Posted by PureBULL > 2012-04-16 01:50 | Report Abuse

After almost 2 mths going with the down wave, many stocks hv forgoten that they can also go up !. This is similar to jammed msian expressway. After the pile up, drivers forget they can speed up too. [3/28/2012 4:50:24 AM] YC HOW: [Wednesday, March 28, 2012 4:50 AM] YC HOW: <<< These melayu fun_s r 'kwailan'. n kualan. They only know how to sell all the way everyday once they know a cycle top is established. Only cure is try to take them out in 1-2 days, I promise they will turn buyer all the way.... 16/04/2012 01:09 X PureBULL seeing this 'killer wave' from early feb 12 is abt nearing exhaustion. expecting mkt favorites to begin springing to life 1 by 1 in next days... hv to be +ve a bit 16/04/2012 01:12 X PureBULL All brokers n remisiers hope to see super bull run. My guru told me that there will never be any super bull run happening again. But there will be some 5-10 stocks/cycle every year that will ran like super bull run ! Do u hv any high level strategy, the likes of Zhuge liang game plan to position for those stocks? 16/04/2012 01:14 X PureBULL [3/26/2012 4:57:26 AM] YC HOW: Stock mkt is like any supermkt or even pasar malam stalls. Their Stocks r for sale at all times. So for stocks to go up, u need SM = smart money to 'goreng' to suck in the buyers at all times. n to go up it has to be above water = above daily ema 7. <<< Quoting HK : stocks go up 10 % of its time, the rest of 90% is down or sideway. So buy n hold for right stocks is right. For wrong stocks, it is deadly. Must check everyday now to see it is still right stock to hold. 16/04/2012 01:19 X PureBULL Can we expect the 'killer wave' to finally head to the closest exit door ? N welcoming back a new beginning to pure bull soon! <<< An opportune time to do some portfolio rebalancing ... <<< Stocks that can withstand this killer wave n still sitting on top of the 'buaya' = atop the daily ema 7, 18, r strong uptrending.... <<< Breakout is usually at near daily macd gc, or new closing high. YC HOW: These strongest stocks will go on to be the next Ms U... 16/04/2012 01:26 X PureBULL This is quite a dangerous mkt. The general movement is not homogeneous. A big majority of stocks hardly move up. They have small part/share of the upside. Worse still they drop like crazy everytime KLCI drops. To perform well, this mkt is calling for most accuracy to hit the bull eye = Ms universe, though a mini one this time around. ACTION : to do spring cleaning for most stocks. or portfoilio re-balancing again. Syndicates hv made a fast big pile on the speculative pennies. Many of these r clearly way over the curve. Usually pennies will not hv a 3rd wave up. The syndicates will never n very unlikely to play up 2nd time for the retailers to get out ! PM's son is given foc stocks, also does not want ! Do u agree the retailers r badly burnt out ? Blame it on the unscupulous syndicates ! MBMR = MYVI is selling well.... 16/04/2012 01:34 X PureBULL <<< ' I NOT KIASU, I KIASI ' I like this, it helps me to sell like crazy in an adversity mkt condition. 16/04/2012 01:36 X PureBULL this constitutes good money mgmt. 16/04/2012 01:37 X PureBULL Strong takes r ARMADA, BIMB, MAXIS, MAYBANK, MBMR, TM, AXIATA 16/04/2012 01:40

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