Unlikely to make much by trading downtrending stocks. Slightly better chance if one choose to trade uptrending counters instead. Best method is to buy and hold uptrending winners and ignore all the short to medium term volatilities.
Dear Mr.CPTeh, sorry for the late reply as I was away for last few days. I must admit I was really touched by your time and efforts in answering/ entertaining me...Anyway,it's a good move initiated so as to clear my (or our) doubts on your self proclaimed fantastic trading records. Again, thank you for your kind invitation for joining your e-meeting. Hopefully I will be able to join you on day in future.
I think I may sound a little bit axxxhole now to ask you if you could post your trading records on Airasia this week (15-19 June).Like what you did in the above article-print screened your 5,000 shares of Airasia bought (or sold?) at RM1.58. Please show us the date of transactions, buy or sell, matched quantity of your Airasia this week.
By showing this to everybody here, this will convince most of us that you are a man of your words and not only talk cxxk. If this can be done,me, as one of your regular critics will say sorry to you and shall then become your No 1 die hard fan in I3 and maybe Singkalan will join me too to become your No 2 fan. We will then joint hand in hand to support you and to whack those who always tease/curse/screw you over your noble intention and excellent trading skills and records.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
88 posts
Posted by singkalan > 2015-06-19 02:21 | Report Abuse
Now i know your score should be 8 win lose 25! Otherwise you would have defended yourself again and again! 一時唔偷雞做保長!