7 people like this.

24 comment(s). Last comment by whizzkid125 2014-03-18 01:17

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > 2014-03-13 23:53 | Report Abuse

Although I am not a politician, I am invited to talk at 9.30 PM on 15th March at the Kajang by election caramah. Please come to show your support.


844 posts

Posted by nklye > 2014-03-14 00:04 | Report Abuse

Mr.Koon, where is the exact location

Posted by calvinwky168 > 2014-03-14 00:23 | Report Abuse

March 2013, foreign military breach at beting serupai.
Then attack by sulu in Sabah.
Then economic loss with Iran trade due to anti Shia campaign. Palm oil and rubber export to Iran drop. Petronas projects were also affected/ delayed. Luckily, Iraq did not join.
Then another foreign military breach at beting serupai in Jan 2014.
Then March 2014, mh370.
Now the world knows how competent Malaysia is.
How well Malaysia managed its assets.
How well the BN administer the country.
How well Malaysia can defend itself when faced with a dispute from another country.
Will BN learn any lesson?
Will other countries learn something and gain key intelligence about how strong/ weak Malaysia is at defending its interest/ assets?
What will happen to our vast oil and gas fields in South China Sea?
What will happen to sarawak and Sabah eez zone?
Will the other disputing country out smart/ out do BN administration and take control of these assets?
How will all these affect Bursa Malaysia/klse?
How will all these impact Petronas?
How will all these impact our oil and gas industry?
How much will Malaysia lose?
So what does all these got to do with Klse?
Just mh370 alone, already affect negatively a few related counters.
I am really disturbed by all these development. Oh Tanahair ku...


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2014-03-14 06:19 | Report Abuse

What Happened to Flight 370? An Analysis of What Is Known

UPDATE 3/13/14: As expected (see my analysis of ocean currents and drift-time below), the purported debris was a false lead. The revelation that the automated ACARS was still sending data on the Rolls Royce engines is not surprising given what else is known, nor is the Malaysian claim that the data is false. Engine data indicates Malaysian plane flew four hours after disappearing

Now we have the report I have been expecting, via ABC News: "U.S. officials have an 'indication' the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner may have crashed in the Indian Ocean and is moving the USS Kidd to the area to begin searching." I take this "indication" to mean data collected by U.S. space-based and terrestrial assets has finally been analyzed.

The U.S. is moving the search to the Indian Ocean while Malaysia is denying the engines continued sending data. Which set of officials do you reckon knows more? The U.S. would not be sending the USS Kidd to an area based on rumor or hearsay. I strongly suspect the U.S. has data which it cannot share publicly because the data would reveal the extent of U.S. capabilities...................

Let's start with what is known:

1. The Malaysian authorities have been evasive to the point of misdirection, in other words, they've hidden the facts to serve an undisclosed agenda.
What is the agenda driving their evasion? What is known is that Malaysian security is obviously lax. This fact has caused Malaysian authorities to lose face, i.e. be humiliated on the global stage. Malaysia is an Asian nation, and maintaining face in Asia is of critical importance. We can conclude that one reason the Malaysian authorities are dissembling is to hide their gross incompetence.

It is also suspected that Malaysia is a safe haven for potentially dangerous Islamic groups. (Follow the threads from Pakistan's secret nuclear proliferation program to Malaysia for documentation of this possibility.) The Malaysian government may have an informal quid pro quo along these lines: you are welcome to set up shop as long as you don't cause any trouble here or do anything to cause Malaysia to lose face.

This provides another logical source of Malaysian evasion: if there is indeed a terrorist connection to the loss of the aircraft, this would focus the global spotlight on Malaysian tolerance of potentially dangerous groups.

That the Malaysian military was unable to effectively monitor the aircraft or coordinate with civilian air traffic control (ATC) also suggests incompetence at the most sensitive levels. Revealing this would also cause a loss of face.

Summary: Malaysian authorities have not been truthful or timely in their reporting. The logical conclusion is that they're hiding data to protect national pride and the true state of their abysmal security.

2. Additional information is available but is not being shared with the public. To take one example, the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) on Flight 370 was functioning and automatically sent data on four critical systems, including the engines. This data has not been released by Malaysian Airlines.

It also appears that the pilot of another 777 airliner heading to Japan contacted the pilot in Flight 370 and reported the transmission was garbled.

Even with the transponder off, the aircraft would appear on primary (military) radar. The Malaysian military tracked Flight 370 but is dissembling. Clearly the authorities are not revealing the full extent of what is known.

...... http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2014/03/what-happened-to-flight-370-analysis-of.html

Harold Huong

1,036 posts

Posted by Harold Huong > 2014-03-14 07:51 | Report Abuse

2014 is year to visit Malaysia my friends, these is free promotion to introduce Malaysia even Malaysia Airline to the world. Previously Malaysia Tourism Minister using a lot of method to promote it but result is so so. I am sure these time will be different.


205 posts

Posted by lohman > 2014-03-14 09:17 | Report Abuse

I cringe every time high ranking Malaysian officials stand exposed to the aggressive questioning of the world's media. Being used to often bullied local reporters, they are totally unprepared to answer searching questions from correspondents who show absolutely no respect for their many (mostly unearned) honorifics and titles. I will always remember Al-Jazeera's interview of an almost incoherent Information Minister Zainudin Maidin in Nov 2007 on the Bersih rally. Was he made to sound like some top idiot!

Posted by Jonathan Keung > 2014-03-14 09:31 | Report Abuse

we all shared their families grief. although MAS is trying their very best but i personally feel that the AIRPORT should cut out all those shamen and bomoh business. The whole world is waiting & watching us yet the authorities allowed these people to have their 5 minute of fame


388 posts

Posted by tptan45 > 2014-03-15 12:05 | Report Abuse

You can practically see intelligence and competency oozing out of the sweat pores of our high officials.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-03-16 19:49 | Report Abuse

The Washington Post cited one popular post, which has been shared thousands of times by Chinese microbloggers: "Vietnam keeps discovering. Malaysia keeps denying. China keeps sending things on the way. Journalists keep waiting at the Lido hotel [where relatives are waiting]. Family members keep being in pain … But where is the plane?", hahaha


Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-03-16 19:50 | Report Abuse

While the foreign media have moved forward with theories on the disappearance of MH370, our government is "still investigating and doing all we can", apparently in denial mode bent on rubbishing foreign reports.

What is the Najib government so afraid of revealing?

There are these Chinese words of wisdom: "Zhi Bao Bu Zhu Huo" (Paper cannot wrap fire).

It simply means there is no way to hide the truth and facts. You only get burnt.

That's exactly what Malaysia has been trying to do since March 8 when a MAS Boeing 777 ferrying 239 passengers and crew members disappeared from commercial aviation radar screens.

If Malaysians and the rest of the world were hoping for some key revelations from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak at his maiden media conference on the missing MH370 on March 15, they got zero.

In fact, Najib only managed to confirm what the foreign media reported a day or two earlier, making fools of his Defence Minister and Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) and Malaysia Airlines (MAS).

In the seven days of futile search, all Hishammuddin, the DCA and MAS have been telling in their daily media briefings is that they are "still investigating and doing all we can", unwittingly projecting themselves in denial mode bent on only rubbishing foreign media reports.

In fact, Hishammuddin, DCA and MAS had in their Friday (March 14) evening media briefing still denied the MAS aircraft sent out any radar or satellite signals after 1.07am March 8.

The irony is that on Thursday, the foreign media led by Wall Street Journal (WSJ) had started reporting that MH370 sent “pings” on its location up to five hours after it disappeared from commercial aviation radar screens.

WSJ revealed that MH370 sent a series of “pings” on its speed and altitude, quoting people briefed on the matter. This was the reason why the US S&R expanded its search to the Indian Ocean.

WSJ also reported that “the final ping was sent from over water, at what one of these people called a normal cruising altitude”. No one could explain why the final pings stopped.

The US S&R was already steaming its way to the Indian Ocean where the pings were last detected, while Malaysia was still looking for the MAS aircraft in the South China Sea, the Straits of Malacca and the Andaman Sea.

Najib also announced that Malaysia was calling off the search in the South China Sea, two days after the US had acted on its new satellite findings reported by the foreign media that Hishammuddin, DCA and MAS denied.

Najib just read out a prepared text and took no questions. Why the fear to face the media?

Obviously, it would be too embarrassing for Hishammuddin, DCA and MAS to handle as the foreign media would have made mince meat of the trio's series of "denials" of foreign media reports.

So, did Hishammuddin, DCA and MAS lie? I would not think so. They were either just plain ignorant and incompetent or have been trying to conceal crucial information for reasons best known only to them.

They have not even explained how the MAS aircraft could possibly fly over Peninsular Malaysia without being detected swiftly or why there was no response from the military for a breach in the country's air space.

Are we to assume now that any aircraft can fly into Malaysian air space freely without any clear and swift detection? Is it too embarrassing to clarify?

theantdaily, in a Special Round-Up published at 7pm March 14 titled "MH370: Time to let the more experienced, like the FAA, take charge" had also focused on the two major developments: the pings and the US S&R's rush to the Indian Ocean and also renewed media focus on a UK terrorist’s claim he gave explosives to a Malaysian terror cell, including a pilot.

Up to this stage, with many strongly believing that hijacking was the most probable cause of the missing MAS Boeing 777, Najib's echoing of "... we are still investigating all possibilities ..." is telling the rest of the world nothing, further undermining transparency on the search for the missing aircraft.

What is the Najib government afraid of revealing?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-03-16 19:51 | Report Abuse

The WSJ in its latest report titled "What We Still Don't Know About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370" asked four key questions:

> Was it a hijacking? While Najib suggested that the plane's disappearance was due to "deliberate action", he stopped short of categorising the event as a hijack. "I wish to be very clear: We are still investigating all possibilities as to what caused MH370 to deviate from its original flight path." Aviation experts say that the likelihood of a hijack has increased significantly with the latest information, and a key to solving the mystery is to profile in detail every person aboard the jet. "Everything points to a hijack or something that was planned way in advance," Mark Martin, an aviation consultant, said;

> Did the plane crash, or did it land somewhere? No further information was available about the state of the wide-body jet and the 239 people on board after the last satellite communication was sent from it. There was no indication as to whether the aircraft crashed into the ocean -- as several aviation experts have earlier suspected -- or if it had actually landed. Though experts say it is unlikely such a large jet could land undetected, investigators are actively pursuing the notion that the plane was diverted "with the intention of using it later for another purpose," a person familiar with the matter said earlier to The Wall Street Journal. The search will now likely involve scores of other countries in South and Central Asia following the new information, raising the possibility that the jet may have reached some of the world's more politically unstable regions.

> Whose deliberate actions? Najib says the nation's authorities have "refocused" their investigation onto the crew and passengers. Experts say that the 777's multiple communication systems could only have been manually disabled by someone or people with detailed knowledge of the sophisticated jet's inner workings, thus putting the focus on the pilots or with passengers who have aviation experience. "Whoever flew the aircraft was an outstanding pilot who was familiar with radar evasion techniques and fuel-burn management," Martin said; and

> Why can't the search parameters be narrowed? Satellite information disclosed on Saturday indicates that the plane may have taken two possible tracks: a northerly corridor as far as the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, and a southerly route extending to the southern Indian Ocean. Najib explained that the type of satellite data couldn't confirm the precise location of the plane when it last made contact. Investigators are working to "further refine the information" on satellite data.

theantdaily, however, would like the following to be clarified:

> The Malaysian government has repeatedly turned down assistance from Interpol to assist in its investigation, according to ABC News. Why is this so or is the ABC report baseless?;

> Why the silence on the testimony of a British man convicted of plotting an Al-Qaeda plane bombing. Saajid Badat told a New York court about a separate 2001 plan for a Malaysian pilot to blast his way into a jet’s cockpit;

> Five major technological communications military contractor companies have high-tech employees and executives on the MH370 passenger manifest, two American and three Asia Pacific – each strongly tied to military: China Telecom, Business Machines Corp., Austin-based Freescale, International Business Machines (IBM), ZTE Corp., and Huawei Technologies Co. Combined, they have 26 high-tech experts on the passenger manifest list, including two executives. One of these companies refused to identify its employees onboard, and investigators also withheld those identities. Why is it so difficult for the authorities to clarify this list of "spy" communities?

> Is there any truth in Chinese news reports of a Chinese national Muslim, supposedly an aviation expert and linked to Uighur from the predominantly Muslim province of Xinjiang, as one of the passengers? And

> An email signed by “The Leader of the China Martyrs’ Brigade” declaring that the missing aircraft was “a response to the Chinese authorities” emerged within 24 hours after MH370 vanished from the radar screens and the authorities still cannot clarify whether it is authentic? Counter-terrorism investigators from various countries have had seven days to work on this and the Uighur’s terror links to Iran.

It is fair to reiterate that it is time for Malaysia to admit its clear lack of technical aviation and air crisis management skills, and to hand over “executive powers” to the more experienced.

There is absolutely no shame or loss of honour to make such a magnanimous admission and decision in the best interest of those who boarded the missing MAS aircraft.

johnny cash

6,400 posts

Posted by johnny cash > 2014-03-16 20:38 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-03-17 00:53 | Report Abuse

And already, UMNO Bloggers like Papa Gomo and other UMNO Trolls, Cybertroopers and Hard Core STUPID supporters are SLANDERING the missing MH370's Captain, simply for being a strong PKR supporter and DUMB enough...

...even TRYING to "LINK" the missing airline to 'ANWAR'???


"Semua Salah Anwar!"???

Hey to the STUPID IDIOTS and my fellow extremely STUPID and DUMB Malays out there supporting UMNO/BN...Anwar is NOT in-charge of the Federal Government, nor is he in-charge of the Military which was 'supposed' to check out what they had on their Radar, and NEITHER is Anwar the one who has to answer and share information with the International Press and Media right now! IDIOTS & RETARDED UMNO supporters!

Slandering a man who isn't even around to defend himself!


Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-03-17 01:03 | Report Abuse

Kuala Lumpur -- Ketua Pemuda Umno Malaysia, Khairy Jamaluddin di nasihatkan agar menarik kembali kenyataan yang di keluarkan sebelum ini. Menurut Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP, Datuk Mahaguru Ibrahim Mat Zin hentikan perbalahan sesama sendiri, tambahan pula ketika musim pilihan raya.

"Ini ke kerja orang Umno (dan) orang Barisan (Nasional) ni. Saya sokong dia masa pilihan raya, (saya pesan) kamu orang-orang silat semua pangkah dan sokong Khairy. Sana orang-orang tua bukan suka dengan dia, dia kurang ajar, akal taruk mana cakap dengan dia" katanya dengan nada yang tegas ketika ditemui baru-baru ini.

Selanjutnya sila klik : http://www.suara.tv/?p=3539


Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-03-17 13:15 | Report Abuse

A Plane Disappears, Malaysia's Flaws Emerge

Confusion doesn't normally make for a great economic indicator. But the chaos that's marred the hunt for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is revealing quite a bit about Malaysia's potential -- or lack thereof.The Southeast Asian nation has long been hobbled by a political culture that places the ruling party's needs over those of the Malaysian people. For six decades, Prime Minister Najib Razak's United Malays National Organisation has appeared to have only one goal: to maintain its hold on power. It's thus promoted -- and recently reinforced -- Malay-first racial policies that benefit its political base.

The side effects, including stagnant living standards, waning competitiveness, and the humiliation of Malaysia's sizable Chinese and Indian minority populations, are all overlooked in the service of this larger goal.The bungled search for Flight 370 has simply made manifest the consequences of this cynical bargain. How does someone like Hishammuddin Hussein become defense minister and acting transport minister in Southeast Asia's third-biggest economy? Even with his nearly 20-year stint as a legislator and more than a decade in ministerial posts, it can't hurt that he's also the scion of a powerful political family. The lamentable manner in which he has fielded questions about the search underscores how unaccustomed Malaysia's leaders are to being questioned by anyone.

This mind-set also explains why Malaysia is ensnared in the middle-income trap that South Korea and Thailand escaped years ago. Rather than free the economy from race-based quotas and business preferences, the party has expanded them. Never mind that these policies make Malaysia even less attractive to multinational companies and encourage so many of the nation's best and brightest to move to Singapore and Hong Kong. Or that the Philippines and Indonesia are surging ahead as Malaysia looks backward.The country is proving to be all hardware and no software.

For years, UMNO acted as though top-quality roads, state-of-the-art ports and bridges, iconic skyscrapers and a swanky new capital in Putrajaya would inevitably pave the way to prosperity. But economic software is even more important. And on that front, Malaysia has never bothered to cut red tape, level the playing field for non-Malays, or introduce the competitive forces necessary to stimulate entrepreneurship.

Why bother when all the party needs to do to stay in power is redraw voting districts, bribe the masses with fat handouts, invoke religion when necessary, and muzzle any pesky publications that dare to write about corruption and privilege? All this explains why per-capita income in a resource-rich nation with an enviable geographic position in Asia has stalled at near the $10,000 mark. Malaysia is stuck in the middle-income trap because its leaders are stuck in time.The families of the victims of Flight 370 deserve better. But then, so do the Malaysians whom Najib claims to serve.

- Bloomberg


Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-03-17 13:30 | Report Abuse

MH370 pilot’s support for Anwar shows ‘he had firm grip on reality’, says US journalist

A senior American journalist has slammed any attempts to link the loss of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 to its political opponents, following reports that the pilot, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah (pic), is an opposition supporter.

British tabloid Daily Mail had described Zaharie as a fanatical supporter of opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, and quoted Malaysian officials as saying that the investigation was also looking into the experienced pilot's political affiliation.

But writing on the US current affairs magazine Slate.com, its foreign affairs editor William J Dobson said the fact that Zaharie was an Anwar supporter should put a stop to suggestions that he had a role in the plane's disappearance.

"Because, whatever happened on board flight 370, Zaharie’s support of Anwar Ibrahim is the one piece of evidence that suggests he had a firm grip on reality, not that he was trying to escape it," said Dobson.

The Daily Mail had described Zaharie, who is a PKR member, as a "fanatical supporter" of Anwar.

"A fanatical supporter of Anwar Ibrahim does sound scary – as long as you know nothing about him," said Dobson, briefly describing the events which led to the Court of Appeal overturning Anwar's acquittal on a charge of sodomising his former aide.

On March 7, Zaharie was said to have been present at the court as a show of support for Anwar.

Dobson, who has interviewed Anwar several times, said few Malaysians took the sodomy allegation seriously, adding that Anwar's quest to overthrow the government was through peaceful means.

"Anwar is trying to defeat Malaysia’s authoritarian regime through elections – not terrorism, let alone revolution. So, to be clear, what we know is that the pilot of MH370 is a fanatical supporter of a non-violent man who supports a pluralistic and democratic Malaysia," he said.

Dobson also scathingly described the Malaysian authorities handling of the investigation as reflecting its "corrupt, nepotistic regime that long ago lost any purpose besides accumulating wealth and extending its own power".

"There is an axiom in Malaysian politics: eventually everything comes back to Anwar Ibrahim. So, the longer that the fumbling and inept investigation into the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 has gone on, the more certain it became that it would somehow boomerang to the leader of the country’s democratic opposition," Dobson said. – March 17, 2014.



681 posts

Posted by Saturn101 > 2014-03-17 13:36 | Report Abuse

aiyo Whizzkid, can you do me a favour? Just put the link can?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-03-17 13:53 | Report Abuse

Pesawat MH370 ‘disorok’ Amerika di Diego Garcia?

SHAH ALAM 17 MAC: Pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 yang hilang masuk hari kesepuluh hari ini didakwa ‘disembunyikan’ di Diego Garcia, pangkalan tentera Amerika Syarikat (AS) di Lautan Hindi.

Menurut portal Cabal Times, sekiranya spekulasi pesawat itu terbang ke pangkalan tentera AS di Diego Gracia adalah benar, radar Indonesia sudah pasti mengesan kedudukan pesawat tersebut.

...continue here...


Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-03-17 14:04 | Report Abuse

The Star in its report “Doomed airliner pilot was political fanatic …” links MH370’s flight captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Would the paper give the same coverage if the report had said the pilot was a fanatical BN supporter?

Even if the points raised are proven credible and factual, is Anwar to blame for the lunacy of a pilot overwhelmed by a court case?

..then read this..

Quickly arrest Anwar and save Malaysia and the world!

It seems now is the opportunity and time to blame Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for the missing MAS Boeing 777.

Better still, arrest Anwar immediately, since Malaysia’s so-called No 1 English newspaper and BN-MCA’s mouth piece The Star has found a report of the UK’s The Mail on Sunday credible for publication.

One wonders if The Star would give the same coverage if the report had said the pilot was a fanatical BN supporter.

The report titled “Doomed airliner pilot was political fanatic …” links MH370’s flight captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah to Anwar.

...continue read here please.


Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-03-17 14:31 | Report Abuse

有报导说(包括Cabal Times, Selangor Kini等):失联飞机MH370可能“隐身”在迪戈加西亚的美国海军基地!!??

1、该岛距离大马3700多公里,按777客机的巡航速度为900KM/H,那么飞到DIEGO GARCIA差不多4-5个小时,这就解释了为何马航2点发现客机失联,7点才报;解释了为何发动机上报数据显示,总共运行了5小时。







<Pesawat MH370 ‘disorok’ Amerika di Diego Garcia?>

SHAH ALAM 17 MAC: Pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 yang hilang masuk hari kesepuluh hari ini didakwa ‘disembunyikan’ di Diego Garcia, pangkalan tentera Amerika Syarikat (AS) di Lautan Hindi.

Menurut portal Cabal Times, sekiranya spekulasi pesawat itu terbang ke pangkalan tentera AS di Diego Gracia adalah benar, radar Indonesia sudah pasti mengesan kedudukan pesawat tersebut.
Menurut portal itu, sekiranya pesawat mengalami masalah teknikal, juruterbang seboleh-bolehnya akan cubamendarat dengan selamat di laut dan tidak akan berpatah balik ke Malaysia.

Cabal Times dalam laporannya mendakwa AS melakukan ‘rampasan pesawat’ itu adalah kerana MH370 membawa sejumlah besar rakyat China dan AS mahu mengeruhkan hubungan Kuala Lumpur dan Beijing.

Diego Garcia adalah pangkalan tentera Amerika Syarikat yang mempunyai landasan kapal terbang yang membolehkan pesawat besar mendarat dan mempunyai kemudahan untuk ‘menyorokkan’ daripada pandangan satelit.

Semalam, Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein menyangkal dakwaan sesetengah pihak bahawa pesawat Malaysia Airlines(MAS) MH370 mendarat di pangkalan tentera Amerika Syarikat Diego Garcia di Lautan Hindi.
Beliau berkata setakat ini tidak ada mana-mana pihak menuntut wang tebusan.

“Tidak ada. Ini amat menyukarkan kami untuk mengesahkan sama ada ia dirampas atau tindakan pengganas. Kami melihat segala kemungkinan. Kami tidak mengambil mudah sebarang kemungkinan,” katanya.



Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-03-18 00:42 | Report Abuse

I take my hat off for this great & kind lady.

"You have to be with me, you have to fight, I have to fight, we have to fight for justice, for our country!"

- Kak Wan in Sg. Chua, Kajang (17 March 2014)


Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-03-18 01:17 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim: Isu MH370, Satu Dunia Kutuk Kita


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