Posted by kulimchan > 2013-04-07 18:12 | Report Abuse

我是同意杨,陈先生在这里发表对大选结果的看法。不过我想多谈几点: 1. 马来票回流国阵,不止在乡村,城市的马来票也会大举回流国阵。巫统的调查,308大选,城市马来人有50%投反对党,估计多半是公务员军警。现在不同了,民事雇员工会和退休公务员公会几个月前在布城开大会,声言大选全力支持纳吉和国阵。他们要民联停止攻击公务员,因为几年来民联不断攻击军警人员和公务员说他们贪污,腐败,没有效率,行动党还提出要把公务员减少一半,所以这次民联是不会有城市50%马来票支持了。印度票,民联也无法好像上次那样,拿到80%支持,308反风那么厉害,国阵还是有60个多数席位,10%城市马来票和印度票回流就够了(乌雪国会补选就是列子,那个补选,只有28%华人支持国阵) 2. 纳吉这几年来,一直争取华人的支持,结果如何,要看大选成绩才懂。华人是很多被误导了,只看负面没有看到国家正面的事物。很多人形容大马华人非常悲惨,样样被压迫,不过,80%中小型工商业都是华人拥有,最富有的人华人占了大半,专业人士也是华人多,房产,商业产业,不动产都是华人拥有多。 贪污滥权,好像只有大马才有,远的不说,台湾现在闹得满城风雨赖素如的贪污案,李朝卿的贪污案,数目也不小(以前陈水扁李登辉不说了)中国的谷开来薄熙来杀人都做呢,不过好像台湾报界说的,赖素如并不代表国民党马英九,谷开来也不是彭丽媛,西方国家个个债台高筑,搞到要破产?没有贪污吗?印度,巴吉斯丹,印尼,泰菲不必说了 大马政府化在人民身上的钱也不少,我们的必需品,全部有津贴,白糖,2 零吉一公斤,广州,要9 块人民币,过路费,中国更加贵,市区停车,10元人民币一小时,(广州—)猪肉,没有补贴,但是中国也不便宜,一公斤要35 到48元人民币。。汽油更不必说大马便宜的多,中国是世界第三大石油国。(?早两年的数字) 3.罪犯案件怎样,美国和印度的惊人罪犯案全世界闻名,其他印尼泰国,菲律宾。。哪里好到哪里。新德里是世界强奸之都,每年4千多宗强奸,其他城市,乡村,没有报案的不可计数了。最近一对瑞士夫妇在新德里旅游,妻子给8个人强奸,能做什么。所以我对我们华人政党,经常要替印度裔罪犯出头,非常反感。有人要讲新加坡,哈,新家坡只有广州的5分1,偷了一部车子,不懂要放在那里,环境不同,那里可以并论。 另外一点要说的是,大马东西一千多公里的海洋分开,有五十多种民族不同宗教语文,为何我们没有变成加里曼丹(印尼)泰国,菲律宾,印度巴吉斯丹,。。。几十年没完没了的种族和宗教冲突。。。虽然也有吵架的时候。 但是,华人铁了心反政府,固然反对党的宣传仇视和种族情绪,不过马华似乎没有了解华人心态。宁可要回教国也不要你们,但是,他们忽略了,民联有半数席位,国家马上大动乱(组不成政府的)生活在城市的华人首当其冲。为何动乱,到时三党就打到头破血流,争取内阁和政府各种官位,也有人排队找纳吉谈条件跳槽。一个礼拜组不成政府,股市马上暴跌,三天后,逼仓行动,又再暴跌,市场很快进入萧条,很多华人商业如餐厅之类,有一天用一天,这种行业最先倒闭。。。。。大家是股友,不必我说了,回忆1997 年就明白。

4 people like this.

398 comment(s). Last comment by Sailor Moon 2013-06-04 12:15


531 posts

Posted by stock5678 > 2013-04-08 13:48 | Report Abuse

If this forum reflects the election result. The BN loss more than 8/10 votes. Their votes came from kulimchan and ranger only.
I do not know about other states, but in Penang, DAP is the tai ko. DAP failed to win in Penang in coming election = Galaxy explode, no sun, no earth. So it's not possile at all.
I walked out that day to a malay restaurant, a lot of malay talking about election. After I walk out the restaurant, I am proud to be people of Penang because I saw no races, no religion, all like a family, with 1 objective, "UBAH"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


531 posts

Posted by stock5678 > 2013-04-08 13:50 | Report Abuse

Necro, don't angry because of useless people. Just do our vote. Angry useless people will hurt yourself. We are smart people, not useless group.


13 posts

Posted by carabao > 2013-04-08 13:52 | Report Abuse

Vote BN = vote for corruptions, racist Perkosa, deteriorating education standard, price increases and lost of basic right.


531 posts

Posted by stock5678 > 2013-04-08 14:02 | Report Abuse

KW, you are my favorite, not because of your influences but the fact you have shared. This is very important to those has brain cell who can digest and not just take it.
Our soldiers are vase not because they are vase but because of the government made them to be vase. No firm instruction given from top to down, how to make those soldiers take action? Why top not give instruction? Because they just know "eating money", "manipulate news", "manipulate result" and many more.


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-04-08 14:16 | Report Abuse

wong shing sheng kow tow...helo please write in Bahasa Malaysia/English , don't be selfish , not all people know chinese mah , chong cin chong...
kamsiah, to chi, se-sei if we do not communicate between races in language everyone understand...there will not be any integration and life will be full of suspicions , there's no problem for anyone to use his preferred language... but u really must put thing in the right place...


531 posts

Posted by stock5678 > 2013-04-08 14:28 | Report Abuse

i vote you, KW. you jump i jump :)


681 posts

Posted by max8 > 2013-04-08 14:30 | Report Abuse

You have my vote too KW~


3,615 posts

Posted by Hustle > 2013-04-08 14:42 | Report Abuse

Jib bai jiu ho seh liao...


48 posts

Posted by jeft14 > 2013-04-08 14:46 | Report Abuse

voted you 100xxx times, KW


3,615 posts

Posted by Hustle > 2013-04-08 14:54 | Report Abuse

Is time to have a new era,since you already test it for 50yrs,that's not necessary for our next generation continue to be slave.


76 posts

Posted by kulimchan > 2013-04-09 00:08 | Report Abuse



1,671 posts

Posted by ganasai > 2013-04-09 00:15 | Report Abuse

somebody enjoy too much their current environment like frog dance at cook water. no matter how, still up to your choice.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-09 01:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ranger > Apr 8, 2013 11:12 AM | Report Abuse

BN is the still the best govt for Malaysians. Pakatan's manifesto will nak Malaysia bankrupt like what Anwar Ibrahim did in the Currency Financial crisis.

My foot .Don't bullshit Pig Rider,in fact BN government is one of the most corrupted government???


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-09 01:38 | Report Abuse

Mainstream media will never publish these photos of Pakatan Rakyat's ceremah.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-09 02:19 | Report Abuse

When you get your ballot paper, make sure there are NO MARKINGS made on it. If the SPR kerani wants to play funny tricks, all they need to do is to pre mark the paper (a dirty smudge or dot) and if you don't 'pangkah the same calon, its considered a spoilt vote.

Be observant, be careful and be brave enough to say 'tukar' when you know you are being cheated.

...please see picture.


76 posts

Posted by kulimchan > 2013-04-09 09:33 | Report Abuse

no such thing in Malaysia


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-09 09:58 | Report Abuse

Apa lah Bingo, BN is still best political group to run the country. Don't be too optimistic of capturing Putrajaya. Just your dreams and will become a nightmare.


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-09 10:50 | Report Abuse

From 1969 to 2013, BN/UMNO had been led by 6 presidents viz-a-viz Tengku Abd Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Mahathir, Tun Abdullah Badawi and DS Najib.


From 1969 to 2013, DAP had been led by LIM KID SIANG. LIM KID SIANG is still in greed of power even at party level. probably he'd stay in DAP until his dying day.

How can u compare the ingenuity of leaders compare with LIM KID SIANG alone? The country had been transformed from one leader to another leader. How can DAP's LIM KID SIANG transform the country alone? That mean he's a dictator.


76 posts

Posted by kulimchan > 2013-04-11 09:59 | Report Abuse

compare with other regional countries,Malaysia is a peaceful and prosperous country,it is not easy for a multiracial country,take a look in India,Thailand, Indonesia,Philippine ..don talk about the middle east.corruption?crime? no corruption,no crime in other countries?just talk about the western countries,now they are having big problem,countries in Europe go bankrupt one after another,can you say that they are free from corruption and abuse of power?many people keep on harping that Malaysia going to bankrupt for almost 50 years,but today ,our people are enjoying peace and prosperity ...
One reality we must know that the PR is not a political party,but its a gang up for election campaign only.the do not have common platform and political agenda .If they win the GE with marginal majority,fierce fighting will beak out immediately between the 3 parties in order to grasp power in the government .some of them,the newly elected MP may line up to see Najib,offering conditions for cross over,if new government can not be formed in one week,we will face disastrous consequences...share market and forex market collapse suddenly ..very soon we will return to the situation in 1997 or1980s.


160 posts

Posted by riaz > 2013-04-11 10:07 | Report Abuse

you are 100 % right kulimchan

Ooi Teik Bee

11,478 posts

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > 2013-04-11 10:13 | Report Abuse

Belum cuba belum tahu, sudah cuma mahu lagi.

Please give PR a 5 years term, I am very sure we can be better.

Please note that PR had proven in Penang and Selangor.

We have given 56 years to BN, we are far behind Singapore, Taiwan, HK and Korea now. We are far ahead of them in 1960. Now we are the worst among them. Please compare against the best.

"Belum cuba belum tahu, sudah cuma mahu lagi" I appeal to you all.

Thank you


681 posts

Posted by max8 > 2013-04-11 10:16 | Report Abuse

KulimChan... dun walk out from the dark, the sun is too bright.


76 posts

Posted by kulimchan > 2013-04-11 11:15 | Report Abuse

read this:

Migration survey : Singapore 56%of them want to live in Malaysia

A survey by Mindshare carried out early this year found that a staggering 56 per cent of the 2,000-odd Singaporeans polled agreed or strongly agreed that, “given a choice, I would like to migrate”.

Interestingly, according to the report which quoted a World Bank statistics, among 300,000 of those who had migrated, 100,000 of them chose Malaysia as their new home...

The key findings :

- 62% of those polled believe that Singapore political leaders are paid too much these days.

- 65% think they will not be able to retire comfortably in Singapore.

- 72% think they cannot afford to get sick these days due to high medical costs.

- 73% think that public housing prices are getting out of hand.

- 75% think they should not be spending their entire working life paying off housing loans.

- 69% believe there are too many foreign workers taking up job opportunities in our society today.

- And 73% believe that Singaporeans should be granted priority in employment.

Reported by Sin Chew :

Here is a link to an English blog in Singapore :


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2013-04-11 11:33 | Report Abuse

"just talk about the western countries,now they are having big problem,countries in Europe go bankrupt one after another,can you say that they are free from corruption and abuse of power?many people keep on harping that Malaysia going to bankrupt for almost 50 years,but today ,our people are enjoying peace and prosperity ... "

Before the shit hits the fan in Greece and Cyprus, they were also having a good life. Haven't happened in Malaysia yet doesn't mean it will not happen. If at all, the sovereign debt crisis in Europe should be a warning call for Malaysians. Only dumbass BN apologists think that our nation's coffer is bottomless.


681 posts

Posted by max8 > 2013-04-11 11:38 | Report Abuse

Soo... Mr Chan belum bangun lah... dia cuma keluar malam saja... selagi matahari tak sinar, gelap gelap dia dah biasa...


63 posts

Posted by david1815 > 2013-04-11 19:10 | Report Abuse

Belum cuba belum tahu, sudah cuma mahu lagi.

Please give PR a 5 years term, I am very sure we can be better.

Please note that PR had proven in Penang and Selangor.

We have given 56 years to BN, we are far behind Singapore, Taiwan, HK and Korea now. We are far ahead of them in 1960. Now we are the worst among them. Please compare against the best.

"Belum cuba belum tahu, sudah cuma mahu lagi" I appeal to you all.

Thank you


46 posts

Posted by Zhenghoe > 2013-04-11 19:16 | Report Abuse

什么KulimChan? 不要把华人带去荷兰!


46 posts

Posted by Zhenghoe > 2013-04-11 19:32 | Report Abuse



76 posts

Posted by kulimchan > 2013-04-11 19:52 | Report Abuse



46 posts

Posted by Zhenghoe > 2013-04-11 20:00 | Report Abuse


Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-12 00:45 | Report Abuse

Yes, brother Tan KW, that's more like it as every vote counts. If everyone has that mentality and say that 1 vote doesn't really matter at all, then we Malaysian are really going to hit shit. Save Malaysia is the correct attitude as every single vote counts. So my friends, vote for PR and give yourself & our beloved Malaysia a chance.


681 posts

Posted by max8 > 2013-04-12 01:02 | Report Abuse

I am looking forward to the Pride n Glory of Malaysians after 505, to re-start our nation engine thereon... We have been enclouded for decades, and losing so much resources, time and energy which instead could make this nation much better, greater.

Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-12 01:19 | Report Abuse

Should we pity MCA?

by Stanley Koh
Free Malaysia Today
April 8, 2013

A party strongman pleads for voters’ mercy, but some people believe that hypocrisy, fraud and tyranny are unpardonable.


Not for the first time in its recent history, MCA is now reduced to begging for votes.

“I hope the people will give us some votes. Don’t make us eat egg,” party vice-president Donald Lim said in a recent interview with Oriental News Daily, a Chinese language online newspaper.

He claimed that MCA, despite its disastrous showing in the 2008 election, had spent the last five years working hard to regain voter support, implying that it deserved pity, if not appreciation.

Lim’s plea was directed primarily at voters in Selangor, where he is MCA’s state liaison chief, but the humble pie he ate came from the same oven that baked the one Ong Ka Chuan felt compelled to swallow just before the 2008 election, when he was the party’s secretary-general.

Addressing voters in Perak’s Kinta Valley, Ong said: “If you have five people in your household, I plead with you to give one vote to MCA.”

According to English theologian Frederick William Robertson (1816-1853), there are three things that deserve no mercy: hypocrisy, fraud and tyranny.

Many of MCA’s detractors would say that the party has been guilty of all three sins.


Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-12 01:44 | Report Abuse

Since u become PM, your contribution is just increase malaysia debts to 500billion. So malaysians had to wake up n kick u n your BN crooks out of Putrajaya. If allowed u to continue for another 5yrs, malaysia will bankrupt.

Posted by alexthen > 2013-04-12 02:05 | Report Abuse

ready hard work put up by UMNO2MAMPUS..... GREAT JOB!!

Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-12 02:07 | Report Abuse

Video Kempen Wanita PRU13: Tangan Mu


63 posts

Posted by lstan > 2013-04-12 12:40 | Report Abuse

If BN get back selangor, Rakyat selangor sure tiada Air percuma lagi...


681 posts

Posted by max8 > 2013-04-12 12:50 | Report Abuse



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-13 02:10 | Report Abuse

Will you throw away your country's future for a bag of rice?


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-13 02:13 | Report Abuse

Laughing until we cried. Its definitely the right place to put the BN flags.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-13 02:23 | Report Abuse

Dulu BN, sekarang Pakatan. Salute


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-13 02:29 | Report Abuse

Himpunan KEKAL Kelantan cipta sejarah lagi.. Hujan lebat.. Anak muda tidak berganjak untuk mengikuti amanat yang disampaikan pimpinan..


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-13 02:31 | Report Abuse

Former Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad called upon Malaysians to vote for “the devil you know” rather than “the angel you don’t”.

We would like to express our most sincere appreciation to Dr Mahathir for finally admitting that Barisan Nasional is “the devil” who have been robbing Malaysians dry over the past 56 years. And we would like to thank him for alluding that Pakatan Rakyat is “the angel” who has yet to rule Malaysia. Do Malaysians still want to let “the devil” continue to bleed the country, or give a chance to “the angel” to make things better?

Ubah Sekarang, Bersihkan Malaysia!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-13 02:35 | Report Abuse

Kos pembinaan Lebuhraya Utara Selatan adalah kurang daripada RM6 bilion tetapi jumlah keuntungann syarikat konsesi PLUS mencapai lebih daripada RM1.5 bilion setahun! Konsesi lebuhraya di antara PLUS dan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) telah membolehkan syarikat kroni BN untuk meraih kadar pulangan sebanyak 25%, jauh lebih tinggi daripada norma industri infrastruktur antara 8-15%.

Yang lebih mengecewakan lagi ialah perjanjian konsesi ini membolehkan PLUS untuk terus mengutip tol dari rakyat Malaysia lebih daripada 30 tahun dari sekarang. PLUS makan duit buta, rakyat tanggung sengsara.

Semua ini merupakan satu tindakan yang memberi bebanan kepada rakyat bawah kerana rakyat dipaksa bayar harga tol yang tinggi tetapi kroni BN mendapat keuntungan yang luar biasa. Ini semata-matanya rompakan siang hari!

Jika Pakatan Rakyat memegang kuasa, kita akan mengkaji semula perjanjian konsesi tol secara berperingkat dan mencari kaedah yang bersesuaian untuk menghapuskan tol. Dengan itu, rakyat Malaysia tidak perlu menderita beban untuk membayar kadar caj tol yang tidak adil semata-mata untuk mengisi poket beberapa kroni.

Oleh itu, wajarlah rakyat menggunakan pilihan yang bijak sama ada menyokong BN untuk memperkayakan kroni-kroni atau memilih Pakatan Rakyat untuk hapuskan semua tol secara berperingkat.

Ubah Sekarang, Bersihkan Malaysia.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-13 02:41 | Report Abuse

UMNO Puchong telah memperolehi 2 keping tanah dengan harga di bawah pasaran. Bukan itu saja, mereka tidak membayar cukai tanah selama 2 tahun! Cukai tanah tertunggak masing-masing berjumlah RM26,935 dan RM110,870.

Dua plot tanah itu masih kosong dan tiada pusat komuniti dibina di sana. Ini bertentangan dengan penjelasan Barisan Nasional (BN) apabila ADUN Sekinchan Ng Suee Lim mendedahkan pengambilalihan 24 plot tanah Selangor oleh BN Selangor. Selain dua plot tanah yang dimiliki oleh UMNO, MCA dan Gerakan juga memiliki sebidang tanah di Puchong.

Tolak kerajaan yang merompak tanah rakyat!

Ubah Sekarang, Bersihkan Malaysia!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-13 02:48 | Report Abuse

Tanah yang diperolehi oleh UMNO Subang pada tahun 2004 dengan harga serendah RM1 kaki persegi sekarang nilainya telah mencecah sekitar RM200 kaki persegi selepas pembinaan kondominium. Ia merangkumi sebanyak 200 unit dengan anggaran kasar nilai pembangunan mencapai RM 90 juta.

Barisan Nasional telah menyalahgunakan kuasanya sebagai kerajaan negeri untuk mendapat tanah dengan harga murah dan mengaut keuntungan yang besar dengan penjualan tanah atau usahasama. Tambahan pula, pemaju kondominium ini adalah Matroz Corporation Sdn Bhd, sebuah syarikat yang 100% dimiliki oleh orang bukan Melayu. Siapakah yang menjual hak orang Melayu sebenarnya ?

Tolak kerajaan yang merompak tanah rakyat! Ubah Sekarang, Bersihkan Malaysia!

Untuk maklumat lanjut pendedahan ini, sila rujuk:


471 posts

Posted by njue76 > 2013-04-13 07:14 | Report Abuse

X ke sama dap tanah rakyat kelantan dgn murah...lama pulok tu......di Kedah mb pas bg tanah kat empangan kepada proksi pas dgn murah....ketua pemuda pas perak also dap at lot balak murah pada tahun 2008 diluluskan mb pas perak..he..he....Sapa yg tipu rakyat...PR. .....penipu rakyat


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-04-13 09:49 | Report Abuse

tq KW / Tan KW for the translations...but the complains and aspirations are too many..., no gov can fulled-fill the demands..., it's like puteri gunung ledang asking the sultan of melaka to provide her with 7 trays of mosquitoes heart , in order to accept his proposal...too many


2,012 posts

Posted by anson938 > 2013-04-13 09:51 | Report Abuse

Kulimchan: ada sesiapa ditangkap kerana rasuah,ada sesiapa membuat kes jenayah diterima hukuman......jangan bandingkan dgn negara lainlah.....malu betul...Sekurang-kurang kes yang berlaku akan diakhbarkan tetapi adakah apa-apa jenayah yang berlaku disiarkan kat surat khabar,baiknya ada facebook,kita like 'katak di bawah tempurung'....kerja,mimpi,tidur...sahaja....


2,012 posts

Posted by anson938 > 2013-04-13 09:57 | Report Abuse

rasuah yg menghinakan negaralah....semua orang kalau boleh mencapai matlamat dgn wang sahaja.......,IC boleh beli,pendatang boleh merayau-rayau tanpa ID,rompak merata-rata tempat,bacam negara takada undang-undang...kebebasan boleh dibeli....makalah........

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