Posted by kulimchan > 2013-04-07 18:12 | Report Abuse

我是同意杨,陈先生在这里发表对大选结果的看法。不过我想多谈几点: 1. 马来票回流国阵,不止在乡村,城市的马来票也会大举回流国阵。巫统的调查,308大选,城市马来人有50%投反对党,估计多半是公务员军警。现在不同了,民事雇员工会和退休公务员公会几个月前在布城开大会,声言大选全力支持纳吉和国阵。他们要民联停止攻击公务员,因为几年来民联不断攻击军警人员和公务员说他们贪污,腐败,没有效率,行动党还提出要把公务员减少一半,所以这次民联是不会有城市50%马来票支持了。印度票,民联也无法好像上次那样,拿到80%支持,308反风那么厉害,国阵还是有60个多数席位,10%城市马来票和印度票回流就够了(乌雪国会补选就是列子,那个补选,只有28%华人支持国阵) 2. 纳吉这几年来,一直争取华人的支持,结果如何,要看大选成绩才懂。华人是很多被误导了,只看负面没有看到国家正面的事物。很多人形容大马华人非常悲惨,样样被压迫,不过,80%中小型工商业都是华人拥有,最富有的人华人占了大半,专业人士也是华人多,房产,商业产业,不动产都是华人拥有多。 贪污滥权,好像只有大马才有,远的不说,台湾现在闹得满城风雨赖素如的贪污案,李朝卿的贪污案,数目也不小(以前陈水扁李登辉不说了)中国的谷开来薄熙来杀人都做呢,不过好像台湾报界说的,赖素如并不代表国民党马英九,谷开来也不是彭丽媛,西方国家个个债台高筑,搞到要破产?没有贪污吗?印度,巴吉斯丹,印尼,泰菲不必说了 大马政府化在人民身上的钱也不少,我们的必需品,全部有津贴,白糖,2 零吉一公斤,广州,要9 块人民币,过路费,中国更加贵,市区停车,10元人民币一小时,(广州—)猪肉,没有补贴,但是中国也不便宜,一公斤要35 到48元人民币。。汽油更不必说大马便宜的多,中国是世界第三大石油国。(?早两年的数字) 3.罪犯案件怎样,美国和印度的惊人罪犯案全世界闻名,其他印尼泰国,菲律宾。。哪里好到哪里。新德里是世界强奸之都,每年4千多宗强奸,其他城市,乡村,没有报案的不可计数了。最近一对瑞士夫妇在新德里旅游,妻子给8个人强奸,能做什么。所以我对我们华人政党,经常要替印度裔罪犯出头,非常反感。有人要讲新加坡,哈,新家坡只有广州的5分1,偷了一部车子,不懂要放在那里,环境不同,那里可以并论。 另外一点要说的是,大马东西一千多公里的海洋分开,有五十多种民族不同宗教语文,为何我们没有变成加里曼丹(印尼)泰国,菲律宾,印度巴吉斯丹,。。。几十年没完没了的种族和宗教冲突。。。虽然也有吵架的时候。 但是,华人铁了心反政府,固然反对党的宣传仇视和种族情绪,不过马华似乎没有了解华人心态。宁可要回教国也不要你们,但是,他们忽略了,民联有半数席位,国家马上大动乱(组不成政府的)生活在城市的华人首当其冲。为何动乱,到时三党就打到头破血流,争取内阁和政府各种官位,也有人排队找纳吉谈条件跳槽。一个礼拜组不成政府,股市马上暴跌,三天后,逼仓行动,又再暴跌,市场很快进入萧条,很多华人商业如餐厅之类,有一天用一天,这种行业最先倒闭。。。。。大家是股友,不必我说了,回忆1997 年就明白。

4 people like this.

398 comment(s). Last comment by Sailor Moon 2013-06-04 12:15


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-16 15:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ranger > Apr 16, 2013 02:58 PM | Report Abuse

Hey Jamesdean, are u afraid of your own shadow?

Ball licker Ranger, you seems to always like to use "afraid of your own shadow? " you know what this actually means??? Is copy & paste your specialty???? Don't pretend that you know a lot of English, in fact you are really a very very stupid idiot.


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-16 16:57 | Report Abuse

Seks scandal pemimpin pembangkang

Bingo, go bang balls la

Posted by tuniamasingh > 2013-04-16 17:08 | Report Abuse

Think wisely, if not Pakatan Rakyat do you think BN will come out with BRIM, TRANSFORMATION PLAN? tunggu lama lama lah. Ubah ini kalilah....

For Ranger, you punya otak hanya SEX SEX SEX, hope that your children will not learn from you....

Masih guna teknik samakan DAP dengan PAP untuk menakutkatan ornag Melayu? tahniah... orang Melayu sudah sedar, kerana UMNO yang buat orang Melayu Bodoh .....tanya ornag melayu di sini siapa yang dapat kontrak kecuali kroni kroni UMNO? wake uplah...


280 posts

Posted by fandi > 2013-04-16 17:14 | Report Abuse

Satu Malaysia...yeh.....satu policy untuk orang UMNO, MCA and MIC dan satu lagi untuk orang biasa macam kita....

Harga minyak , makanan, rumah, kereta yang terlalu tinggi untuk orang biasa macam kita. Masih nak undi UMNO dan BN lagi?

Good luck to you my bro...

Posted by Desmond Liew > 2013-04-16 17:23 | Report Abuse

We hereby to propose that the maximum terms for all powerful posts such as ; PM, DPM, CM & DCM, Head of Police, Customs etc are 2 only which is equivalent to 10 years maximum. This is a fair game. We dont allow a person to incharge a country/State for more than 10 years..


108 posts

Posted by starships > 2013-04-16 17:24 | Report Abuse

Sebab itu kita mesti tumbangkan UMNO and BN supaya Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara yang betul betul makmur, bersih dari korupsi, lebih selamat dari masalah jenayah dan mat rempit.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-17 06:28 | Report Abuse

100% you must see this picture...very very logical & refreshing

Here's some brilliant logic from Dr. Azmi Sharom, Assoc. Prof. at University Malaya's Faculty of Law. I think he wrote this last year, but its still so refreshing especially with the GE round the corner!


55 posts

Posted by lauhoon > 2013-04-17 07:35 | Report Abuse

Why kulimchan's same forum will always appear at the top page. Is it an advertisement


681 posts

Posted by max8 > 2013-04-17 07:41 | Report Abuse

What A straight clear enlightened point!
BN, we love you so much and must save you from getting lost deeper into corruption.
Help us to closely watch PR after their taking over the government too.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-17 10:31 | Report Abuse

Don't spook voters, ex-IGP tells Dr M and Shahrizat

Former inspector-general of police Musa Hassan has called on politicians to stop "putting fear in people" by making statements about possible racial tension or riots should there be a change in government in the general election.

NONESpeaking at a forum on smooth and peaceful transition of power yesterday at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Musa (left in photo) took issue with recent statements by both Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Jalil and former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Shahrizat had warned of a repeat of the May 13, 1969 racial riots during her policy speech at the Umno general assembly November last year, while Mahathir recently wrote on his blog that DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang would attempt to drive a wedge between the Chinese and the Malays in his campaign for Gelang Patah.

"As leaders, they should advise the people to be calm in selecting a government of their choice," said Musa, who has been vocal in his opinions since his retirement.

...continue reading all FREE here please..


681 posts

Posted by max8 > 2013-04-17 12:33 | Report Abuse
UiTM Johor cancels lectures for Tanda Putera screening

(FREE Reading Malaysia Kini)


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-17 12:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by starships > Apr 16, 2013 05:24 PM | Report Abuse

Sebab itu kita mesti tumbangkan UMNO and BN supaya Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara yang betul betul makmur, bersih dari korupsi, lebih selamat dari masalah jenayah dan mat rempit.

Tu sebab kita MESTI TUMBANGKAN PAKATAN. SBB? Sbb kita ada olang macam LIM KID SIANG yang menerajui DAP begitu terlalu lama. Dari 1969-2013, LiM KID SIANG masih berpolitik lagi manakala MCA, GERALKAN, UMNO n MIC dah ada ramai president parti. LIM KID SIANG, KARPAL SINGG N ANWAR IBRAHIM & FAMILIES dah giler kuasa sampai skrg. BN dah mula transform dari kemerdekaan lagi dgn pimimpin berseliseh ganti TAPI LIM KID SIANG masih ada lagi bertanding. Termasuk jugak NIK AZIZ. Dah giler kuasa agaknya. Otak dah berkarat nak memerintah negara????

Posted by tuniamasingh > 2013-04-17 12:50 | Report Abuse

ya kita kena angkat kaki orang UMNO yang bersih bersih belaka...Masih ingat siapa mempunyai mahligai yang besar besar belaka di PORT KLANG dan SHAH Alam? jikalau lembu pun boleh tinggal di condo, apa yang rakyat boleh dapat? adakah LIm Kit Siang yang tipu Melayu dan guna duit orang melayu untuk diri sendiri....pikirlah wahai RANGER!!!!!


108 posts

Posted by starships > 2013-04-17 13:15 | Report Abuse

Ranger yang tarak otak. Orang sekarang bukan macam dulu. Sekarang orang debat pasal polisi pakatan berbanding dengan polisi UMNO/BN. UMNO BN gila kuasa sampai duit negara/rakyat diapa pikir duit mak bapak diapa punya. Lawan tetap lawan..... pencacai umno tetap pencacai umno, dapat lar RM20, pi main jauh jauh


241 posts

Posted by ahtan > 2013-04-17 13:42 | Report Abuse

when the manager u hired is begin to do nasty job, started to corrupt n threaten u ( as boss) , what do u think? appreciate him ? grateful to him? scare of his threaten n not change him?


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-17 13:43 | Report Abuse

Wise words from a leader from Burma


See how evil this mamakutty is...but fear not as PAS is here.

Have no fear, PAS is near!


Wise words again.


10 stunning fact...especially see the green arrow in the picture.



531 posts

Posted by stock5678 > 2013-04-17 13:49 | Report Abuse

ranger, awak mesti ada dapat duit rm20 dari parti rasuah. u tak mati pun tak guna. demi rm20, awak sanggup cakap tipu, tipu sendiri sampai sendiri pun percaya sendiri. jadi hantu pun tak guna dah. orang melayu bukan bodoh, anapun bangsa awak, awaklah orang yang tak berguna dalam kaum anda. pi pi mati jauh jauh. ibubapa awak sedih dengan anak yang bodoh demi wang kecil.
ingat, jangan marah saya dalam forum ini sebab saya sudah tak mahu tengok forum ini. lagi nampak orang macam awak, lagi tak tahan.
kalau awak orang melayu, pi jahanam, jangan buang muka melayu kami.

Posted by Risk Trader > 2013-04-17 14:20 | Report Abuse


Posted by tuniamasingh > 2013-04-17 14:32 | Report Abuse

Bila BN hina orang Islam....


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-17 14:36 | Report Abuse

Ranger is a pig rider......all fat and sitting around for 20 ringgit sedekah.....Nah..some rm1 ringgit pegi jau jauh main


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-17 14:38 | Report Abuse

Nurul Izzah Anwar
Salam semua, untuk para penduduk di Lembah Pantai yang inginkan maklumat terkini tentang ceramah-ceramah dan aktiviti-aktiviti saya di Lembah Pantai, hantarkan

No i/c:
Alamat emel:



560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-17 14:38 | Report Abuse

Ranger.....oink oink alredi....must be hungry...


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-17 14:44 | Report Abuse

Bingo, like that ah?? I am submitting for Ranger ....he cannot read and write leh..

Nama: Tahi Ranger
Alamat: Kandang Babi Selangor
No. IC: 134131 (for those who can connect the number )
Alamat emel:


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-17 15:20 | Report Abuse

HAHAHAHA JACKO....HAHAHAHA Bingo...both of u must be afraid of your own shadow...

U are the one eating pork and u call me oink oink???...ho ho..ho merry christmas.U pandai mimicking the oink oink sound? Then u must taken a lot of the oink in your life. Then also, u must have consumed lots of WORMS not killed under boiling temperature.

CONCLUSION: U must be a stupid dope having taken tonnes of PORK/WORMS/OINK in your life.



558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-17 15:27 | Report Abuse

U guys from PAKATAN, don't act too smart huh. The day will come where all votes will return back to BARISAN NASIONAL BN BN BN.

DAP supporters like u are adik bradik PAP. No wonder LIM KID SIANG getting help from for support. Hey jacko, if don't like staying here, u can by all means migrate. Go to australia, and any other TAKBOLEH LAND. MALAYSIA is not meant for racist like u.

Posted by tuniamasingh > 2013-04-17 15:35 | Report Abuse

Ranger heard that Rosmah has bought you HERMES bag with her own pocket money that she has been saving since she was little girl.....Good on you bro and hope that you will enjoy her cuddle while riding kangaroo in AUSTRALIA....for the rest of us we are truly MALAYSIAN.


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-17 15:41 | Report Abuse

kaninawuSINGH, hahahaha...


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-17 15:47 | Report Abuse


KELANTAN TELAH "JUAL" >400k ekar tanah for "kawan karib"...Hancur lah kelantan PAK AZIZ buat pada rakyat kelantan. Tu pun orang kelantan tak nampak...

Kesian orang Kelantan. BOSS sendiri jual tanah pada orang luar.

Posted by tuniamasingh > 2013-04-17 15:55 | Report Abuse

RANGER jangan jadi pondan, figght like a gentleman although I know you carry HERMES bag dan cincin permata yang tak main besarnya... otheriwe you will kena my tuniama....wah kah kah


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-17 15:56 | Report Abuse

Pity u PAKATAN supporters. Obviously hot-tempered n lack-manners people like u can't rule the country. The country will turn haywire if u run the country. WHY? Bcoz everything and all decisions will be based on emotions, macam ada menstrual period la. Very moody one...hehehe. Better stay in the jungle and manage the animals there better la...

Posted by tuniamasingh > 2013-04-17 15:57 | Report Abuse

listen listen listen animal like Ranger also has problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2013-04-17 16:14 | Report Abuse

"Obviously hot-tempered n lack-manners people like u can't rule the country. The country will turn haywire if u run the country."

Ranger you are the biggest retard I have even seen. Maybe mama didn't feed you enough milk when you were a baby, caused some of your grey matter to die. Pakatan has ruled 4 states for the past 5 years and not only they didn't go haywire, they actually got very good assessment from the Auditor General. You're a liar just like your BN leaders.


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:16 | Report Abuse

bingo. that is pure GENIUS!!! Hahahaha!

some little BN fish-fry has been flagging comments huh! Why don't you f**k off!


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:27 | Report Abuse

bingo. that is pure GENIUS!!! Hahahaha!

some little BN fish-fry has been flagging comments huh! Why don't you f**k off!


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-17 16:30 | Report Abuse

How can u compare 6 Prime Ministers' brains compared with the brain of LIM KID SIANG alone for the period 1969-2013? Sure la the 6. The country has transformed each time a new BN PM took office. How does PAKATAN expects to transform when BN had already transformed progressively since independence? Can't even manage Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor, n now u are talking of running the country. PAKATAN leaders, like the followers, PANDAI OMONG2 KOSONG ONLY!!!


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:33 | Report Abuse

Come on little BN fish-fry. Surely you can't come flagging comments because you're scared sh*tless of free speech? Surely you can;t come do that here and not expect a reaction. Surely. But then again - what to expect when only have fish-fry, fish brains. Whooops


108 posts

Posted by starships > 2013-04-17 16:34 | Report Abuse

This sucker Ranger, repeating the same thing. No other issues can be said. Omg, damn stupid.


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:35 | Report Abuse


Lee Tai

6 posts

Posted by Lee Tai > 2013-04-17 16:35 | Report Abuse

Dr. Azmi Sharom's comment really makes sense. It is a win-win case if PR becomes the next govt. in order to save BN


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:37 | Report Abuse

Indeed. I tend to agree with you sir! Win-win either way. Pure Genius


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:39 | Report Abuse

Wow. There is some BN Nazi flagging every comment. Have they a whole army of no-brain fish-fry social media censors to flag comments in forums all day. f**ktards.


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:39 | Report Abuse

Its not abuse retards!


108 posts

Posted by starships > 2013-04-17 16:40 | Report Abuse

Who else raise the flag if not the retard ranger


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:40 | Report Abuse

i really do hope the forum admins trace the bugger and ban him for wasting their time.


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:41 | Report Abuse

or her. or he-she.


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2013-04-17 16:42 | Report Abuse

What can we expect of BN goons? Their C4 prime minister don't even dare to debate Anwar on the election manifesto. So only know how to flag lorr.


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:43 | Report Abuse

how much do you get paid for flagging comments in forums all day? more than minimum wage? more than McD's?


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-17 16:43 | Report Abuse

BN is still the best political since independence. Let it be for another 100 years, the best leaders are in BN.


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-17 16:45 | Report Abuse

BN is still the best political group since independence. Let it be for another 100 years, the best leaders are in BN.


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:46 | Report Abuse

Almost every comment in here is flagged. He/she/he-she needs to seriously seek treatment from imam for Syariah non-compliance or check into GH Mental ward. Seriously!

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