
linheng | Joined since 2018-01-18

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2020-09-12 10:36 | Report Abuse

McQ IBs had been fined before for manipulating mkt to cheat client's money.
Refer this link


2020-09-11 22:02 | Report Abuse

McQua IB declared bankruptcy upon maturity of CW. No money to pay


2020-09-11 17:11 | Report Abuse

happ12 its OK...stock sure up and next week when IB push price down
TopGlove Boss already show power. Official complaint already lodge against McQ IB to justify changing TP by 46.5 % in 9 market days by many retailers. Think there was a complain lodge by East Malaysia Branch of Remisier Association.
Let Bursa investigate how many Top Glov - C67 that McQ bought back during panic selling


2020-09-11 08:12 | Report Abuse

Even Banks cannot pay dividend to preserved cash flow.
Top Glove can fork out RM100 million to buy back own shares in 1 day.
Make your own judgement about MCQ downgrade to $5.40


2020-09-11 00:08 | Report Abuse

McQ IB came out with 2 research report in 15 days. Two diffent analyst. Downgrade by 46% in 15 days. They found a magic cure for covid. Don't need use gloves. Even Top Glove boss show anger by buying RM100m worth of stocks in 1 day. How many co got that kind of cash flow.
How you downgrade a co with that kind of cashflow by 46% in 15 days


2020-09-10 22:50 | Report Abuse

Macquire Top Glove call warrant mature Oct 2020. How much they lose if holders convert, even at $6


2020-09-10 22:48 | Report Abuse

All this research housevdowngrade the glove counter because they have call warrants expiring soon. If convert at maturity the IBs will lose massive amount of money. So they downgrade and also start buying and
selling lower to create panic selling. Hope people realise their trick and stop panicking. Good oppurtunity to buy. Top Glove bought 100 m worth of their own shares today aline


2020-09-10 14:22 | Report Abuse

Director keep buying, share price keep droping.


2020-09-10 05:31 | Report Abuse

Think some desperate contra players dump in a mkt with no volume


2020-09-10 05:30 | Report Abuse

4 week low price. Down from $1.20 at peak. Dead cat shd also bounce already


2020-09-10 05:04 | Report Abuse

All the directors are buying again. When it was above $1, all of them were selling. What better guide you have. The glove industry have orders taken for the next 2 years ( 25% deposit imposed ). This is the only listed Chemical company supplying own compounded chemicals required for glove manufacturing. Just buy and hold for at least a few weeks. You should see the price recover to 90+ cents.


2020-09-10 05:00 | Report Abuse

I am very sure that there is very little downside. Much more upside. Just look at the share price for the year. Revenue is coming on stream. There is currently no debt. Puan is buying again.


2020-09-10 04:53 | Report Abuse

Anyone knowns what is the coupon for this preference shares. Zero coupon? Also time frame for conversion or redemption


2020-09-10 04:38 | Report Abuse

Another important thing is that the shares issued are preference shares. This will not affect the no of Hibiscus shares now ( Until they are converted) How can it be bad for the share price. Don't panic people to dump the shares.


2020-09-10 04:30 | Report Abuse

There is going to be a dilution but remember that the funds are going to be used for acquisition of High Yield Oilfields. It just like a REIT acquiring High Traffic Shopping Mall by issuing shares at a PREMIUM (Not a Discount) as practiced by many Public Company. This is obviously a right time to acquire as some Big Oil company realign their operations. You don't need to spend much on Capex if you acquire a producing oil field. That why the Australian assets were written off. Cheaper to buy producing fields than to develop new one. Revenue will increase substantially. Economy of scale too. So why worry about dilution.


2020-09-09 19:20 | Report Abuse

How does this issue of preference shares work?.
If issue cheap cheap and got 10yrs life to convert, can buy


2020-09-09 18:02 | Report Abuse

This is a management controlled company. All senior management got shares in co. Public is major shareholders.
You think they suspend to announce bad news at this time.
Very unlikely. They might take their time loh.
Hope oil recovers by then


2020-09-09 16:16 | Report Abuse

Why so weak today. EPF selling?


2020-09-09 14:41 | Report Abuse

my Guess is good news. Save it for better days


2020-09-08 05:03 | Report Abuse

Doubt it reach that level again unless Brent goes below $40. I am still collecting, buy hard to get at even 58.5 cents


2020-09-07 13:21 | Report Abuse

Why this counter so weak. Iwcity move and its still dead although most brokerage recommend buy


2020-09-06 08:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by NPRA1985 > Sep 5, 2020 6:01 PM | Report Abuse
Whats the lowest price that it can drop
Oil drop total 8 to 10%. If BumiA drop 2 to 3 cents I jump in with eyes closed


2020-09-05 12:41 | Report Abuse

Directors are selling. Not a good sign. Nowadays HDD such high capacity. Also HDDs are not disposables live gloves. Demand will dry up. So surge in demand is temporary. How to justify such high valuation when that kind of surge in demand will probably last less than 2 yrs. Increase capacity will incur capital expenditure . Also labor shortage. Unless you can see long term demand surge, you probably won't spend to boast production


2020-09-05 04:57 | Report Abuse

After whacking down from 70+ cents with some good annoucement, Puan starts buying back at 30% lower.


2020-09-04 20:33 | Report Abuse

On target to ramp up production to 20,000 barrels a day


2020-09-04 20:29 | Report Abuse

Hibiscus solid. Waited pre opening with buy bid at 0.59 cents. Did not get a single share. Afternoon got to sapu all the 60 cents


2020-09-04 06:37 | Report Abuse

Retrace 30% of day of Puan's big show. Time to start buying?


2020-09-03 08:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by TunPika > Sep 2, 2020 6:02 PM | Report Abuse
I trap here. I buy 2 or 3 month ago 0.125
Still Slepping, huh
So High 2 months ago. Lost 40%
Should rebound by at least 20%


2020-09-03 04:22 | Report Abuse

Public Invest TP 76 cents but counter not moving. 2B order book. Got to hold


2020-09-02 10:38 | Report Abuse

Vertice already more than double in 3 days. Vizzone also gone up 10 cents. Why this brother still sleeping


2020-09-02 10:21 | Report Abuse

Thought all cursing this counter?


2020-09-02 00:58 | Report Abuse

Even Media P use TV3 to buy a online Shopping Co from the Koreans/OR Japs and try to diversify to e commerce. The Star just sit and makan gaji while MCA is becoming Politically irrelevant


2020-09-01 19:39 | Report Abuse

AmInvest Target Price $0.47. Hong Leong Target Price $0.60.
Maybank Investment TP is $0.15. Maybe he count in USD


2020-09-01 19:37 | Report Abuse

On stock selection, HLIB Research maintains a BUY rating on ARMADA with a higher TP of RM0.60 (from RM0.41) based on 10.3x FY21F EPS of 5.9sen (vs average YINSON’s FY21-22F P/E of 17.5x). We believe that the valuation gap between both stocks should narrow as ARMADA continues to exhibit a steady FY19-21 earnings CAGR of 11% as its FPSO contract values are not linked to the fluctuations in oil prices, overshadowing the subdued OMS segment.

Following a robust 2Q20 results last Friday, ARMADA’s share prices staged a strong range bound consolidation breakout to end 17.4% higher at RM0.27 last Friday, supported by an active 411m shares traded (4.3x higher than 3M average 94m). A successful refill of the RM0.23-0.28 gap down on 6 March will spur prices higher towards RM0.305 (200D SMA) and RM0.33 (50% FR) levels before reaching our LT objective at RM0.38 (61.8% FR). Key supports are pegged at RM0.23 (30D SMA) and RM0.215 (23.6% FR). Cut loss at RM0.21.


2020-09-01 19:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by Newbn00b > Sep 1, 2020 5:59 PM | Report Abuse
Queue early tomorrow morning for 0.60.I believe you will still have chance to collect more.
Use Rakuten. Order only goes through Kenanga Server. Cannot Q for a certain period. Have to key in daily.
Save brokerage. Max is RM100 or Min $8. or 0.1%. Normalyy trade over $100K


2020-09-01 17:05 | Report Abuse

Wah. Hard to buy. Managed to buy some at 60 cents. The rest got to buy at 60.5 cents


2020-09-01 17:04 | Report Abuse

Ini Kali for O&G stocks. AmInvest already send out to all clients and
remisiers - Recovery play. Sell Glove, mask


2020-09-01 13:54 | Report Abuse

Why profit 117m for 1 Q and share price cannot go up.


2020-09-01 07:57 | Report Abuse

Looking at the results definitely looking to buy the stock at current price.
Wonder why so many negative comments.
Accountant became Chef and go to jail for it?


2020-09-01 05:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by boonwei98 > Aug 31, 2020 10:37 PM | Report Abuse
Armada has 8.4 bil total liabilites and Yinson has 7.2 bil total liabilties. Why investor keep harping on Armada having high debt? Surely both isn't that far off right?
Armada Penny Stock. Yinson Ferrari stk.
IBs allways play safe


2020-08-31 06:19 | Report Abuse

Look how the AmInvest analyst change his target price from $0.10 to $0.47 ie 470% increase in 4 mths. Guess we better start buying Perdana, Velesto energy, Hibiscus and Sapura Energy too

Bumi Armada - Risks remain despite Armada Sterling charter extension
Author: AmInvest | Publish date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020, 8:48 AM
We maintain SELL on Bumi Armada with an unchanged fair value of RM0.10/share, based on a 30% discount to its 5-year PBV of 0.26x, which implies an FY21F PE of 10x.

Bumi Armada - Kraken steadies the ship
Date: 28/08/2020
Source : AmInvest
Stock : ARMADA Price Target : 0.47 | Price Call : BUY Last Price : 0.27 | Upside/Downside : +0.20 (74.07%)
31/08/2020 6:00 AM

If analyst recommend sell with a very low target price but the share price remain much higher, we shd just buy and keep. After all, looking at the oil futures mkt, 2021 value is all above $USD50
Look at how analyst change call by 470% in 4 mths ( Still same pandemic and still no vaccine


2020-08-31 06:16 | Report Abuse

Bumi Armada - Risks remain despite Armada Sterling charter extension
Author: AmInvest | Publish date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020, 8:48 AM
We maintain SELL on Bumi Armada with an unchanged fair value of RM0.10/share, based on a 30% discount to its 5-year PBV of 0.26x, which implies an FY21F PE of 10x.

Bumi Armada - Kraken steadies the ship
Date: 28/08/2020
Source : AmInvest
Stock : ARMADA Price Target : 0.47 | Price Call : BUY Last Price : 0.27 | Upside/Downside : +0.20 (74.07%)
31/08/2020 6:00 AM

If analyst recommend sell with a very low target price but the share price remain much higher, we shd just buy and keep. After all, looking at the oil futures mkt, 2021 value is all above $USD50
Look at how analyst change call by 470% in 4 mths ( Still same pandemic and still no vaccine )


2020-08-31 06:15 | Report Abuse

AmInvest Oil analyst change Target Price for Bumi Armada from $0.10 cents in April 2020 to $0.47 on Aug 2020. Still got Pandemic and still no vaccine. All this attributed to Armada Kraken FPSO producing stellar results.
Armada Kraken storage capacity is 600,000 barrels
Hibiscus's Anasuria FPSO capacity is 800,000 barrels


2020-08-31 06:09 | Report Abuse

Look how the AmInvest analyst change his target price from $0.10 to $0.47 ie 470% increase in 4 mths. Guess we better start buying Velesto energy, Hibiscus and Sapura Energy too

Bumi Armada - Risks remain despite Armada Sterling charter extension
Author: AmInvest | Publish date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020, 8:48 AM
We maintain SELL on Bumi Armada with an unchanged fair value of RM0.10/share, based on a 30% discount to its 5-year PBV of 0.26x, which implies an FY21F PE of 10x.

Bumi Armada - Kraken steadies the ship
Date: 28/08/2020
Source : AmInvest
Stock : ARMADA Price Target : 0.47 | Price Call : BUY Last Price : 0.27 | Upside/Downside : +0.20 (74.07%)
31/08/2020 6:00 AM


2020-08-31 06:08 | Report Abuse

If analyst recommend sell with a very low target price but the share price remain much higher, we shd just buy and keep. After all, looking at the oil futures mkt, 2021 value is all above $USD50
Look at how analyst change call by 470% in 4 mths ( Still same pandemic and still no vaccine )


2020-08-31 06:04 | Report Abuse

Look how the AmInvest analyst change his target price from $0.10 to $0.47 ie 470% increase in 4 mths. Guess we better start buying Velesto energy, Hibiscus and Sapura Energy too

Bumi Armada - Risks remain despite Armada Sterling charter extension
Author: AmInvest | Publish date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020, 8:48 AM
We maintain SELL on Bumi Armada with an unchanged fair value of RM0.10/share, based on a 30% discount to its 5-year PBV of 0.26x, which implies an FY21F PE of 10x.

Bumi Armada - Kraken steadies the ship
Date: 28/08/2020
Source : AmInvest
Stock : ARMADA Price Target : 0.47 | Price Call : BUY Last Price : 0.27 | Upside/Downside : +0.20 (74.07%)
31/08/2020 6:00 AM


2020-08-31 06:03 | Report Abuse

Velesto Energy- Expect lower charter rates and utilisation
Date: 26/08/2020

Source : AmInvest
Stock : VELESTO Price Target : 0.09 | Price Call : SELL
Last Price : 0.145 | Upside/Downside : -0.055 (37.93%)

You believe this analyst.
You see how he change Bumi Armada from $0.10 to $0.47 in 4 mths
(All during the same pandemic)


2020-08-31 06:00 | Report Abuse

Look how the AmInvest analyst change his target price from $0.10 to $0.47 ie 470% increase in 4 mths. Guess we better start buying Velesto energy, Hibiscus and Sapura Energy too

Bumi Armada - Risks remain despite Armada Sterling charter extension
Author: AmInvest | Publish date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020, 8:48 AM
We maintain SELL on Bumi Armada with an unchanged fair value of RM0.10/share, based on a 30% discount to its 5-year PBV of 0.26x, which implies an FY21F PE of 10x.

Bumi Armada - Kraken steadies the ship
Date: 28/08/2020
Source : AmInvest
Stock : ARMADA Price Target : 0.47 | Price Call : BUY Last Price : 0.27 | Upside/Downside : +0.20 (74.07%)


2020-08-31 05:57 | Report Abuse

Armada Kraken FPSO got a storage capacity of only 600,000 barrels.
Anasuria FTSO anchor at the same area (North of Scotland) got a capacity of
800,000 barrels. If this single FPSO can earn so much, I wonder the effect on Hibiscus next Q


2020-08-30 15:16 | Report Abuse

Sabah oil is at premium of 10% to Brent