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183 comment(s). Last comment by Fam Jenny 2019-12-04 11:52

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-02-27 22:12 | Report Abuse

Good evening everybody,soon I will relate to you about an invitation extended by our Creator of the Universe, to call Him,'My Father and God and be assured of Salvation in the midst of destruction of the wicked ones.Don't you feel honoured to be his children?Of course we are,isn't it?To be continued soon.


708 posts

Posted by myongcc5 > 2018-02-27 22:16 | Report Abuse

PTL fr yr faithfulness! God's GRACE shall b sufficient fr HIS servant like U

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-02-27 22:39 | Report Abuse

Myongcc5,I am not his prophetess,given special divine powers by Him to perform miracles but sharing with you what is being taught by him in his bible n his organisation about this great invitation of mercy and love to the meek ones who do not know Him and his plans for mankind.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-02-27 22:45 | Report Abuse

The destruction brought by Him will be so great that it never had happened before so seek shelter before it is too late to escape his great fury against wicked ones.


3,072 posts

Posted by michaelwong > 2018-02-27 22:52 | Report Abuse

Fam Jenny how about your liang chai buddy who went missing from bskl? hahaha!!!

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-02-28 00:31 | Report Abuse

How do I know?


3,072 posts

Posted by michaelwong > 2018-02-28 00:41 | Report Abuse

Why not? Wow! Preaching the good news and gospel of Jesus. Good job and a great blessing to you for your humbleness !

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-02-28 00:55 | Report Abuse

Michaelwong,thks for your kind remarks,I am duty bound to share God's goodness with the interested ones.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-02-28 13:44 | Report Abuse

Why is klse I.3 investor.com has only page1 n what has happenned to pages 2,3,4,5,etc ?


3,694 posts

Posted by hollandking > 2018-03-08 20:46 | Report Abuse

hi fam jenny,


3,694 posts

Posted by hollandking > 2018-03-08 20:48 | Report Abuse

i think is good you are writing these bcoz in the stock market, something not good is there

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-03-31 19:38 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,sorry for not writing earlier as I was very busy with the cleaning works for my new tenants.
This evening I will discuss hoe we can be loved by our great creator of the Universe n be included in his family as his beloved children.I will briefly summarise the steps that must be taken by us:-
1)Take in knowledge of God's qualities through a bible sthdy with a fellow who has gokd knowledge of the bible.Read website:jw.org
In Galatians 5:22,But the fruit of the Spirit is love,joy,peace,longsuffering, kindness,goodness,faithfulness.
These fine qualities are in great contrast with Satan's qualities as stated in Galatians 5:21,envyings,drunkenness,revellings,and such like;
Of which I forewarn you,even as I did forewarn you,that they who prastise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

2)To recognise our imprefection inherited from our first ancestors,Adam and Eve for their sin of disobedience against God with result of losing everlasting life.That in order to redeem the prilivege of everlasting life we have to recognise that Jesus Christ as our lord and savior who has died for our sins.This is a provision provided by God as a free gift for all mankind.It is necessary for God to do this as He has to administer the law of justice in both in heavens and the earth,a tooth for tooth,an eye for an eye which means Adam has sinned against God he has to die but his innocent descendants can gain salvation through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus.So we need to show humility towards God in this respect.
Further we need to abandon our old personalities/bad traits and change over by cultivating godly qualities sk that we can live peacefully with our fellowmen in the paradise earth where is is abundant peace and security.

3) Delicate our life to God through water baptism which is a public declaration to serve Him.
Tonight we are at our Taman Melawati congregation to commemorate Jesus'death at 8.45pm.
Goodnight,hope to convey more of God's love to you later.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-04-01 09:38 | Report Abuse

Hello Hollandking,my apology for not sporting your comments 3 weeks ago as I had very busy schedules.
Yes,it is better for me to write spiritual contents as it is solely for spiritual dialogue,comments,interaction n exchanges.
Hope you can come for often for more spiritual enlightenment.Thanks.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-04-30 22:25 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,tonight I am sharing with you what amazing things
God will do for us in the future.Firstly God will put an end to death itself as stated in Revelation 21:4 which reads'And he will wipe out tears from their eyes and death will be no more neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.The former things have passed away.'Hence people will no longer feel pain of death,grow old or die.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-04-30 22:39 | Report Abuse

Secondly the lame n the blind will able to walk and see respectively as stated in Isaiah 35:5,6 which says 'At that time the eyes of the blind will be opened.The ears of the deaf will be unstopped.6) At that time the lame will leap like the deer.And the tongue of the speechless will shout for joy.For the waters will bourst forth in the wilderness,And streams in the desert plain.
So how wonderful to see all the handicapped will become normal again.
To be continued.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-05-01 16:16 | Report Abuse

God will fulfil his promise soon bcos he is faithful to his words of promises,just wait patiently.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-05-01 22:03 | Report Abuse

The conditions of the paradise earth is so peaceful that the lio n the lamb will live as one as stated in Isaiah 65:25,'The wolf and the lamb will feed together.The lion will eat straw just like the bull.And the srpent food will be dust.They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in my holy mountain,'says Jehovah.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-05-30 23:24 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,tonight I am going to touch on how to know God personally and build up a close relationship with him.In 2Tim 3:16,it mentions all scriptures are inspired by God n it is profitable for teaching,correction,for righteous instruction.
He conveyed his thoughts to men who wrote them down n compliled them in books which we call it the bible or holy scriptures.It contained 66 books n were written in hebrew n greek.It contains important information that God wants you to know.God knows what is best for us as he is the source of wisdom.Proverbs 1:5 says we can we can obtain sound counsels from it.Also God wants everyone to read it,hence we like to talk to you about it.Matt 28:19,20 instructed us to make disciples n teach them whatever God commanded us to do.Pls go to website jw.org for more information.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-05-31 09:03 | Report Abuse

Since the bible is inspired by God who speaks the truth,hence God seekers can find truth from the bible about everything that has happened since humans were created.Also they can rely on its truthfulness about having everlasting life in the paradise earth for the meek ones as stated in psalms 37:9,10,'....t
he wicked will be no more..
......the meek shall possess the earth ....in the abundance of peace.'
There is one true God n his name is Jehovah(Psalm 83:18).He wants man to love one another n live in peace n harmony

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-07-30 23:26 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,tonight I am going to touch on how the eyes can nurtures our minds with good or bad things n eventually develop our inner desires which will take roots in our hearts.If our minds consent to what we see are good because we believe they are are good,automatically we will feed on it with our eyes.For instance
watching phonograpghy can feed your minds on sexual pervert desires in your making yourselves with bad thoughts which will slowly move you to commit fornication n sin against God as stated in Matt 5:28,'But I say to you that everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.'
Like King David when he saw Bathshebar bathing,he dwelt on this passion n plotted to kill her husband to marry her n this led to a great sin against Jehovah God who punished him severely.So to be pure in our thinking we need discard any evil thoughts immediately n not let it develop it in our hearts to have bad conscience.In this way we can avoid sinning against God n loses his favour n guidance.
To be continued tommorow.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-07-31 21:55 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,after the creation of prefect Adam n Eve,God gave them a beautiful garden for them with all the fruits n plants for them to enjoy.Together with them all kinds of animals for them to play with n be entertained by them But God gave them an instruction not to eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden n told them they will due if they consume it.In Genesis 3:6,'Consequently the womansaw that the tree was good for food n something desirable to the eyes yes the tree was pleasing to look at.So she began taking of its fruit n eating it.Afterward she also gave some to her husband when he was with her n he began eating it.'
Well many think it is a matter just eating the forbidden,not big deal liking robbing,killing or raping,etc.But to God n the angels it is still a sin because it is breaking God's law of obedience which was the only commandment given to them during that time.So whether it is a big sin or a small sin it is still the falling of God's standard.Hence for the paradise earth to come soon will consist of only obediend believers who only believe in God's instruction and any deviation from God's guidance will result a filthy earth like today where corruption is rampant worldwide,it is simply uncontrollable.
So if we want to have God's blessing we need to learn God's thinking n incorporate into our mind n heart.
Not like Adam n Eve desiring the wrong things which cause them the everlasting life.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-07-31 22:03 | Report Abuse

Correction:...they will die if they consume....
....it is a small matter by just eating the forbidden fruit
...falling short if Gid's standard.
Sorry for the typing errors.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-07-31 23:18 | Report Abuse

To avoid sinning,we must turn away from worthless things such as sexual immorality as it damages our dignity such as integrity to our marriage mate,our sharp conscience regarding right from wrong
Also avoid violence shows as God hates violence as stated in psalm 11:5,'Jehovah examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one,He hates anyone who loves violence.'
Hence we need to cultivate mildness n abandon violence from our daily encounters with others n move forward as meek ones who will be loved by God.
Goodnight n hope you are enlightened by my biblical sharing.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-09-30 18:52 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,today I am going to discuss how we can choose to become God's special property.
According to Psalm 100:3,Know that Jehovah is God n He is the one who made us n we belong to Him.We are his people n the sheep of his pasture.'But He only chooses some to be his special property as stated in Psalm 135:4,namely the ancient Israel n they must remain faithful to Him.Also in Hosea 2:25,he prophesied that the non Irealites would also become Jehovah's people,Those not my people I will call ' my people' n her who was not loved,beloved'.
Today,two groups of people are his special properties namely 1)The little flock who become his future government that will rule over the earth as stated in Revelation 5:10 n described in Luke 12:32,,'Have no fear little flock for your Father has approved of giving you the kingdom.'
2)The other group are those who will live forever on earth as in Psalm 37:11,this group is another fold........n He will bring in n listen to his voice n they will become one flock ..one shepherd'.
Both groups will have a special relationship with Him
We can be grateful to God by dedicating ourselves to him n get baptised.
Then we can be recognised that we belong to Jehovah n are willing to obey His instruction
To be continued.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-10-28 20:39 | Report Abuse

Good evening everybody,tonight I am going to discuss who will be loved by God from His psst dealings with people that were recorded in the bible.The issue raised here is whether he loves a particular nation or or good individuals according to biblical records.
I will leave this question for you all to ponder before I give you a firm reply

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-10-31 00:03 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,once there was a nation known as Is real that was under the theocratic rule of God who appointed judges to rule over them.Their laws were based on the ten commandments given by God through Moses who communicated with God in Mt Sinai.This group of people were the descendants of the person named Jacob who under the instruction of God changed his name to Isreal.He was the grandson of Abraham who was promised by God to make a great nation out of him as a reward for his faithfulness.
These descendants migrated to Egypt when there was a famine but unfortunately they eventually became slaves there.God heard their cries n sorrows in their prayers n sent Moses to free from slavery by forcing the King to release them from Egypt through ten plagues.Then after 40 years in the wilderness n finally conquered some nations occupied by the gaints who were descendants of the Nephlims who were the mixed breed of the fallen angels n the women.
To be continued.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-01-31 23:33 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,tonight I am touching on the topic of respect blood.
Worshippers of God do agree that life is a gift from God who wants us to be happy by making full use of it.So He provides principles that teach us how we can make good decisions.By using these principles we can distinguish between 'right' and 'wrong'according to Hebrew 5:14 'But solid food belongs to mature people,to those who through use have their powers of discernment trained to distinguish both right and wrong.'
To make a right decision in life can be difficult in situations that are not covered by a direct law in the bible.
The bible teaches us that blood is sacred because it represents life.Cain killed his brother,Abel unlawfully taking his life by shedding his blood which represented life which belonged to God.He committed a great sin against God.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-01-31 23:36 | Report Abuse

To be continued.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-02-28 23:18 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone y,tonight I will continue to discuss the respect of blood which is related to life.In Leviticus 17:10,11'....I will set my face against the one eating blood and I will cut him off of from among his people.For the life of flesh is in the blood.
So according to Mosiac law,when someone killed an animal for food,he had to pour its blood into the ground,indicating the animal's life was given back to its creator and life-giver,Jehovah God who had the absolute authority over the life of the animal.(Deuteronomy12:16) which reads 'But you must not eat the blood,you should pour it out on the ground like water.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-02-28 23:40 | Report Abuse

So for that important reason we,Jehovah's witnesses faithfully obey its blibical instuction not to take in blood into out bloodstream by refusing blood tranfusion during operation and choose other methods to increase our blood.Also we can protect ourselves from any unclean blood of entering out bloodstream.We also believe our God will protect us from dangers to endure trials if we are faithful to Him.Goodnight.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-03-31 22:52 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone tonight is my pleasure to brief you all about the
the Lord's evening meal.It was the last meal at the Passover he took with his apostles before he was arrested.During that meal he instructed his apostles to commemorate his death and said in Luke 22:19,'Keep doing this in remembrance of me'.It was a simple meal of unleavened bread and wine which had great significance according to Matt 26:26-28,'Jesus took s loaf......"Take,eat,this means my body"....After taking a cup ......"Drink out of it all you.28 for this means my blood of covenant which is to be poured out in behalf of many

Posted by Heavenly PUNTER > 2019-03-31 22:54 | Report Abuse


Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-03-31 23:09 | Report Abuse

Continue:,for the forgiveness of sins.
Despite his imminent suffering n death he was not afraid n encouraged his disciples to love God and one another in the midst of coming trials
Hence we wiil invite you to join us for the annual commemoration of Jesus'death.The date,time n location:

Friday April 19,2019,
211A Jalan Negara 2
Taman Melawati

Posted by Heavenly PUNTER > 2019-03-31 23:14 | Report Abuse

Jesus Amen

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-04-01 17:32 | Report Abuse

Jesus'sacrifice/death was the ransom paid for the sin committed by Adam who caused his descendants to lose their everlasting life n prefection.But Jesus makes mankind gain back the I rights of everlasting life before God.
Hence we express our gratitude by observing
his death as instructed by him n hope you all can share our joys of knowing he is alive as he was resurrected on the 3rd day after his death.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-04-18 23:13 | Report Abuse

Good evening,tomorrow is the memorial of Jesus' death n you are invited to join us for the occasion at the address given earlier.
After his resurrection,he appeared many times to his disciples to strengthen their faith n blessed them before he ascended to heavens (Luke 24:51).So in Revelation 5:9,10,it ascertains us that that Jesus is now the appointed king n soon will rule together with his chosen ones over the earth, '...they are to rule as kings over the earth.'
Hence we are celebrating with the living Jesus
for this event tomorrow night.


918 posts

Posted by Bursa1575 > 2019-04-18 23:25 | Report Abuse


Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-07-01 00:04 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,today many people feel uncertain about their future as there are many unpredictable events can happen suddenly.So some of them are desperate for solutions if their problems or mishaps are unsolved n consult mediums,fortunetellers,socercers n priests to get answers ahead of time,not checking whether they are true or false.
Unfortunately they involve themselve with spiritism which entangles with demons's power.
Being christians let's us consult the bible for proper guidance.In deuteronomy 18:10-12,it says,'There should not be found in you,anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire,anyone who employs divination,anyone practising magic,anyone who looks for omens,a sorcerer.11)anyone binding others with a spell,anyone who consults a spirit medium or a fortune-teller or anyone who inquires of the dead.12)For whoever does these things is detestable to Jehovah n on account of these detestable practices Jehovah your God is driving them away from before.'
Since it is clearly stated that these practices are detestable to Jehovah,we must avoid them completely.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-07-31 23:16 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,tonight I am discussing about building good friendship with God.
Many parents do not realise they are constantly watched by their children ever since they were babies.They absorb all their parent see and hear.As they grow older,they begin to mold after their parents even without any attempts.Similarly adults too may start to think and act like the people they mingle alot,picking up their habits and characteristics.
Proverbs 13:20, states,' This one walking with the wise will become wise'.This means cheerishing that person and feeling close to him.As a result he can influence us to be good or bad.It continues,'The one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly.Hence friends who love God will admonish us to be obedient n faithful to God and learn his holy ways.One good example was Abraham who was willing to sacrifice his son,Isaac to God.He passed the test of faithfulness and obedience to God.Abraham'action of sacrifice foreshadowed and signified that God was willing to sacrifice his son, Jesus for the sin of mankind in order to redeem back the rights of everlasting life which Adam n Eve had lost.
So let us seize the opportunies to immitate Jesus in order to be friends of God.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-08-01 16:05 | Report Abuse

In order to win God's friendship we need to be humble towards Him by conforming to His laws as our ways of life to attain everlasting life.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-09-01 00:21 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,
Last week I attended our christian assembly which lasted three days,the talks delivered streesd a lot on the need to display love to our fellowmen regardless of race.
This love originated from our God who gave the best to us through his creation of the earth.He made everything good for us to enjoy in the paradise garden of Eden.He created beautiful flowers of different varieties,various kinds of fruit trees n many kinds of animals for Adam n Eve to play with.
He gave humans the ability to appreciate tasty food through the mouth n music through our ears.
Hence we can imitate Him in displaying love to our family members,friends and neighbours.We need to think less of ourselves n have respect for our fellowmen.
The speaker also admonished us to be good neighbours by rendering help to our needy neighbours.
Lastly we must obey God's commandments n render our full devotion to Him alone n not worshipping other gods.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-10-01 00:03 | Report Abuse

Good evening friends,tonight I am going to touch on three biblical persons who display loyal love to our God,Jehovah.They were Noah,Abraham n Jesus Christ.
Noah was commissioned by God to build a huge ark/ship which can accomodate animals,plants n humans,it took him nearly 40 yewrs to complete before the great flood which destroyed all mankind,plants n animals on earth except those in the ark which it savaged.When he was building the ark many mocked at him n thought he was not normal n didn't believe in his prediction of the coming great flood.But he persisted to complete the building of the ark n fully obeyed n believed in God that there was a coming floods.His obedience saved him n his whole family when the deluge occured n what a wise person he must be.
As for Abraham,he n his family left thier luxurious home n moved to an underveloped place under the instruction of God.Later he was tested by God of his faith n obedience when he was instructed by God to sacrifice his son,Isaac.But God miraculiously replaced him by a lamb for the sacrifice.This act foreshadowed God would sacrifice his son,Jesus to die for the sin of mankind.Abraham displayed great faith n obedience in God n was blessed with a great nation,Isreal.
Jesus showed great love for God n mankind by dying for the sin of Adam so that his desendants could gain everlasting life.
Don't you want to immitate their great sacrifices?Off course,you will if you are mild tempered,right!

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-11-02 23:14 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,tonight I would like to recommend our folks here to feel free to talk to our creator,Jehovah God through a prayer in Jesus'name.Jesus gave a guideline of how to communicate with this universal King.First we must address Him as our father n thank Him for all the food n blessing bestowed on us.2)We ask for forgiveness of our short coming or sin we have committed n promise Him that we will forgive those have sinned against us n not to harbour any hatred n let Him handle the matters as He has said,'Vengeance is mine'We also ask for strengh n protection so that we will not stumble or fall into temptation n commit sins against Him who will be unhappy with our continuous sinning without any repentance or respect his laws.
Many times when I pray for protection my prayers are answered.Recently i prayed to Him to protect me from harm n safeguard my belonging.True enough the next day as I was searching my hidden jewelry behind my big wardrobe,I accidently discovered an object which was a mini satelite there.Thix satelite could be used to monitor all my movements in my home through magnetic waves it generated n can be seen at a far distance away.What a relief to dismantle it before a robbery is launched against me.
Hence it is always worthy to trust God to protect you n your belongings if we ask for it in our prayers by ending in Jesus' name.

zhen wei & JP

1,173 posts

Posted by zhen wei & JP > 2019-11-02 23:29 | Report Abuse

Soon to meet everyone at dutamas mit .

WY Chan

1,378 posts

Posted by WY Chan > 2019-11-05 13:48 | Report Abuse

fam cock.... u r still alive....

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-11-30 20:57 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,tonight I am going to reveal to you about the signs that lead us to know when is God's Day of Anger at'Armageddon'.
Many people have heard of the word,'Armaggeddon n relate to a nuclear war or an enviromental disaster.But the bible refers to the situation to which 'the kings of the entire inhabited earth' are gathered in opposition to Jehovah God.This is revealed in Rev 16:14,16 which read,14)'There are in fact expreesions inspired by demons and they perform signs and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth to gather them together to the war of the Great Day of God Almighty.16) And they gathered them together to the place that is called in hebrew,Armageddon.
From these scriptures we know the word,'Armageddon' refers to a symbolic place n not a literal physical place because of three reasons:- 1) There is no literal mountain Meggiddo.2)The area around Meggiddo is far too small to hold the 'Kings of the entire inhabited earth and their armies and war machines.3)As we will understand later in this article the war of Armageddon will begin when the' world's kings will launch an attack on God's people who are scattered throughout the earth.
So at Armageddon God's enemies will perish while those who love God will be saved.They will not fight or even be armed.Their 'strengh will be keeping calm and showing trust' in Jehovah and his heavenly armies accirdinv to Rev 19:11-15,'I saw heaven open and look,a white horse.And the one seated on it is called 'faithful and True,and he judges and carries on war in righteousness....armies in heaven were following him....15) And out of mouth protrudes a sharp sword with which to strike the nations.....Moreover he treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God,the Almighty'.
In God's war He may use earthquake,hail lightning as stated in Job 38:22,23,'Have you entered the storehouses of the snow or have you seen the storehouse of the hails 23) which I have reserved for the time of distress.For the day of battle and war?'.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-11-30 21:24 | Report Abuse

Continue:Also in Ezekiel 38:19-22,'....there will be a great earthquake... all humans on the surface of the earth will tremble and the mountains will be thrown down....22) I will bring my judgement against him...I will rain down a torrential downpour and hailstones and fire and sulphur on him.Also He may turn his enemies against one another and may use angels to slay the wicked.So whatever methods He uses his victory will be complete and all his enemies will be eliminated and all the righteous will be saved.Proverbs 3:25,26.'.......26)For Jehovah will prove to be your source of confidence,He will keep your foot from being caught.
Three events will occur before Armaggeddon,1)The united nation will declare 'Peace and security'
2) All false religionx will be destroyed by them.3)when they start to attack God's righteous people,God will protect His people and destroy them and the imprison the wicked demons for one thousand years at Armageddon.
Hope you grasp the meaning of Armageddon n repent in order for God to preserve your life 2ith mercy.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-12-01 09:14 | Report Abuse

Good morning everyone,many are still at the lost when the true worshippers are getting ready to enter the paradise earth under God's government which consists of Jesus n the 144,000 to rule over the earth from heavens.It will exercise justice,righteousness and fairness to everyone.Humans will restore prefect health,sicknesses will be no more, there will be no hunger and proverty,Also there will be no more wars,conflicts,revelries and have true peace and security.
To learn more please refer to jw.org for enlightment.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-12-02 21:15 | Report Abuse

When the wicked starts to attack God's people,God will strike them dead for he said anyone attacks my people is touching my eyeballs.The destruction of the wicked is from one end to the other end of the earth and their corpes will be manure for the land.So the land will be peaceful for the righteous one to dwell and new systems will be set up for the paradise earth.
Are you all not happy that God finally seize full control of the earth.Cheers!

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-12-04 11:52 | Report Abuse

Another prominent sign about the end of the wicked world,given by Jesus was 'This good news of kingdom will be preached to all inhabited earth for a witness and then the end will come.'Today the Jehovah's wittnesses worldwide amounting to 8.5 million and those who are studying the bible with us,are about 11 millions and from all parts of the world.Our organisation use 1005 languages to teach them n we currently use about 686 language translations in our webs to spread the good news so that they may receive the warning of God's day of anger on time to repent and to conform to God's laws.Jehovah will reward the obedient ones with everlasting life and the the disobedient ones with destruction.

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