
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2020-11-04 15:49 | Report Abuse

Now my wish is coming true..price moving towards 8.50...collecting for my next 1000 unit share dividend :)


2020-11-04 15:43 | Report Abuse

I think the important question for this forum is , which president candidate is better for Supermax FY21 performance? I think Trump actually may be better for Supermax performance bcos he will continue the reckless policy ensuring more people will get infected for a longer period of time. He will continue to sideline China products with tariff and divide the global effort to combat Covid19. Supermax having established direct Gov't contracts will be able to supply direct to US agencies with a more competitive price than it's competitors who have to buy from other glove suppliers. As we all know the vaccine reliability and efficacy is still in question and would not guarantee lasting immunity nor any serious aide effects. How many of you would rush out there for your vaccine jab once they become available in the market?


2020-11-03 23:07 | Report Abuse

US market very confident of Biden winning big.


2020-11-03 23:06 | Report Abuse

DJ +573
Nas +162
S&P +58


2020-11-03 22:44 | Report Abuse

@Sweetchocolates I believe our FM is not so short sighted as he would realise that companies like TG and many other glove companies still need to spend more money to deal with international labor and quality compliances and to boost up their production at the same. By hitting them with windfall tax will only add more burden which may affect their ability to improve their revenue for coming FY21.


2020-11-03 22:36 | Report Abuse

@ConfirmWin Really wish your prediction will come true. Hope you don't disappoint me with your empty predicktion :)


2020-11-03 22:05 | Report Abuse

I don't know about you ppl but I realise that it doesn't matter what TP the IB analyst want to assign to Supermax, the fact remains the fact. Covid fact is the truth, even Trump cannot fake it away. No amount of political or financial power can change the truth including the IBs. And the truth that Supermax is the best performing glove counter, if not the best performing counter in whole of KLSE for coming FY21, will eventually catch up. As of now, I m really hoping the price will go down towards 8.50 tmr or better can touch 8.0.


2020-11-03 21:45 | Report Abuse

@parastoo thanks but I think I learned a lot from the many sifus in this forum esp @freetospeak and @GiantPanda.


2020-11-03 15:45 | Report Abuse

Ppl don't let the noise affect your decisions. Supemax is the best performing counter in the whole of KLSE and with clear and indisputable earning visibility and future potential. The best PAT margin of 60% in the entire history of KLSE , going to 70% soon but with a PE 14 valuation. Crazy but true.


2020-11-03 15:37 | Report Abuse

The market expects Biden to win. I believe once Biden wins, the Republican insiders and congress will step in to ensure a smooth transition of power. They will not let US go down the path of civil war and anarchy.


2020-11-03 15:31 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak every time I read your posting reminding on the plus points of Supermax and then looking at current stock price being <9.0 , I m inspired to go for the next 1000 units of share dividend again :)


2020-11-03 15:23 | Report Abuse

There's nothing to stop the Gov't from imposing the windfall tax on the glove companies, but its not a fair thing for them to do and it will back fire coz it will drive the companies to move out faster. Better to allow the glove companies a conducive environment and support for them to grow even bigger and benefit from greater future revenue thru enlarged income tax revenue. To implement a windfall tax now is akin to pennywise but pound foolish.


2020-11-03 15:16 | Report Abuse

@smurfeebee regards implementation of windfall tax, the most important criteria is whether the Govt has financially assisted in the particular industry with research and development or provided subsidy for the end products to the rakyat, which they did for both palm oil, petroleum industry and power generation industry, therefore the windfall tax is a way for them to recover their earlier investments so that they can continue to support those industries in the future.
As for glove industry, Gov't financial assistance has been zilt. So its not justified for them to want to impose a windfall tax as the enlarged income tax revenue due to the increased profits by the glove companies is oredi a windfall revenue to the Gov't. Apa lagi mau? Also its only the last 6 months the glove companies saw a spike in the revenue, nobody knows how sustainable the increased revenue will be. Not fair to want to ask for so much at this stage, instead should allow the glove companies to use the profit to expand further and increase their productivity further.


2020-11-02 15:40 | Report Abuse

@ Ibelieve good on you , that's the way to play this counter, today I also added around 500 units of share dividend, all below 9.0.


2020-11-02 13:17 | Report Abuse

@Sam Singh no point to blame anyone la. You should make your decisions base on facts and not just because someone said this or that. Just hold whatever you oredi have till Dec for your share dividend and meanwhile don't buy anymore if its hurting your pocket. Buy only within your means la.


2020-11-02 13:10 | Report Abuse

Actually the current behaviour of the market makes perfect sense. The big funds including the IBs are using this period of global and local political uncertainty to realign their portfolios to be in alignment with the latest Qr results. They probably realised they have underestimated the global impact of the 2nd wave and overestimated the efficacy of the vaccine to solve the problem. All the assumptions from previous quarters have to be thrown out the window. Many sectorial dis-alignment with reality need to be tweaked. The dis-alignment of Supermax PE to its peers is a glaring example that needs to be fixed too.


2020-11-02 12:41 | Report Abuse

US election is a done deal , Biden will win and US will move forward with massive order of gloves to fulfill current shortage and then further strategic stockpiling of gloves for the next 2-3 years.


2020-11-02 11:46 | Report Abuse

At this price if you all just buy and hold for even 3 months, you are gonna see magic.


2020-11-02 11:37 | Report Abuse

Ppl pls buy and keep for at least 6 months and not try to play contra.


2020-11-02 11:28 | Report Abuse

ya currently is selling beyond cheap sale oredi. Making Harta and TG look like super branded goods now.


2020-11-02 11:23 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak haha hope your friend Stanley will sapu with the extra 1B in hand today :)


2020-11-02 11:12 | Report Abuse

Ppl don't forget coming Dec get your share dividend and next Qr get your bonus 1:1 and following Qr get your free share of SGX listing ( they say to happen within 6 months)


2020-11-02 11:09 | Report Abuse

Wow at this price now collecting for my next 1000unit of share dividend :)


2020-11-02 10:58 | Report Abuse

This is a company with current PE <15 and PAT margin going from 60% to 70% at least for entire FY21 period. This company is going global in a big way now. Dual listing in SGX will increase its visibility to the FF soon. This is currently the best performing company on KLSE and if there is any company you want to stay invested during this pandemic years, its this one.


2020-11-01 23:48 | Report Abuse

@Gooner82 Good decision there, like you I m all in on Supermax hoping for a early retirement too. Will only sell when the valuation substantially overshoots the fundamental, only to buy back later. Meanwhile, lock it up for min 6 months.


2020-11-01 22:34 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve I m humbled by your compliments but actually I m just another amateur investor still learning the ropes. Sifu such as @freetospeak and @GIantPanda are the north star to guide us while we are sailing in the dark.


2020-11-01 22:26 | Report Abuse

@GiantPanda I think this time uncle is really conservative as he doesn't want to overshoot his estimate and later get accused of trying to con ikan bilis or get accused of biting ppl's back side. He really used very low PE 15 and very conservative increase of 25% of EPS every subsequent quarter. We all can see the jump in ASP will be much more than that the order based on higher ASP has been oversold for the next 12 months. Meaning uncle estimate is a base estimate and the final TP can only be higher. This TP set by him will be more than achievable and when he gets out he will not bite anyone's back side as everybody will be celebrating and thanking him for helping them to make money.


2020-11-01 22:10 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve, I believe that the windfall is only justified if the Government has actively assisted in the particular industry with subsidy and R&D investments such as in the case of palm oil and rubber. Palm Oil has a govt body set up, ie. MPOB , to assist its growth and development and Govt has continued to subsidize the cooking oil as well. So when the particular industry suddenly make huge profit due to seasonal escalated price, the Gov't deserves to implement the windfall tax to recover its investment. In the case of the glove, its all private company initiative with no subsidy from the gov't and there is not even a dedicated Gov't body set up to assist the industry, only Margma which is a private association only, exist to assist with the industry. Govt investment into the glove industry is literally zilt, so for them getting the standard income tax is damn good oredi.


2020-11-01 19:52 | Report Abuse

@GiantPanda For now the IBs can still play down the TP of $uperMax but as we move forward the gross undervaluation will become grosser by the day. It will become the elephant in the room soon to be sure, and will make the IBs TP look ridiculous and bias. Even now we are all perplexed by the unfair discrepancy oredi. They have made a big mistake of grossly underestimating the potential of $uperMax earlier. Therefore I believe they have no choice but to rectify the situation of their imbalanced heavy investments into TG and Harta by increasing their weightage on $uperMax soon, likely before the inclusion of $uperMax into KLCI. I believe once they have accumulated enough they will likely revise the grossly undervalued TP to reflect a more realistic TP for $uperMax, but they have to adjust gradually in such as way as not create an exodus of funds from TG and Harta shifting in $uperMax overnight. Those holding lots of TG and Harta should shift some over to $uperMax to take advantage of the current imbalance of the PE before the IBs make the adjustment later.


2020-11-01 19:28 | Report Abuse

@ Mabel it's crystal clear that the IBs have grossly grossly underestimated the potential of Supermax as mentioned by @freetospeak. That is why the are now kicking themselves very hard and is trying to quietly make amend.


2020-10-31 22:43 | Report Abuse

@greatest94 not only bonus 1:1 but hopefully also free new shares for the SGX dual listing.


2020-10-31 00:47 | Report Abuse

This coming glove superbull will be led by non other than Supermax


2020-10-30 23:03 | Report Abuse

@wkc5657 I believe that DSST will not sell for USD10B bcos within a year Supermax market cap should be touching RM 70-80B . If it's me I would not sell at USD10B. I would only consider if the offer is ard USD30-40B.


2020-10-30 20:39 | Report Abuse

@wkc5657 why must lelong when the sector is so hot now? You make no sense la.


2020-10-30 20:37 | Report Abuse

Assume if KYY conservative TP of 26 will come true by end FY21, and assume he has taken into consideration bonus 1:1 issue by next Qr, the market cap by end FY21 is RM 141.5B !


2020-10-30 20:15 | Report Abuse

Richard Renehan owns Renco, whose subsidiary American Performance Polymers received the $22 million contract over the summer to expand production at its factory in northern New Hampshire. His company is one of just a handful of glove manufacturers in the U.S., including a Japanese owned factory in Alabama and a Korean venture with the Navajo Nation. Renehan’s company, though, is the only one owned by an American.

Soon Supermx will be on the list.


2020-10-30 19:38 | Report Abuse

@wkc5657 In 2 months time Supermx market cap will be RM 50+B, and in 6 months will be 70+B, so lets make the offer ard USD 35B to reflect future value


2020-10-29 21:19 | Report Abuse

@NoNonsenseHere I m all in and lock in for at least 6 months.


2020-10-29 21:16 | Report Abuse

Ppl , there is no doubt the general economy will face further downturn in coming months. Supermx is the best hedge for your funds and savings. To hedge against coming bad time.


2020-10-29 20:56 | Report Abuse

@TeamRocket just buy and lock up the share for 2-3 months, you will be greatly rewarded. Don't try to outsmart the sharks. We can only outsmart them by locking up the shares and practice trading distancing for 2 -3 months.


2020-10-29 20:43 | Report Abuse

Easy peasy to see Supermax price spike up , everybody just buy and keep for 1Q. Hold tight tight.


2020-10-29 18:18 | Report Abuse

yup another product DSST can consider to venture into, the toughest but most stretchable condoms in the world, a medical grade condom that can kill STD germs and virus on contact. Another 500 million revenue in the pocket.


2020-10-29 17:29 | Report Abuse

@ThePowerOfGlove Maybe you should use Supermax Blue Nitrile medical glove instead. Its much stronger and cheaper than the overpriced condoms in the market. Its only 0.50 per pair and each time you want to use just cut off 1 finger of the glove. So 1 pair u have 10X usage. 1 Box u have 100 pairs x 10 = 1000X F /365 = 2.7 years of Fs everyday.
.But don't forget to apply the KYY jelly each time before using :)


2020-10-29 16:41 | Report Abuse

SinGor noted and thanks, I think no need to cover your arse at least for the next 2 Qr.


2020-10-29 16:29 | Report Abuse

@ThePowerOfLove haha a perfect metaphor coming from you with the right name to match. Yes the orgasm shall be coming soon after :)


2020-10-29 16:22 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve very good comparison to highlight the gross undervalue price of Supermx. The earlier perceived "bubble" turned out to be grossly undersized to contain the real substance. There was no bubble but a torn cling wrap around the substance. We are still going thru the process of a paradigm shift. Everyone still thinking its a glove bubble bursting, but in reality at least for Supermax its the substance growing too big and bursting the cling wrap.


2020-10-29 16:11 | Report Abuse

@SinGor the dividend in form of treasury share of 1 for every 45 shares. Ex date on 7/12. Your dividend will continue to grow with your capital after that.


2020-10-29 15:03 | Report Abuse

@BALANCE_VIEW it is becoming crystal clear that at current price Supermx is grossly undervalued, there is a possibility of 2nd round price escalation to more than double its current price in the next 2 months.


2020-10-29 14:56 | Report Abuse

@papasmurf my alternative view is that the bubble didn't really burst but deflated a bit and now the substance has outgrown the bubble. Meaning the bubble is smaller than the substance, and it needs a much bigger bubble now to contain it. And i think all the big funds are starting to realize their mistake of underestimating Supermx potential.


2020-10-29 14:25 | Report Abuse

@wkc5657 we cannot predict the short term events due to susceptibility to manipulation but I believe mid term projection at next Qr is very certain and exciting. Like it or not KYY has very good advise this time. Buy , lock it up for 3 months, no need top worry about it and copper will become gold.