Pity Maluasia.... keluar dari mulut harimau, masuk mulut buaya
GE14 got it out of the gang of white collar thieves, billion ringgit robbers and pathological liars; but royale casino coup passed the mandate to the betrayal of all betrayals in local history, deep fake holyman and brokeback assman
Agree with Tobby. All they need is the ERL feeder to connect the HSR line to KLIA. The realignment proposal is not necessary. Without the participation of Singapore, HSR will bound to fail. Sayonara.
Correct loh...the HSR could not be popular as it end in JB instead of SPORE loh...!!
Furthermore without SPORE participating, i forsee HSR will incurred huge operating losses mah...!!
Posted by wehcant > Jan 1, 2021 3:56 PM | Report Abuse
Agree with Tobby. All they need is the ERL feeder to connect the HSR line to KLIA. The realignment proposal is not necessary. Without the participation of Singapore, HSR will bound to fail. Sayonara.
Posted by Tobby > Jan 1, 2021 3:01 PM | Report Abuse
Those foolish advisers told Abah Mohiden to connect HSR direct to KLIA! A very short sighted consultants if you ask me! They dont know that HSR will replace air travels! You only need ERL line to make the connection! I mean, who needs KLIA if you can get from Singapore to KL by rail!
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
sign's uncle
1,814 posts
Posted by sign's uncle > 2021-01-01 15:24 | Report Abuse
i think bandar malaysia will lose lots of investments dy. interconnectivity to sg thru hsr is a drawing factor