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153 comment(s). Last comment by akito 2013-11-03 16:03


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 15:43 | Report Abuse

Even Tun Mamak Kutty said UMNO are for stupids. The seniors in UMNO do not want bright young people to join them, it will risk their position, aka "rice bowl" of rent seeking, stealing and corruption! Bright young people are now joining PR. UMNO days are numbered!


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 15:43 | Report Abuse

izoklse aka investor988, see this...This one says it all.....

Nak elak kencing manis kena kurangkan gula... Kalau nak elak dari kena kencing dengan BN macam mana..? Saja nak tanya..

...can you izoklse aka investor988, a Malay-sian understand Bahasa Malaysia? Boleh jawab????


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-03 16:03 | Report Abuse

Zero-racism in Malaysia, Najib?
Jeswan Kaur
| November 3, 2013

The prime minister's bravado at spinning lies after lies about the state-of-affairs back in Malaysia

Facing CNN’s star journalist Christiane Amanpour required lots of ‘guts’ on the part of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak – especially when the premier was busy not telling the truth throughout the interview.

In the interview with Amanpour on Friday, Najib claimed he was trying to achieve his long-term goals and vision for the country and that “the majority of the people must not be marginalised” to maintain stability.

“We do cater as well, in a very inclusive way, for the small minorities,” he said. “We are not racist at all.”

Najib further claimed that “ensuring peace and harmony in Malaysia” was his priority amid growing tension among the different religions in the country.

The premier hardly bat an eyelid in trying to convince Amanpour that he had Malaysia’s best interest at heart. But the truth however tells a different story.

Had the premier been worried about the nation’s peace and harmony, he would have stepped in to put an end to the burning issues surrounding religion in the country.

On the contrary, Najib always distanced himself each time the country was embroiled in racial tension.

The endless humiliations and insults hurled by the Malay extremist group Perkasa against the non-Malays never disturbed the premier.

How then does Najib dare claim that he is worried about the country’s peace and harmony?

As to Najib’s denial of any electoral fraud in the May 2013 general election, the truth maybe stranger than fiction but it is the truth nevertheless.

Najib shames Malaysia

It is regrettable that instead of using the interview session with the veteran Amanpour to internalise issues that have been affecting Malaysia, Najib was busy painting a rosy picture of the country, as one that does not tolerate racism and that it catered to the needs of “small minorities”.

The prime minister’s bravado at spinning lies after lies about the state-of-affairs back in Malaysia is alarming. One wonders whether Amanpour was aware that she was interviewing a country’s leader who is not only incompetent but also one who unabashedly cooked up stories to make his administration, Putrajaya, look ‘pretty’.

Indeed if racism was Najib’s enemy number 1, he would taken the Umno-owned newspaper, the Malay daily Utusan Malaysia to task for provoking the rakyat through its racist articles.

Instead, Najib shocked defenders of truth when openly asked that companies and government agencies advertise in Utusan Malaysia.

When officially opening Utusan’s new headquarters on Sept 13, Najib had said newspaper companies could no longer rely on circulation to stay in business and that advertising was needed to keep the 75-year-old newspaper afloat.

“I hope all government agencies, GLCs and private companies, especially those owned by bumiputeras, will show their support by giving more advertisements to Utusan. Only this will help keep Utusan on track,” the prime minister was reported as saying.

His call was soundly criticised by the DAP, which said it was another example of Putrajaya wasting taxpayers’ money in an attempt to bail out the paper.

DAP national publicity secretary Tony Pua said then that Najib’s call showed that the paper had lost readers due to its racist stand.

The Pakatan Rakyat leadership has been wary of the Umno mouthpiece’s style of reporting and several even sued it for its reports.

Racism all-time high in Malaysia

While Najib worked at charming Amanpour with his so-called leadership skills, he forget that the people remember the aftermath of the May 2013 general election when a day after Najib blamed the Barisan Nasional’s lacklustre results in the general election on a “Chinese tsunami” against the coalition.

Najib’s finger-pointing was reciprocated by Utusan Malaysia which censured the Chinese community in the country, blaming them for dividing Malays in the country under the headline “Apa lagi Cina mahu? (What else do the Chinese want?)”.

How was that for zero-racism in Malaysia, as Najib claimed to Amanpour?

In fact, Najib’s racist’s attack on the Chinese community enraged a public relations agency which later announced that it would boycott Utusan Malaysia for any media-related engagements in its stand against what it calls “racism-inciting media propaganda”.

“Pi PR will halt its support to Utusan Malaysia for any media-related engagement. As a responsible Malaysian PR agency, it is imperative to make a stand against blatant racist-based editorials,” Pi PR Consultancy Sdn Bhd’s managing director Lee Ting Ting had then said in a statement.

“Although PR agencies depend on a close working relation with all media channels, however the business and media community needs to abhor blatant racist propaganda,” Lee had added.

continue here..


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