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8 comment(s). Last comment by curiwangbagus 2013-11-12 14:42
Posted by curiwangbagus > 2013-11-12 13:58 | Report Abuse
and the UMNO crony took over Gardenia bread but Robert Kuok make a new Massimo bread & the people prefer & love Massimo until Gardenia tak boleh tahan had to put out advertisement asking people to buy their bread...correct me if I am wrong. Even Gardenia had to ask DAP MPs for help to come out to support Gardenia by asking the Rakyat NOT TO BOYCOTT GARDENIA BREAD, haahaahaa
So, the UMNO government takes care of their cronies and the Rakyat suffers.
So, I say just like our good member UMNO2HANGUS says....Hidup Rakyat, Hidup Malaysia, Hidup Pakatan, UMNO Hangus,lol
Posted by curiwangbagus > 2013-11-12 14:02 | Report Abuse
So Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei to Gardenia????
Posted by curiwangbagus > 2013-11-12 14:18 | Report Abuse
I love Massimo, cheaper & better taste lah.
Posted by FreeThink > 2013-11-12 14:20 | Report Abuse
curiwangbagus, u r luring anbz to war again?
Posted by imoogi99 > 2013-11-12 14:26 | Report Abuse
Hmmm....I thought the war is all over already and everyone already sign the peace treaty. So who start it again this time?
Posted by curiwangbagus > 2013-11-12 14:31 | Report Abuse
Watch your words, Waytha tells Adnan
Athi Shankar
| November 12, 2013
Hindraf chief ticks off the Federal Territories Minister for being insensitive to the Hindus with his comments on the Sri Muneswarar Kaliyaman Alayam demolition.
Posted by curiwangbagus > 2013-11-12 14:42 | Report Abuse
BERNAS Di Swastakan: Ketamakan Bermaharajalela
1. Akhir-akhir ini, syarikat yang dahulunya menjadi tarikan pelabur tapi kemudian dibuang-senarai (de-listed) dari pasaran saham lalu diswastakan bagai satu trend. Satu contoh: Blackberry, di mana ia dibuang-senaraikan lalu diswastakan selepas kerugian hampir USD 70 bilion dari nilai asal USD 80 bilion lima tahun lalu. Senario perniagaan yang semakin mencabar menyukarkan syarikat-syarikat yang tersenarai untuk memberi pulangan yang besar kepada para pelabur; penswastaan memberi peluang kepada pihak pengurusan sesebuah syarikat untuk fokus mengembangkan perniagaan jangka masa panjang.
2. Di Malaysia, penswastaan sesebuah syarikat sebegini seringkali mempunyai niat yang berbeza: tamak haloba.
3. BERNAS tidak menghadapi masalah serupa Blackberry. Harga saham BERNAS sedang meningkat malah nilainya kini hampir tiga kali ganda nilai lima tahun dahulu. Ia satu contoh syarikat yang stabil dengan keuntungan bersih tahunan konsisten sekitar RM 135 juta setiap tahun sejak 2006, dengan hasil yang meningkat tahun demi tahun dari RM 2.1 bilion (2006) ke RM 3.6 bilion (2012).
4. BERNAS memang sasaran pengambilalihan mana-mana individu yang sangat kaya. Apabila diambil kira keuntungan yang sihat, monopoli BERNAS ke atas lesen AP import beras dan realiti bahawa beras adalah makanan ruji rakyat Malaysia, individu-individu yang sangat kaya pastinya mengidamkan syarikat sebegini.
Niat asal
5. Kita patut ingat niat asal penswastaan BERNAS bukan sahaja untuk memastikan keperluan beras negara dipenuhi (melalui pengurusan Simpanan Stok Negara dan Skim Harga Subsidi Padi) tapi juga untuk memastikan petani dan pengedar bumiputera serta pekerja BERNAS mendapat manfaat dari milikan ekuiti daripada penswastaan tersebut.
6. Hal ini dibangkitkan Menteri Kewangan pada bulan Disember 1995 dalam jawapan kepada YB Tn Lim Guan Eng di Parlimen, diikuti pembentukan konsortium Budaya Generasi Sdn Bhd pada Januari 1996. Konsortium tersebut membolehkan lebih dari separuh ekuiti BERNAS dimiliki persatuan-persatuan petani (KADA, MADA, NAFAS), nelayan (NEKMAT) dan pekerja BERNAS.
Pusingan 1
7. Hingga hujung 2009, milikan-milikan ini mulai dibeli seorang individu bernama Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary melalui syarikat-syarikat milik beliau (Gandingan Bersepadu Sdn Bhd dan Tradewinds) mengakibatkan beliau memiliki 53.7% BERNAS melalui pengambilalihan oleh Maybank Investment Bank Berhad bernilai RM 526 juta. Purata keuntungan bersih BERNAS dianggarkan pada RM 164 juta setahun dan hasil meningkat dari RM 3.3 bilion (2009) ke RM 3.6 bilion (2012).
Pusingan 2
8. Apabila kerajaan memanjangkan mandat BERNAS untuk merangkumi pengurusan bekalan beras negara dan monopoli pengimportan beras dari 11 Jan 2011 ke 10 Jan 2021, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar bertambah tamak.
9. Tawaran pembelian BERNAS pada RM 3.70/saham dibuat pada penghujung Feb 2013 melalui syarikat-syarikat lain milik beliau, iaitu other companies namely, Perspective Lane (M) Sdn Bhd, Kelana Ventures Sdn Bhd, Seaport Terminal (Johore) Sdn Bhd dan Acara Kreatif Sdn Bhd. Pengambilalihan ini, yang juga dinasihatkan Maybank Investment Bank Berhad dikatakan bernilai RM 477 juta.
10. Pada 6 Nov 2013, lembaga pengarah BERNAS dinasihat menyahsenaraikan BERNAS dari Bursa Malaysia kerana jumlah saham yang dimiliki awam telah jatuh ke 16.31% (iaitu dibawah nilai yang diperlukan untuk penyenaraian iaitu 25%) akibat pengambilalihan sistematik Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar.
11. Pada Feb 2013, Maybank Research membuat ramalan hasil dan keuntungan BERNAS bagi 2013 hingga 2015:
Ini bermakna hasil dianggarkan meningkat hingga RM 3.9 bilion pada 2015 dari RM 3.6 bilion pada 2012. Keuntungan meningkat 40% ke RM 165 juta pada jangkamasa pendek untuk mengurangkan harga beras antarabangsa akibat pengeluaran berlebihan di Thailand, Vietnam, India dan Pakistan. Hal ini akan menguntungkan sesiapa yang memiliki BERNAS di masa hadapan.
Soalan yang Diutarakan
12. Bagaimana seorang individu dibenarkan memiliki monopoli ke atas beras sebegini, yang mungkin mendatangkan kemudaratan terhadap kestabilan harga di masa hadapan, yang merupakan niat asal penswastaan BERNAS?
13. Kenapa kerajaan telah tersasar dari niat asal penubuhan BERNAS, iaitu untuk melindungi kepentingan petani dan pengedar bumiputera serta pekerja BERNAS? Adakah milikan ekuiti mereka ini tidak penting di mata kerajaan, berbanding kepentingan individu-individu maha kaya dan mempunyai "kabel" politik sebegini?
14. Bagaimanakah pengambilalihan saham BERNAS bernilai RM 477 juta, dan jumlan pengambilalihan melalui Tradewinds Plantation dan BERNAS bernilai RM 1.173 bilion oleh syarikat milik Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar (Perspective lane, Kelana Ventures, Seaport Terminal dan Acara Kreatif) dipermudah Maybank IB? Bagaimana seseorang individu boleh berterusan berjaya mendapatkan pinjaman dari bank yang sama?
Posted by curiwangbagus > 2013-11-12 14:42 | Report Abuse
15. Kami kecam pengambilalihan baru-baru ini yang bersifat oportunis oleh Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar sebagai satu langkah mengambilalih sepenuhnya BERNAS pada ketika monopoli BERNAS ke atas pengimportan beras dilanjutkan hingga 2021, disebabkan tindakan ini akan menguntungkan satu individu tertentu, iaitu Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar sendiri.
Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim
Ketua Pembangkang Parlimen Malaysia
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Posted by curiwangbagus > 2013-11-12 13:50 | Report Abuse
The Gardenia vs Massimo bread war - Sakmongkol While our PM talks about 1Malaysia, it has not gained traction on the ground. Only in the media, one sees universal but unfortunately clueless acceptance of the concept. On the ground, the story is quite different. We are faced with a cynical public that sees everything that affects our daily life in terms of race. It has now extended into economics and business. Not long ago, there were attempts to discredit the popular Old Town cafe outlets. Rumours were spread saying that Old Towns are serving non-halal food items. Clearly those rumours were aimed at discouraging Malay Muslim patrons to the outlets. Other eateries have suffered from the same irresponsible business sabotage. Nothing is worse than attacking business usually patronised by Muslims other than spreading rumours about the food being unclean or non-halal. The Malay Muslim may drink and engage in sexual dalliances but eating and consuming non-halal food, such as pork, is absolute taboo. Take another example. The silent bread war. Most of the public is not even aware that there is a bread war going on. On one side is Gardenia said to represent Umno bread and Massimo, the brand produced by Uncle Bob Kuok’s business group. I was not aware about the war between the Gardenia brand and the Massimo brand until quite recently. I recently heard about the matter when it was mentioned in Parliament. It got the attention of Anwar Ibrahim who was reported to have mentioned that Gardenia bread has increased its price. This prompted an in-passing reply from a Barisan Nasional backbencher stating that he received an official statement from Gardenia bread, that it has not increased its price. Gardenia bread is selling at RM3.20 a loaf compared with Massimo selling at RM2.50. The RM2.50 was supposed to be a promotional price. It has stayed at that level for 2 years. Nobody asked how can it do that? The answer is they can because they sourced their flour from their own mill. Federal Flour Mill (FFM) owned by Robert Kuok. In addition, not many people know that all flour millers get millions of ringgit in subsidy from the BN government. FFM gets some RM80 million in subsidies as a flour miller. One, they source from their own mill. Two, they can pass the RM80 million subsidy from the government to consumers. Consumers can enjoy Massimo bread at RM2.50, courtesy also of the Umno-led government. Gardenia does not have its own flour mill. It does not enjoy government subsidy. It sells its premium wheat germ bread at RM3.20 a loaf. Why has the battle gone overboard so as to drag the innocent bread consumed by whomever who wants to, into a business involving the various communities in our country? Gardenia is said to represent the Malay bread while Massimo represents the Chinese bread. Gardenia is 30% owned by Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary while Massimo brand is owned by Robert Kuok. Both are small change in their respective business empire. Sometime ago, I have written about Gardenia in so far as Syed Mokhtar’s involvement is concerned. My objection is what more does he want? He has all the fingers and toes and whatever bodily projections he has, in every economic facet in this country. I was disturbed at the tentacles of the man reaching out entwining everything, leading me to question: is he the only Malay in the country? As to the bread itself, I have no quarrel and have been consuming the brand without thinking that Syed Mokhtar is 30 percent owner. He or his people are not involved in the manufacture of the bread nor its distribution. He is the owner by virtue of owning Bernas. Bernas already owned 30 percent of Gardenia together with its Singapore partners. When Bernas was taken over by Syed Mokhtar, the 30 percent ownership vested in him automatically. That is the extent of his ownership. He got ownership through Bernas. So my question is why make the innocent bread suffer because of our politics? This will be explored in the ensuing article. -, July 13, 2013.