Fabien _the efficient capital allocator

fabienwks | Joined since 2010-12-10

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2021-01-03 13:37 | Report Abuse

totally agreed with @yistock, in this business, our job is to survive.

My investing philosophy can be summarised in these few words..
"Survival is the only road to riches."


2020-12-04 15:16 | Report Abuse

Brent oil to break $50 psychological barrier

Watch this space


2020-12-04 15:16 | Report Abuse

Brent oil to break $50 psychological barrier

Watch this space


2020-12-03 19:28 | Report Abuse

Touched year high 2.97

Congrats everyone

On track to 100% profit?


2020-12-03 19:24 | Report Abuse

FPI 2.43

Both has surged up since the quarter announcements.

Fabien "The Efficient Capital Allocater" Both SKPRES & FPI announced record quarterly revenue & net profit

EMS companies are benefitting from the diversion of supply chain and reduced reliance on China

The growth story has always been there. The coming earnings announcement would validate such narratives.

SKP today have touched its year high of 1.95

I have two EMS in my portfolio, SKPRES & FPI

Watch this space

19/11/2020 7:43 PM

Sep 28, 2020 8:18 PM | Report Abuse

SKPRES is a proxy to investing in Dyson.

The company is well positioned to record explosive earnings growth this year, mainly driven by higher demand for Dyson products.

Can the demand be sustained?

2 emerging trends are in favor:

First, thanks to Covid and the resulting shift to WFH trend, has resulted in increased demand for both household and hygiene products

Also bear in mind, there is a natural replacement cycle for household appliances.

there is a healthy pipeline of new products, more innovative products to automate more household chores

Second, Covid + trade war has prompted many MNCs to diversify their supply chain and reduce reliance on China

I see this as a permanent structural change in the supply chain where more manufacturers are relocating into ASEAN

PCBA is also contributing positively, gestation period is over, which would contribute to improvement in margin in coming quarters.

I am optimistic.

News & Blogs

2020-12-01 19:42 | Report Abuse

Building castle in the air? Ever heard of the greater fool theory?


2020-11-27 21:27 | Report Abuse

The divestment of 20-25% stake in the healthcare will unlock the valuation of its healthcare unit which in turn boasts Sunway overall sum of parts valuation. Currently, it is a hidden gem embedded in the parent structure.


2020-11-19 19:43 | Report Abuse

Both SKPRES & FPI announced record quarterly revenue & net profit

Fabien "The Efficient Capital Allocater" EMS companies are benefitting from the diversion of supply chain and reduced reliance on China

The growth story has always been there. The coming earnings announcement would validate such narratives.

SKP today have touched its year high of 1.95

I have two EMS in my portfolio, SKPRES & FPI

Watch this space
17/11/2020 8:04 PM


2020-11-19 19:40 | Report Abuse

Amazing results

Record revenue (281mil) & record net profit (26mil)
Annualised EPS = 16.00 (which only imply 5.6sen EPS in Q4 compared to record Q3 10.40 EPS)

To be conservative, assuming EPS = 16sen
At current market cap, prospective PER = 8.67x
Net cash = 226.1mil (which is 49% of current market cap)
Adjusting for net cash, ex-cash PER = 4.41x

Valuation is dirt cheap.


2020-11-17 20:07 | Report Abuse

Reversion to the mean?

Bought a bucket at 13.72


2020-11-17 20:04 | Report Abuse

EMS companies are benefitting from the diversion of supply chain and reduced reliance on China

The growth story has always been there. The coming earnings announcement would validate such narratives.

SKP today have touched its year high of 1.95

I have two EMS in my portfolio, SKPRES & FPI

Watch this space


2020-11-17 19:55 | Report Abuse

Fiscal stimulus, whatever x trillion it may be, will be the next catalyst to boost oil demand and the expected recovery to pre-pandemic level

Yinson is a good bet for such eventuality

News & Blogs

2020-11-16 20:14 | Report Abuse

Since last week, we have witnessed massive rotation into value stocks. funds rebalanced their portfolio from stay at home stocks into stocks that linked to economic recovery, the airlines, banks, etc.

Treasury yields have rallied to multi-month highs. the 10YR is approaching 1%.

While positive vaccine news a boost to sentiment, clearly we are in a mini upcycle, I am more wary on the workings of mean reversion.

The path to recovery is much clearer since the onset of the pandemic, the pace is still very much dependent on the successful containment and commercialization of vaccine.

Short term fluctuations aside, I still believe glove stocks a must have in your portfolio, especially so given its prevailing valuations. Post-covid, glove demand is expected to expand at least 20-25% from the usual 8-10% annual growth rate.

Of course, diversification is one free lunch available. When the global economy does recover next year, consumption to eventually normalise, my portfolio of energy stocks would benefit from the rebound in oil price.


2020-11-16 19:01 | Report Abuse

Impressive quarter, yes. Record revenue of 300mil+, NP margin approximate 10% with net profit of 29mil.

Annualised EPS = 43sen
Prospective PER = 10.2x

I believe the earnings have been largely priced in. About my fair value.

I have sold on strength last week. Average cost of 2.30

Cheers, guys


2020-11-12 15:30 | Report Abuse

When i mentioned KPOWER & SCIB few months ago, someone commented


Jul 21, 2020 3:44 PM | Report Abuse

To achieve 1bil market cap, the share price has to reach

SCIB - RM8.13

Posted by Steven1717 > Jul 21, 2020 4:47 PM | Report Abuse

Fabien, dont talk C*


2020-11-12 15:28 | Report Abuse

When i mentioned KPOWER & SCIB few months ago, someone commented


Jul 21, 2020 3:44 PM | Report Abuse

To achieve 1bil market cap, the share price has to reach

SCIB - RM8.13

Posted by Steven1717 > Jul 21, 2020 4:47 PM | Report Abuse

Fabien, dont talk C*


2020-11-04 19:41 | Report Abuse

Furniture companies are catching the tailwind. I'm looking at 2.10-2.50


2020-10-27 19:03 | Report Abuse

Supermax results nothing but exceptional

Revenue 1.35bil
PAT 790mil
NP margin 60%

Annualised profit = 3,160mil
Latest market cap = 26,608mil
Forward PER = 11.88x

Net cash position = 2.36bil (about 9% of market cap)


2020-10-20 20:06 | Report Abuse

Bought Yinson 4.76

Believe in the management that they will come back up from this setback.


2020-10-19 19:59 | Report Abuse

If Titan does 300mil-400mil in the next 2 quarters. IPO price of 6.50 is achievable. This is the best case scenario.


2020-10-19 09:59 | Report Abuse

To make money, it's more important to understand market psychology, the prevailing bias, fundamentals aside.

No one gets poor by taking profit.

You guys enjoy the run while it lasts


2020-10-16 20:03 | Report Abuse

Well, on hindsight, I should have buy more. That's easy to say after the fact.

I guess if I pen my thoughts down in a public forum, like Choivo did, may lead to higher conviction. Second level of skin in the game!

Anyway, i'm holding tightly to my 1.68 batch.


2020-10-16 19:57 | Report Abuse

Despite profit taking, Harta has remained steady.

Next week onwards will be interesting as we await a slew of earnings announcement from Supermax, Careplus and Harta.

If earnings exceed expectations, I foresee massive re-rating ahead, possibly testing the previous high.

There is no other sector apart from gloves that can provides such earnings visibility in the next 2 years at least.

The prevailing bias is still in favor of gloves. We have seen a resurgence of cases worldwide and we are just about to enter the cold season. This rising second-third wave would re-accelerate the ASPs growth further.

Watch this space.


2020-10-06 20:08 | Report Abuse

I rather look at my bet with a long term view (5 years)

The EIA predicted that, by 2025, a barrel of Brent crude oil's average price will rise to $79/b.


2020-09-28 20:18 | Report Abuse

SKPRES is a proxy to investing in Dyson.

The company is well positioned to record explosive earnings growth this year, mainly driven by higher demand for Dyson products.

Can the demand be sustained?

2 emerging trends are in favor:

First, thanks to Covid and the resulting shift to WFH trend, has resulted in increased demand for both household and hygiene products

Also bear in mind, there is a natural replacement cycle for household appliances.

there is a healthy pipeline of new products, more innovative products to automate more household chores

Second, Covid + trade war has prompted many MNCs to diversify their supply chain and reduce reliance on China

I see this as a permanent structural change in the supply chain where more manufacturers are relocating into ASEAN

PCBA is also contributing positively, gestation period is over, which would contribute to improvement in margin in coming quarters.

I am optimistic.


2020-09-25 13:32 | Report Abuse

I believe the market is right to be cautious. Since its listing, for whatever reasons, LCT has disappointed time and again.

On valuation, i do note its parent in Korea is also valued on P/BV basis.

Anyway, I do think LCT will benefit in 3Q20 due to the strength in the PE/PP-Naphtha spreads. Likely, the petrochemical prices may remain strong until year end, helped by the hurricane disruptions. But i'm wary of the incoming new supply, especially the anticipated big increases in China PE productions & Pengerang coming on stream.

Good thing is the demand has seen its trough. One big plus factor is the Chinese economy is recovering strongly.

Buying below net cash is a no brainer though.


2020-09-25 11:14 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the write up, Choivo.

You seem more optimistic than i do, but good for my convictions.

Had bought a bucket at 1.68

News & Blogs

2020-09-11 22:56 | Report Abuse

It take years to build reputation. But it only takes one moment of foolish act to lose credibility


2020-09-04 20:17 | Report Abuse

We have seen this cycle before.

The liquidity flush from easing monetary policies + stimulus = weakening US dollar in turn leads to commodities bull cycles including gold

News & Blogs

2020-09-04 17:42 | Report Abuse

First, you need to separate out which are noise and which are signals.

Whatever newsflows, be it about vaccine, windfall tax, shifting of funds to recovery play, all these are noises.

Focus on the signals, i.e. the earnings. All that matters are earnings.

Glove is one sector you can be sure to see earnings growth q-o-q. In comparison to tech, which valuation has gone off the roof in my view, gloves valuations remain reasonable, backed up by numbers, the forward earnings.


2020-09-03 21:03 | Report Abuse

PCHEM is my largest holding. One for the long term, easily looking at 10 years down the road.

If it drops more, won't hesitate to add further.

Buy when no one wants it.


2020-08-25 18:23 | Report Abuse

Record quarterly profit of 147.8mil



2020-08-25 18:22 | Report Abuse

Why bother arguing?

I have both Supermax and Kossan

Both issuing bonus issue
Both to be included in MSCI Index
Both to be included in FBMKLCI Index
Both best quarter yet to come


2020-08-24 13:45 | Report Abuse

RHB raised TP to 3.77

Post earnings adjustment, our TP is lifted to MYR3.77 from MYR3.46, pegged to unchanged 14x FY21F P/E. We are upbeat on this stock, as it offers strong earnings growth. This, in turn, is premised on the potential doubling of its orderbook by end-FY21, superior ROEs, and its undemanding market valuation of 10.6x

Orderbook anticipated to hit RM2bil by end 2021


2020-08-21 14:38 | Report Abuse

Very good results

q-o-q Profit increased by 173% and NTA increased by 135%

Net cash = 77.8mil (35% of market cap)


2020-08-19 21:59 | Report Abuse

You are right.

It's time to look at plantation counters.

The dynamics seem favourable to the industry, increased demand and uptrending CPO prices.


2020-08-18 20:03 | Report Abuse

So far, TopGlove, Supermax and Riverstone had announced bonus issue

Harta and Kossan will follow

These 2 are laggard compare to the rest


2020-08-18 17:27 | Report Abuse

Kossan has always been a laggard


2020-08-18 17:13 | Report Abuse

I bought more of Supermax at 16.38 and 17.58

Anyway, i did bought back Kossan at 15.70


2020-08-18 17:11 | Report Abuse

Since last Thursday until today morning were the perfect opportunity to collect on weakness.

And I did.


Aug 18, 2020 4:17 PM | Report Abuse

Bought at 16.38 and 17.58

Cheers, guys!


2020-08-18 16:17 | Report Abuse

Bought at 16.38 and 17.58

Cheers, guys!


2020-08-10 15:49 | Report Abuse

Careplus announced another land acquisition


The Proposed Acquisition is undertaken in line with the Group’s future and immediate expansion plans to increase its existing manufacturing capacity via Careglove, due to current strong demand, by commissioning new production lines. The Building would be demolished and reconstructed, together with a new building to be constructed on the Empty Land, will be able to house up to 15 new production lines. In addition, the Group would also benefit from the strategic location of the Property, which is neighbouring its existing production plants, which will facilitate and streamline management control, resulting in operational synergies and efficiency.


2020-08-05 15:02 | Report Abuse

Sold all my positions at 19.50


2020-08-05 15:02 | Report Abuse

Sold all my positions at 10.90


2020-08-04 20:09 | Report Abuse

Tenaga has drop below 11. This is interesting


2020-08-04 19:54 | Report Abuse

Another record today.

15.6bil in volume and 10.1bil in value

Average trading value for 1st half is around 3.19bil translating to EPS of 18.7sen
If can maintain throughout the year, annualised EPS of 37.4sen (PE 30x = RM11.22)

If average trading value to increase by 20% to around 3.96bil, EPS = 43sen (PE 30x = RM13)
If average trading value to increase by 40% to around 4.62bil, EPS = 50sen (PE 30x = RM15)

July has been a very good start to Q3, highest trading volume recorded on 20 July of 12.5bil. But August has started even better, we have seen 13-15bil.

Analyst have been quick to underestimate retail participation. But robust trading volume should be supported by short selling ban until year end and not forgetting, potential catalyst includes election flows and further rate cuts by the central bank.

Over the longer term, i do believe the Fed's unlimited QE to spill over to emerging markets including Malaysia, just like post GFC.


2020-08-04 13:54 | Report Abuse

When shares are being pushed to sky high valuations.

Market does occasionally provides reality check.

No doubt, PE multiple is a function of market sentiment. It may continue to be high as long as the story remains believable but no one can predicts the tipping point in reversal of psychology.

At the end of day, share price is by and large driven by earnings. It's the earnings executed by the management that matters.

The right question to ask then, it's the implied valuation given by the market reasonable vis-a-vis the earnings growth? Take the annualised earnings of 26sen as the base, and given that management has guided a gradual increase in ASPs in the coming months, would you think Harta can double its earnings in the coming quarters?


2020-08-03 17:18 | Report Abuse

This is sooner than expected.

Have traded TITAN twice, both on the basis of its balance sheet value.

Looking to enter for the 3rd time.


Jul 17, 2020 9:17 AM | Report Abuse

If it drops back below 2, i will buy back again