Instead of asking such an unintelligible question, mat hassa should have asked ' Is there any point of climbing further up....and harder....or quicker......
.....if the ladder is leaned on the wrong side of the wall .......the pseudoeducation side
The Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) says the country is ill-prepared for Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0), warning that Malaysia will no longer be competitive if it is not able to embrace it quickly.
Whenever any plan or policy is designed or implemented, the first question that must be on the lips of the prime minister and his Cabinet and that of the chief secretary and the secretaries-general of ministries should be: will this help forge unity or will it divide our citizens? (A Kathirasen)
Pseudoeducation is an art of emptying country coffer and degrading life.
Rather than instilling values, developing stimulated intellect, coaching tolerance for disagreeable belief systems, digging out opportunities to question what exists, and contributing to the growth of the human society....... does the opposite and produces pseudoprofessionals and pseudoprofessors....more of deluded katak di bawah tempurung....with genuinely critically lack of global perspective generally and originally intellectual perspective specifically
A pseudo- national school system is not a truly national school system....... with the existence of the many single-race only junior schools /colleges/ univerisities....e.g. uitm
Khat jawi bagai biarlah di sekolah agama rakyat.. la ni berilah pendidikan inovasi pada rakyat.. dari kecil kita terapkan kepandaian reka cipta supaya kita mampu lahirkan modal insan yg mampu berdikari serta mampu bersaing di peringkat global.. tak perlulah kita kembali ke zaman silam.. sampai bila kita hendak menjadi bangsa penguna.. kita perlu bangsa malaysia yg kreatif bijak mencipta.. kerana itulah kelemahan kita.. hanya mampu melihat kejayaan negara lain. (Quote from Zul Raja Poll)
To repeat and reemphasize.....tak perlulah kita kembali ke zaman silam......sampai bila kita hendak menjadi bangsa penguna
......yang terus gagal mengajar arus perubahan dunia.....terus ketinggalan dalam perjuangan untuk menerajui revolusi zaman hadapan yang lebih canggih dan mencabar
The rules (on hair length) should be scrapped. The Education Ministry should instead focus on improving the educational environment for students instead of enforcing trivial, outdated and useless rules, (JAMES on trivial school restrictive rulings)
......1000 children from around the world, published in the journal Current Biology. The project was led by Professor Jean Decety, a neuroscientist from the University of Chicago, who didn’t originally aim to compare moral behavior. “I was more interested in whether I would find differences in empathy or sharing depending on the culture,”
Christian (24%), Muslim (43%) or not religious (28%). (Small numbers from Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu and agnostic homes weren’t compared.)
It reads: ....morality is part of our biology
History backs-up the scientific evidence that secular people are more moral,“Many nonreligious parents were more coherent and passionate about their ethical principles than some of the ‘religious’ parents … The vast majority appeared to live goal-filled lives characterised by moral direction and sense of life having a purpose.”
....miracle would be 100,000 Malay children and more to come out of their UEC education and these children must be tracked and given support so that they can be the savior of a nation from the old bigotry of Muslims and Malays in the public schools (Tajuddin Rusdi)
The state ministry should instead concentrate on strengthening the teaching of the Kadazan language in Sabah, as many Kadazandusun Murut (KDM) parents want their children to learn their mother tongue in vernacular schools (Aloysius Siap)
It’s time to for the Harapan government to leave behind frivolous black- shoes, hotel-swimming pools and khat policies and move on to policies built around quality education, transparency and accountability (Lee Kiong Hock)
Kewujudan sekolah vernakular di negara ini tidak menghalang kepada penyatuan nasional, sebaliknya ia dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah dalam kalangan generasi muda, jika golongan ini bijak mengambil peluang ROHANI DIN)
The educational quality of our national schools has greatly declined over the last three decades primarily due to the lack of competent teachers and effective school leaders. We are all paying the price for sacrificing quality for a narrow racist agenda and mediocrity. In the words of a close Malay friend of mine, "Singh, tak ada kualiti, tak apa. Janji orang kita yang jadi cikgu dan pengetua." (Ranjit Singh)
Forget about burdening students more with extra lessons like calligraphy and civics....
......tackle the problem directly
Launch this campaign nationwide for 366 days from next year;
MTake homw mssage to schools (to bring home and educate their parents too):
Racism is a symptom of psychological ill-health.
It is a sign of a lack of psychological integration, a lack of self-esteem and inner security.
Psychologically healthy people with a stable sense of self and strong inner security are not racist, because they have no need to strengthen their sense of self through group identity.
They have no need to define themselves in distinction to — and in conflict with — others.
Scientifically there is no biological basis for dividing the human race into distinct "races."
After all, this is what they fail to learn in schools.......
.......for too long
The fact that racism is a symptom of psychological ill-health.
It is a sign of a lack of psychological integration, a lack of self-esteem and inner security.
Psychologically healthy people with a stable sense of self and strong inner security are not racist, because they have no need to strengthen their sense of self through group identity.
They have no need to define themselves in distinction to — and in conflict with — others.
Scientifically there is no biological basis for dividing the human race into distinct "races."
Schoolers must not miss learning to understand.....
.....understanding the bad consequences from extreme racism:
In order to further strengthen their sense of identity, members of a group may develop hostile feelings toward other groups. The group may become more defined and cohesive in its otherness to — and in its conflict with — other groups. Act benevolently towards members of their own group, but be cruel and heartless to anyone outside it. When members of a group take the step of withdrawing empathy from members of other groups, limiting their concern and compassion to their fellows. They may act benevolently towards members of their own group, but be cruel and heartless to anyone outside it. Members project their own psychological flaws and their own personal failings onto another group. (Progression into MALIGNANT STAGE (the most dangerous and destructive stage)
Kids must be equiped with critical judgement....ability to recognise
.....PASism.........a fascism equivalent......... a form of far right-wing, authoritarian ultrafanaticism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy... opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.
And.....regimentation is very strict control over the way a group of people behave or the way something is done. Democracy is incompatible with excessive, bureaucratic regimentation of social life.
Genuine reform must begin with a genuine interest to dismantle all forms if injustices, so that this land shall be the land for all Malaysians rightfully. " ( Dr Azly )
Yes.....all begin in schools.....melentur bulu biarlah dari lebung nya
Insalvageable Corrupted, distorted and deluded from young in national schools nationwide
One of my many great grandchildren attended standard one in anational school this year. When he came home, I asked him to tell me things that happened in the memorable first day. He said a girl with headscarf stting in front of him threatened him that he would go to hell after a round of self-introducion in class.
My great grandchildren : Just because I am a Dayak and nonbeliever of her god or her holy scripture?
Me: Although your great grandfather, me, is a master in philosophy and psychology, I'll find it extremely challenging to undo the damage she had inflicted onto you intentionally or unintentionally.
My great grandchildren : I ran to question my class teacher, and guess what!? He affirmed what she told me!!!!
Me: Believe me. This is damned seriously and unmistakeably foolish, folly and utterly rubbish. I feel like stomping into your school tomorrow to discuss in your class, your dear little friend and class teacher about this incident. I'll call in the headmistress too. And ask your father to bring this up in the PTA meeting next month.
(to be continued)
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-08-16 17:39 | Report Abuse
Merdekakan Minda Dan Jiwa Ketika Muda 2019
(Reforming schooling system...right thinking....starting young)
Anak-anak Malaysia
Biar berbeza agama
Satu hidung dua mata
Kita Manusia Sama
Demi capai perpaduan
Mesti tukar fikiran
Di mana ada kemahuan,
di situ ada jalan
Tak kira miskin atau kaya
Tak kira nyata atau sahih
Hendak seribu daya,
Tak hendak seribu dalih
Orang generasi lama
Tatkala bapa borek anak jadi rintih
Kita pasti berjaya
Buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih
Orang generasi lama
Bagai ketam mengajar anak berjalan lurus
Datang generasi kita
Hanya percaya amanah, adil, saksama dan telus
Orang generasi lama
Tak insaf walau perjalanan hidup hampir ke penghujung
Orang generasi kita
Jangan berfikiran kusut bagai katak di bawah tempurung
Anak-anak Malaysia
Esok hari tiang negara
Salah guru dan pengetua
Preskrip salah petua
Anak-anak Malaysia jangan runcing
Persaudaraan agama masing-masing
Tapi tiada yang atasi warga negara
Satu negara satu bangsa- Malaysia