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183 comment(s). Last comment by Fam Jenny 2019-12-04 11:52

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-06-01 11:51 | Report Abuse

Correction:...your kind appreciation........everlasting life

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-06-15 19:20 | Report Abuse

Two days ago hails destroyed many cars in China and do you remember in the 7th bowl of God's anger, hails as big as a talents will be used to destroy bad humans so pls take the prediction more seriously now as you can see how destructive and big the hails can be.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-06-30 23:28 | Report Abuse

Tonight,I am touching on the principle of Christian love for mankind and whether it is our duty to be neutral in times of wars and our stand on this issue is in harmony with the scritures.In Acts 5:29,'..we must obey God as ruler rather than man'.And in Titus 3:1,'Continue reminding them to be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities,to be ready for every good work.
Is this a contradiction.Not at all.This principle of relative subjection helps us to understand and obey these commands which in summarised by Jesus in Matt

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-07-01 00:30 | Report Abuse

Continued: ..Matt 22:21,'Pay back,therefore,Caesar's things to Caesar but God's things to God.'This means we submit to the authority of the government under which we live by obeying it levies.its laws respecting its officials and paying the taxes.
We pay back to God what is rightfully his,by remaining neutral in the world's political affairs (Isaiah 2:4) which says,'He will render judgement among nations.And set matters straight respecting many peoples.They will beat swords into plowshares and shears into pruning shears.Nations will not lift up swords against nation.Nor will they learn wars anymore.Here God advocates peace not wars,so we are neutral regarding political affairs.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-07-04 18:25 | Report Abuse

If you look at the bombings in Iraq and Bangladesh even in Puchong,won't you all long for a peaceful world as promised long long ago by God as stated in Daniel 2:44,'In the days of those kings the God of Heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed.And this kingdom will not passed on to any people.It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms and it alone will stand to time indefinite.
Yes,a lot of them are weary of this wicked system which is so unstable and violent.But you can be consoled by tuning to website:jw.org for more enlightenment of the hope of living forever by God through his organisation.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-07-31 23:13 | Report Abuse

A mean person deleted all my biblical writings tonight,pray that you have not offended our God for your wrong doing.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-07-31 23:32 | Report Abuse

This good news of the kingdom is preached throughout the earth by the Jehovah's witnesses through house to house,shopping malls,markets places,internets and informal preaching in about 824 languages.This kingdom preaching will reform them mentally to God's righteousness and standards so that they are trained to live in the peaceful earth after the destruction of the wicked ones and its wicked system.Now we have over 12 millions learning the bible truth and equipping themselves to live in the paradise earth which will be realised soon.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-07-31 23:57 | Report Abuse

Even though they don't have a literal paradise now,their worldwide association with Jehovah's organisation and its teaching about peace among themselves without any racial boundaries already put them in a spiritual paradise.These people do not advocate any political organisation,or partake in any warfare training,they rely on their God for protection.They learn to be obedient subjects of God who will give them a good government controlled by Jesus and his 144,000 joint rulers.According to Rev 7:9,14,17,....'These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation.....and make white in the blood of the Lamb.17)because the Lamb ......will shepherd them and will guide them to springs of water of life.And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes.
Are you not glad that death and sorrow will be no more?

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-08-01 00:16 | Report Abuse

During these 1000 years the kingdom will achieve God's original purpose for mankind by restoring the wayward world to a righteous world where righteous people will live in peace and security.That time we won't see any violence,injustices,proverty,terrorism,etc instead enjoy exquisite delight in the abundance of peace as stated in Plasm 37:9,10,11,'For evil men will be done away with and those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth.10)Just a little while longer,and the wicked will be no more.You will look at where they were and they will not be there.11)But the meek will possess the earth,and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.
Are you not happy to live without the wicked disturbing your good and happy living?

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-08-01 00:21 | Report Abuse

Pls read website:jw.org or jw library for more enlightment,goodnight.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-08-01 12:48 | Report Abuse

The wicked will not last long here but the meek will possess the earth so let's us seek righteousness in God's standards by reading more of his spiritual instructions through his organisation,website:jw org/jw library.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-08-09 20:38 | Report Abuse

When I read about the bombing of a Pakistan hospital,killing 70 and injuring 112 innocent humans I was overwhelmed with great grief over such inhuman act.I immediately prayed to God to look at the messy conditions of earthly affairs and was very convinced that only God's government/kingdom can only control the diverse humans and tame mankind.
We,the Jehovah's witnesses do believe we are already living in the spiritual paradise among ourselves by conforming to God's righteous standards which set us free from violence,immorality,fighting,quarrels and religious falsehoods.This peaceful life we are enjoying through Jehovah's organisation is training us to love Jehovah's standards which will qualify us for everlasting life in the literal paradise which is being foreshadowed by the spiritual paradise/united world worship through Jehovah's organisation.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-08-09 21:27 | Report Abuse

God's kingdom will achieve the following:
1)God will end wars and violence from one end to the other end and destroys as stated in Psalm 46:9,'He is bringing an end to wars throughout the earth.He breaks the bow and shatters the spear.He burns the wagons with fire.'
2)God's kingdom will rule forever from heavens over the entire earth as spelled out in Revelation 5:10,'You make them to be a kingdom and priests to our God and they are to rule as kings over the earth.'
3)Jesus is the ruler of God's kingdom and is called,'Prince of Peace as mentioned in Isaiah 9:6,7,'For a child has been born to us......the rulership will rest on his shoulder and his name will be called........ Prince of Peace.'
4)People determined to keep fighting will not be allowed to live under the kingdom bcos God hates violence as mentioned in Psalm 11:5,'Jehovah examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one.He hates anyone who loves violence.'
5)God teaches his subjects how to live in peace.In Isaiah2:3,4,'In the final part of the days The mountains of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established......3)And many peoples will go and say"Come,let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah ......He will instruct us about his ways and walk in his paths...'
For more guidance,pls read website:jw.org/jw library.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-08-10 22:27 | Report Abuse

Correction:...destroys weapons as stated.....
4)People who are determined to keep fighting will not be
allowed to live......

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-09-16 19:00 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,hope you are all fine and happy with your wonderful lives.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-11-01 00:06 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone here,many people always believe in the existence of God but can't comprehend deeply that God will also take over the rulership of mankind from the existing governmens which failed miserably in solving mankind's social problems and other climatic woes such as the black holes in vast atmoshere and the melting of the iceberg in the Poles,causing great floods,heavy rain storms and the weakening of the earthly foundation resulting great earthquakes.
God says in the bible man rules man to man's injury as they can't even direct their own direction how much on others.
The only option for salvation for mankind to do is to submit to God's righteous rulership with the wicked being destroyed and He restores the systems to perfection as He possesses the super power to solve and achieve them.
God will also eventually destroy all false religions,symbolically known as 'Babylon the Great' in the bible before the end comes.In Revelation 17:5,'And upon her forehead was written,a mystery,Babylon the Great,the mother of harlots of disgusting things of the earth.'Revelation17:17,'For God put into their hearts to carry out his thoughts even to carry one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast until the words of God will have been accomplished.So the wild beast (world powers) will devastate the Babylon the Great,will completely burn her with fire.
Revelation 17:16,'And the ten horns that you saw and the wild beast,these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked,will completely burn her with fire.
Lastly in revelation 11:15,17....The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord(Jehovah God)and of his Christ and he will rule as king forever and forever.17 saying,'We thank you,Jehovah God,the Almighty,the one who is and who was,because you have taken your power and begun ruling as king.18 ' ...those fearing your name,the small and the great and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.'
In the past God did destroy mankind through the great floods during Noah's time,Sodom and Gomorah during Lot's times and the army of King Pharoah in the red seas during Moses'times.
Of course God will destroy the wicked ones again bcos he wants to administer justice to his true worshippers so that they can live in peace and security.
God loves the truth and hates falsehood,that why we are admonish to worship with truth and spirit,without any idols which are made of clay or wood or metals.
Read website site:jw.org for more information.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-11-01 10:25 | Report Abuse

Correction:....that's why we are admonished to worship with truth.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-11-01 10:48 | Report Abuse

In the paradise earth we can remain young and healthy,we will share our products we produce with others.We will be mild,peaceful and not slandering others,even the lion will eat straw like the bulls.This is stated in Isaiah 65:25,'the wolf and the lamb will feed together.The lion will eat straw like the bull.The serpent's food will be dust.They will not do harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,says Jehovah.'Do you want to be one of the survivors into the paradise where it is so blissful and beautiful?
It is much better to live in it than a millionaire now bcos we can live forever with prefect health which riches cannot offer us.Imagine yourself being young all the times,having all the energy to do the things you want like playing music,painting,cooking,singing,etc with full utilisation of our prefect brain.
For more information,read website jw.org to enrich your spiritual enlightment.


449 posts

Posted by j450n > 2016-11-01 10:53 | Report Abuse


Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2016-11-01 11:53 | Report Abuse

j450n,it is wonderful to taste it when we make it there.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2017-01-31 10:21 | Report Abuse

Good morning everyone,today I am going cover on the fulfilments of Jehovah God promises to his faithful friend,Abraham,as stated in Genesis 17:5,6,'Your name will no longer be A'bram,your name will become Abraham for I will make you a father of many nations.6)I will make you very,very fruitful and will make you become nations,and kings will come from you.'
Hence many years later,Abraham's descendants multipled to millions,they were Esau who was the eldest grandson and the other twin grandson,Jacob who changed his name to Isreal and their descendants.Esau and Jacob were the twin children of Isaac(Abraham's son) and Rebek'ah.
At one time there was great famine so some of his descendants migrated to Egypt and settled there.They multiplied there but eventually they became slaves there.Jehovah heard their cries,He used Moses to save them from the strong grip of Pharoah of Egypt through ten plagues.So after their release they stayed in the wilderness for 40 years before they were allowed to enter the promised land.
According to Deuteronomy 2:1-12,Er being the land given by Jehovah to Lot's descendants(Lot was Abraham's cousin who was the survivor of Sodom and Gomorah which were destroyed by Jehovah through fire.This land,Er was formerly occupied by the E'min who were great and numerous,tall(gaints) like the Anakim(Nephilim,the cross bred of woman and the fallen angels).So are the Raphaim were also considered like the anakim and were called Emin.
To be continued later.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2017-01-31 16:48 | Report Abuse

Simrilarly the Horites were living in Seir and the descendants of Esau dispossessed and annihilated them and settled in their place,just as Isreal will do to the land that is their possession which Jehovah will certainly give to them.
According to Deuteronomy 2:13-15,the time spent to walk from Ka'deshbar'nea until they crossed the valley of Zered was 38years and by that time the entire generation of the man of war had perished from the camp,just as Jehovah had sworn to them.The descendants of Lot,ammorites called the Rephaim who formerly lived in Er as Zamzum'mim.They were great and numerous and tall people like the Anakim(Nephilim) but Jehovah annihilated them before the Ammonites and these drove them out and selltled in their place.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2017-02-28 23:05 | Report Abuse

Good evening,hope you have enjoyed my bible stories telling about the promimes of making kings out of his descendants,made by my Jehovah God to his dear friend,Abraham.
In Deuteronomy 2:16-23,mentioned Jehovah spoke to Moses again when all the men of wars had died off from among the people to bypass the land of Moabites i.e Er.Also when they came near to the Ammonites,they should not harass or provoke them for he had given the land of Ammonites as possession to the descendants of Lot,the cousin of Abraham.This land was formerly occupied by Rephaim who were giants like the Anakims and Jehovah annihilated them before the Ammomnites.
And the same thing he did to the descendants of Esau and annihilated the Horites from before them so that they could dispossess them and dwelled in their place.
as for the Avvim they dwelled in the settlement as far as Gaza until Caphtorim annihilated them and settled in their place.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2017-02-28 23:54 | Report Abuse

Further in verse 24,it recorded the first land given to the Isrealites was Hesbon which was occupied by the Ammorites(gaints/nephilims)by defeating the King,Sihon.After this war,Jehovah God caused the people around there to dread and fear the Isrealites and they were disturbed and trembled of them
At the war with Sihon,they captured all his cities at that time and devoted every city to destruction including men.women,children and left no survivors.as for livestocks for themselves along the spoils from the cities that they had captured and they did not seize any lands that were forbidden by Jehovah.
The next nation was Bashan whose king,Og fought with them and Jehovah God gave him and all his people into their hands and his people were annihilated.All their 60 cities in the region of Argob in the kingdom of Og were fortified with high walls,gates and bars were devoted to destruction including men,woman and children but they took the livestocks and spoils for themselves.Then they seized the land of two ammorite kings(Gaints) who were the in the region of Jordon from Armon valley to Mt Hermon.
According to Deut 3:11,King Og of Bashan was the last remaining one of the Rephaim(Gaint)
Then the land from Aroer which was by the Annon valley and half of the mountainous region of Gilead and its cities were given to Reubenites and Gadites.In verse 13,it mentioned that the rest of Gilead and all the Bashan of the kingdom of Og ,Moses had given to the half tribe of Manasseh.All the region of Argob which belonged to Bashan was known as the land of Rephaim.(gaints.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2017-03-01 00:00 | Report Abuse

To be continued,Goodnight.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2017-03-01 11:20 | Report Abuse

From biblical records in chapters of 2 and 3 of Deuteronomy,all the lands captured by the Isrealites were all occupied by the remaining gaints namely Ammorites and Rephaims who were descendants of the cross-breeds(nephilims) of human women and fallen angels.They were detestable to Jehovah bcos they were very cruel,evil and bullies of normal humans and promoters of false worship which indulged in human sacrifices.Despite of their fortified cities and their huge sizes,they were unable to defend themselves when they fought the wars with the Isrealites bcos God was with the Isrealites during the attacks.
So we must be thankful that this abnormal race was wiped off by our loving God for the sake of human race on earth.
The next episode will touch on the promised lands of the Isrealites.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2017-03-01 20:50 | Report Abuse

Pls read website:jw.library for more enlightment.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2017-03-31 11:54 | Report Abuse

Good morning everyone,today I am touching on the biblical records on the conquest of promised land by the Isrealites.
According to Dueteronomy 34,Moses went up to the top of Mt Ne'bo which
faces Jericho.And Jehovah showed him all the lands from Gil'ead to Dan, Naphtali, Ephrarim,Judah,Negeb and from Jericho to Zoar.
Further in Duet34:4,Jehovah said to him,'This is the land about which I
have sworn to Abraham,Issac,and Jacob,saying,"To your offspring I will give it."I have let you see it with your own eyes but you will not cross over there'.
After that Moses died there in the land of Moab just as Jehovah has said and nobody knew where his grave was.

new hs gravein

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2017-03-31 12:16 | Report Abuse

Moses died as the age of 120 years old and Joshua was anointed to carry on his responsibilities to lead the Isrealites into the promised lands.To be continued later.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2017-03-31 23:44 | Report Abuse

Jehovah God instructed Joshua to get ready to enter the promised land and asked him to be courageous and very strong for Jehovah will be with him.Also instructed him to observe carefully the entire Law that Moses,his servant had commanded him to obey and must not deviate either from the right or from left so that he may act wisely.(Joshua 1:7-9)
Then Joshua secretly sent two men as spies into the land especially Jericho.So they went and stayed in the house of a prostitute,Rahab and stayed there.
When the King came to know about these Isrealite spies,he sent men to arrest them but Rahab helped them to escape and made them promise to spare her and her entire household members their lives when they invade her country as she strongly believed their God,Jehovah was with them.
When Joshua was near Jericho,he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand,Joshua walked up to him and asked,'Are you on our side or on the side of our adversaries?'
To this he said,'No,but I have come as prince of Jehovah's Army.'With that Joshua fell with his face to the ground and prostrated himself and said to him,'What does my lord have to say to his servant?'The Prince of Jehovah's Army replied,'Remove your sandals from your feet,because the place where you are standing is holy.'At once Joshua did so.Hence the conquest of the the promised land was led by God's Army as recorded in Joshua 5:13-15.To be continued,goodnight.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-01-31 21:39 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,it is a long time I didn't comment here,well I was busy with my small business n am glad to be able to share some knowledge I have leant recently.It was about the climatic changes in future studied by some scientists who analised that there was no warming through the pollution of carbon dioxide in the black holes but a freezing effect due to the rotation of the sun moving slightly away from the earth as it spins in our galaxy.So in the future we will experience colder climate,such as snowing in the deserts revently. They predicted such changes in climate may have adverse consequences like damaging the growth of crops and breeding of sea animals thus causing of shortages of foods.
Yesterday there was severe storms in Singapore and it drops hail stones instead of drops of rain.Now the question here is,will the future hail stones be bigger and bigger until it weighs a talent as prophesied by the bible in revelation that it will destroy a large population of humans on earth?
So will mankind have survivors when such big hailstones dropped on humans,animals and plants in the last critical moment when God blasts his righteous anger on the wicked ones.Of course,there are many according to the bible as God will mercy on the meek ones and allow their escape the disaster with the help of angels whom God will use to help us.
Angels are the persons who dwell in heavens,they are more powerful but their
bodies in spirit forms and not in physical shape like us

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-01-31 21:44 | Report Abuse

Hence definitely God will use them to help us to carry his will in saving the good humans so that they be the nucleus of the righteous humans in the one world Paradise earth.
To be continued,goodnight.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-02-26 13:11 | Report Abuse

Good afternoon everybody,hope you have enjoyed your holidays, as for me I haven't started works yet.
Hope I can spare some time to resume my writing here as there is a greater urgency to preach than before as we are drawing closer to the end of this wicked system of things.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-02-27 22:12 | Report Abuse

Good evening everybody,soon I will relate to you about an invitation extended by our Creator of the Universe, to call Him,'My Father and God and be assured of Salvation in the midst of destruction of the wicked ones.Don't you feel honoured to be his children?Of course we are,isn't it?To be continued soon.


708 posts

Posted by myongcc5 > 2018-02-27 22:16 | Report Abuse

PTL fr yr faithfulness! God's GRACE shall b sufficient fr HIS servant like U

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-02-27 22:39 | Report Abuse

Myongcc5,I am not his prophetess,given special divine powers by Him to perform miracles but sharing with you what is being taught by him in his bible n his organisation about this great invitation of mercy and love to the meek ones who do not know Him and his plans for mankind.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-02-27 22:45 | Report Abuse

The destruction brought by Him will be so great that it never had happened before so seek shelter before it is too late to escape his great fury against wicked ones.


3,072 posts

Posted by michaelwong > 2018-02-27 22:52 | Report Abuse

Fam Jenny how about your liang chai buddy who went missing from bskl? hahaha!!!

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-02-28 00:31 | Report Abuse

How do I know?


3,072 posts

Posted by michaelwong > 2018-02-28 00:41 | Report Abuse

Why not? Wow! Preaching the good news and gospel of Jesus. Good job and a great blessing to you for your humbleness !

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-02-28 00:55 | Report Abuse

Michaelwong,thks for your kind remarks,I am duty bound to share God's goodness with the interested ones.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-02-28 13:44 | Report Abuse

Why is klse I.3 investor.com has only page1 n what has happenned to pages 2,3,4,5,etc ?


3,694 posts

Posted by hollandking > 2018-03-08 20:46 | Report Abuse

hi fam jenny,


3,694 posts

Posted by hollandking > 2018-03-08 20:48 | Report Abuse

i think is good you are writing these bcoz in the stock market, something not good is there

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-03-31 19:38 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,sorry for not writing earlier as I was very busy with the cleaning works for my new tenants.
This evening I will discuss hoe we can be loved by our great creator of the Universe n be included in his family as his beloved children.I will briefly summarise the steps that must be taken by us:-
1)Take in knowledge of God's qualities through a bible sthdy with a fellow who has gokd knowledge of the bible.Read website:jw.org
In Galatians 5:22,But the fruit of the Spirit is love,joy,peace,longsuffering, kindness,goodness,faithfulness.
These fine qualities are in great contrast with Satan's qualities as stated in Galatians 5:21,envyings,drunkenness,revellings,and such like;
Of which I forewarn you,even as I did forewarn you,that they who prastise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

2)To recognise our imprefection inherited from our first ancestors,Adam and Eve for their sin of disobedience against God with result of losing everlasting life.That in order to redeem the prilivege of everlasting life we have to recognise that Jesus Christ as our lord and savior who has died for our sins.This is a provision provided by God as a free gift for all mankind.It is necessary for God to do this as He has to administer the law of justice in both in heavens and the earth,a tooth for tooth,an eye for an eye which means Adam has sinned against God he has to die but his innocent descendants can gain salvation through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus.So we need to show humility towards God in this respect.
Further we need to abandon our old personalities/bad traits and change over by cultivating godly qualities sk that we can live peacefully with our fellowmen in the paradise earth where is is abundant peace and security.

3) Delicate our life to God through water baptism which is a public declaration to serve Him.
Tonight we are at our Taman Melawati congregation to commemorate Jesus'death at 8.45pm.
Goodnight,hope to convey more of God's love to you later.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-04-01 09:38 | Report Abuse

Hello Hollandking,my apology for not sporting your comments 3 weeks ago as I had very busy schedules.
Yes,it is better for me to write spiritual contents as it is solely for spiritual dialogue,comments,interaction n exchanges.
Hope you can come for often for more spiritual enlightenment.Thanks.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-04-30 22:25 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,tonight I am sharing with you what amazing things
God will do for us in the future.Firstly God will put an end to death itself as stated in Revelation 21:4 which reads'And he will wipe out tears from their eyes and death will be no more neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.The former things have passed away.'Hence people will no longer feel pain of death,grow old or die.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-04-30 22:39 | Report Abuse

Secondly the lame n the blind will able to walk and see respectively as stated in Isaiah 35:5,6 which says 'At that time the eyes of the blind will be opened.The ears of the deaf will be unstopped.6) At that time the lame will leap like the deer.And the tongue of the speechless will shout for joy.For the waters will bourst forth in the wilderness,And streams in the desert plain.
So how wonderful to see all the handicapped will become normal again.
To be continued.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-05-01 16:16 | Report Abuse

God will fulfil his promise soon bcos he is faithful to his words of promises,just wait patiently.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2018-05-01 22:03 | Report Abuse

The conditions of the paradise earth is so peaceful that the lio n the lamb will live as one as stated in Isaiah 65:25,'The wolf and the lamb will feed together.The lion will eat straw just like the bull.And the srpent food will be dust.They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in my holy mountain,'says Jehovah.

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