2 people like this.

175 comment(s). Last comment by KC Loh 2013-08-31 01:25

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-27 02:07 | Report Abuse

LOL no wonder this fat cat is sick - caused by inbred :) so we need to put it to sleep? hmmn kesian but probably better for the i3 forumers here haha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 02:09 | Report Abuse

I am against cruelty to animals, inbred or not! But polishing my shotgun nonetheless! :)

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 02:11 | Report Abuse

We should open this for more discussion as the originator of this thread posted somewhere also! Lets not waste server space .......or time to put him down finally! Hahahaha

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-27 02:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by KC Loh > Aug 27, 2013 02:09 AM | Report Abuse

I am against cruelty to animals, inbred or not! But polishing my shotgun nonetheless! :)

yeah me too against cruelty to animals but how can we help a stray sick cat? I mean even Spca also will not accept him due to his constantly contradicting statements caused by inbred and we just cannot afford to have him here scavenging for foods since he is a risk to all forumers LOL any suggestions :)

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 02:22 | Report Abuse

We give tonylim cat hunting season license earlier!

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-27 02:29 | Report Abuse

o.k this is the best I can think of - I got a couple web sites and if he can actually fill out the questionnaire on the first link I think we have a shot to help him out :)


these are some of the common problems associating with inbred cats


hope this can help otherwise we really have no choice but to put him to sleep to end his own misery of confusion state of his mind :(

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-27 02:32 | Report Abuse

tony is busy with his passive income thingy no time for stray cats unlike us here who only wants the best for this fat lazy cat LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 10:15 | Report Abuse


KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 18:04 | Report Abuse

or maybe here fark cat tubby? maybe you more comfortable here. I see many replies here you can take it as libelous if you want! c'mon, dont act shy like the first time you tried to seduce newbiestock aka donkey dave in gasmsia! we discuss here how your stock picking are so wonderful, ok? grow some balls ok?

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 18:06 | Report Abuse

for example, the one below is fantastic. let's discuss why remisier's tips are no good ok? and why you wanted to call the remisier! still amazes you, no?

Blog: KLSE TRADE RIGHT Jan 13, 2013 10:50 PM | Report Abuse another cpteh in making lol.. but what amazed me is, people still take tips from remiser? wahahaha

Stock: [INARI]: INARI BERHAD Jul 3, 2013 12:46 PM | Report Abuse pilindo, whats brokerage firm your remiser work for? give us the contact number please..

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 18:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > Aug 27, 2013 06:09 PM | Report Abuse
Blog: Random Weekend Junkies
65 comment(s). Last comment by KC Loh at Aug 27, 2013 06:04 PM
2 people like this.
People who like this
Frank Soweto, KC Loh
talking about irony, the 2 guys that like this blog is the 2 guys that being making fun of in this blog.
that is even more funnier than the blog itself...


we like it because we can study the effects of inbred being acclaimed a sifu! very rare sight of these vanishing breed! postings also not increasing but decreasing by the day! LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 18:27 | Report Abuse


see for example, from 1600++ posts, to now 1419 currently. this is good sifut man......need to keep balance all the lies because stressful to remember all the stories no? LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 18:30 | Report Abuse

see here, always want to win, even if it means have to delete postings! hahahahaha.

we like observing how special olympic candidates try their very best to win, even if it means only to compare posting numbers! by winning, they keep their hard earned retard title! LOL


KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 18:33 | Report Abuse

anyway, good you reply. just like we knew Pavlov's dog would respond at the sound of the bell. You like my invitation to keep you checked here right, whereby you cannot do any earthly harm to others? LOL

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > Aug 27, 2013 06:09 PM | Report Abuse

Blog: Random Weekend Junkies
65 comment(s). Last comment by KC Loh at Aug 27, 2013 06:04 PM
2 people like this.
People who like this
Frank Soweto, KC Loh

talking about irony, the 2 guys that like this blog is the 2 guys that being making fun of in this blog.

that is even more funnier than the blog itself...

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 18:37 | Report Abuse

fark cat tubby, you want to answer or shall i? hahahahahahahahaha

Jul 17, 2013 09:33 AM | Report Abuse
Can cat be mentally retarded?

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-27 18:38 | Report Abuse

still a theory only, but its getting credence, no? hahahaha

Jul 27, 2013 01:18 PM | Report Abuse
@OTB, it may not disturb you for the time being but it will come back to haunt you and others under new nickname like MAD CAT.

still need me to answer? hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-28 00:42 | Report Abuse

hey KC dun say i didn't warn u - this thing about inbred kittie is not something to take lightly - just check out the video below :)


get your shot gun ready - I dun have one but I still have my good old trusted WAR BIRD driver and if I see it anywhere around me I ain't taking no chance but gonna whack em at freaking full speed and the result ain't gonna be petty - maybe then it will realy wetwet pants LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-28 00:44 | Report Abuse

I guess that answers lamken2's question in my 6.37pm post yesterday! Hahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-28 00:49 | Report Abuse

Won't be able to last long as my battery is shot!

I was just teaching the Chinese newbiestock to pretend to be a baii with turban will only lead people to call him "chibai" in short for the compound word of Chinese + baii! No wonder fark cat so attracted to him! LoL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-28 01:16 | Report Abuse

Coupled with the fact that chibai dave loves sardines, one cannot blame fark cat tubby going absolutely bonkers at the heavenly scent of a fishy stank chibai! Its the nature of amorous felines afterall! Hahahahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-28 01:17 | Report Abuse

The title is weekend and random junkies no? Oh yeah, just checking! why they are rewarding flags for each jokes? Can be up for discussion LoL

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-28 01:23 | Report Abuse

oh I see you got your power back up and terrorizing the kitties again - no wonder it wetwet pants LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-28 01:40 | Report Abuse

Terrorizing is such a strong word. I prefer tenderizing it for tonylim before his retard hunting season begins! Hehe

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-28 02:00 | Report Abuse

butt butt if we dun scare this inbred it will scare the little kiddies in the neighborhood especially so this one cause this one is really horny to the bone until wet wet pants and that is not good in front of kids :(

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-28 12:10 | Report Abuse

Tan KW's Portfolio: Stock Pick Challenge 2013 2H - OTB
Aug 28, 2013 10:44 AM | Report Abuse
Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > Aug 28, 2013 10:38 AM | Report Abuse
karma is a b, no matter what, fctb never curse people with such evil intention. may hesus forgive ur sin otb.

Tan KW's Portfolio: Stock Pick Challenge 2013 2H - OTB Aug 27, 2013 05:37 PM | Report Abuse
oldman sure filled with regret, waiting to die alone.
more lab control study results coming in. What say you Frank? possible inbred with a little bit of dementia to it? LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-28 12:12 | Report Abuse

the time gap is actually getting shorter, indicating dementia is eating away whatever the small brain has left! pity.

just get the indian pyre fire sati ready. the husband should join in when the time comes!

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-29 04:14 | Report Abuse

Some interesting bits here eh, frank? Hehehehe

Blog: 股票的好处 Oct 4, 2012 08:06 AM | Report Abuse

cold eye '无料到'的啦 , because of his book, i go buy PPB, now kaput till no eye see , CPO price plunge, his recommendation shchan will kaput soon, century logistics also kaput, luckily i no go buy f&n, if not i really will go jump river..

努力读年报? please la, who will go read the whole shit? its the info in income statement, balance sheet and cashflow that all the matter.

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-29 04:40 | Report Abuse

LOL KC :) Not sure about others but I think F&N did pretty well :) anyway on another side note hope ( darn not that word again :( ) Bursa can take a cue from Dow and behave accordingly and we're back in business :)

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-29 10:43 | Report Abuse

Don't blame them taking tips everywhere and cannot form their own summation! I saw the dope even went as far to search for tips in Wikipedia, especially after remisiers told the tart to take his business elsewhere and shove it!

Bluest of blue chips also they can fail, I think these people came from the order of needing to get permission to take a piss type. Failing which resulting in wet wet pants! Hahahahahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-29 10:51 | Report Abuse

Dementia I tell you. Its a slow but painful rot to the brain! You saw it in her hubby and its devastating affect early this morning, you are gonna be privilege to see it happen to the remainder of i3investor's own Munster family!

Producer's note: no children nor animal were harmed or involved in the making of this statement. The Munster family were just not, thankfully, productive enough to reproduce due to underperforming hubby and overbearing wife! LoL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-29 10:52 | Report Abuse

Random junkies! LoL

No more flag for me, tubby and tapir? Hahahahahaha

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-29 11:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by KC Loh > Aug 29, 2013 10:43 AM | Report Abuse

Don't blame them taking tips everywhere and cannot form their own summation! I saw the dope even went as far to search for tips in Wikipedia, especially after remisiers told the tart to take his business elsewhere and shove it!

haha what do u expect from a Kuching kurap sifu wannabe - if u dun mind to share in public pls email me at wengtheam117@hotmail.com. LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-29 11:18 | Report Abuse

Careful frank! "I'm insist! " hahahahahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-29 11:34 | Report Abuse

Stock: [INSAS]: INSAS BHD Jul 27, 2013 01:18 PM | Report Abuse @OTB, it may not disturb you for the time being but it will come back to haunt you and others under new nickname like MAD CAT.

Actually this lamken2 quite prophetic no? He already knew fark cat tubby eventually would go for Ooi. Reading the same line, MAD CAT must be applicable too right? No wonder lamken2 told him to shove it! Hahahahahaha

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-29 11:36 | Report Abuse

Stock: [INSAS]: INSAS BHD Jul 27, 2013 01:18 PM | Report Abuse @OTB, it may not disturb you for the time being but it will come back to haunt you and others under new nickname like MAD CAT

or K CAT :) or S CAT well more than likely something that do with cat hmmn how about wetwet cat :)

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-29 11:39 | Report Abuse

I got a flag! I got a flag! Hahahahahaha nice to know the retards respond to their bastardized names! But I better explain bastardizes terminology: adulterated, corrupt, contimate, weaken, etc etc before the retards only think one track hahahahahahahahaha

Posted by KC Loh > Aug 29, 2013 10:52 AM | Report Abuse

Random junkies! LoL

No more flag for me, tubby and tapir? Hahahahahaha

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-29 11:40 | Report Abuse

Actually this lamken2 quite prophetic no? He already knew fark cat tubby eventually would go for Ooi. Reading the same line, MAD CAT must be applicable too right? No wonder lamken2 told him to shove it! Hahahahahaha
I'm pretty sure he got burned while trading TA as he seems to have something against OTB,Teacher and also Alex Lu! maybe his pea size brain ( well if he got one in the first place cause this one seems really retarded just like the pic he keep posting about himself ) can't digest all the chart lines :)

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-29 11:42 | Report Abuse

is bastardize means kurap in malay LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-29 11:43 | Report Abuse

Must be all the chocolate from Apollo sticks clouding his mind! LoL

Go GCB go! Hahahahahahahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-29 11:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by Frank Soweto > Aug 29, 2013 11:42 AM | Report Abuse
is bastardize means kurap in malay LOL

Hey, you may be on to something! I'm insist youcre pretty smart! LoL

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-29 11:48 | Report Abuse

I knew it I knew it LOL
bastardize cat :)

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-29 11:51 | Report Abuse

I think we're a little ahead of ourselves since this is the weekend random junkies thread LOL but we have to let other know about this bastardize cat after all that's what he wanted - attention to his wetwet pants blog LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-29 12:08 | Report Abuse

we are kind to help aren't we? hehehe

too kind until we have gone beyond the call of weekend duty! LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-29 12:10 | Report Abuse

inbred cannot be considered bastardizing right? just a question! :)

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-29 12:11 | Report Abuse

yeah and this bastardize cat dun even appreciate us - should at least belanja us roti canai and the tarik ma LOL

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-29 12:13 | Report Abuse

and and if u look at it we're the only 2 who likes his garbage blog - dun know about u but I was actually trying to find the UNlike button LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-29 12:14 | Report Abuse

nice to know i am still collecting flags. looks like somebody is watching but dare not squawk anymore! :)


Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-29 12:16 | Report Abuse

yay I got a flag wohhooooo :) finally LOL - I thought bastardizing and inbred goes hand in hand that is why u got retarded? No LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-08-29 12:16 | Report Abuse

so much for the vaunted bully of the forum, until he met a bigger bully! result is for all to see! LOL

bunyi pun takde dan telur pun kecut macam itu chi-bai semalam! LOL

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-08-29 12:17 | Report Abuse

any idea how many flags can exchange for gifts LOL

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