2 people like this.

175 comment(s). Last comment by KC Loh 2013-08-31 01:25


5,628 posts

Posted by inwest88 > 2013-08-25 22:21 | Report Abuse

FTCB, I reckon you are rather cheeky in putting up this posting.

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-25 22:26 | Report Abuse

hahaha obsession! LOL. i like it!

Thank you MFlour! another 3 sens dividend on the way! LOL


5,628 posts

Posted by inwest88 > 2013-08-25 22:27 | Report Abuse

The potential for M Flour to move upward is very realistic.

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-25 22:28 | Report Abuse

this discussion by the initiator abandoned already ka? hahahahahahahahaha



5,628 posts

Posted by inwest88 > 2013-08-25 22:29 | Report Abuse

I reckon the author dare not initiate the discussion !

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-25 22:30 | Report Abuse

is it possible that those who has no money for investment can only rap and do a collage? maybe looking for new job since already a major failure in a bull market? hahahahahahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-25 22:31 | Report Abuse

LOL @inwest88.


5,628 posts

Posted by inwest88 > 2013-08-25 22:32 | Report Abuse

Ya, ya , ya !

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-25 22:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by inwest88 > Aug 25, 2013 10:29 PM | Report Abuse
I reckon the author dare not initiate the discussion !

what to do, he is busy counting his mythical inari-wa mar! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-25 22:37 | Report Abuse

post it here also la. let's enjoy con artist (no pun intended, LOL) at work!

Posted by KC Loh > Aug 25, 2013 06:58 PM | Report Abuse X

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > Aug 15, 2013 03:31 PM | Report Abuse
i dont mind it going down for a while since i bought A LOT of warrant between 0.335 - 0.42 , and recently top up at 0.46 , now queuing at 0.445

Stock: [INARI]: INARI AMERTRON BERHAD Jul 8, 2013 02:24 PM | Report Abuse
i see.. , i caught some wa at from 0.35 to 0.325 , but sell too early! :(

Stock: [INARI]: INARI AMERTRON BERHAD Jun 27, 2013 07:54 PM | Report Abuse

i only have mother shares.

can anyone tell me between Jul 8 and Aug 15, did the stock fall to 33.5 sens anymore? Must build up case whereby he said he still holding A LOT of warrant between the range. must do homework before claiming others are "con" & "cheat". :)

Any info by Inari investors are welcomed. please don't be shy now wink!

i see lowest is 38.5 sens for Inari-wa only hor? LOL http://www.klse.info/counters/historical-prices/stock/0166WA/page/1

dunno who talking about guts and lies lately to pad himself up as a sifu? hahahahahahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-25 22:47 | Report Abuse

this was the link of his inspiration! http://klse.i3investor.com/servlets/forum/900366757.jsp

MFlour remains my biggest holding to-date! can't wait for the dividends next month! LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-25 22:52 | Report Abuse

Random Weekend Junkies
Author: Fat Cat Tim Buddy | Publish date: Sun, 25 Aug 21:10

and he said he was ignoring me and what he was thinking about! awwwwww...

guess i have that effect on retards to turn it to obsession! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


390 posts

Posted by jjoker > 2013-08-25 23:12 | Report Abuse

Junkies are truly a waste of server resources. :)

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-25 23:20 | Report Abuse

hahahahahahahaha.... this jjoker is really a joker! LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-25 23:48 | Report Abuse

Hahaha clever also learning to correlate mflour and go go dancers! Is there a breakthrough in the field of down syndrome education? Hahahahahaha

This type of thinking definitely go far in the world of investment hahahahahahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-25 23:53 | Report Abuse

Must be seething with a lot of anger after exposure. Doctoring Mr Monopoly also capable on top of his lies. Con man of the lowest calibre hahahahahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 00:18 | Report Abuse

Can I safely guess no more inari peddling (let the hot situation of his exposure cool down first) but back to poweroot as his number one choice? Y'know the one he sold off early and bought back later too! Hahahahaha another 100% untung case wor..........dont play play hahahahahahahaah

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 00:21 | Report Abuse

Wow still keeping his Olympic idol portrait for so many years! If I recalled correctly, was another down syndrome athletic no? Hahahahahahahahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 02:35 | Report Abuse

REITs lose lustre as bond yields rise - The Edge 26th August headline

Must read vis -a-vis grandmaster of retard's top pick then! Hahahahahahaha

Parrot has got small brains - fact!

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 02:54 | Report Abuse

Stock: [CSL]: CHINA STATIONERY LIMITED Jun 13, 2013 09:34 PM | Report Abuse
lol.. down 6 cents, kacang putih la, it is still in 30% paper gain..
mind your own business 1st la.. pwroot down 10-20 cents is nth la, my entry price so low, do i need to be afraid?

Keep here first. Scared deleted no? Then susah for Malaysian lawyers build case! Hehehehehe

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 02:57 | Report Abuse

Also keep this lor, many interesting thing can tell later! Hehehe

Stock: [CSL]: CHINA STATIONERY LIMITED Jun 13, 2013 08:59 PM | Report Abuse

hafiz tell u la.. after i cut loss on CSL around last year october, i use all the cut loss cash to put it into pwroot.

my pwroot average around RM 1, now pwroot share price is RM 2++

i cut loss on CSL around RM 1, now CSL share price is RM 0.30

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 03:22 | Report Abuse

More :)

Stock: [KHSB]: KUMPULAN HARTANAH SELANGOR BHD Apr 24, 2013 08:21 PM | Report Abuse
according to cold eyes, buying a stock is = buying a part of the company, which i totally agree with him.

Blog: [转帖] 冷眼介绍了一堆的二三线船 - Show2k Mar 17, 2013 03:39 PM | Report Abuse
listen to cold eye - one way ticket to holland

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 03:30 | Report Abuse

Sorry ar, slow weekend.

Stock: [KFIMA]: KUMPULAN FIMA BHD Mar 15, 2013 03:20 PM | Report Abuse

actually i kind of skeptical about kfima, 1st , the manufacture business of government 'confidential document ' ?
what kind of confidential document is it actually? is it crony link business?
apart from this, it annual report does not state out what is their % holding on their subsidiaries and associated company.
i download their annual report from 2007 to the latest 1, and still cant find any info of it, this show how ' professional ' the company management really is.
and last but no least, kfima website look like a cheap late 90 porno website design, no offense , but it really is..
i guess, the statement above just reflect how much confidence i have on the company, although the number look good, but hey, detail is the devil.. :)

Stock: [KFIMA]: KUMPULAN FIMA BHD Mar 15, 2013 02:45 PM | Report Abuse
oldman, nobody gonna give u buy call or whatever, because if it went down, you will blame us.. lol , but nonetheless , kfima is a good and above average company, that's all i can say.

Really don't understand why people cannot see the telltale signs. Summore elevate him sifu hahahahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:02 | Report Abuse

let's continue, about cakap tak serupa bikin aspect! i worry he has already lost more than his essence! LOL

News: Dr Mahathir: Malaysia's debt still healthy
Mar 15, 2013 04:11 PM | Report Abuse
oh, here we go again, kxloh korek spree, he is just a lonely sad oldman sitting infront of his ipad or computer, doing nth but posting lap sap. it really a headache to see him posting all kind of junks.
from all the lesson and experience i have been through, it is wise not to engaging with ppl like kxloh , it will deprive the essence of all the living thing.

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:08 | Report Abuse

Tan KW's Portfolio: Mr Ooi's Stocks to watch - Win Big 16 - 20 July 2012
Mar 3, 2013 09:50 AM | Report Abuse
i was referring to mr ooi ''寧可天下人負我, 休教我負天下人
I cannot disappoint you '' statement.
he did in fact recommend buy kfima , and he himself admitted that he bought it at 1.95
so.. what the deal? he did 負天下人, and his chart constantly lying too. again..


i think Kfima is around 2.05-2.10 already today right? what lousy investor is this fark cat? hehe

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:12 | Report Abuse

Feb 28, 2013 12:48 AM | Report Abuse
otb , dont angry la.. but seriously, you bought kfima for almost 2 months already, still in losing position, all i have to say is... your TA is lousy. sorry for my straight forward... :P

Feb 26, 2013 08:42 AM | Report Abuse
otb kinda unlucky, after he write the post to recommend buy kfima at 21 jan, the election date rumors leak out, 23 jan monday, almost all of the stocks plunge... lol


apa sebenarnya itu budak cacat akal bisa cakap ar? saya gak paham dunk! LOL

is his theory based on medication and mood swings? hahahahahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:15 | Report Abuse

Blog: Stock Watch : JCY
Feb 26, 2013 07:21 AM | Report Abuse
relax man.. im not condemn you or anythings, it just that your style and lamken style in explaining analysis is similar, so it will be natural that the thought occur in my mind... haha
benjamin graham is a great investor in his time, but his method is too time consuming and sometime very hard to materialize.
im more keen to phillips fisher when choosing company to invest.


Seriously Frank, where's the book?? where's the book? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:16 | Report Abuse

classic.... hahahaha

Blog: Stock Watch : JCY
Feb 26, 2013 12:47 AM | Report Abuse
did anyone realize lamken and kcchongnz style of commenting is kinda similar? :P
maybe they are a same person? hahaha..

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:20 | Report Abuse

Feb 14, 2013 10:33 PM | Report Abuse
are you stupid? u know how to read the financial report? gosh..

Feb 21, 2013 03:06 AM | Report Abuse
what is wacc and ctf?

hahahahahahaha. ok enough samples for the moment! can continue later! LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:22 | Report Abuse

dont play play hafiz. he holding many warrants at 33.5 sens oooooo.....

kaya weeiii...... and pigs can fly also in his book! LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:31 | Report Abuse

kaya ka, mentega ka, jem ka, semo pun boleh bah......as long as it goes with his unbleached bread in Tg Rambutan! LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > Aug 26, 2013 01:45 PM | Report Abuse
hafiz my friend, i dont need protection as i dont give a damn about those losers, u r smart, i hope u do well in the future.

i like the way he quote losers no? LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:47 | Report Abuse

another classic paper loss case! LOL

Jan 24, 2013 12:42 AM | Report Abuse

kcloh, i have a feeling that your maybank shares now is in losing position?

you seem like always want BN to win (not going to happen lol..), you must be one of those cronies, if not , how can one retire so early? hahaha..

BN win or PR win, whatever is it, maybank will not get much affect by it, just my 0.02, i would not buy it at current price because i have other much better option ;)

even if i wanna buy stock in bank sector, public bank and ambank is my 1st and second choice, and follow by RHBcap , affin , BIMB , then only i will buy maybank hahaha...

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:48 | Report Abuse

Hafiz, you note lately, no more shouting about Inari everywhere by someone someone? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > Aug 26, 2013 01:45 PM | Report Abuse
hafiz my friend, i dont need protection as i dont give a damn about those losers, u r smart, i hope u do well in the future.


why do i get the perception of anger and wet wet pants scenario? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:52 | Report Abuse

Jan 21, 2013 04:50 PM | Report Abuse

im a long term investor too, but everything's has a price, why holding on it while you can gain more on market fluctuation?

malaysia does not have capital gain taxes , so... some of the buffett gor advise is not effective in here.


Frank, seriously, put some effort into looking for that book! LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 13:57 | Report Abuse

Jan 13, 2013 10:50 PM | Report Abuse
another cpteh in making lol..
but what amazed me is, people still take tips from remiser? wahahaha

Jul 3, 2013 12:46 PM | Report Abuse
pilindo, whats brokerage firm your remiser work for? give us the contact number please..

hahahahahahaha, one of the days medication wore off! LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 14:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by KC Loh > Aug 26, 2013 02:01 PM | Report Abuse X

Jan 13, 2013 08:47 PM | Report Abuse
if buy harta at 2011, it would be a huge return by now, but right now the price doesnt look attractive at all.

when he commented on that, harta was hovering around 4.10 i think. today its 6.70 even after heavy market selldown. I think touched 7.20 before! excellent analysis! LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 14:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > Aug 26, 2013 01:45 PM | Report Abuse
hafiz my friend, ......

hafiz, you his friend ka? now i understand why both of you same head in CSL hehehehehehe


28 posts

Posted by HtwoO > 2013-08-26 14:04 | Report Abuse

Excess in anything becomes a vice....

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 14:08 | Report Abuse

you better agree with him more! LOL

Do you have any hidden gem for 2013?
Jan 4, 2013 09:37 AM | Report Abuse
no need waste time explaining la, just look at his/her posting history, what counter he/she commenting , then you will know what kind of person he/she is.
:p agree?

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-26 14:36 | Report Abuse

no lah HtwoO. Gave him ample warning already like so, but he chose to ignore it!

Tan KW's Portfolio: GE 13 Watch - Kcchongnz (revised - 20 January 2013)
Jul 26, 2013 12:28 PM | Report Abuse
Later will expose him more if he gets carried away! He still hunting for tips only that tubby! LoL

I have to honor my words no? old ginger giving young potato (cantonese tai fan sii) some heat is common! LOL

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-27 00:29 | Report Abuse

no need waste time explaining la, just look at his/her posting history, what counter he/she commenting , then you will know what kind of person he/she is.
:p agree?

huh? dun agree so how but do agree u have gone bonkers, pls la KC give this lost kittie some breathing space now from sick to kucing kurap already keep posting and deleting his post - (unfortunately can't really look at yours since u freaking keep deleting them DA!) if someone bombard me like that everyday and having 16 other poles poking from head to toe I sure no show face here any more la somemore want to be a sifu :( sigh

oh btw sorry I still cannot find the book u're looking for but I found this one - 'Why I continue to tell lies and delete them before KC expose me as a wannabe sifu which by now everyone in i3 would have known' let me know if you're interested and not in a hurry cause there's a bunch at the used book store - seems like they not even selling cause probably no one cares about it shits but I glanced it and it contains some pretty nice illustrated pics of all kind of kitties and if you're a kittie lover it a must have not for the rubbish lies but for the pixs of the cats LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 00:53 | Report Abuse


KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 01:00 | Report Abuse

Actually I like these two the most. Probably the reason why he dislike Ooi so much! Some remisiers must have really told him to take his biz and shove it up his.. er.. ......getting carried away! Hahaha

Blog: KLSE TRADE RIGHT Jan 13, 2013 10:50 PM | Report Abuse another cpteh in making lol.. but what amazed me is, people still take tips from remiser? wahahaha

Stock: [INARI]: INARI BERHAD Jul 3, 2013 12:46 PM | Report Abuse pilindo, whats brokerage firm your remiser work for? give us the contact number please..

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-27 01:25 | Report Abuse

aiya u still exposing his lies ah no wonder he keep deleting his posts - he must have lost a lot before betting on TA previously that is why he is pissed at OTB and teacher. this type of fella ah better becareful for those who associate with him ungrateful kurap who bite back if no more food given err tips :)

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 01:44 | Report Abuse

Enjoy the peace from the retarded sifu reducing the postings. This type of sifu don't exist anymore. Inbreeding issue to be blamed I think! LoL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 01:48 | Report Abuse

Scientific research must be supported by facts


KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 01:50 | Report Abuse


Facts, I said! LoL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 02:06 | Report Abuse

Let me clarify that i just suspect he's an inbred only from the way he posts! Lets just wait for more conclusive evidences similar to the ones below:

tock: [KHSB]: KUMPULAN HARTANAH SELANGOR BHD Apr 24, 2013 08:21 PM | Report Abuse according to cold eyes, buying a stock is = buying a part of the company, which i totally agree with him.

Blog: [转帖] 冷眼介绍了一堆的二三线船 - Show2k Mar 17, 2013 03:39 PM | Report Abuse listen to cold eye - one way ticket to holland


Stock: [KFIMA]: KUMPULAN FIMA BHD Feb 28, 2013 12:48 AM | Report Abuse otb , dont angry la.. but seriously, you bought kfima for almost 2 months already, still in losing position, all i have to say is... your TA is lousy. sorry for my straight forward... :P

Stock: [KFIMA]: KUMPULAN FIMA BHD Feb 26, 2013 08:42 AM | Report Abuse otb kinda unlucky, after he write the post to recommend buy kfima at 21jan, the election date rumors leak out, 23 jan monday, almost all of the stocks plunge... lol

As said, inconclusive evidences but its strongly pointing to it as a logical explanation la! Hahahahaha

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