
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2020-09-10 19:27 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-09-10 19:23 | Report Abuse

Pineapple123, if you own more than 333,333 shares them maybe we can vote you in as a director to replace somebody in there.


2020-09-10 19:19 | Report Abuse

Pineapple 123, you must have hold a lot of fintec shares to be this emotional about it. Maybe if enough ppl here go can have cjhance to vote against the RI.


2020-09-06 23:47 | Report Abuse

Taking up the Focus RI on ICPS will cost around RM 15m , objective of Focus RI is to fund "The Arch" mixed commercial development project.

[In a related matter, Focus Dynamics said its largest shareholder with 25.05% stake, Asiabio Capital Sdn Bhd (a wholly-owned unit of Fintec Global Bhd), has given its undertaking to subscribe its full entitlement to the rights issue amounting to 512.1 million ICPS.

Focus Dynamics has a 51% stake in the The Arch project's special-purpose vehicle Famous Ambience Sdn Bhd, with the Ong family of the OCR Group holding the remaining stake.

"Any shortfall between the company's funding requirement for The Arch will be financed via internally generated funds, bank borrowings and/or future fundraising exercises to be undertaken by the company if required," the company said.]


2020-09-06 23:18 | Report Abuse

The RI is intended to kill 3 birds with one stone:
(i) To increase the stake of TSE to >10%
(ii) Venture into Gloves Business ( acting as the main basis of the RI)
(iii) Investment in quoted securities – ICPS in Focus Dynamics
Group Berhad (“Focus ICPS”) - Focus proposing share split 1 to 3 and RI on ICPS


2020-09-06 21:46 | Report Abuse

Punterking , you are a punter but you expect this counter to have this value or that value. Maybe you should rename to Valueking ;D


2020-09-06 21:42 | Report Abuse

Pineapple123 why should Fintec management need to explain why the NTA is 55c but share price is 16c? Many counters are like that , eg Bplant NTA is 1.14 but share price around 40c for a lonf time.


2020-09-06 17:54 | Report Abuse

Probably they hope for a base scenario where not all shareholders take up the RI and the excess will be taken by TSE, increasing his %holding. Looks like probably the price will be hovering around 0.15-0.17 until the price fixing date so that the 5 days VWAP will be around 0.16 , and the RI issue price can be fixed around 50% to the VWAP. If the price shoot up then the 5 days VWAP will be much higher and the RI price will also be higher becoming unattractive to shareholders and to TSE as well.


2020-09-06 17:46 | Report Abuse

Either its min scenario, base scenario or max base , its up to the shareholders and derivatives holders. If min scenario Tan Sik Eek will increase his holding from 0.02% to 12.11% by paying RM 15m. Still a win for him. If max scenario then its also a win for the company, but Tan Sik Eek will remain at 0.02% holding.


2020-09-06 17:37 | Report Abuse

MinimumScenario ( Raising RM15m)
: Assuming that none of the Convertible Securities as at the LPD are
converted, granted and/or exercised into new Shares prior to the Entitlement
Date and the Proposed Rights Issue with Warrants is undertaken on the
Minimum Subscription Level

Base Case Scenario (Raising RM109m)
Assuming that none of the Convertible Securities as at the LPD are
converted, granted and/or exercised into new Shares prior to the Entitlement
Date and all the Entitled Shareholders and/or their renouncee(s) fully
subscribe to their entitlements of the Rights Shares with Warrants C

MaximumScenario (raising RM160m)
Assuming that:-
(i) all the SIS Options which may be granted pursuant to the maximum
allowable amount under SIS as at the LPD are fully granted and
exercised into new Shares prior to the Entitlement Date;
(ii) all the Warrants A and Warrants B are exercised into new Shares
prior to the Entitlement Date;
(iii) all the ICPS are converted into new Shares based on the conversion
mode of surrendering 1 ICPS (which was issued at the issue price of
RM0.08 each) with additional cash payment of RM0.08 to arrive at
the conversion price of RM0.16 for every 1 new Share prior to the
Entitlement Date; and
(iv) all the Entitled Shareholders and/or their renouncee(s) fully
subscribe to their entitlements of the Rights Shares with Warrants C


2020-09-06 17:32 | Report Abuse

I think the above gave a clue as to how the price is gonna move going forward


2020-09-06 17:27 | Report Abuse

Issue price of the Rights Shares
The issue price of the Rights Shares shall be determined and announced by
the Board at a later date before the announcement of the Entitlement Date
after taking into consideration, amongst others, the following:-
(a) the funding requirements of the Group as set out in Section 6 of this
(b) the theoretical ex-all price (“TEAP”) of the Shares based on the 5-day
volume-weighted average market price (“VWAP”) of the Shares up to
and including the last trading day prior to the price-fixing date
The Board intends to fix the issue price of the Rights Shares such that
the issue price is at a range of discount between 0% and 50% to the
TEAP of the Shares. This discount range was determined by the Board
after taking into consideration the need of the Company to price the
Rights Shares at an issue price deemed sufficiently attractive to
encourage subscription of the Rights Shares and to enable the Group
to raise the necessary funds required for the intended utilisation as set
out in Section 6 of this announcement; and


2020-09-06 17:24 | Report Abuse

The illustrative issue price of RM0.08 per Rights Share represents a discount
of 16.23% to the TEAP of the Shares of RM0.0955, calculated based on the 5-
day VWAP of the Shares up to and including the LPD of RM0.1235 and
assuming an illustrative exercise price of RM0.08 per Warrant C.


2020-09-06 17:17 | Report Abuse

Tan Sik Eek 333,333 - 0.02% ===> min subscription RM 15m ===> 187,166,667 - 12.11%


2020-09-06 17:14 | Report Abuse

Fintec intends to raise a minimum of RM15.0 million from the Proposed Rights Issue
with Warrants to meet the funding requirements of the Group, which will be channelled
towards the proposed utilisation as set out in Section 6 of this announcement.
In view of the above, the Board has determined to undertake the Proposed Rights Issue
with Warrants based on a minimum subscription level to raise a minimum proceeds of
RM15.00 million, which if based on an illustrative issue price of RM0.08 per Rights
Share, shall entail the subscription of an aggregate of 187,500,000 Rights Shares
together with 150,000,000 Warrants C (“Minimum Subscription Level”).
To meet the Minimum Subscription Level, the Group has procured an undertaking from
Mr. Tan Sik Eek (Executive Director of Fintec) (“Undertaking Shareholder”)
(“Undertaking”), to apply and subscribe in full for his entitlement of Rights Shares and
additional Rights Shares not taken up by other Entitled Shareholders by way of excess
Rights Shares application, to the extent such that the aggregate subscription proceeds
of the Rights Shares received by the Company arising from the subscription by all
Entitled Shareholders and/or their renouncee(s) (including the Undertaking
Shareholder, if necessary) amount to not less than RM15.00 million.


2020-09-06 17:10 | Report Abuse

The Proposed Rights Issue with Warrants involves the issuance of up to 2,002,820,441
Rights Shares together with up to 1,602,256,352 free Warrants C is to be implemented
on a renounceable basis of 5 Rights Shares together with 4 free Warrants C for every
5 existing Shares held by the Entitled Shareholders on the Entitlement Date at an issue
price to be determined and announced by the Board at a later date.


2020-09-06 17:09 | Report Abuse

As at 21 August 2020, being the latest practicable date prior to this announcement
(“LPD”), the Group has identified a vacant industrial land to be acquired for the
purposes of constructing a new factory building for the Gloves Business. This vacant
industrial land, which measures 18,746 sqm, is located in an industrial area in Chemor,
The Group intends to finance the acquisition of this vacant land via internally generated
funds and/or bank borrowings.
Currently, the acquisition is pending the signing of a formal sale and purchase
agreement between the Group and the vendor. The Company will make the necessary
announcement(s) as and when it has entered into any agreement in relation to the
acquisition of this vacant land, if required under the Listing Requirements.


2020-09-05 09:25 | Report Abuse

I think the key question is what you think is the underlying value of this co? From there you can work out if the rights issue price of 0,04 ( colectively with your existing shares) is above or below the underlying value per share of the co after the expanded share base.


2020-09-05 09:12 | Report Abuse

WarrentBuffet888 Monday fly to Holland first then from there pay for ticket to fly the moon :D


2020-09-04 23:11 | Report Abuse

Monday gonna fly


2020-09-04 23:09 | Report Abuse

5 Rights Shares with 4 free Warrants C for every 5 existing shares to raise RM 81.9m . Total rights shares issued will be 2,002,820,441 units with 1,602,256,352 Warrant C.
RM 81.9m/2,003,820,441 = 0.04 per rights share. Imagine paying 0.04 to get a rights share with 0.8 unit free warrant C. What a bargain! Meaning for every 1000 existing units u get 1000 rights shares units and 800 units warrants C for RM 40.


2020-09-01 13:53 | Report Abuse

Hello_cannot last post


2020-08-26 00:20 | Report Abuse

Selling gloves is easy but selling vaccine is a different ball game.


2020-08-26 00:17 | Report Abuse

Guys, there is one big issue with distribution of vaccines that the local players need to deal with, ie liability thru guarantee of effectiveness. Each of these vaccine players can be sued till their pants drop if something goes wrong. Question is how would Govt licensing policies deal with these issues? These issues will slowly surface and may filter off unqualified players.


2020-08-25 23:32 | Report Abuse

Friendship Most likely Titijaya main market target will be the middle and high income local and regional chinese communities as they will package the Sinopharm vaccine as premium, reliable and safe vaccine product.


2020-08-25 23:11 | Report Abuse

irazam all these research outfits are always one step behind the market.


2020-08-25 23:07 | Report Abuse

Dpharma and Pharma will still be the priority companies to lead the vaccine distribution in Malaysia. The govt will ensure the GLCs stand to gain from it. The price swing is similar to the early stages of the glove counters rally. This operators are trying to make money in between as they push the price up and up


2020-08-25 22:31 | Report Abuse

Maybe this biz no good so they changing biz to roasting coffee soon, quick money schemes.


2020-08-25 21:57 | Report Abuse

Ya see who can run faster tomoro


2020-08-25 21:45 | Report Abuse

tomorow gotta run


2020-08-24 23:29 | Report Abuse

TDM = Tiu Dicky Me , Pls don't come here to throw your stinky rubbish , thank you.


2020-08-22 00:46 | Report Abuse

After the recent corporate maneuvering, something was clearly brewing and it turns out to be Kopi-C. Hopefully its kaw enough to wake up this counter.


2020-08-22 00:37 | Report Abuse

Kellyhiewot, the change of name to include the word "medicare" is a good move as it creates the healthcare image instantly.


2020-08-22 00:34 | Report Abuse

Cinapeh, i standby the Power of Attorney in my case oredi


2020-08-21 23:48 | Report Abuse

Charlie, looking at today's trades the sharks sapu quite a lot at 0.035 , comprising 90% of today's trade. Quite likely next week they will continue to push upwards.


2020-08-21 22:55 | Report Abuse

Kulong2 , today your boss sold all his shares, maybe Kulong3 boss sapu all the 0.03 and 0.035 today.


2020-08-21 22:42 | Report Abuse

Any last comments from Kulong3? Your boss still supporting this counter?


2020-08-19 14:41 | Report Abuse

I think soon this Lo Ling will be rolling his massive lolly popping the BCMall price and everyone here will be LOLing to the bank.


2020-08-19 12:25 | Report Abuse

As Tanhboon said current price has factored in all the weakness. However, with CPO uptrend in tact, we are looking at Bullish Momentum in all Plantation sector. Buying momentum for palm oil will likely to sustain for the remainder of the year


Export revenue RM 67.6 billion ( 6.1% GDP)
Feeding more than 3 billion people over 200 countries.
B20 biodiesel for the transport sector by end-2020. Demand to increase palm oil by 500,000 tonnes per annum.

TDM Value Proposition in addition to the above catalyst..

Profitable Hospitals across the country which support Medical Tourism and Vaccine play to fight C19
TDM plantation sittings along ECRL land - explosive landmine opportunity
Back by Oil rich Terengganu State Government plus bulldogs and the team

Well said Mabel, and worth repeating.


2020-08-19 12:09 | Report Abuse

Malaika thank you , you are such a mailakat, Irony is if you want to see the share price go up fast, then everyone here just dump the shares together, then you will see the price suddenly rise up pass 0.05.


2020-08-19 12:01 | Report Abuse

Sting79 ya looks like this guy will LOLing to the bank later.


2020-08-19 11:47 | Report Abuse

Mabel Mi placer hermano ...
El genio comienza en el alma, se origina en las experiencias.
Quiero estar contigo
.... y bailar contigo
.. a 77 con amores

Minha irmã da paixão,

Seu entusiasmo e amor pela vida transparecem na maneira como você se comunica.
Que a vida o recompense com o melhor que pode oferecer .......
incluindo 22-55-77


2020-08-19 11:37 | Report Abuse

Something is brewing, doesn.t matter whether its samsu or whiskey , both are still drinkable.


2020-08-19 11:24 | Report Abuse

EagleAim, you mistaken oredi, Lo Ling is only a major shareholder, not a director. He bought from open free market as a Malaysian citizen just like you and me.


2020-08-19 11:21 | Report Abuse

Nature of Interest Direct Interest
Shares Ordinary Shares
Reason Acquisition of ordinary shares via open market
Direct (units) 22,085,100
Direct (%) 5.24
Indirect (units) 0
Indirect (%) 0.00
Total (units) 22,085,100
Total (%) 5.24
Date of Notice 18-Aug-2020

Mr Loling after last purchase now owned more than 5% so triggered the disclosure requirement.


2020-08-19 11:17 | Report Abuse

cockcanfly , i think this Lo Ling coming will create a more exciting atmosphere to this normally subdued counter. Maybe now BCMall can fly too.


2020-08-19 10:51 | Report Abuse

ecofrenly , don't worry the operators are loling over, i mean rolling over


2020-08-19 10:47 | Report Abuse

That must be the old news 6 months ago about Chin Pak Loong, which so far does not add value to the share only further diluted the its.


2020-08-19 00:44 | Report Abuse

bjaya , you are a man with good luck. Thanks for bringing your good luck to Bcmall. Thanking you in advance for the limit up tomoro.


2020-08-19 00:41 | Report Abuse

New major shareholder Mr Lo Ling has been announced.