
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2020-11-09 15:11 | Report Abuse

@Primeinvestor dont hope, people buying china gloves sell malaysia gloves, intco medical up 20%!
09/11/2020 2:51 PM

US market is less than 10% of the total sales. Not much impact to the revenue, even if Biden buy from China. But the hostile trade policy against China would not suddenly disappear as the policies were approved bipartisan by the Congress. Biden would not suddenly be extremely friendly with China on trade relationship. It will take years to undo the damage Trump has done.


2020-11-09 14:47 | Report Abuse

@wallstreetrookie point taken. But the extended period of violent price movement is an anomaly unique to Supermax more so than other glove counters at this period of time.


2020-11-09 14:43 | Report Abuse

We all know Supermax is still very undervalued in relation to the other Big3. Likely the big funds are still in the process of rebalancing their portfolio to give Supermax a higher weightage. They cannot adjust immediately due to the negative impact it will have on the valuation of the other Big 3. So the process have to be slowly and subtly. Meanwhile the violent actions allow for the operators to make lots of money from the bilis during this uptrending process.


2020-11-09 14:26 | Report Abuse

@wallstreetrookie Good point, maybe others may give their views on this anomaly.


2020-11-09 14:17 | Report Abuse

@Astartes yup toneefa have a point too
09/11/2020 1:48 PM

Just a correction , instead of shaking more intensely and harder, the better word is more intensely and more violently. Just ask yourselves, Currently is there any other counters in KLSE that has its price moving so violently as compared to Supermax? if yes, which one? If your answer is no, then why? What is so special about Supermax?


2020-11-09 13:46 | Report Abuse

There is nothing surprising to today's price movement. By now most of us should have been immune to the contrarian method used by the operators. What would surprise me is if we can easily predict the price movements. The only thing predictable about the operators method is that the price movement patterns will always shift to remain unpredictable. But I do notice one pattern that is getting more intense lately. The only way I can describe it is its akin to shaking the tree to harvest the fruits and its shaking more intensely and harder lately.


2020-11-09 13:33 | Report Abuse

@Mikecyc Technical Outlook: With the uptrend formation recently established, TDM has experienced a flag formation breakout above RM0.26. We reckon that the upbeat share price movement that was accompanied by rising volumes may spur price towards RM0.29-RM0.315, with long term target at RM0.34. Support is pegged at around RM0.25 level, while cut loss point is located at RM0.245.

Thanks Mickey for your positive posting, however the upward price range target should be around 0.40-0.45 based on the historical price movement in relation to CPO price as described by @Tanhboon :
CPO RM 1800-2000/ton - 18c
CPO RM 2300-2500/ton - 22-30c
CPO >RM 3200/ton - 43c (last December)
and + healthcare component = 55c


2020-11-09 12:04 | Report Abuse

@GrowingRich Supermax only suitable for serious mature long term investors
09/11/2020 11:38 AM

@GrowingRich Supermax not suitable for short term gambling investors
09/11/2020 11:39 AM

Exactly my thoughts too. Very sad to see these punters wasting time, energy and money trying to second guess the sharks. These bilis think they can outsmart and outrun the sharks. One very big disadvantage the many bilis have is that the sharks can the peep into their nest(forum) and see what they are up to. Does any bilis here have access to the sharks forums?? So best method is buy your tickets and hang on for the ride at least until the SGX dual listing in 6-7 months from now.


2020-11-08 20:35 | Report Abuse

Most of you would know this is a highly volatile counter with high level of unpredictability. Some say up to 80% of those who play contra will lose. The best is if you are convinced the counter is a good investment, just buy and lock up for at least 6 months. At least keep until share dividend issued then KLCI inclusion and after that dual listing in SGX. No matter what price you buy tomorrow, the reward should be good in 6 months. No need to speculate or second guess the market.


2020-11-08 12:49 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak ToneeFa...thank you and pls share it .
08/11/2020 10:29 AM

@freetospeak A few millions thanks you and your great article. Oredi started sharing it around. Let's all Huat together !


2020-11-08 10:24 | Report Abuse

The best quote from @freetospeak article, "From the above we can see that, even to boost production to 2 billion a year. Showa needs at least a 5 year contract. Supermax with such a huge investment in US. We can estimate a 5-10 years contract would be a safe bet. And since Supermax have always been working close with Government agency over the world like Canada and UK. Its not a surprise that Supermax may have already acquired a long term contract in hand before the strategic move."


2020-11-08 10:20 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak superb article...thanks. Looks like 3M have to step aside to SuperM in coming future :)


2020-11-08 10:02 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89 couldn't agree more with u. We are investing our money into a life saver product , without which many frontliners will die, leaving no one to save the rest of the sick population. Only a germ finder will have problem with gloves , bcos the germ cannot get through the glove.


2020-11-08 09:50 | Report Abuse

@kltower We should look at the bigger picture. Whether Trump or Biden the demand for glove will still be exponential till end 2022 at least. But under Biden we should also see a healing and immediate recovery of global economic confidence followed by a more broad base regeneration , post Covid. Under Trump, the political and economic destruction will continue and may reach a point of of return. We all don't just invest in one counter only. A broad base recovery is good for everyone.


2020-11-08 09:29 | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng Posted by Mikecyc > Nov 6, 2020 11:06 AM | Report Abuse
Haha con artist callvin keluar dari tdm plantation .. mesti tak dapat tsngkap ayam hutan .. tak ada rezeki loh ..

Squirrel attacks TDM?
TDM got defensive hospitals & palm oil
Ecrl ongoing will also spur land values in Trengganu
06/11/2020 11:12 AM

Good one @Calvintaneng , squirrels are a type of rodent similar to a mouse or rat. So the rodents know when a good fruit is going to ripe and will attack it when the time is right. Haha! Good logic. No wonder the dreaded mouse has been incessantly attacking TDM lately coz he can sense that its getting ripe for harvesting oredi. And he knows it is a good fruit since it also contain healthcare components in it.


2020-11-07 15:31 | Report Abuse

With such far sighted foresight , Supermax really do deserved to be the No 1 glovemaker in the world. The path is being established now to over take TG in quantity as well in near future.


2020-11-07 15:21 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak I believe going forward many Gov't would be identifying strategic partners to build PPE and glove factories in their countries in order to meet their strategic stock piling program. It would appear that Supermax has positioned themselves through the OBM strategy to take advantage of such opportunities. Having the factories in their own land ensure that those Gov't have control over the supply chain and priority and at same time provide employment to their people. No more long lead time and uncertainty of PPE and glove supply.


2020-11-07 15:05 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak Thanks for uplifting news !


2020-11-07 15:00 | Report Abuse

@ProsperousRealm Fears will always exist. Fear is a part of nature & survival.

But not all fears manifest to become reality. Especially if the powers that be remain calm while at the same time taking the maximum precautions & preventive measures against the possibility of something catastrophic happening.

Stay cool. Don't be so gloomy about things.
07/11/2020 2:45 PM

Its not being gloomy about things but my interest in this matter is in analyzing the possibility of it turning into the next black swan event, with major repercussion to the global financial market. But at the same time hoping that it will not happen of course.


2020-11-07 14:39 | Report Abuse

@ProsperousRealm Naah, won't happen
07/11/2020 2:15 PM

You don't have to believe me but its what the American themselves feared will happen. You and I don't live in US therefore may not fully appreciate how they feel over there.


2020-11-07 14:37 | Report Abuse

No doubt, but the chaos and anarchy unleashed would have major impact to global stock market


2020-11-07 14:21 | Report Abuse

@ProsperousRealm While there is not a small rumour that Trump could be also be firing Esper pretty soon, maybe even via Twitter
07/11/2020 2:07 PM

I also highlighted that article on Esper yesterday. This is a tell tale sign that Trump and his team are up to no good, as Esper would not comply with his evil plans, Remember similar thing almost happened here in the last election? Trump is a cornered desperate dog now. Question is what would he do next?


2020-11-07 14:12 | Report Abuse

@ProsperousRealm Naah, I don't think there's any serious likelihood of a civil war in US
Americans are generally too, I don't know, maybe too single minded, about US remaining a superpower
A civil war would break US up into at least two or maybe more much weaker entities
07/11/2020 1:50 PM

I would not outright discount the possibility of a civil war in US bcos firearms, machine guns and ammunitions and explosives are easily available in the market. The purchase of firearms has been on record levels under Trump administration. Just in 2020 alone , nearly 17m guns were sold. There's 400m guns in public circulation in US. With so much fire power, you only need a trigger event , which can be orchestrated by Trump supporters to unleash full chaos on the streets of US cities. We all hope and pray it won't happen though.


2020-11-07 13:57 | Report Abuse

@laychee In fact a lot of ppl were surprised Trump managed to get the amount of votes he got. Many predicted a landslide win for Biden. Biden win is a foregone conclusion but the next crucial challenge would be his and Kamala safety and peaceful transition into power. This would be what the world is watching with bated breath


2020-11-07 13:34 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak Biden’s tax increases would reduce the incentive for people to invest in Wall Street stocks, said Mobius, who set up Mobius Capital Partners after three decades at Franklin Templeton Investments.

That will “be good for emerging markets and other global equities since there will be a retreat from the U.S. market,” he said in an emailed interview on Friday.

So FF is coming in big on friday already?
07/11/2020 11:50 AM

Ya agree with Mobius. With normalisation of the global political and economic relationships back to what it was during Obama era, Asia and SEA emergimg markets will become more peaceful and benefit from economic confidence as global cooperation improves under Biden. But the issue of smooth and peaceful transition of power to Biden need to happen first. If US fell into civil war and anarchy, then global stock market will be negatively affected.

As for Supermax, FF will be coming regardless, once inclusion into KLCI and SGX dual listing happened. So hold for next 6-12 months and you will definitely Huat!!


2020-11-07 13:18 | Report Abuse

@Mansonguitar Is it too late to in at 9.78 mother share? Any advices. Thanks
07/11/2020 12:52 PM

MyTp in 6 months is RM 20.0, so yes can still buy.


2020-11-07 00:38 | Report Abuse

@pvd_investor @ ToneeFa - I don't think there will be a power transition but instead a power grab. Biden's victory is not a genuine victory but a victory due to vote stealing/fraud and therefore the remaining matters will also be likewise. But I think Trump will win the litigation and get back his position - let us watch and see, just a matter of time.
06/11/2020 11:41

Personally I don't think Biden will resort to cheating as I believe he has better moral character than Trump. What Trump and his team cannot accept is that majority of the postal votes voted Biden, and that is why he wanted to stop the count. But if you think logically, it makes sense that majority of the postal voters will support Biden bcos Trump has always maintained that the postal voting system is rigged. So Trump's supporters never trusted it and will opt to vote in person. Moreover they don't fear Covid19 bcos their hero told them so. And since their hero doesn't wear mask so it must be true. Whereas for Biden supporters, they believe Covid19 is real and therefore majority would prefer to do postal voting rather than risk getting infected. Trump and his team knew this and they try to invalidate the postal votes by accusing that its rigged and there's cheating involved, otherwise how does one explain majority of the postal votes voted for Biden.

The US postal vote system has a check and tracking system built in. Its not easy to try and cheat, unlike in Malaysia.

07/11/2020 12:34 AM


2020-11-06 23:25 | Report Abuse

@Foker I think Trump has done his part for glove industry thus far, but I also think its time for normalisation of the global politics and economic relationships. Another 4 years under Trump may create further damage globally which may be irreversible. Under Biden, US may relocate even more financial resources to beef up their PPE and glove stock piling. Vaccine testing and data validation will be given priority and correct time frame to achieve good level of efficacy and safety, which means may take a bit longer to get final approval. Overall will be good for glove co.


2020-11-06 23:10 | Report Abuse

Lucky US got this Esper, who obviously do not agree with the way Trump handles things, otherwise things will be worse.


2020-11-06 23:06 | Report Abuse

As Biden draw closer to winning the election, he and kamala's life will be danger. Just hope that the power transition will be a peaceful and smooth one.


2020-11-06 21:53 | Report Abuse

@GiantPanda Ok ok
Let’s exchange
Harta gives its Market Cap to Supermax
Supermax gives its PAT to Harta
06/11/2020 9:27 PM

Perhaps when we measure the contribution, we should look how much money in hand rather than the share price, because when they donate it away, the most immediate impact is to their cash flow position. The share price has no impact to their financial position but the reduced cash flow would have, and how much it hurts them is in direct proportion to the % of their latest earnings.


2020-11-06 21:24 | Report Abuse

@GiantPanda perhaps a more realistic measure should be based on the amount of contribution in relation to their latest PAT , because the donation money would have to come from their latest earning:

1. Top Glove = 185m/ 1326m = 13.95%
2. Harta = 90m / 549.7m = 16.4%
3. Supermax = 75m / 812.5 m = 9.2 %
4. Kossan = 50m / 132.3m = 37.7 %

Ironically, if we look at their contribution base on % to their latest earning , Kossan is the biggest contributor amongst them while Supermax is the smallest contributor. Here we measure their sacrifice base on how much it will hurt their pocket. There is a difference in that if you have RM 1,326 in your pocket and you donate RM 185 away , compared to if you have RM 132 in your pocket and you donate RM 50 away. We should not be bias but always look for a fair approach in our assessment.


2020-11-06 20:50 | Report Abuse

Lets all pray for a smooth and peaceful transition of power......if serious civil war in US breaks out, we will be back to square one.


2020-11-06 20:16 | Report Abuse

Now that the budget and fake windfall tax rumor are done with, the only obstacle to an unhindered market bull run is the smooth and peaceful power transition to Biden. When that happened, DJ will break the record 30,000 mark and all hell will break loose.


2020-11-06 19:44 | Report Abuse

@GiantPanda I believe your projection will happen when Biden has a smooth transition into power. However there is concern that over the weekend whether US will fall into some chaos due to Trumps psychotic supporters creating troubles and planning to attack some vote counting centres. There is oredi report that that it is happening right now.


2020-11-06 19:19 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak 100 m...this is Corporate Social Responsibilty... A good CSR record is a must for international fund. ITs goodwill to attract fund. Big Fund. It is understandable that Auntie and Uncle dun understand so they dun buy .
06/11/2020 6:52 PM

I did mentioned earlier that the one off contribution will be perceived as a goodwill contribution to help fight Covid19 and shall be appreciated by the Gov't and in return the Gov't shall reciprocate with conducive and friendly policies to help the glove co to expand further.


2020-11-06 19:14 | Report Abuse

Like I said earlier, we should expect that the rest of the Big 3 and other smaller glove counters will announce that they are venturing into OBM model soon, so that they are perceived to be in trend. But they are 2-3 years behind Supermax and not all of the are able to successfully transition to OBM model. Maybe only TG and Harta stand a chance to do it. But even then they will be way behind Supermax. So Supermax will be seen as the market leader in glove and PPE soon and not TG or Harta.


2020-11-06 11:35 | Report Abuse

The one off tax can be seen as a national contribution and it would not amount to much coz its a donation of sort to the healthcare funds to assist the national healthcare services. Its good for the collective image of the glove industry and the Gov't will reciprocate the goodwill spirit with more friendly and conducive policies going forward too.


2020-11-06 11:26 | Report Abuse

I think soon Supermax will be talk about as the most potential glove co and will lead the price surge ahead. The 3 other big 4 and other smaller glove players will slowly announce their changing to OBM biz model in order not to left behind. However, they will have a long way to catch up as OBM model takes time to establish and not all can succeed in it. By the time they establish the OBM, Supermax would have move on to the next level of play with the OBM model, such as entrenched direct supply and cooperation with the various Gov't , not just on glove but comprehensive PPE supply with many factories oredi set up and operating in those countries, and complete with multi listings in their stock exchanges.


2020-11-06 11:13 | Report Abuse

Just speculating, but looking at TG price movement, I think there is on-going process of exodus from TG investors to Supermax happening now.


2020-11-06 11:10 | Report Abuse

@RHBIB7 Have you sold all ur Supermax holding?


2020-11-06 11:05 | Report Abuse

Congrats to those that put faith in Supermax future potential. Don't rush to sell but hold for at least 6 months if you can, @fts the man from the future has oredi given his best projection. KYY has also given some good advise, and whether you believe or not , this time his TP of 26.0 for FY21 will not turn around to bite your backside.


2020-11-05 20:40 | Report Abuse

@ThePowerOfGlove I just don't get guys who dump & run or hide at low
05/11/2020 7:22 PM

I think they are many punters who think that they can outsmart the sharks just like those who go to casino thinking they can out bet the casino. They are high risk takers who are addicted to the adrenalin rush from taking the extreme risk. Occasionally they are well rewarded but in the long run they will lose out more than gain. You can notice them from the way they spit out their frustrations when things don't go their way. When the sharks have bitten them they will in return become nasty to other forumers, cry father cry mother, or even lelong their mothers cheap cheap. Its a sad existent but they have only themselves to blame.


2020-11-05 12:41 | Report Abuse

@RHBIB7 Pls arrange the IBs to throw more shares down, I m still collecting for the next 1000 units of share dividend.


2020-11-04 20:46 | Report Abuse

@GiantPanda If Biden wins, he’ll announce this good news as his quick win as the New President of USA, part of his Covid-19 fight plan
i) Allocation of US$300 million in Glove Manufacturing in USA for Phase #1 &
US$250 million for Phase #2.

04/11/2020 8:29 PM

I think either Biden or Trump will be happy to hear that Supermax is helping US by creating employment there and at the same time helping them to meet their glove supply and stockpiling. Supermax can offer highly competitive price compared to the other competitors. Likely Supermax will find it easy at later stage to get listed in US market.


2020-11-04 20:37 | Report Abuse

North hemisphere is entering into winter soon with 500,000 daily new cases globally. Not surprise by end December we should be seeing numbers hitting close to 1,000,000 new cases per day or even more. Can you imagine demand for gloves and PPE at that stage. Spanish flu (1918-1920) infected 1/3 of world population or around 500 million ppl before it faded. We are only at 42 million globally or 1/10 of Spanish flu , but our world population is now 5X more compared to during Spanish flu. So if Spanish flu is of any guide, it looks like there is still a long way to go before Covid19 fades away.


2020-11-04 19:57 | Report Abuse

On vaccine, you just need a few ppl dying after the vaccine jabs to create the fear factor, and glove counters will move up another level. Also, current study discovered that the vaccine effect will not last and require booster jabs over a period of time. Also recovered Covid19 patients has been re-infected by different strains creating the possibility of multiple vaccine jabs for different strains. More vaccine jabs require more gloves. Will be crazy profit for glove companies for the next 2-3 years.


2020-11-04 16:04 | Report Abuse

Its probably a one off tax to assist the local healthcare facilities to fight Covid19. Even if its 10% its no big deal bcos only pay one time under this budget.