
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2020-10-29 14:09 | Report Abuse

@gemfinder maybe you should go to Harta forum to look for your germ , i mean gem. You won't find it here.


2020-10-29 14:04 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers I believe last 2 weeks the spring was being wound up so tight that its just bursting to explode. Its crystal clear after the QR that the current price is not sustainable to continue to be lower than the lowest benchmark it should be measured against. Its thrown all the IBs valuation and TP of the 3 other Big4 into disarray.


2020-10-29 13:54 | Report Abuse

@Astartes KYY oredi TP 26 end of FY21 but he purposely didn't mention his TP has taken into account next QR bonus 1:1 issue :)


2020-10-29 13:27 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers I ve the same feeling as you do. Tmr should have good action coming. Many other sectors don't look too good but glove counters enjoying good results and amongst them Supermax is having a super duper fairy tale like windfall. What a contrast.


2020-10-29 13:11 | Report Abuse

@papasmurf I agree with you on KYY. I m not a big fan either but his TP 26 calculation for FY21 is actually quite conservative. Maybe he didn't mention (deliberate ommision) that the TP 26 is after next Qr bonus 1:1 issue XD.


2020-10-29 12:45 | Report Abuse

@sweetchocalates According to @freetospeak , current price is still lower that than the post-Covid scenario projection. That says it all. If the current price is 20.0 then I would say there is a big risk due to the vaccine announcement. Current price is lower than the lowest benchmark it should have been measured with. The IBs latest TP is ridiculous actually.


2020-10-29 12:26 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve just buy and lock it up till the next Qr, you will be greatly rewarded and stress free.


2020-10-29 12:13 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak someone say super will fall bak to 30 mil per qtr post covid...i jus wan to laf sometime....jus beyondmask alone can give super 500m to 1 bil profit annualy in future ...for replaccing traditional n95 market. that is with or without covid scenatio. so pls wake up.

all the ib may or may not know ...but i suspect they know...but jus playing it down as usual. if they dunno like in the march..not seeing it coming like the covid.

pls sweep up all your warrant n prepare for it dun later no chance to make profit do all those stunt again.

All IBs please take above note. Don't get caught with pants down again and then start doing all the embarrassing stunts again, like grossly undervalue TP for Supermx that make a total mockery of your "professional" image.


2020-10-29 11:40 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak point taken, and with dual listing coming and global manufacturing expansion, its amazing potential in store for this company.


2020-10-29 11:35 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak I hope the IBs will listen and believe that coming PAT of >1B with 70% PAT margin is not a just a fairy tale XD.


2020-10-29 11:31 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak haha maybe to the IBs you are now more like freaktospeak , bcos what you spoke before may sound like a fairy tale but now the fairy tale has really come true XD


2020-10-29 11:22 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak you make very logical points and many of us here learnt a lot from you. But I think most IBs have been skeptical of the sustainability of the high ASP for the next 2-3 years, therefore they have not built into their valuation just yet. But with Covid rearing its ugly head worlwide, this reality and fact may start to sink in.


2020-10-29 11:16 | Report Abuse

@joyvest it looks like the IBs should be making the adjustments to their investment strategy soon if not already in process, to allow higher weightage to Supermx than before. I think its quite clear by now achieving a 60% PAT margin on a 1B revenue is no joke and they need to find a way to deal with such result going forward. As we can see, sustainability on high ASP should not be an issue for the next 3-4 years.


2020-10-29 11:00 | Report Abuse

@wkc5657 forget about the FF and political situations locally or US. What is glaringly imbalance is that most IBs TP for Harta is twice that of Supermx but its EPS is only half of Supermx. Why such gross discrepancy? Shouldn't Supermx be equal if not higher than Harta TP ?


2020-10-29 10:50 | Report Abuse

@papasmurf I couldn't find any company in the KLCI history that has generated a 60% PAT margin with a > 1B revenue. This is a historical moment I believe. Therefore no IBs will ever expected this sort of performance 1-2 quarters ago. And in accordance to the QR notes, better performance is yet to come ! How do you digest such a record breaking performance?


2020-10-29 10:39 | Report Abuse

@wkc5657 Normally in any rally run up, valuation and PEs are always ahead of the actual performance so when price will adjust back wards to reflect the reality in most of the time. But I think in the case of Supermx, the PE and earlier valuation is grossly below the actual performance, catching the IBs by surprise, therefore the CWs pricing under provision and they are under invested in the counter. That's why they have to suppress the price for now in order to do the necessary adjustment and rebalancing in their investment strategy before they open the floodgate on Supermx.


2020-10-29 10:24 | Report Abuse

@joyvest don't make wild speculations, we are all here to share our views and believes.


2020-10-29 10:21 | Report Abuse

@papasmurf @tsim123 I think the IBs have heavily invested in Top Glove and Harta, assigning high TP and PE valuation to them. So Supermx stellar result and exciting future plans has created a dilemma for them on how to assign the TP without jeopardizing their investments in those 2 counters. Its obvious that the right TP should be ard 25.0 but imagine what will happen to those 2 counters ! What has not yet been digested is that the 60% PAT margin has created a new league of performance never seen before in KLCI and the shockwave is still reverberating.


2020-10-29 10:05 | Report Abuse

@papasmurf agree with you , there is beyond any reasonable doubt that the demand for gloves and PPE will be sustainable for a longer term period. Even after Covid is under control after at least 3 years from now, the many gov'ts of the world will implement strategic stocking up of gloves and PPE in readiness to face the next pandemic.


2020-10-29 09:52 | Report Abuse

The Spanish flu, also known as the 1918 flu pandemic, was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic caused by the H1N1 influenza A virus. Lasting from February 1918 to April 1920, it infected 500 million people – about a third of the world's population at the time – in four successive waves.
Deaths: 17–100 million (estimates)
Date: February 1918 – April 1920
Virus strain: Strains of A/H1N1

I think the above data can be a guide, 1/3 of population with 10% death and lasted 3 years over four successive waves. With more population now could mean even longer time to disappear. Vaccine acceptance by population and efficacy will be a problem. No guarantee immunization against one strain can protect against other strains. Don't think the demand for gloves and PPE is going to reduce anytime soon.


2020-10-28 23:51 | Report Abuse

Maybank issued Tp of 9.78 for Supermax but 20.60 for Harta, even though Supermax EPS is twice of Harta for this quarter. I think Supermax threw a curve ball at the big funds with this stellar performance that the big funds who have heavily invested in Harta and Topglove suddenly found themselves under invested in Supermax. If they were to recognise Supermax with the real TP that it deserves which is 26.0 ( as per KYY Tp :) then they may face with sudden exodus of investors selling down of both counters to Supermax.


2020-10-28 23:26 | Report Abuse

@sweetchocalates in fact we don't have to wait until after post Covid to see how they will utilize their cash in hand. They are already telling us their plans now. One can sense their sense of urgency to get ahead of their competitors and to grab and optimize the opportunities presented in this crisis to them. Looks like they are not just going to sit on the big pile of cash but to use it to establish a broader and stronger presence in the international markets.


2020-10-28 23:12 | Report Abuse

With its multi-billion war chest, Supermax is planning a multi frontier expansion programme, into new products, into comprehensive PPE products, building new factories locally, building new factories in US,UK and Canada and more, listing in SGX. And I think this is just the beginning of the plan to move Supermax into a superleague International player. Imagine more billiions coming into their coffer the next few quarters, imagine what else they can do going forward. More new plans will be announced next quarter, with bonus issues, dividend issues, maybe with the listing in SGX, may give sweeteners to current shareholders in form of free shares as reward for support.


2020-10-28 23:03 | Report Abuse

sweetchocalates, I don't think the coming bull is the last for Supermax but it is the bull that will propel it to the superleague realm of international status, with multi bourses presenses


2020-10-27 23:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-10-26 23:13 | Report Abuse

irony is if you are heavily invested in glove counters esp Supermx, you should wish that Trump wins the coming election. Its only when the Dumb Trump is in power that Covid19 can continue to spread like wild fire in US. A smarter Mr president like Obama who will play an important role under Biden Administration will find ways to control the virus.


2020-10-26 22:36 | Report Abuse

More likely to happen is Dinfall sack than windfall tax.


2020-10-26 21:04 | Report Abuse

bcmall is a hopeless counter. Better sell and buy Supermax and carepls


2020-10-26 19:11 | Report Abuse

Looks like tmr back to square one ie. <9.0


2020-10-26 19:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-10-26 18:54 | Report Abuse

The IB is very unpredictable making all the ibs miserable


2020-10-26 14:24 | Report Abuse

also if windfall tax were to be implemented, may expedite the process


2020-10-26 14:22 | Report Abuse

One factor need some consideration, with more and more new players coming into glove biz, and with vaccines in the horizon, could it be that the PAT of glove counters may be peaking in the next 2 quarters? Therefore big funds are dumping now in anticipation of reduced PAT after these 2 quarters are over.


2020-10-26 14:07 | Report Abuse

yes agree , every glove co should pay out 1% of their PAT to help out the Gomen to tackle Covid.


2020-10-25 22:15 | Report Abuse

@Foker, pls go to MahSing forum to promote Mah Sing. Don't get me wrong, I think in due time Mah Sing will be a serious glove player, but mean while it has not produced a single glove at all.


2020-10-25 21:58 | Report Abuse

@PGOne, you are right so better jump in tomorrow morning before you miss the boat.


2020-10-25 21:46 | Report Abuse

All believers shall huat together !!!


2020-10-25 21:44 | Report Abuse

@mobb68 , I think what Foker means is if he works 100 years there's is no way for him to earn the RM 2b.


2020-10-25 21:41 | Report Abuse

gotta top up further in the morning


2020-10-25 21:24 | Report Abuse

@money maker, hope this time I got it right by buying when the price was sliding down on Friday afternoon.


2020-10-25 21:20 | Report Abuse

Yeah I believe Supermax will be the No1 Glove counter soon.


2020-10-25 20:54 | Report Abuse

@ivanlau , answer is D.


2020-10-25 20:43 | Report Abuse

thank you thank you very much


2020-10-25 20:38 | Report Abuse

@ Ibelieve, most ppl here have limited $ reserves but unlimited words. If you looking for unlimited $ reserves, you have to join the sharks forum


2020-10-25 20:30 | Report Abuse

guys if you wanna buy into glove, go buy Supermax. Next week will fly like Superman


2020-10-25 20:22 | Report Abuse

Supermax will be next action superhero of KLCI !


2020-10-25 20:19 | Report Abuse

The Wise King has put the politics of the country on a positive path, and by extension the economy as well. The King rose to to the occasion where all the politicians have failed.


2020-10-25 20:04 | Report Abuse

The King and the Rulers have shown that they are in solidarity with the Rakyat and the plight of the Rakyat. Kudos to them for putting their priority in the right place. When the King and Rulers have called for solidarity in tackling the Covid crisis, I dont think the oppositions, AI included would dare to create further problems for the passing of the Bugdet in Parliament.


2020-09-15 22:14 | Report Abuse

Probably the rally for plantation will start once cpo price crosses the 3k mark.