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10,642 comment(s). Last comment by AlfI3 3 days ago


285 posts

Posted by thomaszum > 2020-10-04 15:29 | Report Abuse

PROLEXUS:Unpolished diamonds during COVID-19 begin to shine


1. 基本面分析
2. 技術面分析


1. 基本面分析:
基本面是否健康?PE如何?財務現金流與財務比例?未來訂單如何?新產品是否具備市場競爭力?有無獨有或特殊的競爭元素能夠造就它的市場競爭力或獨家市場?是否開拓新的銷售渠道或新的MARKET SEGMENT?



那 Reusable Fabric Mask 會有市場嗎?未來 Reusable Fabric Mask 會否取代 Disposable Mask?

如果僅僅是你和我都能自己製造的 Fabric Mask,我深信那樣子的市場絕對是有限的。但隨著需求與市場標準的建立,一些劣質產品將被市場淘汰,就有如一些劣質的Disposable Mask,因為消費者會希望得到或選擇更有價值的產品。

PROLEXUS在新聞媒體上強調他們的ProXmaskTM 是可以滅殺 99.9% 新冠狀病毒(SARS-COV-2)的防護口罩,這是一個差異化的市場戰略。


根據 2020-07-22 星洲日報
以及 The Star 上的新聞報導,我們知道該集團於6~7月份透過媒體陸續發佈了他們所取得的研發成績以及發展方向 – 「寶翔集團除了繼續研發更卓越功能與品質的可循環使用口罩外,也已經成功移植此技術至PPA(Personal Protective Apparel - 個人防護服裝)領域,並將在近期內推出市場,提供更全面的防護於大眾。同時,寶翔集團將推動與各服飾品牌或機構的協同合作,透過ProX TM Technology將抗病毒技術應用於生活服飾中,如運動服、制服、瑜珈服等」。

目前的財報針對的是 5~7月份的業績,那8~10月份的業績又會如何呢?

2020-07-22 星洲日報
寶翔集團: ProXmaskTM 重磅升級 - 可滅殺 99.9% 新冠狀病毒(SARS-COV-2)的防護口罩

寶翔集團經過嚴謹的創新研發,成功推出革命性的抗病毒防護口罩 ProXmaskTM 90V,它可以滅殺 99.9% 的新冠狀病毒(SARS-COV-2),流感病毒與細菌。

由於其抗病毒特性,ProXmaskTM 90V 能夠有效遏制並阻止諸如“Covid-19”和A型流感之類呼吸道傳染性疾病的傳播。在傳染性疾病爆發期間,中止疾病傳播的能力對於防止疾病演變成一場大規模流行病發揮著至關重要的作用。

ProXmaskTM 90V的抗病毒材料經過科學設計,設置了獨特的活性層,並通過模擬病原體通常附著於人體細胞的部位來“捕獲”病原體,然後通過快速破壞其表面(病毒)和細胞壁(細菌)來“滅殺”它們。許多病毒,包括流感病毒,都是與人類細胞膜表面的唾液酸殘基末端相結合以進行黏附和感染。ProX TM Technology 正是應用了這原理達到“捕獲”與“滅殺”病毒,同時增強病毒過濾的BFE效果。

典型的醫用口罩(包括標準的手術外科口罩和N95口罩)無法殺死空氣中傳播的病原體,這些口罩所依賴的技術僅是一種被動的機械過濾設計,透過過濾以降低被感染的風險。但由於依附在此類型口罩上的微生物能夠繼續存活至少數個小時,這極大增強了交叉感染的可能性。ProXmaskTM 90V恰恰能夠解決此交叉感染的風險,並補強現今口罩技術上的短板。

除了抗病毒技術外,ProXmaskTM 90V還具備極佳的防潑水功能,並配置了自行開發的創新微濾結構,可以有效過濾小至0.1微米(micrometer,µm,一微米相當於1米的一百萬分之一)的病毒與細菌。同時,相關材料基本上採用 OEKO-TEX Standard 100與 Bluesign 等無害物質以確保在強大的功能性下對人體沒有存在任何有害影響。ProXmaskTM 90V的性能是在馬來西亞國家職業安全與健康研究所(NIOSH)和新加坡Intertek(ITS)國際測試機構進行測試與檢驗的。

憑藉著ProX TM Technology的前沿技術,寶翔集團除了繼續研發更卓越功能與品質的可循環使用口罩外,也已經成功移植此技術至PPA(Personal Protective Apparel - 個人防護服裝)領域,並將在近期內推出市場,提供更全面的防護於大眾。同時,寶翔集團將推動與各服飾品牌或機構的協同合作,透過ProX TM Technology將抗病毒技術應用於生活服飾中,如運動服、制服、瑜珈服等,幫助大家能夠此這嚴峻的疫情中更快速的適應新生態,保護自己,也保護你我所關愛的人。

2. 技術面分析:
透過 Daily、Weekly、Monthly 趨勢圖我們可以看見在基礎面的支持下,技術面的趨勢才剛剛開始啟動,如果你是個 Day Trade 交易者,基於交易習慣與原則,你會趕緊下車以規避風險,因為你的交易習慣以及波動的承受力會讓你缺乏安全感而選擇快速離開。


如果我們的建倉位子在0.5~0.9之間,平均價位在0.8左右,這時候因為 foundation 較低,即使我們陸續在1.2~2之間建立倉位,平均價位的提升依然會讓我們的心裡處於安全領域,不容易因為腦袋發熱做出錯誤的決定。當然,建議大家的建倉模式盡可能以金字塔模式建立,即隨著價格的高漲,購入的比例應該隨之減少,這樣平均價格的有利性策略方能存在。


40 posts

Posted by StockProf > 2020-10-04 15:38 | Report Abuse

CAELY also selling reusable cotton face mask.


219 posts

Posted by 50Cents > 2020-10-04 15:51 | Report Abuse

Hello sifus. Still can enter on Monday or too late


87 posts

Posted by kc02245 > 2020-10-04 17:35 | Report Abuse

Prolexus: to buy or to sell?

By Koon Yew Yin
Posted on October 2, 2020

In the last few days many people in my chat group asked for my opinion of Prolexus because its EPS for its latest quarter ending July jumped to 13.67 sen. But it has been losing money in the previous 2 quarters as shown on the table below.

I Google to find out more about the company so that I can give an honest opinion. The company produces a wide range of clothing from outerwear, tops and bottoms, children and adult wear. The company also specializes in producing clothing for Running, Training, Performance Sport, Gym and Yoga.

The company has been losing money because it cannot compete with other cheaper producers from Vietnam, Cambodia and China.

Face mask production

Recently due to Covid 19 pandemic there was a sudden surge in the demand for face masks and the company took advantage of the situation to produce face masks. As a result, the company could turn around from losing money to report profit. Many short-sighted investors are rushing to buy the share to push up the price.

Long term investors should know that it is very easy to make face mask. Moreover, face mask can be washed and reused. Soon there will be less demand for face masks and the company will not be able to make profit.

Everyone is entitled to his opinion. Only time will tell who is right and who is wrong. I am obliged to tell you that I do not have this share and whether you buy or sell will not affect me.


153 posts

Posted by sujibaby > 2020-10-04 18:13 | Report Abuse

Kc02245; I beg to differ with KYY this time. Based on my research, fabric mask technology has surpassed the performance of disposal mask. We may be on the verge of fabric mask replacing disposable mask due to its reusability.

Stickproof;Caely may make fabric mask but based on my research they do not have a strong R&D like Prolexus to compete in international market. Mask development is not cheap, even a simple filtration test is will cost a 5 figure amount.
And, Prolexus R&D has developed their own reusable filter which is incredible.


937 posts

Posted by clouud1234 > 2020-10-04 18:46 | Report Abuse

kyy said like this because he want you all to sell and he want to buy more.If he said the stock is no good means he want to buy,if he say the stock is good,then thats mean he want to sell already.The Prolexus EPS is more than Comfort and Careplus,but Careplus and comfort is trading at RM3.00-5.00.Think about that.Simple,Prolexus at least worth above RM3.50


285 posts

Posted by thomaszum > 2020-10-04 18:57 | Report Abuse


股票市場就像個資金的戰場,不管是機構、Hedge Fund、或個人投資者,都在這池子裡進行博弈,各顯神通以便能夠在博弈中獲取最大的收益。隨著科技的發達,我們更容易接觸各式各樣的資訊,這些資訊有些是真實的,有些是誇大的,更有些是居心不良者所布的局以便其可以藉此達到他的目的。所以,既然我們有意在此深海中挖掘珍珠,就應該學習獨立的思考與判斷,建立自己的交易與分析模式,這樣方不會人云亦云,隨波逐流。

股票市場是個零和遊戲,有人賣則有人買,沒人賣就沒得買!這一次確實有很多人都沒有注意到PROLEXUS 這顆蒙塵的珍珠,包括機構與“專家”,畢竟這段日子 GLOVE 的相關股票確實太火熱了。所以在很多人都來不及進場時股票就已經 limit up 了。正常情況下,誰有能力快速與大量的買入達到 limit up呢?散戶?Hedge Fund?機構?

以 Hedge Fund或者機構的操盤,如果該股票是有未來潛能的,由於所掌握的資金龐大(基本上以億為單位),一次的 limit up 根本就無法滿足獲利與業績成長的需求。但我們又不希望買貴了,那就必須有不利的消息以創造購入的機會,否則在一片叫好的大環境中,沒人願意賣的情況下,利潤空間何在?






2,494 posts

Posted by greedy44444 > 2020-10-04 19:10 | Report Abuse

Another pump and dump candidate in the making...MMAG please stay aside.


2,494 posts

Posted by greedy44444 > 2020-10-04 19:12 | Report Abuse

Talk 3 talk 4 means big sharks and market manipulators are ready to swallow those greedy small fish.


9 posts

Posted by lim8473 > 2020-10-04 19:39 | Report Abuse

1st qtr earning will be great

Posted by IkanBilis99 > 2020-10-04 19:47 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow Will waterfall like Xox , too high too danger!!!!
tomorrow i will sell All take profit 。
Goodbye and goodluck

Posted by IkanBilis99 > 2020-10-04 19:53 | Report Abuse

only stupidity will buy that high .


153 posts

Posted by sujibaby > 2020-10-04 20:09 | Report Abuse

Cloud1234; yes. You are right.


937 posts

Posted by clouud1234 > 2020-10-04 21:30 | Report Abuse

If want to drop, Friday before closing already drop but it still stay high.Thats mean will have more upside.


386 posts

Posted by Maxigain > 2020-10-04 22:02 | Report Abuse

Cloth mask is washable and reusable..


386 posts

Posted by Maxigain > 2020-10-04 22:03 | Report Abuse

U buy this is to save money...because u can wash and use it again and the good result will not sustain...


386 posts

Posted by Maxigain > 2020-10-04 22:07 | Report Abuse

I bought prlexus 2 mths ago when it was ard .70..I called buy as it was only one PPE stock that didn’t move. But no one seems to bother..but now once limit up..all the buy call appear...funny...btw good luck to everyone. Sold all my position out at 1.22....


674 posts

Posted by gladiator > 2020-10-04 22:20 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow may limit up again.


121 posts

Posted by hahman > 2020-10-04 22:26 | Report Abuse

All forgot mmag cases already, don’t chase high. One dump all stay high floor. See who will stay high floor again.


271 posts

Posted by ronaldong > 2020-10-04 22:36 | Report Abuse

buy low sell high. dont buy high expect higher. tomorrow time to sell


9 posts

Posted by lim8473 > 2020-10-04 22:56 | Report Abuse

Ya buy now when it's still low PE 12.55 only


674 posts

Posted by gladiator > 2020-10-04 22:57 | Report Abuse

EPS = 13.67 sen so fast game over meh..the profit is there for you all to see not goreng stock base on profit speculation.

Posted by Lukesharewalker > 2020-10-04 23:17 | Report Abuse

Actually quite overbought. Need to consolidate recent gains

Posted by Lukesharewalker > 2020-10-04 23:19 | Report Abuse

Recurring will take a while, mask can last 120 washes


1,042 posts

Posted by jungleboy > 2020-10-04 23:20 | Report Abuse

maxigain..if talk abt cloth and washable facemask..then might as well buy into xdl..nearly 5sens oni.. and have huge china market also

Posted by IkanBilis99 > 2020-10-04 23:21 | Report Abuse

RUNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! goreng counter


1,042 posts

Posted by jungleboy > 2020-10-04 23:22 | Report Abuse

possibly xdl will limit up after prlexus? ..let see tmrw who catch the earliest train first..


2,494 posts

Posted by greedy44444 > 2020-10-05 00:23 | Report Abuse

So sad small fish never learned from past experiences...look at MMAG !!!!


36 posts

Posted by SuperKBD > 2020-10-05 00:27 | Report Abuse

Good luck who bought at peak


527 posts

Posted by drteh84 > 2020-10-05 00:39 | Report Abuse

i ma targetting this stock around RM5 . Mark my word. See how. Thank you for seeling to me. I will take all you sell. What i can see is all short sighted people so called sifu and take profit. For me, you are nothing but an IDIOT. Well, you are happily taking profit, while i am still collecting till i sell at RM5.00


527 posts

Posted by drteh84 > 2020-10-05 00:40 | Report Abuse

MMAG Lol ...totally different story


527 posts

Posted by drteh84 > 2020-10-05 00:40 | Report Abuse

RUNNNN !!! gorend counter? lol ..... u run, i chase


527 posts

Posted by drteh84 > 2020-10-05 00:42 | Report Abuse

Becareful folks. What u see might not be true. They will ask you to sell so that they can still buy in cheaper price. Coz we all know it worth at least RM3-4. For those non stop asking people to sell , shame on you.


527 posts

Posted by drteh84 > 2020-10-05 00:43 | Report Abuse

ikan billis 99 , why dont u contact me and sell ALL your share to me at RM1.22 ? please...


156 posts

Posted by Miche87 > 2020-10-05 01:30 | Report Abuse

rm5? lmao. better sell and run. dont be another mmag


4,156 posts

Posted by TomyamGong > 2020-10-05 02:00 | Report Abuse

To achieves RM3 just a piece of cake to Prlexus. Do your maths properly guys. Those IkanBilis saids runnnn ahh .. run what? since he foresee a drop might as well don't buy. few cents gain will never makes you rich ! lol ! Check back SCGM, Notion, Iconic, Nihsin records, can anyone of them achieves such a good result as Prlexus does? I bet it will be 2-3 days limit up !

No need to thanks me. Thanks to Mr OTB & TTB. They enlightened me on this !


219 posts

Posted by 50Cents > 2020-10-05 03:01 | Report Abuse

Sigh seem like too risky to enter now. Have to wait for it to retrace first then only enter.


263 posts

Posted by Ronaldh > 2020-10-05 06:48 | Report Abuse

Today limit up again.


9 posts

Posted by lim8473 > 2020-10-05 06:53 | Report Abuse

Buy now n u will get a good harvest come Xmas 2020


2,456 posts

Posted by sell > 2020-10-05 07:55 | Report Abuse

I3 members(PLP KYY) goreng? Must sell all.


2,456 posts

Posted by sell > 2020-10-05 07:56 | Report Abuse

02-Oct-2020 Insider NARSPA HOLDINGS SDN BHD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 1,650,000 shares on 30-Sep-2020.
02-Oct-2020 Insider NARSPA HOLDINGS SDN BHD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 800,000 shares on 30-Sep-2020.
02-Oct-2020 Insider NARSPA HOLDINGS SDN BHD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 28,000 shares on 30-Sep-2020.
02-Oct-2020 Insider ENCIK TAUFIQ AHMAD @ AHMAD MUSTAPHA BIN GHAZALI (a substantial shareholder) disposed 3,634,000 shares on 30-Sep-2020.
02-Oct-2020 Insider ENCIK TAUFIQ AHMAD @ AHMAD MUSTAPHA BIN GHAZALI (a substantial shareholder) disposed 1,650,000 shares on 30-Sep-2020.
02-Oct-2020 Insider ENCIK TAUFIQ AHMAD @ AHMAD MUSTAPHA BIN GHAZALI (a substantial shareholder) disposed 800,000 shares on 30-Sep-2020.
02-Oct-2020 Insider ENCIK TAUFIQ AHMAD @ AHMAD MUSTAPHA BIN GHAZALI (a substantial shareholder) disposed 28,000 shares on 30-Sep-2020.


2,456 posts

Posted by sell > 2020-10-05 07:56 | Report Abuse

Sell drop nobody tell?


2,456 posts

Posted by sell > 2020-10-05 07:57 | Report Abuse

Dividend drop(0.3 from 0.5 sen) why must hide?


2,456 posts

Posted by sell > 2020-10-05 07:58 | Report Abuse

How abt they ask you buy so that they can sell?

drteh84 Becareful folks. What u see might not be true. They will ask you to sell so that they can still buy in cheaper price. Coz we all know it worth at least RM3-4. For those non stop asking people to sell , shame on you.
05/10/2020 12:42 AM


2,456 posts

Posted by sell > 2020-10-05 08:02 | Report Abuse

Why sales drop latest QR? Director also throw why?

clouud1234 kyy said like this because he want you all to sell and he want to buy more.If he said the stock is no good means he want to buy,if he say the stock is good,then thats mean he want to sell already.The Prolexus EPS is more than Comfort and Careplus,but Careplus and comfort is trading at RM3.00-5.00.Think about that.Simple,Prolexus at least worth above RM3.50
04/10/2020 6:46 PM

Posted by IkanBilis99 > 2020-10-05 08:23 | Report Abuse

I will sell All later , take care waterfall

Posted by bombominvest > 2020-10-05 08:53 | Report Abuse

today only rm1.58 don over pump!


263 posts

Posted by Ronaldh > 2020-10-05 08:59 | Report Abuse

Gap up kao.. huat ah

Posted by BullishAllTheTime > 2020-10-05 09:00 | Report Abuse

It will up up up & down for profit taking & filter the weak. Then up and up more. Follow the trend.....still bullish, don't sell.


1,079 posts

Posted by LOOK009 > 2020-10-05 09:07 | Report Abuse

will limit up again today.

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