21 10:52 | Report Abuse

hng33 is like me doing the jump in jump out move on cimb (also cut loss )


2015-05-21 10:18 | Report Abuse

Big boys buying --sure enough--Cannot absorb so much loss. Cut loss kaki ready


2015-05-21 10:10 | Report Abuse

Look at results end 2015 before buying BJcorp. Sure ToTo revenue will go down + Food Outlets
will be hit hard (Try ask advertiser on Mother Day promotion). I can see Mee stall owners
(Subang Jaya area) swapping flies instead of preparing foods every morning.
And the Fed is so happy when they are able collect to close to a billion on imports from GST,
but they do not realised that for every ringgit they collect--they are actually markingup price
by 30% at Pasar malam (This is what importer friends told me)
Don't believe me compare your morning mee in Jan 15 and today


2015-05-21 09:39 | Report Abuse

Yes, we see hng33 buying in chart (does it help) Better make Azmin flush toilet with Rain water
--better result


2015-05-21 09:36 | Report Abuse

If EPF bought 5M shares yesterday, today cut-loss 8 cents is 400K. Maybe too much


2015-05-21 09:22 | Report Abuse

If NOT completed by Ramadan, Azmin will know whether he has to use rain to flush toilet or Not


2015-05-21 09:16 | Report Abuse

Then we end up with: Oh-No , Oh-No ( Politicians only tarred road when election is near )


2015-05-21 09:09 | Report Abuse

Only cut loss kaki. Big boys not ready--buy or sell


2015-05-21 08:56 | Report Abuse

Watchout for Azmin's knockout punch. Different price!!!! Lain padang lain belalang


2015-05-20 22:59 | Report Abuse

If Mufg and Epf are both sellers tomolo--can 5.75 hold??? But the strange things, both can
be buyers too. Tomolo good show beside Najib 11MP show (no money still talk Big )


2015-05-20 22:44 | Report Abuse

I think water just found the right answer--Azmin house(i know) but Ongkili--no idea (maybe
at some longhouse.)


2015-05-20 22:23 | Report Abuse

Luckily, I got a good cigar & Coffee ( Long pit stop--no problem )


2015-05-20 22:15 | Report Abuse

Before 2008, academic education is NOT important for a Umno leader ( Mahathir said only
leader that speak for the rakyat gets the jobs so form 5, office courier, etc all qualified )
After 2008, bcos Opposition representatives are mostly lawyers, Umno leaders quality are improving but old horses are still hanging around.


2015-05-20 22:00 | Report Abuse

Did Calvin call buy CAP?


2015-05-20 21:21 | Report Abuse

Sorry Annchua, no malay words for dead line. Got "garis mati". Doesn't even come close.
Excuse for my poor malay


2015-05-20 21:07 | Report Abuse

When Umno member received a deal from PM--it means he is blessed. When it is time to let
go, he don't ask question. Violate this process, he will be cursed for life. Rozali is no exception.
Hng33 is correct -time is very tight indeed. That why there is talk on ground that Langat 2
projects will be used as swap. But nobody knows what Najib plan is bcos all projects are
based on negotiated terms. Maybe najib already agreed to give the projects to somebody so
it is difficult to back out ( surely everybody understand what i meant )


2015-05-20 20:10 | Report Abuse

Last time every extension is One month--very troublesome. Now, 2 months every extension so
that can "ponteng" for Golf practise. Lower price offer is spreading like wildfire but No denial
by those concerned (more info will be out soon)


2015-05-20 16:26 | Report Abuse

I don't jump into the "jamban" to smell whether the water is smelly Or Not


2015-05-20 16:22 | Report Abuse

I call Calvin "The Sales Director"


2015-05-20 15:51 | Report Abuse

Siapa. Are you close to botak?? (so many hair cuts)


2015-05-20 15:25 | Report Abuse

Wiwang. Bought Gamuda at 4.50, already gained 18%. Price not moving at 5.20( 11Mp tomolo)
Don't jump in. See first.


2015-05-20 14:43 | Report Abuse

Siapa. EAH is either a bra fall into a jamban Or the other way round ( what is said in the forum )


2015-05-20 14:36 | Report Abuse

epf still selling cmsb.???


2015-05-20 13:46 | Report Abuse

If this is the senario--I would buy Puncak (will make alot money in 5 years time ) Only problem--


2015-05-20 13:41 | Report Abuse

Give All Langat 2 project to Puncak (turn into Construction Co). Divert 2 billions to Splash--
settled Gamuda's problem. But Puncak got money problem to complete All Langat 2 projects
so raise cash from shareholders ( shareholders reject--back to square One )


2015-05-20 12:38 | Report Abuse

Roger buying at 2.00???


2015-05-20 11:00 | Report Abuse

Petronas said they don't see any improvement to oil for 2015. For 10 MP, main contributor is
petronas 40B every year and Fed 10B every year. So total 250B ( 5 years--2011 - 2015 )
Petronas will run into deficit for 2015 (not contributing) And Fed has to tax petrol / Electric /
Gas --(later) to pay Gov servants and others (also not contributing ) If the Fed has money why
Pension funds are roped in to pay 1MDB ( debt & interest payment )
Najib will put a Good show tomorrow but projects will be delay until Oil price return back to
US$ 100 / barrel. No money ALL talk


2015-05-20 10:05 | Report Abuse

EPF is disposing 5.0M shares of CMSB from 15 May to 19 May. Highway still on or Not


2015-05-19 19:15 | Report Abuse

I hope davidkkw79 would reveal it source.


2015-05-19 12:47 | Report Abuse

I like EPF (gila buying). Without EPF only MUFG (gila selling), how to make money on short
stop (F1 racing)


2015-05-19 12:42 | Report Abuse

I think Fed is giving what Azmin wants ( what I said before). Deal soon. But Puncak can reject
NEW offer---another big problem. Then Gamuda will not accept lower price. Are we going
round and round... I think " I sudah pening "


2015-05-19 11:49 | Report Abuse

We are sitting on thin Ice. I think Gamuda is the real problem Not puncak. Many GLC owned
Gamuda shares. I think they are putting alot of pressure on Fed too.