
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-05-19 11:29 | Report Abuse

2 days from D-day and KLCI is still dropping. Big boys--cuti


2015-05-19 10:15 | Report Abuse

My apology-Bing. Yes it is hard to swallow --36% down


2015-05-19 09:29 | Report Abuse

bing. You should say Greet you with extreme pleasantries---to be more civilised


2015-05-18 13:55 | Report Abuse

If price goes up but volume goes down --still on par with last year earning


2015-05-18 10:23 | Report Abuse

Some spare bullets for Team M


2015-05-17 15:20 | Report Abuse

Andy Neo. Do you think Jaks/Vietnam power plant (JV Tenaga) negotiation has terminated?
I can't seem to find any latest news on it. I am getting news that Tenaga is taking over 1MDB
3B project 2000 megawatt coal fire plant and maybe other powerplant are also involved.
Maybe the jaks stock price is also reflecting the sentiments.


2015-05-17 12:23 | Report Abuse

Well said. bsngpg


2015-05-17 12:07 | Report Abuse

So Chairman, Nazir, is going step down if Team M won. Khazanah will appoint Lim Kit Siang as
Chairman (just kidding)


2015-05-16 17:28 | Report Abuse

PRkcorp listed long time ago. Why goreng now? Remember 1.0 ringgit stock or 60 cents


2015-05-16 17:10 | Report Abuse

Calvin is doing the Sandakan kidnapping of Kbunai investors. Ransom Kaw-Kaw


2015-05-16 16:11 | Report Abuse

Just talk to a politican about Sandakan kidnapping, he said most likely Najib will spend more money in buying military helicopters (search & destroy Or Search & rescue ) and improved
telecommunication networks around Sabah Waters.
It is pointless to invest in tourist related activities IF another and another Kidnappings happened
within a year. Kbunai in trouble.


2015-05-16 14:08 | Report Abuse

2250(Principal) Interest rate at 3.25% for 6 months = RM 36.65
OLH dividend (0.15X1000 shares) RM 150 / 6 months wait PLUS free warrant ( 1:4 at 50cents
margin ) equal RM 125 PLUS remaining final dividend at 2.5 cents/1000shares = RM25
Total RM 300 vs RM 36.65 ( warrant is guesstimate at 50 cents--maybe 30 cents--75 ringgit)
So who is stupid ( Of course you can Janet Yellen increase US interest rate & all stock
market falls in May but if you invest in another stock--same faith )


2015-05-16 13:13 | Report Abuse

Ham Sub Tea still first line of offence. If you charge to far, some of your comrade might mistaken
you as enemy (shot you on the back )


2015-05-16 13:02 | Report Abuse

Mahathir is quite vindictive. He still called Pak Lah a traitor ( i think Pak Lah is a jolly good
fellow ) Just imagine if Team M won, Cimb position as the lead bank in all Gov + Private
placements is in doubt.


2015-05-16 12:48 | Report Abuse

Cimb has very good liquidity (bcos of EPF). I am a day trader (jump in jumps out---Good cigar
for pause period) Long term--not interested. Nazri is putting a partition between himself
and Najib ( but Nazri gained alot biz by just being Najib brother) With Team N and Team M
battling each other so furiously---politically CIMB is standing on quicksand


2015-05-16 12:30 | Report Abuse

I think most of the resin produce by PCHEM are subsidised by Petronas. I once try to export
PVC resin from PCHEM but the quote is not competitive. But local sales is Okay bcos it is
protected by 30 import duty. But once this TTPA agreement is signed, PCHEM products
will come under pressure (USA +Taiwanese + Korean resin can moved in)
If you see EPF unloading, take care


2015-05-15 20:56 | Report Abuse

I can only wait for the lowest price that i think it is safe to go in. Even that EPF can play me out
but the risk is smaller and ransom is also smaller to pay


2015-05-15 20:42 | Report Abuse

AAX is having right issue--really a black hole. Any info on whether AA is calling for money


2015-05-15 16:46 | Report Abuse

# of Shares held after Disposal
1) Lim Hock Sing 825,000
2) Lim Hock Seong 1,009,500
3) Lim Mooi Pang 716,900

Filed on 12 May 2015


2015-05-15 16:27 | Report Abuse

I don't have prospectus, sorry. Only from Bursa filing, yesterday update I think. can check again


2015-05-15 16:17 | Report Abuse

Good. cckkpr. So end of this month. Actually RichJacky and OSK don't understand me at all
I want LBS stock to leap & Jump ( that is why I ask where is the money RM600M++ And it seem
extraOrdinary gained from sales of asset is invested in Stock Market. So now I have to find
out --did they made any gained in stock market )
Lim brothers might NOT distribute their profit to shareholders so how can their stock price
goes UP fast. See Bursa counters where company give bonus is 1:1 and Cash dividend based 30% ratio to profit. I want to make FAST money. Investment grade stock is for Warrant Buffer
not me. By the way Warrant Buffer still live in the Old Shackle he bought 40 years ago.


2015-05-15 15:21 | Report Abuse

Okay understand. So AGM will reveal extraOrdinary gained from Stock Investment.
No wonder combined LIM bothers stock holdings in LBS is less than 3 millions. I think they
liquidate here and invest in China already. Do you know who is majority shareholders in LBS?


2015-05-15 15:06 | Report Abuse

My bragging rights for a long time to go


2015-05-15 14:34 | Report Abuse

No complaint from me. Bought at 45 cents sold at 80 cents


2015-05-15 14:29 | Report Abuse

So this Ham-Sub-Tea (inlieu of Hor Yan Hor) is part of the Gang. "Show" say 2-3 cents after 11MP


2015-05-15 14:16 | Report Abuse

So Sifu, reveal more info--how much money we can get ( real numbers please) Don't said
stock market, as far as I know many ppl jump off the roof in Shenzhen bcos of stock market.


2015-05-15 14:10 | Report Abuse

The sales of Dragon Hill (to Zhuhai Co) must be reflected in 2014 financial statement. So in 2015
money should arrived in KL/Malaysia--2015 AGM LBS flushed with money ( more than RM600M)
Since Treasury shares are only 12M units----( not possible for Big Bonus--1:2 /1:1)
Now only left ---BIG cash dividend. That is the reason this AGM is Good. I am sure you agreed.
No Bonus No Cash Dividend Or Capital injection, only stupid will chase after LBS shares


2015-05-15 13:56 | Report Abuse

Highest recorded in 2014--35M one day. Usually 2-4 M /day is good for long term gain


2015-05-15 12:53 | Report Abuse

Why so many sellers @7 cents? Not from Q


2015-05-15 12:48 | Report Abuse

I hope repusez would please check whether there is any extraordinary gain (2014)from Land sales in footnotes


2015-05-15 12:30 | Report Abuse

Jolie2. You are not from KL---Pudu Jail long gone ( maybe 4-5 years ago) Only the front door
left for remembrance)


2015-05-15 12:11 | Report Abuse

With Boss Guarranty, I cannot ask for more


2015-05-15 12:07 | Report Abuse

Thank You--Repusez. You see i didn't lied. Made money in 2013 and before ( same like my Co
or any developers around GuangDong Area, China) Now, we after the Land sales as what
our Sifu is marketing.


2015-05-15 11:17 | Report Abuse

Break 2.50 with no heavy selling is already a day for celebration. I hope ImCK will pump
his remain million to back up any downward pressure


2015-05-15 11:13 | Report Abuse

VinVin, you are one lucky guy (for today only) Monday another story.


2015-05-15 10:35 | Report Abuse

You are right, I never want to miss any opportunity. I buy any company share if they made
money more than co.. That is my strategy. Money No enemy. I will send my accounts to LBS agm
-repeating earlier intent


2015-05-15 10:27 | Report Abuse

Wow, 2 months ago still fishing around Sandakan water. Yesterday, sakai from Mindanao arrived


2015-05-15 10:20 | Report Abuse

Bcos I can only speak Cantonese, I started 15 years ago in Dongguan (manufacturing capital
of the world). Then i spread to nearby 3 states and Zhuhai is one of them. Zhuhai land
already goreng/bought by HongKong investors long time ago. It doesn't matter, if you sell
everythings by 2013, you are safe.(all I can said). I don't know LBS, but i heard about Lim
family when I am building Low cost housing in Johor (maybe 20 years ago--still a boy following
my Dad) Don't make money building Low cost house unless land is provided but we still
have to sell at RM45,000/unit. Now, 120,000-185,000 same house


2015-05-15 09:26 | Report Abuse

Okay Not 3 week ago. Somewhere before April--4 million / Day (2 days) we were all very happy then. No moment after.


2015-05-14 19:38 | Report Abuse

If LBS sold land for cash before 2013, then they got a good biz plan. I decided to develop
inflated land price into properties, now i got highly inflated price properties with little demand.
Actually 80% China developers share the same fate. That's why you heard bloomberg / CNN
biz news said China properties bubble is going to burst in 2013/2014


2015-05-14 18:25 | Report Abuse

ImCK. Millions makes millions. One guy bought 8 millions shares 3 weeks before announcement
Maybe he is still buying at 2.17--2.22


2015-05-14 18:04 | Report Abuse

No retire! I need your money to support PJD. Bcos after this i am going to goreng PJD.
Price easy to go up bcos OLH no eye see PJD. So taiko not around--toy soldier can run
the show.


2015-05-14 17:40 | Report Abuse

OLH may offer you a job after the EGM


2015-05-14 17:37 | Report Abuse

Rich. My 2.0 dream vanished in thin air. I made some money when AA's price was 3.50
Never made good money when AA is down to 2's (just bad luck )


2015-05-14 17:13 | Report Abuse

EPF agent playing. Just throw a few lots to the highest sellers and you got next day opening price. I see this all the time in RHB. So be careful, price can slide both ways tommorrow--only
EPF knows


2015-05-14 16:58 | Report Abuse

Good, Good. Now you can join the Cigar Club + some resting


2015-05-14 16:52 | Report Abuse

Wrong in what sense? Because LBS makes alot money. But i don't know whether they are carrying alot of Debt ( property sector-very common --one year made money next year ask shareholder for capital injection )


2015-05-14 16:19 | Report Abuse

Ikan bilis first to the Table (us) Then come the crocodile Then the Sharks Then the Whale sharks
and finally OLH