1 person likes this.

58 comment(s). Last comment by Choivo Capital 2020-04-01 03:26


379 posts

Posted by Ayoyo > 2020-03-28 08:46 | Report Abuse

It is good to have an analytical mind but as they say, too much of anything is bad for you which in this case, leads to analysis paralysis... Ditto that of the technical analyst that relies on too many layers of indicators to 'confirm' their convictions

Just keep them really simple.... When this pandemic is done and it will be, the world is going to be awashed with so much money that another bull run on risky assets will start (because of negative interest rates and that money needs to go somewhere)

,the markets will come back, they always do.. You just need to be there to see it happens..

Posted by WaKaLuGong > 2020-03-28 08:58 | Report Abuse

well written piece, thank you


1,762 posts

Posted by Flintstones > 2020-03-28 09:37 | Report Abuse

Jon choivo will make a better newspaper writer than investor


18,658 posts

Posted by Icon8888 > 2020-03-28 09:39 | Report Abuse

but he is anytime better than flinstone who only know how to criticise


1,762 posts

Posted by Flintstones > 2020-03-28 09:42 | Report Abuse

Icon8888, Jon Choivo is at least wealthier than you la. His portfolio is at least RM 600k. What’s yours? RM 200k? Please don’t gamble too much. I worry that you lose your retirement fund


6,234 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2020-03-28 09:51 | Report Abuse

Thumb up to Choivo,
Good writting. After the storm blow over some may not survive but many will prosper again. Invest at your own risk after you make your own due diligence.
Thank you


6,234 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2020-03-28 10:41 | Report Abuse

Thinkers value ideas
Egoistic value his own opinion
Rich people value the length of his sausage
And super rich people value title
So when Philip going to get a Dato, Dato’ Sri, Tan Sri or Tun title?


14,888 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2020-03-28 10:52 | Report Abuse

Jon manages rm600k funds now? Not bad woh..got so many supporters noe

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 10:57 | Report Abuse

What use for titles, ideas without conviction and concrete results is nothing more than dreams.

What is the difference between Calvin tan and choivo? Nothing. Both write good articles, and both say wonderful things.

But would you buy rcecap? Or pay rm5000 for a "research" into rcecap?


Posted by Sslee > Mar 28, 2020 10:41 AM | Report Abuse

Thinkers value ideas
Egoistic value his own opinion
Rich people value the length of his sausage
And super rich people value title
So when Philip going to get a Dato, Dato’ Sri, Tan Sri or Tun title?

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 11:00 | Report Abuse

The thing is, many so called super "wannabe" investors Trainers like to talk about being like Charlie and warren etc, but fall to the wayside when push comes to shove. They like to talk about value investing, how they made 100% on this and that, and how they know how to value and buy.

But the one constant which none of them have despite all the post and comments, none have it except for Koon yew yin and ooi Tek bee,

Jonathan Choi yi kit does not have it.
Ricky yeoh does not have it.
Calvin tan eng yet does not have it.
Icon8888 does not have it.
Kcchongz does not have it. ( He however has a book, how useful I don't know).
Stockraider definitely does not have it.
Louisinvesting does not have it.
Greentrades does not have it.

What all of these people who comment so much on i3 forums is the lack transparent, trackable portfolio ( its a free simple tool that exists on i3 forum, funny how very few people use it.)

Why? They will give you excuses like how they don't want people to frontrun them ( which is silly when you really think about it, they can buy first then update), but the fact of the matter is: once keyed in they will be unable to delete the portfolio entries or replace it with fake entries, but must constantly be on the public eye to see if their blogs and writings jive with their market results.

Choivo tries to do it, buy half heartedly. He kind of tells you what he buys, buy hides it behind xx and XX stocks, and makes you guess what he holds. But he did not tell your boss positions, or when he sells.

But the thing is, what you bought is not so much as important as what you sell. More important that what you bought and sold, is your conviction and the total amounts of each stock that you bought or sold.

They like to talk the talk, but when it comes to walking the walk, they somehow fall apart.

And the first thing they dive into is the quarterly results of warrens Berkshire reports.


I find it very tiresome( because I see it all the time), but my belief is this: if you want to be a public figure and write all sorts of articles and promotionals, you need to be accredited. If I wrote a medical journal, but never having spent a day in medical school, I could convince a lot a random idiots into taking my words verbatim acting wrongly on my "advice".

Financial "education" has the same effect on that EVERYONE is suddenly an expert on the companies that they buy. EVERYONE! Trust me. Calvin tan is as expert on networking infrastructure, choivo is an expert on petroleum refineries. This has a lot of potential for destruction, especially for eager young investors out to make a quick buck.

Who do you believe? In the real world, they would not be able to publish such things without a financial advisor license, a prospectus of their 5 year results and a full disclosure on their fund size.

But here in the internet, they can hide behind blogs and write whatever they want.

Here is the real guide: you trust Warren buffet and Charles munger not because of what they say or do, but the financial reports that show their results and the acumen.

So I tell you: listen with one ear. If they don't have financials or a history of results, treat it as fantasy and do not buy anything based on simple recommendations. Instead listen to them for a few years, build their portfolio for them ( they will always tell you when they buy, but never when they sell. Period.) Then you will quickly realize what quacks they really are.

I put KYY and OTB on a different scale though ( KYY when he buys you WILL know it, but you when he sells you will ALSO know it, albeit when the stock crashes). OTB makes money from classes and subscription, so he has to maintain a transparent form of investing. I can respect that.

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 11:07 | Report Abuse

I remember this article you wrote long ago, but failed to realize the truth, beautiful words and wonderful articles do not make an investor. You would have been better off having access to choivo, OTB and koon portfolio and long term performance before you had jumped into hengyuan, xinquan and many of the stocks that was bought.

But, again hard to teach an old dog new tricks.




3,053 posts

Posted by qqq33333333 > 2020-03-28 11:20 | Report Abuse

making money is all about attitude........

confidence and being proactive goes a long way.

the other big problem is the ability to avoid train wrecks.....some people do it very well................


379 posts

Posted by Ayoyo > 2020-03-28 11:24 | Report Abuse

One can say Phillip is arrogant but he's entitled to it for he has a single conviction and stands by it... Too many analysts have muddle thoughts and a long list of disclaimers

Sure, the markets are volatile and reacting to the slightest of Information.. Your analysis would have factored these in and as long as it's happening within your realm of possibilities, that conviction stays

Choivo's article is good and reflects that one is only human and the nature of fear and uncertainties are gripping everyone else

From a behavioral analysis standpoint, my anticipation would be
-a sharp correction from now, testing recent or breaking recent lows as more news of infection comes in
- when it settles down, another relief rally ensues
- then a correction of a higher low, as markets grapple with how the stimulus would trickle down or implemented effectively
- a ding dong of sorts and then boom

In all scenarios, pay attention to news flows, when bad news no longer bring down prices, watch for rebound and vice versa

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 11:26 | Report Abuse


Too bad you know nothing about me. But if you did know, you would understand that engineers love the process of doing something rather than only the results. Only businessman like you want 1 year 100% results rather than learning the art of investment.

My question is still relevant and important. I am looking for a true teacher to learn from, not a publicist.

All the great investors have a public portfolio with transparent results.

Warren has one.
Munger has one.
Howard marks has one.
Peter lunch has one.
Carl Icahn has one.
Even bill ackman has one.

Documented and tracked.

A garbage disposal guy working in New Zealand could write a book and plagiarize all of the value investing concepts out there into a book. But who would read it if that garbage disposal guy did not have results?

It's like asking a zunar to write a book about governing a nation.

Yeah right.


3,053 posts

Posted by qqq33333333 > 2020-03-28 11:27 | Report Abuse

writing skills is not a prerequisite for making the right decisions...............

the two skills are unrelated.


3,053 posts

Posted by qqq33333333 > 2020-03-28 11:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > Mar 28, 2020 11:26 AM | Report Abuse

the process of doing something

that is what it is all about..........

rising tides lifts all boats...............at the right time, everyone is a genius.

but....the process is also not a fixed thing. I don't know how long it takes to have a process but surely a long long time .......and yet, the process also can change any time ...........should change in the light new circumstances.

yes, its the process that counts....but not other people process that counts but the own process that counts.


3,053 posts

Posted by qqq33333333 > 2020-03-28 11:46 | Report Abuse

the history of Bursa 2020............make more lose more, ............make less lose less.

That is the real history of bursa 2020.


3,053 posts

Posted by qqq33333333 > 2020-03-28 11:48 | Report Abuse

whether got writing skill or no writing skill............none can escape from the real history of bursa 2020..............make more lose more, ...........make less lose less.


6,234 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2020-03-28 12:14 | Report Abuse

Dear Philip,
You earned my trust but not my respect and below are the reasons why:

Thank you.
P/S: By the way the title thing is a sarcastic way to tell you perhaps you should seek one to fit your ego.

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 14:37 | Report Abuse

I'm sorry. I don't need your trust or your respect. I am just here to share my investing results, what I learn from REAL investors in the bursa forum, and what scams and information are being run around by fake sifus.

I am not here to make friends, or share my phone number, or sell classes or subscriptions or my latest book.

I call it as I see fit. This is a free forum after all, where comments and opinions are shared around like toilet paper. But the value of the comments and opinions can only work if there are results to back it up.

There are many real investors around in the forums which I am learning from everyday (I have bought more new stocks in the last year than I have in the last 5). These are thanks to many of them quietly offering up very good information and comments without the "mumbo jumbo" that many of them love. What does religion, chedet, communication blogs have to do with stockpicking.

Sadly, the ones that talk the most have the least to offer. (in your 144 blog post, choivo 64 blogs, versus my 34 blog posts, what have we learned?)

Your insas bet and choivo rcecap bet has the same results for the last 2+ years, and I find I have neither respect nor trust for both of your stock picks. I'm sorry if you feel offended and you think this is egoistic/arrogant, but I am just pointing out a simple fact.

If you held insas and rcecap for the last 3-5 years, you would not have made sufficient profit to make up for the risk you bear in buying a stock. You may not have understood what I am telling you back in 2019, but in 2020 when the 3 black swan events hit, you finally learn what RISK is.

I'm sorry you had to learn it the hard way, but the world is not out to gain your trust or respect. It just shows you what real world investing is like. As I myself am still learning, maybe you should stop trying to learn how to make friends on the forum, but instead learn how to buy stocks well.


Dear Philip,
You earned my trust but not my respect and below are the reasons why:

Thank you.
P/S: By the way the title thing is a sarcastic way to tell you perhaps you should seek one to fit your ego.

Posted by Choivo Capital > 2020-03-28 14:47 | Report Abuse


If you bought my RCE instead of your PCHEM, you would be much better off now.

Did you manage to buy more StoneCo or Pasegmono this round? I tripled my position on both on the very bottom.

Well, i do think i write far better than my investment results. And whether this means that i'm a good writer, or just a bad investor, well , i don't know.

Either way, given my current returns, i would take whatever investment advice given by myself with a healthy amount of salt.

In any event, my friends, what you buy or sell this year is very likely to determine your investment return for the next 10-15 years, make it count.

And if i cannot obtain above average returns despite being able to be a position to buy so many good companies at rock bottom prices.

Well, i would likely wind down my fund as outsider investments mature, put 75% of my own money into US, GLOBAL and CHINA index funds, and invest the rest on my own picks.

I still love this process of investing too much. Its just so enjoyable digging into the companies and trying to understand how the world works.


I won't be replying here anymore as i just don't want to be caught up in arguing with people or doing zero value activities.

Send me an email if you guys have any questions that you want my personal response to.

Posted by Choivo Capital > 2020-03-28 14:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by vesting > Mar 28, 2020 8:02 AM | Report Abuse

What platform you are using to invest in SG, HK, China and US?


Interactive brokers

Posted by Choivo Capital > 2020-03-28 15:01 | Report Abuse


You're smarter than me.

You know how to pay 50PE for a chicken, egg, fish products, palm oil and 24/7 mart company that make ROE of 12%, and grow earnings at 5% per annum for the last 5 years.

The future you can see with such certainty for this company, i am not good enough to see.

I'm only smart enough to pay 17PE for google, the backbone of the internet, which grew 20% per annum for the last 5 years, and can give you ROE of 35%.

On having a trackable portfolio, well that's a fair point phillip.

If i ever stop running my fund, i'll make mine public.

Or you can just put RM500k with me, and i'll send you a copy of the letter with all my positions.

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 15:12 | Report Abuse

That is disgusting. Why would I even do that? Knowing your returns? I might as well give 500K as a donation to the Covid-19 fund.

In fact, sorry, I already have. I have no wish to put money with frauds.


Or you can just put RM500k with me, and i'll send you a copy of the letter with all my positions.

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 15:14 | Report Abuse

Sure thing kid, sure thing. In the last 5 years zero mention of Google. Now suddenly he says he bought Google which grew for the last 5 years. Which part of the portfolio was this? xx stock? Or XX stock?

Too bad. I dont believe you are smart, and I dont believe you bought google 5 years ago.


I'm only smart enough to pay 17PE for google, the backbone of the internet, which grew 20% per annum for the last 5 years, and can give you ROE of 35%.


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2020-03-28 15:17 | Report Abuse

same old stories here...dizzying long write up...with some recommendation without are compelling reason.....and the sifus keep arguing without a clear direction...

i agree with ayoyo comments above..

the question now is...shall we go for stocks like Harta or greatly depressed due to covid like GenM?

both are good companies...but the answer depends on WHEN (not will) a cure to covid-19 will be discovered and implemented..

its a difficult question, but wish some young scientist are available in i3 instead of young accountants....to figure this out.

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 15:17 | Report Abuse

Wow, on top of working late every night? And running a second business with your girlfriend? And doing auditing? and so much? Oh gosh, no wonder you have to hide your results. The lack of focus must be debilitating.

See, this is what I mean. ALL frauds talk a good story,goes on stage and talks in public, but when push comes to shove, they really do have very little to show for it.

I think I will stop here. You have no idea how many investors fell into your trap of rcecap over the years. Maybe you should owe it to them instead.


If i ever stop running my fund, i'll make mine public.

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 15:20 | Report Abuse

first asking for MYR5000 for research into RCECAP which you subsequently sold. Now asking an old man for his MYR500K to put into your loss making "fund"? it's not a fund until you start making money my young friend. Until you do, it's called a SCAM.


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2020-03-28 15:20 | Report Abuse

sslee, please help with your research...how fast a cure will be likely found and how the world and market be by then



14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2020-03-28 15:24 | Report Abuse

i think the cheap and quick test kits...like the below, might end the pandemic very fast...


Self-testing at home to find out whether somebody has had Covid-19 is an efficient way to find out if they are safe to return to work, a senior health official has said.

Prof Yvonne Doyle, the medical director of Public Health England, told the health select committee that finger-prick home tests would be available very soon. “We expect that to come within a couple of weeks, but I wouldn’t want to promise on that,” she said.

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 15:27 | Report Abuse

Researches have found a somewhat effective cure (ask dr fauci) and pushing to phase 2 of clinical trials. The estimation is between 6 months to 24 months. I believe it will usually be in the middle: aka 12 months.

Harta and topglove will not go down (in fact guaranteed to go up as worldwide shortage of gloves, and capacity filled to the brim and still supply is not met). GENM 31-DEC-19 results have not factored into the emptiness of 31-MAC-20 quarter, and the next 3 months as no one will be in the mood to go on a holiday. Expect if a cure is found and market belief is up that things will recover by christmas DEC-20, and return of full results by 21', as predicted by Dr. Fauci.

In either case, don't trust my words, as I dont write beautiful prose like Choivo. Take my predictions with a huge block of salt, but compare it with my portfolio investment results to see how I respond to my predictions and how I invest accordingly.

That is the only thing we can do. Hope we all survive the journey together, instead of listening to blind prophets who are suddenly in OWNERSHIP of GOOGLE 5 years ago while never mentioning it once.


Posted by probability > Mar 28, 2020 3:17 PM | Report Abuse

same old stories here...dizzying long write up...with some recommendation without are compelling reason.....and the sifus keep arguing without a clear direction...

i agree with ayoyo comments above..

the question now is...shall we go for stocks like Harta or greatly depressed due to covid like GenM?

both are good companies...but the answer depends on WHEN (not will) a cure to covid-19 will be discovered and implemented..

its a difficult question, but wish some young scientist are available in i3 instead of young accountants....to figure this out.


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2020-03-28 15:33 | Report Abuse

thanks for the well reasoned opinion Philip..sounds very logical

let me find out who is this Dr.Fauci..

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 15:39 | Report Abuse

His concurrent theme is all on EXPORTS. With markets shutting down the world over, supplies of materials delays (and the inevitable price increases when demand is over supply), ability to keep contract obligations (when faced with ability to churn out product) , and the market demand for products abroad versus locally sourced products (virus changing globalisation mindsets), will make a lot of countries think deep and realize the value of a homegrown support industry instead of relying overseas. I believe he is in for a huge huge shock as the 2020 results will clearly show.

He doesn't realize what is cheap, can go oh-so-much-cheaper.

Many businesses that do not have a direct monopoly in the market will suffer as everyone will be selling at cut throat prices to survive, and export markets will be closed for year to come.



Petron Malaysia Refining & Marketing Berhad – I wrote about it before and I don’t think I need to explain further.
Magni-Tech Industries Berhad – (ROE excl Net Cash: 40%), (EV/Earnings: 3 times)
Favelle Favco Berhad – (ROE excl Net Cash: 15%), (EV/Earnings: 2.3 times)
Lii Hen Industries Berhad – (ROE excl Net Cash: 28%), (EV/Earnings: 3.2 times)
Poh Huat Resources Holdings Berhad – (ROE excl Net Cash: 16%), (EV/Earnings: 3 times)
Hong Leong Industries Berhad – (ROE excl Net Cash: 30%), (EV/Earnings: 3 times)
Homeritz Corporation Berhad - (ROE excl Net Cash: 30%), (EV/Earnings: 2.5 times)
Uchi Technologies Berhad - (ROE excl Net Cash: 250%), (EV/Earnings: 10.5 times)

These are companies who i think their earning power will not be diminished after this virus blows over, and have a strong history of paying out earnings, and have good/decent capital allocation abilities (ie no unnecessary ventures).

Posted by Choivo Capital > 2020-03-28 15:44 | Report Abuse


Because the world will shut down forever.

And these companies are heavily in debt and won't be able to survive.


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2020-03-28 15:48 | Report Abuse

Larry Brilliant, The man who wrote the movie Contagion - The Doctor Who Helped Defeat Smallpox Explains What's Coming


If you were the president for one day, what would you say in the daily briefing?

I would begin the press conference by saying "Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Ron Klain—he was the Ebola czar [under President Barack Obama], and now I’ve called him back and made him Covid czar. Everything will be centralized under one person who has the respect of both the public health community and the political community." We're a divided country right now.

Right now, Tony Fauci [head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases] is the closest that we come to that.

personally i hope rapid test kits coupled with mobile monitoring of patients locations will enable control like how south korea did everywhere in the world soon..


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2020-03-28 15:49 | Report Abuse

the above means we can overcome the virus via technology even without a vaccine much earlier

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 15:51 | Report Abuse

One thing where this kid is right on Google, AND why I dont buy Apple NOR google, is the concept of addresable market.

There is a simple reason why Google and Apple is below PE30 (no longer the Tech darlings), this is because they have already gone past the growth stage (understand the term TOTAL ADDRESABLE MARKET). Google is everywhere, Apple smartphones is already losing market share (https://marketrealist.com/2019/08/iphone-loses-global-smartphone-market-share/).

Where else can Google grow to? Google is like a public utility, if it demands too much, it will face repercussions from USA, EU (and it already has). Therefore, there are many restrictions already to what Google is allowed or not allowed to do. If he thinks it can continue to expand (to MARS maybe?) at previous speeds, then he should probably listen to more berkshire meetings. Choivo seems to think he knows a lot, but unfortunately he is way outside his circle of competence.

FYI the backbone of the internet is not Google, its is Amazon AWS. IF it disappeared, half of the websites in the world will go down. Google has already thrown a lot of money into every nook and cranny to find success, with some mixed and others losses. IT has been unable to create a demand for its hardware (from google glass, to google nexus, etc) similar to microsoft, and although I will grant you waymo is going to change the world, it still remains to be seen.

I would respect Choivo more if he bought google 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago.

But despite his wild claims, I doubt he had the investing acument to value or buy google when the googling was good.

If he had clearly shown his portfolio, we would have known it was true or false, and I would have had more respect for his investing skills then.

But now? He can create whatever stories he wants, it just sounds like fake news.


Doubled earnings in 3 years, and grew 15% year on year for 5 years.

This company literally forms the backbone of the internet and has more than 97% market share in every country except for China (China Wall), Japan (75% Market Share, Yahoo Japan 21%) and Korea (60% share Market Share, Naver 20%).


6,213 posts

Posted by ahbah > 2020-03-28 15:57 | Report Abuse

Pak Din oredi bunuh the mkt killer bear with his Stimulus Plan.

Our whole mkt now is very chip.


And U will not be left behind !

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 15:59 | Report Abuse

And funnily enough, how do I know that? It is not because I am some form of brilliant investor, but because I listen a lot, and scuttlebutt. My daughter works for amzn AWS division in US, and I believe her more than some kid who spent a few hours reading some tech journals and annual reports and suddenly believes he is an expert on Google.


FYI the backbone of the internet is not Google, its is Amazon AWS. IF it disappeared, half of the websites in the world will go down.


379 posts

Posted by Ayoyo > 2020-03-28 16:04 | Report Abuse

Phillip, Dr fauci is pro big pharma.. He is suppressing or refusing to consider many top orthomolecular scientists and physicians, who tout our immune system response is the best cure for covid-19

You should follow the works of Dr Andrew cheng (who used vitamin C to successfully treat covid-19 patients in China), Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, brilliant MIT scientist and biologist who is chastising fauci - Dr Shiva recommends vitamin A, C, and D.... Also Dr Andrew Saul, Dr John Bergman, Dr Bruce Lipton etc...

This is the perplexing part - you have no cure, you start toying with some malaria, hiv drugs to treat patients but yet refuse to consider the only thing that's keeping humanity alive up to now - how to boost up our weakened immune system response


6,213 posts

Posted by ahbah > 2020-03-28 16:06 | Report Abuse

,the markets will come back, they always do.. You just need to be there to see it happens.. This is 100% mkt truth with no dispute !

Masukkkkk first.

And U will not be left behind !

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 16:06 | Report Abuse

I think you have been watching too many TV shows. Do you really think Vitamin C is going to treat covid-19 patients?

In any case, anyone that is willing to try to take the mic from donald trump is good in my books.


Dr Andrew cheng (who used vitamin C to successfully treat covid-19 patients in China), Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, brilliant MIT scientist and biologist who is chastising fauci - Dr Shiva recommends vitamin A, C, and D.... Also Dr Andrew Saul, Dr John Bergman, Dr Bruce Lipton etc...

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 16:08 | Report Abuse

If you think bear market is that easy, you still have a thing or two to learn.


ahbah Pak Din oredi bunuh the mkt killer bear with his Stimulus Plan.

Our whole mkt now is very chip.


And U will not be left behind !
28/03/2020 3:57 PM


379 posts

Posted by Ayoyo > 2020-03-28 16:12 | Report Abuse

Phillip, just a reminder - you are taking in millions of pathogens everyday - just by breathing and the only thing that is keeping you alive today is your immune system response

Don't have to believe me.. Just google up Dr Richard Cheng, his work was published in a respected science journal two days ago, worked with Shanghai hospitals to admister IVC successfully to 50 covid-19 patients and Dr Shiva Ayyadurai - he is openly chastising fauci now...

Two days ago, new York post reported a hospital has started vitamin C treatment protocol on covid-19 patients but they way short on supplies

This is not fiction.. Every one of them is available online

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open


6,213 posts

Posted by ahbah > 2020-03-28 16:20 | Report Abuse

Please tell us what is 'a thing or two to learn'. Thanks.


1,762 posts

Posted by Flintstones > 2020-03-28 16:20 | Report Abuse

Philip is a gods send in this forum. This is a man with results. Unlike kc chong who only knows how to write beautiful articles with business english or icon8888 who only knows how to punt here and punt there.


6,213 posts

Posted by ahbah > 2020-03-28 16:24 | Report Abuse

We all welcome mkt gods here to guide us. Thanks.


1,362 posts

Posted by samyew1234 > 2020-03-28 16:50 | Report Abuse

wah, u all talk so much, conclusion is ? no conclusion


6,213 posts

Posted by ahbah > 2020-03-28 16:58 | Report Abuse

Verdict : masuk first

If later, another pandemic will come n infect us here n the pandemic is FOMO ! And FOMO is even more deadly than covid-19 !

Posted by Philip ( Dr. Fauci my Hero) > 2020-03-28 17:56 | Report Abuse


You mean this vitamin c intravenous?

This Dr Cheng has been pushing vitamin c for everything from cancer cure to ICU stays since 2018 on Twitter. How many doctors do you know are so active online on Twitter? He even has a company that produces vc intravenously. I don't know about you, if vitamin c was such a wonder drug, im sure it would have been tried out in huge dosage by now.

But the fact is vitamin c is being used in conjunction with other anti inflammatory and control drugs so you cannot just say vitamin c is the cure all end all for covid19 and cancer....



Posted by Ayoyo > Mar 28, 2020 4:12 PM | Report Abuse

Phillip, just a reminder - you are taking in millions of pathogens everyday - just by breathing and the only thing that is keeping you alive today is your immune system response

Don't have to believe me.. Just google up Dr Richard Cheng, his work was published in a respected science journal two days ago, worked with Shanghai hospitals to admister IVC successfully to 50 covid-19 patients and Dr Shiva Ayyadurai - he is openly chastising fauci now...

Two days ago, new York post reported a hospital has started vitamin C treatment protocol on covid-19 patients but they way short on supplies

This is not fiction.. Every one of them is available online

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open

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