Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-11-30 23:45 | Report Abuse

Happy investing day to everyone. I believe start from September oil and gas sector has been a hot topic and attract the spotlight from retailer, speculator, fund manager, long term value investor, rebounder as well as i3 forumers. Oil and gas sector is considered as the top ranked barriers of entry game in the industry world. High risk high gain A term that never go for HOLIDAY since couple of decades ago when the market is either BEARISH or BULL-BULLISH. Well, in today market oil and gas counters not only provide a trading opportunities but to provide us ROLLER COASTER game something like what you like from theme park. Seriously, nobody know how low the Crude oil can further dip but again in any trading world: THE BEST CURE FOR LOW PRICES IS LOW PRICES similar to "THE BEST CURE FOR HIGH PRICES IS HIGH PRICES". When oil and gas counters are trading in huge discounted price smart long term value investors and institutes start to scan and screen to figure out the best VALUE BUY counter from the market when CrudeOil price rebound. They do care about fundamental value as they invest billion to some extend trillion amount to that sector to aim for greatest(fast, stable and promising)return. Oil and gas analysts in leading Institutes start to evolve their in house fundamental analysis method as well as key ratios to more harmonized and all-rounded comparison parameters.Instead of fast screening factor such as P/E, EPS and Gearing they evolve the comparison study to ENTERPRISE VALUE(EV), ENTERPRISE VALUE over EBITDA (EV/EBITDA), PRICE over CASH FLOW(P/CF), ENTERPRISE VALUE OVER DEBT-ADJUSTED CASF FLOW(EV/DACF) and else. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@WHY WHY WHY WHY need to do extra effort while some claim with PE and EPS they are more than enough to earn money? ANSWER is giant Institute looking for M&A, the value on threat of new entrants, value of vertical and horizontal competitive rivalry and most crucial is to guage that a listed company they invested will not fall down(financial disaster or bankruptcy) when commodity price plunge down dramatiscally. I have completely computed the newly introduced comparison study on Bursa's 21 counters which comprised of ALAM,ARMADA,BARAKAH,COASTAL,DAYA,DAYANG,DELEUM,Destini,DIALOG,MHB,PENERGY,PERDANA,PERISAI,SCOMIES,SKPETRO,TAS,TGOFFS,UMWOG,WASEONG,SONA,HIBISCUS. ####Special Note: 1) You may find my classification of the various streams (Upstream, Midstream, Downstream, EPCC, M&E etc) at ChrissyConn House few months ago) to have better and more efficient peer comparison. 2) Ony Top 7 of each comparison criteria will be presented 3) There are several adjustment and normalization for the financial report figures to reflect the most updated business nature There comparison study covered: 1) P/E valuation and ranking 2) Enterprise Value (at time of audited financial figures) 3) EV/EBITDA 4) P/CF 5) EV/DACF 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 - Quick PE comparison (Source: ASEAMBANKER) TAS 5.78 ALAM 9.35 PERISAI 10.13 TGOFFS 10.41 MHB 12.07 COASTAL 12.13 DELEUM 12.75 PERDANA 15.49 SKPETRO 16.48 DAYANG 16.66 ARMADA 17.26 SCOMIES 19.73 BARAKAH 22.46 DIALOG 33.16 UMWOG 36.27 WASEONG 38.63 Destini 45.96 PENERGY 58.03 DAYA 75.15 **Remarks: There have different business models in nature so it is quite unfair to compare all with a synchronized PE criteria. I will try to produce new PE ranking list based on their similarity in March 2015. So we can read and value these counters more effective. 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 - Enterprise value = Market Cap + Debt - Cash It represents the entire economic value of a company. More specifically, it is a measure of the theoretical takeover price that an investor would have to pay in order to acquire a particular firm. Enterprise value considers much more than just the value of a company's outstanding equity. To buy a company outright, an acquirer would have to assume the acquired company's debt, though it would also receive all of the acquired company's cash. Acquiring the debt increases the cost to buy the company, but acquiring the cash reduces the cost of acquiring the company. ---------Enterprise Value(RM'000) SKPETRO 33,542,487 ARMADA 11,303,716 DIALOG 8,400,977 UMWOG 7,773,393 MHB 3,054,030 DAYANG 2,701,964 WASEONG 2,386,613 SCOMIES 2,351,633 COASTAL 2,061,459 ALAM 1,493,253 PERDANA 1,277,266 PERISAI 1,221,481 BARAKAH 1,202,294 PENERGY 954,164 DELEUM 945,523 HIBISCUS 945,140 Destini 546,068 SONA 522,058 DAYA 518,826 TAS 325,002 TGOFFS 125,440 **Remarks: Note that a problematic company(finance status) with HIGH EV value will encounter BIGGER challenges to get finance assistance. In the eyes of corporate world, it's more secure to deal with high EV company(barriers of exit the answer). ---------------to be continued---------------

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16 comment(s). Last comment by duitKWSPkita 2014-12-01 16:00


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-11-30 23:45 | Report Abuse

pg 2

- EV/EBITDA has better ratio to compare the company business, free of debt factor, to EBITDA. EV/EBITDA always beat (P/E) & (P/CF) because it does not affected by the company's capital structure.
If company highly leveraged, P/CF would be low so it does not reflects the true finance status of oil & gas company. When we use the conventional P/E to evaluate EPS you may ontain an "expensive" result from your valuation. With EV/EBITDA it is more comprehensive to judge whether it's OVERVALUED or UNDERVALUED. Low multiple(value) mean undervalued
TAS 9.47
DELEUM 12.51
DAYANG 15.42
ALAM 18.98
ARMADA 23.55
DIALOG 36.16
UMWOG 37.58
Destini 38.99
DAYA 45.25
MHB 75.79
**Remarks: All the losing money companies have been removed from the research study

-P/CF beat earnings, book value and P/E ratio because cash flow is hard to be manipulated through aggressive accounting. Moreover, it is also important to note that in times of low commodity prices multiples(calculated value) expand, and during high commodity prices multiples(calculated value) decrease.

There are two cumputations with different timing and accrued items
---------P/CF ( with todate share price)

---------P/CF (with market cap value)
**Remarks: All companies with disputed cash flow environment will be temporarily removed from research study

- EV/DACF = [Enterprise value] / [cash flow from operations + financing costs(after tax) +/- working capital adjustment]

EV/DACF to complete the grey area in P/CF ratio because a company with high debt, or more leverage show higher P/CF multiple. Therefore we better P/CF ratio
good because it present to us an after tax calculation and independent of comp's financing decisions. As mentioned above, EBITDA is of limited currency in an oil & gas context; hence, EV/EBITDA, the “valuation standard for most sectors” is not widely used. Instead, DACF (debt-adjusted cash flow) is used. DACF normally
reflects after-tax cash flow from operations plus after-tax debt-service payments; where after-tax cash flow is the sum of net income, depreciation, exploration charge and other non-cash items.
TAS 1.81
DELEUM 21.02
DAYANG 21.20
ARMADA 23.83
DIALOG 24.42
TGOFFS 32.41
ALAM 47.61
UMWOG 72.71
MHB 131.98
Destini 288.47

-----------end of presentation--------------

Feel free to give your feedback as I am looking forward to improving myself always.

***** research studied by duitKWSPkita ; for reference use only.


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-11-30 23:52 | Report Abuse

Dear All Experts and Superiors,

I am not a professional in fundamental analysis field. I am doing this to create a discussion topic for that newly introduced comparison parameters. If you are the expert there, please dont laugh at me but give your guidance to raise me up. If you are new comer or fresh marketer please dont trust me completely, please correct me if I am wrong and we can grow up together.

I strongly believe a complete set of research outcome will be the most fantastic guidelines to help us to explore good long term oil & gas counter.

Happy reading!

warmest regards,
newbie duit


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2014-12-01 00:17 | Report Abuse

very good work duit...

Guess EV/EBITDA is the best tool especially with plant based asset ( coz this discount the asset value) and its not so appropriate for property sector where the asset could be higher than declared (RNAV)...
What do u think?

With that 'EV/EBITDA'...the next challenge is to predict how sustainable is the EBITDA in the coming years?

That really requires the study of the business nature..and how the crude oil affects its revenue and margin - thats the tough part.

Oh...i wish someone can do that and present like you did for selected counters!...:)


26,756 posts

Posted by duitkwspkita > 2014-12-01 00:27 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr Probability,

thanks for reading and feedback. I still deserve my view to combine all analysis simply because a non 100% oil and gas upstream company might have super high receivables so not really can jz focus on EBITDA related analysis...

but I must agree with you that is compulsory to consistently spot on Highly Sustainable EBITDA competitive advantage company. Penetration quite important in late 80'. And capturing very essential in late 90'.

when come to globalized era at 2020, penetrate-capture-sustainable is the only way to run our business....

again, thanks for discussion opportunity given Mr Probability.

happy trading!


26,756 posts

Posted by duitkwspkita > 2014-12-01 00:34 | Report Abuse

Dear respected Probability,

pls do not blame me but kindly highlight to me if someone financial figures went wrong. Bcoz it took me few hours to read and analyze all 21 listed companies audited financial reports one by one to come out these results. Frankly speaking my eyes already blurred..

highlight my mistake, I shall do correction.



14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2014-12-01 00:38 | Report Abuse

Duit...u must have spent a lot of time studying these counters..
Guess 'receivables' are already accounted in earnings as it translates to the quality of asset - which becomes cashable. that case we can also assume these 'receivables' as cash in EV calculation.

Then the new EV/EBITDA will account this factor.

From your studies so far...which counter seems to be really attractive?
at least in future income sustainaibility...i hear SKP has revenue in pipeline at least till 2020.


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2014-12-01 00:39 | Report Abuse also a newbie la...take my comments lightly...ha ha ha..
but good to brainstorm...we need some experts here..


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2014-12-01 00:46 | Report Abuse

ok i got what u meant.


26,756 posts

Posted by duitkwspkita > 2014-12-01 00:49 | Report Abuse


be careful with SKP although they are the all-time winner n project bidding and recorded handsome gain. Brazilian oil and gas sector foreseen in steady slower growth. They can't really offset these shortcoming by acquiring Brownfield from Vietnam business.

anyway, UMWOG and SKPETRO are my Top 7 watch list.

uhmmmm. Do not expect any real expert will give their hands to us here. But is ok, no harm to keep improve ourselves. One day if we can come out quality report they will open discussion with us. Let's learn together from ZERO.

hav a great day ahead.

Posted by bomohsaham > 2014-12-01 00:59 | Report Abuse

mikikiki wakikiki ..


26,756 posts

Posted by duitkwspkita > 2014-12-01 01:01 | Report Abuse

Hello bomohsaham..... Don't jz laugh at me... Make me more nervous... Pls help me...

cherry tomato

1,880 posts

Posted by cherry tomato > 2014-12-01 06:57 | Report Abuse

DUIT very comprehensive on O&G.
Many thanks.

King Kong73

2,065 posts

Posted by King Kong73 > 2014-12-01 08:58 | Report Abuse me the duuuiitt


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-12-01 13:49 | Report Abuse

Dear King Kong73,

hi.... I lost... what should I show you?

Thanks cherry tomato and Romjam for reading


1,265 posts

Posted by matrix6050 > 2014-12-01 15:32 | Report Abuse

thanks for sharing duitbro


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-12-01 16:00 | Report Abuse

hello my love love loved matrix6050,

thanks for reading....

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