
linheng | Joined since 2018-01-18

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2020-08-23 05:25 | Report Abuse

The director of this co is now too busy trading the shares rather than running the co. Look at the insider trading. Now you get big roadblocks both sides. Very difficult for a significant move in either direction. If it moves up a few cents, the Directors start throwing.
The small guy got no firepower to resist. Glove Co share price is also
going through a YoYo phase. Better to throw back to the directors and than reassess at a lower level of below 90 cents.


2020-08-23 05:10 | Report Abuse

Public Bank grow for about $1.20 to current price via rights cum bonus issues. Top Glove did the same. Even Pentamaster also grew in that manner. Nobody keeps doing PP and then pump and dump.
The only way to make money from this counter is to buy low and sell high. Long term investment is difficult when the major shareholder sells whenever the share price spikes. The PP are also not given to long term institutional investors but to who knows who ( No annoucement).


2020-08-23 04:58 | Report Abuse

For this counter, the obvious lure is the assets. Problem is that we the small shareholders can only hope that this assets does not disappear. I am still holding those that cost 90+ cents per share.
When it drop below $1, I thought its a good buy. It went below $0.50 and I buy more. Went down all the way to below $0.30. Luckily I buy more and managed to sell all this at above 40 cents when co launch a share buyback program.


2020-08-23 04:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by RainT > Aug 21, 2020 3:55 PM | Report Abuse
who still buy hard copy Star papers and read it daily?
I do. Already 48 yrs reading Star. Quality had gone done tremendously.
I finish reading in less than 10 minutes.
Cannot stand the comments by 2 political columnist.
1. Joseline Tan
2. Sabahan Philip
Lately the Star Biz had also start writing nonsense.
Remember those article on Oil & Gas company. Oil had recovered from
below USD30 to above USD40. Now they write as if Oil is doom.
Frankly the DIMSUM is also a failure. So hard to instal on Andriod TV.
I had no problem instaling Netflix and even free China cable TV.
Call and email the Dimsum Team many times but no response.
As for the management team, the Wong Chun Wai guy although retired ( got some travel packages thrown in for retirement) seems to have power still. The new CEO got to run before his reputation is down the drain. The chairman is still the expired politician who goes for the benefits.


2020-08-22 18:06 | Report Abuse

1. Priceworth
2. Jaya tiasa
3. Subur tiasa
4. Wtk
5. Ta Ann
WTK moves the most.
Even Minho moves up. This JTiasa is quite slow


2020-08-22 17:58 | Report Abuse

If I m not wrong, he disposed through indirect market, means he is disposing to someone who were willing to buy. Not through open market..
He cannot dispose direct. Got to report. There are sure some shares hidden with nominee or buddy accounts.
Just be wary the next round, all good announcement come. Don't chase


2020-08-22 09:50 | Report Abuse

No doubt its a good announcement. World class partner too.
U think the small investors sell on that kind of news


2020-08-22 09:46 | Report Abuse

Why private placement never end, how many pp have been done and who the hell the buyer? - Suspect he place to his buddies.
Alway big drop after private placement.
Go up via winding steps but straight down on a chute


2020-08-22 09:43 | Report Abuse

Ron 97 above Rm2 but this co with own oil is still below RM0.65.
Zoon Webinar on 26 August. Corporate insight into Hibiscus. Interested can register


2020-08-22 02:36 | Report Abuse
Buying into shale oil co?
Thought they say need to cut CAPEX to preserved capital
WTF- Cut velesto's rig contract (another govt link co) but got money to buy bankrupt shale oil co. Beyond comprehension


2020-08-22 02:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by signn > Aug 20, 2020 1:27 PM | Report Abuse
its quite demoralizing n shocking that ccp let the stock go from 76c to 58c in 1 day...very very distressing
Hi Bro. I read your couple of your comments. You seem to be the long term investor type. Puan's style would not suit you. You probably have to look for the next Top Glove, Supermax or Public Bank.
Puan's style is pump and dumb. Happen to many times already from many years ago. No mercy and no hostage taken.


2020-08-22 02:18 | Report Abuse

Clear all 18 cents and all those pack to sell at 18.5 cents but throw back immediately.


2020-08-21 07:58 | Report Abuse

Without much progress on vaccine by this year, petrol may linger around 40 to 46 by end of 2020... For which it is a very comfortable price for Hibiscus to trade oil. Oil may start to limit up start from 1Q21, when the CV sentiment starting to dissipate and will rise to USD60+ by end of 2021.
I believe a vaccine should be out soon. So many candidate vaccine under human trial. Russia registered theirs without 3rd phase human trial. US Presidential elections is just 74 days away. Trump will sure force FDA to approve a vaccine before that.


2020-08-20 15:38 | Report Abuse

The current high freight charges will negate any positive lumber price


2020-08-20 10:57 | Report Abuse

Does Eden still own Duty Free Outlets.
In China, all listed duty free co shares shot through the sky.


2020-08-20 01:54 | Report Abuse

Thursday holiday is a good thing. Friday morning maybe abit cautious. Fri aftertoon, all start to stock up the the next wk and on Monday, alot of shoppers with new buying list


2020-08-19 17:11 | Report Abuse

Hope Brent crude goes to USD$46+. Then cannot hold this Bull anymore.


2020-08-19 13:39 | Report Abuse

This Perempuan is hard to handle. Got to handle softly. You go aggressive, he start throwing. Even the kitchen sink got throw out.
Buy slowly and carefully. Take profit when comfortable. Got chance to buy back again. Don't get caught by him again. I suppose he did that when limit up at $1.65


2020-08-19 13:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by smelly_captain > Aug 18, 2020 5:49 PM | Report Abuse
4pm 19/08
Its possible. Hope that yesterday was distribution at 7.5 cents to all the Goreng accounts. ESOS is 7.5 cents. No reason to sell yesterday at 7.5 cents unless there is a motive behind. Compare yesterday volume to today volume


2020-08-18 14:08 | Report Abuse

Tencent games service is a money printing machine


2020-08-18 13:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by tcgien > Aug 18, 2020 1:17 PM | Report Abuse

The EXCLUSIVE collaboration between the two parties will be for a period of eight years, plus an additional two years, starting today.
Are they signing a collaboration agreement with Tencent?


2020-08-18 12:13 | Report Abuse

Some guy from China co speaking. Miss that introduction. Claim to have thousands of camera for AI system in China


2020-08-18 11:39 | Report Abuse

Lady Speaking is from MDEC. Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation. a Govt Agency


2020-08-18 11:34 | Report Abuse

Wah good. Tie up with Tencent games too


2020-08-18 11:30 | Report Abuse

A lady is speaking now. They are using Tencents Cloud ecosyestem for various industry including Fintech


2020-08-18 11:06 | Report Abuse

You guys think Puan will allow the big show to end with the share price going down by 10%. Might as well don't sign at Hilton by go School Hall


2020-08-18 10:59 | Report Abuse

ESOS is 7.5 cents. Why the churning at 7.5 cents. Employee might as well not exercise ESOS


2020-08-18 10:36 | Report Abuse

End of day, we shall all know. What you expect when the share move from 54 to 75 in less than 1 week. Sure to expect profit taking.
I sold all at 74.5 and buy back all at below 65 cents


2020-08-18 10:18 | Report Abuse

Annouce already. Signing agreement with Tencent Cloud


2020-08-18 02:42 | Report Abuse

US dollar is weakening. Thats part of the reason Gold and Oil will be moving up gradually. Guess we all have to just hold and be patient.
Since this counter is still making money, and no reason for this co to start losing money ( as its a direct proxy to oil price ), the price shd hove up soon.


2020-08-18 02:38 | Report Abuse

The 1 for 4 free warrants. Any entitlement date announced yet?


2020-08-17 20:53 | Report Abuse

Remember someone say wait at Zero. I wait at limit down. Got nothing. Rush to buy at 71cents. Also got nothing. Lucky got old stock at 52 cents


2020-08-16 16:15 | Report Abuse

Glove was doing well before Covid. Due to Covid, all users order in advance and up to 2 yrs.
Even with a most effective vaccine, Glove will still be there.
The 2 most effective vaccine is small pox and measles. The flu vaccine ( after so many years and produced twice a year- for Northern and Southern Winter is only 40 to 60% effective.
I seriously doubt any covid vaccine can be more than 60% effective cos they are all corona virus


2020-08-16 16:00 | Report Abuse

I ask a good friend in the Glove Industry about 3 listed Chemical Co that is listed. This is what he say
Buy La Luxchem. Turnover 800+ million. They have factory making dispersion chemicals for Glove Industry.
Samchem is not supplying much to Glove Ind. Only Potassium Hydroxide and some solvents.
Texchem is not promising


2020-08-16 15:57 | Report Abuse

That's funny isnt it. 40% of revenue supply to gloves sector and still not performing
You are sure this con is not making profit?


2020-08-16 15:56 | Report Abuse

Another interesting data that can give a guide is the Insider trading by Co Directors and major shareholders.
In June 2020, all were buying from 70+ to 80+ cents.
During limit up day on 7th Aug 2020 they were disposing. The high price that day is $1.47
On 14 Aug they are all buying back again at 83 to 91.5 cents.


2020-08-16 15:50 | Report Abuse

This counter is sound. At this level its OK to keep even long term
This co gets the most direct to Glove Industry. They formulated their own products to sell to Glove Industry, not just trading. Profit margin is higher in this manner.


2020-08-16 15:32 | Report Abuse

With YB Khairy in attendance, - Is this confirmed.
If so, I have to rush and buy 1st thing on Monday morning.
There shd be some kind of agreement signed


2020-08-15 10:06 | Report Abuse

Think too many contra players got caught by big shark in this counter and have to force sell. 1st 2 wks of June, this counter was at 65 to 69 cents. Oil below USD40. Now above $40 but hibiscus at 60 cents.
Think cannot contra this counter. Buy in red and pick up


2020-08-15 10:04 | Report Abuse

15 Aug StarBusiness. UOB Kay Hian recommends buy on Hibiscus.
US Dow oil index up by 6% in Aug.


2020-08-15 09:57 | Report Abuse

USD30, already make money - Based on last quarter results


2020-08-15 07:50 | Report Abuse

Dow Jones Oil & Gas index hadvrisen by about 8% in August 2020. Velesto went to 0.19 cents
in June 2020 when oil was below $40. With oil staying about $45, its a natter of time b4 this counter move


2020-08-14 17:20 | Report Abuse

This company formulated alot of chemicals to Glove Industry. If Samchem can do so well, this co shd be better


2020-08-14 17:17 | Report Abuse

Spend 60 to 100 million on servers and IT infra for cloud computing.
18th Aug have big event with Govt officials and partners invited.
Got to closed nicely on Monday 17th Aug. If not malu


2020-08-14 08:22 | Report Abuse

Today Star Papers. Brent Crude target of USD$50 bought forward from 4th Q 2020 acc to OCBC research.
Just have to hold until Oil is $50. If still don't move up then sell


2020-08-14 08:21 | Report Abuse

Today Star Papers. Brent Crude target of USD$50 bought forward from 4th Q 2020 acc to OCBC research


2020-08-14 08:16 | Report Abuse

Thrive with Digital will also feature special addresses from key government officials as well as Green Packet’s cloud and artificial intelligence (AI) technology partners.
This event is on the 18th Aug. Will be observing whether Tencent personnel are there.
Seems to be making cloud computing the core business.


2020-08-14 06:18 | Report Abuse

Its like a bull waiting to charge but the General is willing to go but the soldiers all cabut.


2020-08-14 06:17 | Report Abuse

Wed someone keep collecting at 15.5 cents. Thursday no show. 15.5 cents sellers plenty.


2020-08-14 06:08 | Report Abuse

Oil demand will eventually go up as people get fed up of lockdown.
If vaccine found, even better. Glove and PPE counters at the high.
If vaccine or effective treatment protocol is found, sure die.